
Lightspeed Data Solutions
Release Notes
Auto Pay - Cycle Maintenance:
Task Type:
External Ref:
post new cycle. “Cycle Maintenance, I was unable to post Auto Pay’s for payment. I was given the error alert, Invalid column name ‘coverage limit’” Resolution:
Able to post new cycles, database error has been corrected. When the Cycle is set to status Post the checks show up in the Verify Tab in Check Bill Review:
Task Type:
External Ref:
When creating the check for the Corvel Bill Review, the name for BR Provider is Blank Resolution:
All the provider information including the name is being being displayed on the Bill review Check IIGF,LIGA,NJPLIGA ONLY
Bulk Reassignment: Manager Diary Spread
Task Type:
External Ref:
Please add the diary spread feature to the Manager Tab Resolution:
The Diary Spread feature has been added to the Manager Tab in Bulk Reassignment Check - Verification:
Task Type:
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We need to allow users that can verify checks to be able to reject them as well. Currently the check reject can be carried out by the user who created the check and by any user that has the Check Void security flag. We need to make a change to allow users that have check verify rights to have the ability to reject those checks as well.
The Check Reject right has been separated from the Check Void Security right. Checks can now be rejected either by the user that created the payment request or by a user that has sufficient rights to verify the check Claim Maintenance - Claimant:
Task Type:
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A user that has MSP Override Security of Level 1 should be able to set the MSP status to Exempt, Reported, Closed or Terminated regardless of what the status currently is.
A user with MSP Override Security set to level 1 can set the MSP Status to Exempt, Reported, Closed or Terminated regardless of what the MSP Status currently is.
Claim Maintenance - Claimant: Medical Detail
Task Type:
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Please add support for Multiple TPOC amounts. Multiple TPOCs for a clamant are extreamely rare, but we need to support such cases. Please make the TPOC label a button to support multiple TPOCs. If multiples exist the button lable should be bold, if there is not already an existing TPOC then the button should be disabled. If possilble when there are multiple TPOCs the Start, Delay and Amount fields should be hidden or otherwise indicate mulitple condition.
Able to Add Mulitple TPOC Dates and Amounts. The existing TPOC data is displayed on the popup screen. The TPOC Button will have the text in Bold if there are multiple entries Lightspeed Data Solutions
Release Notes
Claim Maintenance - Claimant: PIP Detail
Task Type:
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Enhancement to support PIP Payment Ledgers.
1) Add an lctransaction_pip extension table for Transaction. Include fields for Billed (money), Allowed (money), DedCoPay (money), Offset (money), PIP80 (money), PPOFee (money). Include Create and Changed user and date fields.
2) Add a similar extension for History Payments.
3) Add a new PIP Qfind to the Transaction Tab similar to the Payment Transactions with Detail. Grid columns should be Date, Tran Code, Coverage, Claimant (#/Name), Check No, Amount, Bill From, Bill To, Pay To, Source, Billed, Allowed, DedCoPay, Offset, PIP80, PPOFee4) Records will be limited to Loss Payments from both current and history.
5) In the detail section of the screen will have the same fields as the grid, user should be allowed to edit the fields from the PIP extensions.
Enhancement to support PIP Payment Ledgers.
Task Type:
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Please re-arrange Grid columns into the following order: Sel, Bill From, Bill To, Pay To, Date, Billed, Allowed, DedCoPay, Offset, PIP80, PPOFee, Check No, Amount, Tran Code, Coverage, Claimant (#/Name), Source. Please add column totals for DedCoPay, Offset and PIP80. In the detail section please alternate the first two lines.
The grid columns have been put in the order requested in the task. In the detail section the position o f the first two lines have been switched Release:
Task Type:
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Please populate from Procura data. Billed -- the Total Charges from the EOR; Allowed -- amount billed less the BR reductions (excluding the network and other reductions); DedCoPay -- sum of the Deductible and Coinsurance Reductions from the EOR; Offset -- total Other reductions from the EOR; PIP80 -- total allowed from the EOR (same as check amount); PPOFee -- PPO Fee for the review. NOTE: need to include a record for Denied (archived) bills on the claim.
Task Type:
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Add Verified by and date fields.
Add two-tier security. No security will be able to view but not edit, low level will be allowed to enter and edit unverified records, high level security will be allowed to enter and edit verified records. Editing a verified record removes the verified by and date. Add new fields to grid at far right but before source.
Add verify function that works in bulk. Verify button should verify all selected (sel check box) records. NOTE: multi select does not seem to be working.
With security level 1 I was able to make changes to the Billed, Allowed and DedCoPay fields. Claim Maintenance - Claimant: PIP Detail - Report
Task Type:
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Report from the print button. User selections and sorts can not be honored for this report. Landscape. Title: PIP Payment Record. Criteria(on report): Claim, Date of Loss, Injured Person (claimant). Columns: Bill From, Bill To, Pay To, Date, Billed, Allowed, Offset, DedCoPay, PIP80, PPOFee, Paid to Date (calculated running total of PIP80). Sort order is forced to check issue date and check no. Totals for Offset, DedCoPay, PIP80.
Please re-arrange Grid columns into the following order: Sel, Bill From, Bill To, Pay To, Date, Billed, Allowed, DedCoPay, Offset, PIP80, PPOFee, Check No, Amount, Tran Code, Coverage, Claimant (#/Name), Source. Please add column totals for DedCoPay, Offset and PIP80. In the detail section please alternate the first two lines.
Lightspeed Data Solutions
Release Notes
Claim Maintenance - Home Alert:
Task Type:
External Ref:
FIGA would like to add to enhancement request about allowing comments on Alerts, to include the OFAC approval & Vendor approval alerts. When those alerts (system, OFAC, vendor) are presented to the user, the user should be able to enter a comment on the alert. Resolution:
Comment field is available for the alert approver to enter a comment. This can then be seen by any user that will be acknowledging the alert or if looking through the processed alerts Claim Maintenance - Home Metrics:
Task Type:
External Ref:
Please add an Exception Metric based on the MSP Alerts Resolution:
An MSP Error Claimants entry has been added to Metrics that shows the number of MSP Claimants for a users claims Release:
Task Type:
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LS to review is metric list can be sorted in alphabetic order. Add a column for the current grouping values, then remove the group headers. Add column sort and filter feature. Add a customer configured default sort key column like in the status tab.
Grouping has been removed from the Metrics tab, a Metric Category has been added to allow the user to sort the metrics based upon category. Column Sort and Filtering has been added to the grid and a default Sort key has also been added Claim Maintenance - Home Metrics: Payment Requests
Task Type:
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The payment request metrics are significantly affected by the Bill Review import. However metrics are calculated in nightly processes and the BR imports are typically done in the early morning, so newly imported items are not reflected until the next day. Can the import process re-calculate just the Payment Request metrics? Resolution:
The import process will re-calculate the Payment Request metrics Claim Maintenance - Notes:
Task Type:
External Ref:
Before the last lightspeed update, it was possible to enter information in the subject line on the notes tab and then tab down to notes text. Since then, I can't tab down - actually have to move the cursor to the body of notes. Resolution:
Able to tab directly from the Subject to the text field on the notes tab in both Claim and Notice Claim Maintenance - Status:
Task Type:
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They would like to print the status report with the comments from HIGA (lsclaim_higaestate) and with the financial breakdown to include all three categories(past, current & post).
Lightspeed Data Solutions
Release Notes
Claim Maintenance - Status: Keyword Search
Task Type:
External Ref:
Ability to perform a search for keywords in the body and subject of status entries. Please add a Search field, when user does a find it should filter the list of status entries containing the search word.
Search Field has been added to the bottom right of the screen. Able to search for text in the body of the status information using the Find button. Clicking the Find button and leaving the search field blank will return all the data.
Claim Maintenance - Suffix: Coverage
Task Type:
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Alter Suffix table – Limit is currently a free form entry varchar(12), we need to change it to money amounts. Any pre-existing values that cannot be converted to money should be made null and the pre-existing value added to the front of the description field. Please add fields for Co-Pay Percentage, Co-pay Amount and Health Care Offset. Please add type fields for each (Limit, Deductible, CP%, CPamt and HCOffset) to indicate if it applies to Policy, Claim, Claimant or Suffix.
Please add a Coverage button to the Suffix screen in the button row, as the first button in the row. Detail for this button should have editable Deductible, Limit and Description fields; see grid below. Deductible, Limit and description should no longer be editable in the top area. Support editing of Limit, Deductible, Co-pay %, Co-pay amount and H/C Offset in the Suffix tab with indicators for each to indicate if it applies to Claim or Claimant.
Please add a "Coverage Verification" user permission to control if user is allowed to edit the Verify field.
Please add a tri-state (Unknown/Pending/Verified) Status field to the Suffix table; default to Unknown. Please add the Verified field to the top section to the right of Description (non-editable) and to the Coverage detail editable by permission. Add a Special Rule “Enforce Coverage Limits” On will create payments alerts for payment on an unconfirmed coverage or in excess of limits. Off will not consider coverage limits when making payments. Rule should default to “Off”.
If “Enforce Coverage Limits” Special Rule is On then a system note should be generated indicating changes to the verification field.
Add an Exception metric for claims with unconfirmed coverages (N/A still needs to be confirmed). Metric should be Off by default.
Payment alerts for payment in excess of limit; N/A and unconfirmed limit is assumed to be zero.
Fields have been added to the screen for Co-Pay Percentage, Co-pay Amount and Health Care Offset. A User with Coverage Verification Permission can change the status drop down for each item to Unknown/Pending/Verified. A special rule 88 Enforce Coverage Limits has been added that will generate an alert if the limit is exceeded. Historic payments will also count against the limit.
Task Type:
External Ref:
Coverage button does not switch to Bold when there is data.
Coverage button will display Bold when there is data in the Applies To drop down. Claim Maintenance - Transaction:
Task Type:
External Ref:
Abilitity to produce a transaction report that excludes a particular payee. They have two attys working the claim, they want to send transaction detail to one atty but not show what is being paid to other atty. Current filters do not support excluding a payee.
Please add a Sel column (as we have done on other grids in the system) to grid for the All Trans by tran date and pmt trans by tran date views. Print and save to excel should only report the selected rows. If this feature can easily be added to other views then include them.
A Selection column has been added to the beginning of the grid that allows the user to select individual itmes to be included in the Claim Detail Report when printed from the grid Release:
Task Type:
External Ref:
When using the User Group Filter, trying to print the report from the transaction tab pops up an Expression is not Valid screen and then the report ignores the filter Resolution:
Lightspeed Data Solutions
Release Notes
Claim System: 1099 feature
Task Type:
External Ref:
Please make references to tax year be dynamic (current year minus one).
The report criteria sets the year for the 1099 Report. The date is in two places on the screen Claim System: CEA EPICenter Reporting
Task Type:
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New reporting implemented in v5.09 was not tested by CFP needed adjustments made in v5.10 Claim System: Dropdown Toolbar
Task Type:
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Please add a Home button to the toolbar. Selecting this would take the user to the Home Tab in the Claim Maintenance Screen without going through the Claim tab. Also currently the last selected button is available without dropdown; however that reverts to the Search button each time the user logs in. Please memorize this from one session to the next so the last used is available afer logging in.
Home button has been added to the toolbar. Clicking the button takes the user to the home tab.
Claim System: PIP pay ledger
Task Type:
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Initial implementation to be include in v5.10 Company Maintenance - Notes: Spell Checker
Task Type:
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Current OCX is no longer supported and causes issues in the development environment. We need to find an alternative.
The Spell Checker addin has been replaced with a new addin. The new addin shares the user's custom dictionary from Word.
Coverage Maintenance: Enforce Limits
Task Type:
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Please add an Enforce Limits check box to coverage. Set the value to on for all except Work Comp (9650 and 9950) converages. The Exception metric for claims with unconfirmed coverages should ignore coverages with this new check box set to off.
When limits are being enforced; only coverages flagged in coverage maintenance will be enforced.
Lightspeed Data Solutions
Release Notes
Task Type:
External Ref:
Lightspeed needs to enhance LCMS to support Policy Limit, Deductible, Co-Pay and Health Care Offset. This information needs to be passed to MIC in the Claim & Claim History Exports and well be needed for the PIP Ledger. Data will need to be populated at minimum for the open claims to be included in the Claim History Export.
Screen now supports recording dollar amounts for Limit, Deductible, Co-pay, and Health Care Offset. A percentage can also be recorded for Co-pay. Coverages can be applied to Policy, Claim, Claimant, Suffix or N/A. Status can be Unknown, Pending or Verified. Coverages can be confirmed by changing the status to Verified; this requires special "Coverage Verification" security permission. A new Exception metric has been added for open claims with unconfirmed coverages. This can be used to as an aid to getting the limits populated; however the Metric is Off by default. A new “Enforce Coverage Limits” Special Rule when on will create payments alerts for payment on an unconfirmed coverage or in excess of limits. If the rule is On a system note is generated indicating changes to the verification field. This verification feature is not yet fully developed; recommend the rule not be turned on in Production.
Task Type:
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Implement a way to indicate that coverage has been confirmed. This is an issue with shifting workloads and claim reassignments. Disallow payments if coverage has not been determined.
New coverage detail in the suffix tab now supports recording and verifying coverage limits. NOTE: Enforcement is not yet fully developed.
Excel Export: exportxl_spu_ncigf_summary3
Task Type:
External Ref:
This export is outdated and has been superseded by exportxl_spu_ncigf_summary4. Please disable exportxl_spu_ncigf_summary3 for all customers.
The exportxl_spu_ncigf_summary3 excel export has been disabled and replaced by exportxl_spu_ncigf_summary4 Export - 1099 Export: Preview Report
Task Type:
External Ref:
Please add an option to Include Foreign even if a checking account has been selected.
There is a Include Foreign checkbox criteria that will allow the user to include Foreign 1099 information along with the checking account Export - MSP Claim Export: Multiple TPOC
Task Type:
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Please add support for Multiple TPOC amounts. See task 7684 Resolution:
Export - UDS V02 MSP "M" Export:
Task Type:
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Does not currently appear to be applying the correct criteria. It should be reporting all claimants with related coverages where the coverage MSP status is not Exempt. Regardless of there being any TPOC or ORM and even if the claimant is not yet a beneficiary.
Lightspeed Data Solutions
Release Notes
Export - UDS V02.2 Claim + UEP Export (C): Fund Support
Task Type:
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UEP transactions exported regardless of fund. Please add Fund support to the export.
Import - MSP Candidate Wrapped Response Import: HEW3.0.0
Task Type:
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Now that we are implementing HEW 3.0.0 we should try to support importing without unwrapping.
Able to import wrapped MSP response file using the MSP Candidate Response v3.0.0 in claim system without the need to unwrap first.
Import/Export - FIGA Financial Export:
Task Type:
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Please add Fund support to the export.
The Fund field has been added as a criteria for the FIGA Financial Export.
Import/Export - Vendor TIN Export:
Task Type:
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Please add an option to include the foreign payment vendors in the foreign 1099 table. This should be for the tax year they are currently working on; select max year from the table.
A checkbox has been added to the Export criteria that when checked will include the Foreign Payment Vendors in the Export Notice Bulk Update:
Task Type:
External Ref:
Please add Manager and UDS IOLog number to the selection criteria criteria.
Manager and UDS IOLog have been added as criteria to the Notice Bulk Update Payment - Admin: Manual Admin Payment
Task Type:
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Please add support to Admin Payment for manual checks. Customers need to record EFT payments in GL. Please add a Manual check box to the Admin tab which will enable user entered Check No, a new Issued Date filed.
The user is able to select the Check Type of Manual for Admin checks Report - Check Register By GL Code:
Task Type:
External Ref:
When viewing the Report and LOB Summary tabs the Print button is greyed out, it is not when viewing the summary tab. Able to goto File/Print to print out the reports Resolution:
Print button is available for all the tabs in the report.
Lightspeed Data Solutions
Release Notes
Report - Check Register By GL Code: Different GL code descriptions for same GL code lost in summary
Task Type:
External Ref:
Different GL code descriptions for same GL code are reported in the detail report, but do not show up in summary report Resolution:
The GL Code descriptions are the same in the detail as they are in the summary report. The individual descriptions are being included Report - Claim Transaction by Expense Code:
Task Type:
External Ref:
Need to add a Grand Total Summary Paid for each expense code. User should also be able to select Expense Code in the Criteria Resolution:
A Grand Total Summary paid has been added for each expense code and Expense Code has itself been added to the report criteria Report - Claim Transaction Summary: Help
Task Type:
External Ref:
Add a help button the the toolbar that will provide a description of the report. Add a help "?" button for each criteria in a column to the right of the Group/Sort option. Initially populate each criteria help with "Criteria is applied to Current state" or "Criteria is applied to Calculated state as of the last day of the reported period".
A help button has been added to the report criteria screen. Additionally help buttons have been added to each individual criteria. They currently have a default help message Report - Flex Reports: Check Search
Task Type:
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Need to change the workflow for the creation of Escheat Checks.
The user needs to be able to Save and Recall the worklist and there can be multiple saved worklists per user. The list would have to have a unique name. The user needs to be able to Recall the lists and make changes or delete the list. Need to be able to resave the list after changes have been made.
User is able to save multiple selections, each with an individual name. FIGA ONLY: This name must be given as a parameter for the HRS Pro Excel export. Once the Escheat button is clicked the saved selection will go into the queue for nightly process. Following nightly process is can no longer be aletered and the checks will be in Check Verify for processing Report - Unearned Premium Paid Report:
Task Type:
External Ref:
The Fund Criteria has been added to the Unearned Premium Paid Report FIGA,NJPLIGA ONLY
Report - Vendor 1099 Form:
Task Type:
External Ref:
Need to remove the Amount Criteria from the Vendor 1099 Substitute Form and the 1099 Substitute Form Copy B.
Need to Rename the forms Vendor 1099 Form Copy A and Vendor 1099 Form Copy B respectively Resolution:
The Amount criteria has been removed from both the Copy A and Copy B 1099 formsThe forms have been renamed to Vendor 1099 Form Copy A and Vendor 1099 Form Copy B respectively Lightspeed Data Solutions
Release Notes
Reports - Flex Reports: Bulk Mailing
Task Type:
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Please add UEP and Company to the available sources and it subject to one and only one selection. Please add a criteria to select letter to be mailed; based on the selected source and if the letter is available for bulk (4365). Please add the source, and letter (form and id) to the output. Please add a Sel flag column to the output and default to everything selected. Please add the reciepient type selections to the output grid as a CSV list in a single column. Need to have the report return the detail for the selection, there is no need to have the summary data Resolution:
Company and Unearned Premium have been added as Data Sources. This report has the potential to return a large dataset that can take sometime to return.
Reports - Flex Reports: Check Search
Task Type:
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Need to add the Date Section Criteria, same as is present in Check Register report Resolution:
Date Section Criteria has been added to the Report Specific Criteria for the report.
Task Type:
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Need to add a Void Status criteria that would have the options - Voided, Undone, Never Voided Resolution:
A void status criteria has been added to the Check Search Report Specific Criteria allowing the user to choose checks that are Voided, have never been voided or have undergone Void Undo Release:
Task Type:
External Ref:
Need to add the Payee State field to the results grid, should have filter and column sort Resolution:
A State field has been added to the right of the payee field that displays the Payee State. The field can be filtered and sorted Release:
Task Type:
External Ref:
Currently the saved Escheat criteria and the Memorized reports are being displayed on the same area of the screen. This can be a cause for confusion. To help correct this we should make the following changes.
Clicking the Save button should pop up the Lookup List name screen and allow the user to add a save name and a comment. There should be a Save and Cancel button available. Once the Save button is clicked the popup will close and the name of the Escheat save should be displayed to the right of the Escheat button.
Able to save multiple escheat data sets with the use of the Save button on the left hand side of the screen. A Retreive Saved button has been added to allow the user to retrieve data sets that they had saved in the past. Saving a data set will display a popup screen that allows the user to supply a name and comment to the data set. It can also bee deleted from this screenOnce a Save has been selected, the name will be displayed to the right of the Escheat button.
Reports - Flex Reports: UDC Codes
Task Type:
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Now that we have seperate UDC codes for Claim, UEP and Company we need to be clear on the criteria screens which set we are dealing with.
The UDC codes have been separated out for the three different types of Claim, UEP and Company. The Unearned Premium Summary report has the UEP UDC CodesThe Claim Search and Claim Detail reports have the Claim UDC CodesThe Company Summary report has the Company UDC Codes, the Claim UDC Codes and the UEP UDC Codes Lightspeed Data Solutions
Release Notes
Task Type:
External Ref:
FIGA is asking for estate & manager to be added as criteria (grouping & sorting as well) for the Reserve Change Report Resolution:
Manager and Estate have been added as criteria to the report and they are part of the Grouping and Sorting as well Table - Fund Maintenance:
Task Type:
External Ref:
In the 1099 section of the Fund Maintenance screen we need to add a 1099 Minimum Amount field and default it to $600. This value will be the Minimum Threshold amount for 1099 reporting Resolution:
A 1099 Minimum Amount field has been added to the screen and the default is $600.
Table - Letter Maintenance Letter:
Task Type:
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Some letters are not suitable for processing in an automated/unattended mannor. Please add a Bulk flag to the table and grid. User will set the flag, which determines letters available in the new bulk letter feature.
Bulk Flag has been added to the table and the grid on Letter Maintenance and the user can set the flag. The letters will then be available in the Bulk Mailing flex report User should only select Claim or Notice source letters. Letters should be simple so not much chance of stopping for user input.
Unearned Premium: UEP Deductable
Task Type:
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Amount should be based on cmxfund not cmcompanyprofile.
The UEP deductible amount is set in the UEP Ded field in Fund Maintenance and not in Company Profile Vendor Maintenance:
Task Type:
External Ref:
Lightspeed needs to enhance LCMS to support vendor information being exported to MIC. Need to support NPI (National Provider Identifier). Current assumption is that information will be used in Provider Export. Data will need to be populated at minimum for the active vendors to be included in the Provider Export. Resolution:
Vendor maintenance screen has bee redesinged to be more consistant with other claim 5 screens. Several additional fields have been for medical type vendors.
Vendor Maintenance: Claim 5 style screens
Task Type:
External Ref:
Please modify screen to Claim 5 style with detail buttons for Contact, 1099, Medical and Misc. Please add fields for Medical detail to support Bill Review: Provider Type (cmxlookup), Specialty Code 1 (cmxlookup), Specialty Code 2 (cmxlookup), Work Comp No (varchar(18)), Work Comp state (state dropdown), Provider NPI (10 digit, all numeric, last is check digit), Practice Name(varchar(30)), Facility NPI (10 digit, all numeric, last is check digit) Resolution:
Vendor maintenance screen has bee redesinged to be more consistant with other claim 5 screens. Several additional fields have been for medical type vendors.

Source: http://www.lightspeedclaim.com/docs/ELCMS%20ReleaseNotes%20v5.10%20User.pdf

Microsoft word - drury university 2013_expanded.doc

Drury University 2013 Benefit Guide Group Number: LON12-120602-01LS Effective Dates: 06/02/2013-05/31/2014 Your ID card contains important contact information and your individual certificate number , which you will need when you contact us. Finding a Provider: U.S. PPO information for your plan can be found here: http://www.multiplan.com/search/search-2.cfm?originator

Investigation report

Scottish Parliament Region: Glasgow Case 200601122: Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Board Summary of Investigation Category Overview The complainant (Mrs C) raised a number of concerns about the nursing care afforded to her late father (Mr A) during an admission at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley (the Hospital) from February 2004 to January 2005. Specific complaint

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