Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2009; 19: 73-80.
Original Article Pattern of skin disorders among adolescent female students at Hyderabad
Doulat Rai Bajaj*, Bikha Ram Devrajani**, Rafi Ahmed Ghouri**, Bhajan Lal Matlani*
*Department of Dermatology, Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences Jamshoro **Medical unit-II, Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences Jamshoro Abstract Objective To determine the pattern and severity of skin disorders among female adolescent
students at Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan. Patients and methods This observational study was conducted at Hyderabd, Sindh, Pakistan from August, 2007 to October, 2007. Four intermediate and degree colleges of the Hyderabad city were randomly selected and visited. The students there were examined with regard to the type and severity of skin disorders. The findings were recorded on a pre- structured proforma. Results A total of 1350 students were examined. Their ages ranged from 16-24 years. Acne was the most common disorder seen in 59.5% of subjects followed by hair loss (59%), pigmentary disorders (36.3%), dandruff (26.1), hirsutism (20.9%), ephelides (6.4%), xerosis (2.9%), pruritus (2.3%), eczema (2.1%) and pityrisis versicolor (2.9%). There were very few cases of pyoderma, tinea corporis and scabies. Conclusion Skin disorders are common among adolescent college girls. The most prevalent group of skin disorders at this age is cosmetic one. Their proper management at earlier stages with education of patients is important to prevent late disfiguring complications and psychological upset. Key words Skin disorders, adolescence, acne, pigmentary disorders, melasma, folliculitis, eczema.
androgens.1,2 The androgens with growth
The female students at intermediate, degree and
hormone induce rapid growth spurt, while it
masters level are in their teens. This period of
alone promotes growth of pubic and axillary
hair, sebaceous glands and sebum production.
gonadotrophic releasing hormone (GRH) from
sebhorrhoea and thinning of scalp hair.3
hypothalamus stimulates pituitary gland to
secrete follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and
The ovarian development in females occurs
under the action of FSH and LH. The ovary in
adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) from
turn secretes estrogens that results into increased
pituitary stimulates adrenal cortex to secrete
Address for correspondence Dr. Doulat Rai Bajaj,
The net sum of these hormonal changes around
the time of puberty is growth and development
Hyderabad, Sind, Pakistan Phone: +92 300 3076504
Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2009; 19: 73-80.
production, development of apocrine glands,
duration, onset, evolution and treatment they
growth of pubic and axillary hair, appearance of
received for their problem. This was followed by
hair in male pattern, sebhorroea, dandruff and
thinning of scalp hair.4
Assessment: The examination and assessment
Therefore disorders pertaining to these glandular
was conducted by qualified dermatologists in a
structures occur with increased frequency and
separate room in the presence of chaperone. The
severity at this age of life. These combined with
lesions were examined meticulously for details
other dermatosis resulting from constitutional
and findings recorded on pre-designed proforma.
The examination was confined to only those
folliculitis, bacterial and parasitic infections
parts allowed by subjects. The groins, chest and
genital areas were not examined due to privacy
concerns. No laboratory investigation was used
consciousness of youths for their body and
as the diagnosis was straight forward on clinical
beauty is also a factor aggravating their anxiety
Acne was classified on the basis of report of a
The aim of present study was to investigate the
consensus conference on acne classification in
pattern and severity of dermatoses in adolescent
Washington.5 The presence of at least four to
females by dermatologist’s direct inspection in
five comedones was required for the diagnosis
order to understand the effect and impact of skin
of acne. Those having comedones the only
lesions were graded as patients with non-
inflammatory acne. Adolescents with less than
Patients and methods
four lesions were evaluated as participants
having no acne. Inflammatory acne was ‘mild’ if
This was an observational study conducted at
there were few to several papules/pustules but
Hyderabad city during August 2007 to October
no nodules, ‘moderate’ for several to many
2007. The non-probability purposive sampling
papules/ pustules and few to several nodules,
method was used to carry this study. The target
and ‘severe’ for numerous and/or extensive
population was adolescent girls at their
papules/pustules and many nodules. For the acne
secondary and higher secondary education level.
The reason for selection of students was easy
inflammatory acne and mild inflammatory acne
access and convenience. The four intermediate
and degree colleges of city were selected
randomly on convenient bases. These colleges
Ephelides were identified by their characteristic
were visited and students there were asked to
appearance on sun-exposed areas as groups of
consult if they have any of the skin problems.
discrete, brown to yellowish, round or speckled
An informed consent was obtained from all
students after full explanation of the goals and
Hair loss was measured by Ludwig scale.6
considerations. Students of all ages were
included in study. A simple history was sought
Increased pigmentation of skin over face was
from them about their skin disorder regarding
taken significant only when there was marked
Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2009; 19: 73-80.
difference of colour between inner aspect of arm
specific age we divided patients into two groups:
and the affected areas. For grading of melasma
group 1 constituted subjects from 16-20 years,
‘Melasma Area and Severity Index (MASI)’ developed by Kimbrough-Green et al was
Table 1 Skin Disorders in adolescent females with number of subjects affected (n=1350).
simplified.7 It was graded as mild if less than
30% of only one area of face was slightly darker
than surrounding area, moderate if 30-60% of 2-
3 areas were more darker than surrounding
normal skin and severe if more than 60% of 3 or
more areas were considerably darker than
Scabies was recognized by the history and
finding of characteristic pruritic lesions and
burrows over wrists, interdigital areas, abdomen
and groins. Family history of similar lesions was
taken as supportive feature. Extraction of mite
was not attempted because it is labour-intensive
All the subjects were advised treatment for their
group two from 21-24 years. It was found that
grade II acne (comedones with few papules) was
A total of 1350 patients were examined for any
the most common type overall. Age group two
of the skin disorders. Their ages ranged from 16-
had more severe acne with papulo-pustular and
24 years. The majority of subjects 890 (65.9%)
nodular lesions. Scars were also seen in age
had one disorder only; the remainder had two or
group II. Lesions of trunk were monomorphic
more disorders at the same time. The most
generalized hair loss reported by 796 (59%)
Acne was the most common problem reported in
student. On examination mild sparseness of
our study (804, 59.5%) patients. Face was the
scalp hair (Ludwig grade I) was noted in most of
most frequent site affected (781, 97.1%)
the students. The hairs were fine and came out
followed by trunk (23, 2.9%). Very severe acne
of scalp without pain. Only 20 (2.51%) subjects
(nodulo-cystic variety) was noted in 3 patients
only. To assess the type and severity of acne at
frontoparietal region confirming to androgenetic
Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2009; 19: 73-80.
alopecia. Four (18%) of these had mild to
Ephelides were seen chiefly on face and neck,
less commonly on arms, abdomen, back and
(confirmed at later visit). Associated dandruff
lower limbs. They were dark brown in colour, 1-
was found in 1/3rd of patients with hair loss.
3 mm in size and ranged from 5 to 15 in number.
Among the 490 (36.29%) subjects complaining
Dryness of skin was associated with other
of increased pigmentation of facial skin 413/490
manifestations of atopy (itching, recurrent
(84%) had diffuse darkening of face, neck, arms
and feet. According to them pigmentation of
The students presenting with generalized itching
(32, 2.3%) had no cutaneous lesions or other
Melasma patches (77/490, 15.7%) were found
evidence of dermatoses. History and the general
chiefly on malar areas of face and nose and less
condition of these patients didn’t suggest any
frequently over forehead, neck and chest. These
were light brown in colour measuring 34cms to
45 cms indemensions. Their average duration
was 2 years. Melasma was mild in 26 (33%),
patients. The sites involved were face, neck and
moderate in 44 (57%) and severe in 7 (10%)
hands in decreasing frequency. There was
history of allergy to artificial jewelry and house
hold items in these patients consistent with
The dandruff (352, 26.1%) was graded as severe
if patients had to shampoo their scalp daily to
remove the scales, moderate if at an interval of
2-3 days and mild if they did so once a week.
hypopigmented type in 32 patients and slightly
The majority 165 (46.9%) had moderate degree
erythematous or grey coloured macules in 8
of dandruff. 133 (37.8%) participants had mild
patients. The most common location was upper
while 54 (16.1%) severe dandruff. It was sole
back, neck, upper chest and shoulders. Pruritus
complaint in 229/352 patients while it was
or slight burning was present in only 10 patients.
associated with hair fall (in 67), frank
KOH (Potassium hydroxide) preparation could
sebhorrhoic dermatitis (in 30), acne (39) and
not be attempted because of non-feasibility.
Folliculitis was noted over arms, legs, back and
Excess growth of hair in male pattern (hirsutism)
scalp. There were inflammatory erythematous
complained by 282 (20.9%) patients mostly
papules with or without suppuration. The lesions
affected upper lips and chin (159/282), followed
by mandibles, upper chest and back. Hirsutism
over trunk and groins could not be confirmed by
Lesions of tinea corporis were seen in 26 (1.9%)
examination due to obvious reasons. Five
patients. The size of lesions ranged from as
patients also demonstrated other features of
small as 33 cms to larger one of 710 cms. The
hyperandrogenism like menstrual abnormalities
sites involved were back (in 10 patients),
and deepening of voice. Laboratory examination
abdomen (6 patients), arms (5 patients), neck (3
revealed raised serum testosterone levels in
patients) and face (2). The lesions were mildly
Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2009; 19: 73-80.
Scabies was present in 9 (6.7%) of patients.
to worse the lesions by half of subjects as also
Infected lesions were seen in only one patient.
shown by others.12 The acne caused considerable
Vitiligo patches (8, 5.92%) were deeply white in
anxiety and abstinence from studies in 10% of
2 patients. Face, lips and hands were the most
the subjects. These students had severe acne.
common location for these lesions. Lesions of
alopecia areata (7, 5.18%) were small (2 3
Hair loss was the next common complaint. Hair
cms) to medium (5 7 cms) in dimension noted
loss was global in nature. The true magnitude of
problem is difficult to derive from this study as
the data on the hair density and thickness in our
found. One patient had no hair on trunk, arms
population is lacking. We understand this
and legs in addition to two small patches on
complaint was exaggerated by this highly
conscious proportion of population. There was
no apparent cause for generalized hair loss as the
significant scalp dermatosis. We consider it
prevalence of cutaneous diseases in a given
constitutional; or micro-deficiency of iron,
population such as age, gender, race, occupation,
vitamins and proteins may be the cause hair loss
environmental milieu, diet etc. We sought to
in these subjects.13,14 Additional cause may be
dandruff as demonstrated byet al.15
adolescent females. These individuals are prone
to develop certain dermatoses with increasing
Increased pigmentation was reported by 1/3rd of
frequency than others because of changes in
subjects in our study. This affected face, neck
hormonal milieu. Among them acne, seborrhea,
dandruff, increased pigmentation are well
understandable. The skin type in our population
known. More over these individuals are more
ranges from Fitzpatrick type 3 to 5. This skin
type is prone to tan on sun exposure. Being less
physical well being and look. Therefore even
aware of tanning effect of sun light; they indulge
otherwise minor cosmetic problems compel
in outdoor games and frequently resort to sun
exposure during cold weather or unintentionally
Acne was the dominant cutaneous disorder seen
in more than half (about 60%) of total patients in
subjects.16 There was no obvious evidence
our studywhich is comparable to other studies.8
suggesting some sinister cause for pigmentation
Others report its prevalence from 29% to
41%.9,10 Face was the most common site
hyperthyroidism etc. The history also did not
involved followed by trunk as shown in other
studies.11 Mild to moderately severe acne with a
syndrome of autosomal dominant type.17
combination of comedones and inflammatory
papules was the most common type of acne.
However patches of pigmentation confirming to
Dietary intake of eggs, milk and dairy products
melasma were seen in 99 subjects. These were
and sweating and hot weather was incriminated
light brown in colour. The less darkening of
melasma patches at this age compared to older
Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2009; 19: 73-80.
females may be because the former are still not
significant systemic complaint or obvious
evidence for systemic disorder. However more
elaborate investigation of these subjects was not
feasible in the setting therefore it was labeled as
Dandruff was complained by about 1/4th of
idiopathic. It was noted in 2.3% of subjects and
subjects. Its prevalence is high in general
is comparable to one of 2.2% in other studies.28
population.19 This was moderate in severity.
Seasonal variation with increased severity in
The prevalence of vitiligo has been shown
autumn and winter was reported by the subjects.
0.19% in a Chinese study.29 Vitiligo patches
The association of dandruff with hair fall, acne,
were seen in 8 subjects affecting mostly face.
sebhorroic dermatitis and pityriasis versicolor is
understandable as propionibacterium acnes plays
Hyperhidrosis causes embarrassment and is
etiological roll in all these disorders. 20-23
often precipitated by anxiety and mental stress.
Our subjects manifested these features. Its
Growth of hair in male pattern was also the
complications include pompholyx and contact
bothering problem in substantial number of
patients (282/1350). Its reported prevalence in
complications though it was embarrassing and
different studies varies from 5% to 40%.24,25
Involvement of mandibles, chest, and limbs was
seen with lesser frequency. Most of the patients
Other cutaneous disorders like pyoderma,
had growth of fine, less pigmented hair. Only 5
folliculitis, scabies, pediculosis etc were seen
patients had other features of androgenism in
with less frequency in our study. The reason for
form of menstrual irregularities and deepening
less frequency of bacterial and parasitic
of voice. Hirsutism in these patients was
infection may be meticulous attention to body
moderately severe.26
hygiene. Similarly eczema was less frequent
because these patients are less exposed to
The prevalence of atopic dermatitis varies in
household allergens as their older counter parts
different races and regions and ranges from less
than 1% to more than 20%.27 In our study about
40 (3%) subjects complained of dryness of skin.
It was evident from our study that cosmetic
Among these only 12 had other features of atopy
problems form the bulk of cutaneous disorders
like pruritus, dust allergy, positive family history
in adolescents. Females in our society are more
and frequent bouts of sneezing and rhinorrhoea
conscious of their cosmetic problems because of
consistent with atopic dermatitis. The remainder
cultural and social customs. If these are left
had none of these features apart from xerosis.
untreated or treated improperly, may result into
The prevalence of xerosis is estimated to be
grave cosmetic and psychological consequences
2.2%. 28 Use of hard soaps coupled with lesser
at later life. Therefore it is prudent to recognize
tendency to moisturize their body after bath or
and treat these within time. We recommend the
underlying atopy may be the alternate cause of
introduction of a preventive health education
programs on skin diseases for adolescent
population at different levels and their families
In students complaining of pruritus, neither there
and teachers. A periodic visit of dermatologist to
was any evidence of pruritic dermatoses nor any
Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2009; 19: 73-80.
institutions would help to boost awareness
13. Rushton DH, Norris MJ, Dover R, Busuttil N.
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Decreased serum ferritin is associated with alopecia in women: a case controlled study. J Invest Dermatol 2001; 117 (2):435
The authors are grateful to all the students
participated and cooperated in the study.
Increased hair shedding may be associated with the presence of Pityrosporum
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MALE INFERTILITY PATIENT QUESTIONNAIRE UROLOGIC CLINICS OF NORTH ALABAMA Name:__________________________Age:________Race:__________ Occupation:______________________ Referred by: _______________ Reproductive History: 1. Do you have any children? Yes/ No, If yes how many ____Ages_________ 2. Duration of unprotected intercourse?________________________________ 3. How old is your p
Leia atentamente os textos I, II e III para responder às questões que se Capítulo XXXIII O cajueiro floresceu quatro vezes depois que Martim partiu das praias do Ceará, levando no frágil barco o filho e o cão fiel. A jandaia não quis deixar a terra onde repousava sua amiga e senhora. O primeiro cearense, ainda no berço, emigrava da terra da pátria. 5 Havia aí a predestinação d