Microsoft word - clomid therapy.docx

Your physician has prescribed Clomid (also known as Clomiphene citrate or Serophene), an oral medication used to treat infertility. Please note the following information concerning Clomid: The medication is generally taken once daily for 5 days beginning on the 5th day of your menstrual cycle (the first day of the cycle being the first day of detectable vaginal bleeding). Clomid may be taken any time of the day, with or without food. If instructed to use an Ovulation Predictor Kit, you should begin testing your urine in the early morning on the 11th day of your menstrual cycle. You should continue to test your urine with the Ovulation Predictor Kit until a positive result is obtained or until you have reached the 20th day of your cycle without a positive result. Because using an Ovulation Predictor Kit can be complicated, it is very important that you carefully read, and thoroughly understand, all of the directions that are included with the particular kit that you purchase. Intercourse is recommended on the day the Ovulation Predictor Kit turns positive, as well as the day after the Ovulation Predictor Kit turns positive. Please remember, a positive result on the Ovulation Predictor Kit is only present when the test line is as dark as or darker than the control line. If instructed to have an artificial insemination in addition to Clomid therapy, call the office the day that the Ovulation Predictor Kit is positive to make an appointment for an insemination later that day or the morning of the following day. If this falls on a weekend or holiday, please contact the physician on call to schedule your insemination by dialing the Office Emergency Phone Number: 201-358-2797. Please note that semen samples for artificial insemination should be collected at home no more than 30 minutes before your scheduled office visit and that preparation of the semen for insemination takes approximately 1 hour once the sample is delivered to the office. Also note that intercourse is recommended later in the evening after an artificial insemination is performed. If instructed to have a blood test to determine your progesterone level (a test which indicates whether ovulation has occurred), plan to have the test performed 8 or 9 days after the Ovulation Predictor Kit has turned positive. A urine pregnancy test is not expected to become positive until at least 15 days after the Ovulation Predictor Kit is positive. If the urine pregnancy test is negative 18 days after the Ovulation Predictor Kit is positive and your menstrual period has not yet come, please contact the office to schedule a blood pregnancy test. The most common side effects of Clomid therapy include hot flashes, abdominal bloating or soreness, breast discomfort and nausea and/or vomiting. These side effects are usually mild and self-limiting. If necessary, symptoms of discomfort can be treated with Extra-Strength Tylenol as directed (Advil and Motrin should be avoided in these circumstances). If, however, you notice significant abdominal pain or sudden changes in vision, please contact your physician immediately. If you have a menstrual period after taking Clomid, you need an office visit and pelvic exam within the first 5 days of bleeding to receive a prescription for further Clomid therapy. This information will hopefully answer many of your questions concerning Clomid therapy. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact your physician.  


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