Adobe Digital Publishing Suite Solution Brief
Tablet devices represent a new and exciting platform
for large enterprises to publish content to restricted or
Benefits of publishing content
The adoption of Apple iPad and other tablet devices within large organizations is exploding. Tablets are
privately on tablets:
powerful media consumption devices. At the same time, tablets provide a convenient, highly portable
platform to access enterprise services—such as email and the corporate intranet—as well as custom
audiences—for example, confidential content to internal
applications and cloud-based services. Many businesses are taking advantage of this capability by
publishing a broad range of content as applications for tablet devices. Tablet applications represent a
new publishing medium that blends the best of print—portable, immersive content with a highly
controlled editorial context—and the best of online—interactive, media rich content that can be
In many cases, business publications are targeted at internal or restricted audiences. Such publications
may include internal sales and marketing materials, catalogs, and price lists with confidential discount
to employees digitally via tablet applications
schedules, membership-only content, and more. Controlling distribution of tablet content can be a
challenge for enterprises because the default distribution channel for applications—application stores
and marketplaces—are open to the general public. As a result, business publishers not only need a
solution for efficiently producing content for tablets, but also a solution that provides the ability to
effectively manage distribution of content.
Adobe Digital Publishing Suite was designed to make it easy for business publishers to produce content as a tablet application. As a natural extension of Adobe’s industry leading design tools, Adobe Creative Suite® and Adobe InDesign® software, Adobe Digital Publishing Suite allows designers to quickly and easily repurpose print and web content for publication on tablets using a streamlined workflow, which not only saves money but also accelerates throughput. Businesses can produce a single publication and deliver it across the leading tablet platforms, including iPad, Android,™ Blackberry® PlayBook,™ and Kindle Fire. And, using the foundational analytics included with Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, business publishers can track content usage so they know which content is most popular and sticky, allowing them to optimize the publication over time.
Adobe’s solution also provides two mechanisms that business publishers can leverage to control distribution of the applications that they create with Adobe Digital Publishing Suite. Both methods use direct entitlement to control access to .folio files, but differ in how a publisher’s branded viewer app is distributed:• Certificate provisioning: Companies can deliver their tablet application privately (through a corporate
intranet, FTP server, Dropbox or via email) by using certificate provisioning and restricting .folios available for viewing via direct entitlement. In this model, a publisher signs an app with its Apple enterprise certificate, which only allows iPad devices provisioned with a corresponding certificate to access the application. After downloading the application from a company intranet or from an alternate location (like Dropbox, a FTP server or from email), users then sideload the application via iTunes to an authorized iPad. Once the application is installed, users log in to the application using their credentials. The application then authenticates users against a corporate directory server (for example, an LDAP server or subscription server) that provisions them based on their role. After authentication, users can access only those .folio files for which they are authorized, which are delivered via direct entitlement to the user. Note that because certificate provisioning requires an Apple enterprise certificate, it is only available for tablet apps distributed to Apple iPad devices. Adobe Digital Publishing
• Restricted marketplace distribution: With restricted marketplace distribution, publishers can
Suite benefits:
distribute their applications through an app marketplace and restrict the .folios available for
viewing via direct entitlement. Once the application is installed, users log in to the application
using their credentials. The application then authenticates users against a corporate directory
server (for example, an LDAP server or subscription server) which provisions them based on their
role. After authentication, users can access only those .folio files for which they are authorized, as
well as any .folios available to the general public (if desired). Restricted marketplace distribution
allows the publisher to produce a single application, distribute it through an application
marketplace, and have it used by a wide range of users with varying access rights.
resources to quickly and easily produce compelling tablet
Through either of these methods, using a custom HTML store in the Adobe Content Viewer is
highly recommended in order to restrict the distribution of .folio files marked as free. Adobe
• Use built-in analytics to track usage
expects to have functionality available from within Digital Publishing Suite that will allow publishers to restrict distribution of free folios in the standard library mode. At present, only publishers using a custom HTML store are able to restrict the distribution of free .folios via direct entitlement; publishers using either a custom HTML store or the standard library view can restrict access to paid .folios. Usage example: Leading medical device manufacturer A leading medical device manufacturer in North America uses Adobe Digital Publishing Suite to produce publications for tablets. This company produces sophisticated sales tools to help its sales force more effectively sell to surgeons. The sales tools span printed materials—such as brochures and white papers—as well as media-rich online content including 3D images of the devices and videos of surgeons installing the devices. A tablet application allows the company to produce a completely integrated sales publication that contains all of the printed and online content in a highly portable, readily available format. Using the tablet application, sales representatives can more effectively engage the surgeons to whom they are selling and more naturally extend the conversation by leveraging the complete set of integrated content—in short, get the most out of the few minutes they have to spend with the surgeons. In this example, because the content includes proprietary information, the application will be distributed via the corporate intranet to restrict access to only the company’s sales force. Some other business publishing examples that require restricted access include: • A regional media organization is planning to use Adobe Digital Publishing Suite to produce
member-only content for its audience. Once authenticated, users will be shown only the content for which they are authorized to access. This allows the publisher to present upsell offers to their members based on membership levels.
• A global apparel manufacturer and a home automation solution provider are planning to use
Adobe Digital Publishing Suite to distribute proprietary catalogs and price lists to their resellers, limiting access based on regional locations and volume commitments. This allows the companies to publish one price list application for all resellers, but each reseller can only see the discount schedules that are applicable to them.
• A B2B publisher is planning to produce high-value content in a tiered structure—all subscribers
get the basic content, but premium members are delivered exclusive content based on their
For more information
membership tier. This allows the publishers to optimize the value of their offering depending
on the engagement level of their audience segments.
These are just a few examples of how businesses can take advantage of tablets to publish content
privately to their employees and/or business partners. Other examples include publishing employee manuals and sales training materials. In all of these cases, Adobe Digital Publishing Suite provides a toolset that allows enterprises to maximally leverage existing content and quickly and easily produce a fully functioning tablet application that can be privately delivered for use across the leading tablet platforms.
Adobe, the Adobe logo, Creative Suite, and InDesign are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States
and/or other countries. Apple is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Android is a trademark of Google, Inc. The Trademarks
Adobe Systems Incorporated
BlackBerry and PlayBook are owned by Research In Motion Limited and are registered in the United States and may be pending or registered in other
countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
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