Richard J. Fruncillo, M.D., Ph.D. 7 Lakeview Place Newtown Square, PA 19073 CURRICULUM VITAE EDUCATION
Mercy Catholic Medical Center, Darby, PA
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
The Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, PA
The Hahnemann Medical College Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
The Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, PA
The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Certified, American Board of Toxicology (DABT)
Certified, American Board of Clinical Pharmacology
Certified, American Board of Internal Medicine
Expert witness consultant to plaintiff and defendant law firms in areas of
Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (610-368-7201)
phenol, TCE, benzene, mercury, nickel, Sedative toxicity
Wrongful death from narcotic overdose
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug toxicity
Blood alcohol concentration – effect
Post-mortem drug level interpretations
2012-present Consultant Clinical Pharmacology
Senior Director, Clinical Research and Development
Clinical Pharmacology Unit - Wyeth Research
1980-2000 Intensive Care Unit Physician (Part Time)
Clinical Pharmacology Unit of Merk Pharmaceuticals
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
City of Philadelphia Department of Public Health
Clinical Pharmacology Unit of Wyeth-Ayerst Research
Principal Investigator for 12-16 Phase I studies each year.
Research involving various hypertensive and pharmacokinetic protocols
Continuing research on mechanism of drug metabolism depression in
burns: other projects include pharmacokinetics of theophylline in biliary
stasis; interaction of cimetidine with lidocaine and quinidine;
pharmacokinetics of theophylline in burn patients; pharmacokinetics of
pentobarbital, theophylline quinidine and lidocaine in burned rats; protein
binding of drugs in burned rats and humans.
Research and published (see Publications) in the fields of human and
animal drug metabolism, specifically drug metabolism in burns and
During my four summer vacations, I worked with three different
professors in the fields of organic and inorganic chemistry on such projects
as photochemistry of pinacols, Wolff rearrangement II, and production of
silicon for solar cells from silicon tetrafluoride gas.
Lectures to fourth year medical students in Clinical Pharmacology
Involved in various aspects of medical and graduate student training.
Lectures to fourth year medical students in Clinical Pharmacology.
Lectures to third year medical students in Clinical Therapeutics.
Member of Clinical Pharmacology Consulting Service for hospitalized
Formal conferences to medical and pediatric residents in the area of
Formal Lectures in Medical Pharmacology course for Physician's
Conducted conference and laboratory sessions for Medical
pharmacology course for first year medical students.
Involved in various aspects of medical student teaching while medical
Summer, 1974 Taught a ten-student laboratory section of Organic Chemistry
Laboratory I, University of Pennsylvania.
As Vice President of the University of Pennsylvania's ACS Student
Affiliates, I conducted many conferences and review sessions for freshman
chemistry and nursing students in the field of general in organic
Member of Multidisciplinary Pain Management Team, Hahnemann Univ.
Employed with Western Consulting Company to give introductory
toxicology lectures as part of a toxic waste disposal course for industrial
Part-time house physician in 200 bed community hospital with
responsibility for medical-surgical, cardiac and intensive care patients.
Phi Beta Kappa, University of Pennsylvania
American Chemical Society Chemistry Award
Epsilon Delta Premedical Honorary Society
HONORS (cont.)
Charles E. Culpepper Foundation Fellowship
American College of Clinical Pharmacology
American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
American Academy of Clinical Toxicology
1. Ciaccio EI, Fruncillo RJ: Urinary excretion of D-glucaric acid by severely burned patients.
2. Ciaccio EI, Fruncillo RJ: Deceased aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase after a 15% burn
injury. Biochem Pharmacol 28:3151-3152, 1979.
3. Fruncillo RJ, Gibbons W, Bowman SM: CNS toxicity after ingestion of topical lidocaine.
4. Durlofsky L, Fruncillo RJ: Impaired drug metabolizing ability in the burned rat. Journal
5. Fruncillo RJ, DiAngelis P, DiGregorio GJ: Pharmacokinetics of Theophylline in rats with
biliary stasis. J Pharm Pharmacol 34:741-743, 1983.
6. Fruncillo RJ, DiGregorio GJ, Soll A: Effect of cimetidine on the pharmacokinetics of
quinidine and lidocaine in the rat. J Pharm Sci 72:826-828, 1983.
7. Fruncillo RJ, DiGregorio GJ: The effect of thermal injury on drug metabolism in the rat.
8. DiGregorio GJ, Fruncillo RJ: Antiemetic drugs. Am Fam Phys 26:200-202, 1982.
9. Fruncillo RJ, DiGregorio GJ: The pharmacokinetics of pentobarbital, quinidine, lidocaine
and theophylline in the thermally-injured rat. Journal of Pharm Sci 73:1117-1119,
10. Fruncillo RJ, Antipsychotic drugs. Published as a chapter in a handbook by Hoffman
11. Fruncillo RJ: Drug disposition in liver disease. Am Fam Phys 26:167-169, 1982.
12. DiGregorio GJ, Fruncillo RJ: Drug Overdose. In: Miller HA, Major DA and Oaks WW
(eds), ICU Medicine: Grune and Stratton, New York, 1983, pp. 85-88.
13. Fruncillo RJ, Rotmensch HH, Vlasses PH, Kopkin JR, Ferguson RK: Effects of captopril
and hydrochlorothiazide on the pressor response to norepinephrine and angiotensin II in
hypertensive patients. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 28:5-9, 1985.
14. Fruncillo RJ: Clinical toxicology of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's). Am Fam Phys
15. Fruncillo RJ, Gibbons WJ, Vlasses PH, Ferguson RK: Severe hypotension associated with
concurrent clonidine and antipsychotic medication.
16. Rocci ML, Grasela D, Fruncillo RJ, Vlasses PH: The effects of single doses of cimetidine
on estimated hepatic blood flow. Drug Intell Clin Pharm 19:831-834,1985.
17. Fruncillo RJ, Swanson BN, Bernhard R. Marchion C, Ferguson RK: Effect of renal failure
or biliary stasis on the pharmacokinetics of amiodarone in the rat. J Pharm Sci 75:150-
18. Fruncillo, RJ, Bernhard R, Swanson, BN, Vlasses PH, Ferguson RK: Effect of
phenobarbital on the pharmacokinetics and tissue levels of amiodarone in the rat. J
19. Vlasses PH, Conner DP, Rotmensch HH, Fruncillo RJ, Danzeisen JR, Shepley KJ, Ferguson
RK: Double-blind comparison of captopril and enalapril in mild to moderate
hypertension. J Am Coll Cardiol 7:651-660, 1986.
20. Fruncillo RJ, Rocci ML, Vlasses PH, Mojaverian P, Shepley K, Clementi R, Oren A, Smith
R, Till AE, Riley LJ, Krishna G, Narins RG, Ferguson RK: Disposition of enalapril and
enalaprilat in renal insufficiency. Kid Int 31:Suppl. 20:117-122, 1986.
21. Fruncillo RJ: Management of Pain, in Handbook of Pain Management. DiGregorio, GJ,
(Ed.) Medical Surveillance, Inc., West Chester, PA, 1986.
22. Fruncillo RJ, Ruch E, DiGregorio GH: The Effect of Acute Hepatic Injury on the
Disposition of Vitamin A in the Rat. Res Comm Chem Path Pharm 54:283-286, 1986.
23. Fruncillo RJ: Toxin induced Parkinson's disease - recent developments. Am Fam Phys
24. Fruncillo RJ, Kozin S, DiGregorio GJ: Effect of amiodarone on the pharmacokinetics of
phenytoin, quinidine and lidocaine in the rat. Res Comm Chem Path Pharm, 50:451-
25. Fruncillo RJ: Drug Therapy in the Elderly. Am Fam Phys 35:225-228, 1987.
26. Rocci ML, Vlasses PH, Lener ME, Fruncillo RJ, Sirgo MA: Comparative Evaluation of the
effects of labetalol, verapamil and diltiazem on antipyrine and Indocyamine Green
Clearances. J Clin Pharmacol 29:891-895, 1989.
27. McCrea JB, Fruncillo RJ, Holland SD, Conroy JA, Shingo S, Spector R, Bjornsson TD:
Lovastatin does not affect oral glucose tolerance in hypercholesterolemic patients. J Clin
28. Troy SM, Parker VD, Fruncillo RJ, Chiang, ST: The pharmacokinetics of Venlafaxine when
given in a twice daily regimen. J. Clin Pharmacol 35:404-409, 1995.
29. Fruncillo RJ, Troy SM, Parker VD, Mayersohn M, Hicks D, Kraml M, Battle M, Chiang ST:
Pharmacokinetics of the aldose reductase inhibitor tolrestat: studies in healthy young
and elderly male and female subjects and in subjects with diabetes. Clin Pharm Ther,
30. Troy S, Fruncillo RJ, Ozawa T, Mammen E, Holloway S, Chiang S: The Dose
Proportionality of the Pharmacokinetics of Ardeparin, a Low Molecular Weight Heparin, in
healthy volunteers. J Clin Pharmacol 35:1194-1199, 1995
31. Troy S, Fruncillo R, Ozawa T, Mammen E, Holloway S, Chiang S: Absolute and
comparative subcutaneous bioavailability of ardeparin sodium, a low molecular weight
32. Ermer JC, Boni JP, Cevallos WH, DeCleene S, Burghart P, Rudnick MR, Fruncillo RJ, Berns
JS, Cohen RM: Bromfenac disposition in patients with impaired kidney function; Clin
33. Troy S, Dilea C, Martin P, Rosen A, Fruncillo R, Chiang S: Bioavailability of once-daily
Venlafaxine Extended Release compared with the immediate-release formulation in
healthy adult volunteers; Current Therapeutic Res 58:492, 1997.
34. Chiang ST, Fruncillo RJ, Ermer JC, Hicks D, Orczyk G, Klamerus K: Effects of age, gender
and food on the pharmacokintics of Etodolac Enantiomers after single and multiple doses
of an extended release forumulatkon. Submitted to J. Clin Pharmcol, 1998
35. Ferron GM, Paul J, Fruncillo RJ, Martin PT, Yacoub L, Mayer P: Lack of Pharmacokinetic
Interaction between Oral Pantoprazole and Cisapride in Healthy Adults. J. Clin Pharmcol,
36. Danjou P, Paty I, Fruncillo RJ, Worthington P, Unruh M, Cevallos W, Martin P: A
comparison of the residual effects of zaloplon and zolpidem following adminstration 5 to
2h before awakening. Br J Clin Pharmacol, 48, 367-374.
37. Ball SE, Scatina J, Kao J, Ferron G, Fruncillo RJ, Mayer P, Weinryb I, Guida M, Hopkins P,
Warner N, Hall J: Populaiton distribution and effects on drug metablsim of a genetic
variant in the 5’ promoter region of CYP3A4. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1999;66:288-94.
38. Ferron GM, Paul J, Fruncillo R, Richards L, Knebel N, Getsy J, Troy S: Multiple-dose,
linear, dose-proportional pharmacokinetics of retigabine in healthy volunteers. Journal of
Clinical Pharmacology. 42(2):175-82, 2002 Feb.
39. Yengi LG, Xiang Q, Pan J, Scatinea J, Kao J, Ball SE, Fruncillo R, Ferron G. Roland Wolf
C: Quantitation of cytochrome P450 mRNA levels in human skin. Analytical Biochemistry.
40. Muralidharan G, Fruncillo R, Micalizzi M, Raible DG, Troy SM: Effects of age and sex on
single-dose pharmacokinetics of tigecycline in healthy subjects. Antimicrobial Agents &
41. Zimmerman JJ, Harper DM, Matschke K, Speth JL, Raible DG, Fruncillo RJ. Absence of an
interaction between tigecycline and digoxin in healthy men. Pharmacotherapy,
42. Fruncillo RJ, 2,000 Toxicology Board Review Questions. Xlibris, 2011.
43. Korth-Bradley J, Troy S, Matschke K, Muralidharan G, Fruncillo R, Speth J, Raible D.
Tigecycline pharmacokinetics in subjects with various degrees of renal function. J Clin
44. Fruncillo RJ. 1000 Forensic Toxicology Review Questions. For publication.
1. Fruncillo RJ, Rotmensch HH, Vlasses PH, Ferguson RK: Effect of captopril and
hydrochlorothiazide on the pressor responses to norepinephrine and angiotensin II in
hypertensive. Clin Pharmacol Ther 33:226, 1983.
2. Fruncillo RJ, DiGregorio, GJ: Depresses in vivo and in vitro hepatic drug metabolism in
the thermally-injured rat. Federation Proceedings 42:912, 1983.
3. Ferguson RK, Rotmensch HH, Vlasses PH, Swanson BN, Fedder IL, Vincent ME, Fruncillo
RJ: Hemodynamic effects of enalapril maleate in hypertensive patients. Clin Res
4. Fruncillo RJ, Swanson BN, Bernhard R, Marchion C: Amiodarone pharmacokinetics in
rats with renal failure and biliary stasis. Pharmacologist 25:232, 1983.
5. Fruncillo RJ, Bernhard R, Swanson BN, Vlasses PH, Ferguson RK: The effect of
phenobarbital on the pharmacokinetics and tissue levels of amiodarone. Clin Pharmacol
6. Bernhard R, Fruncillo RJ, Swanson BN, Ferguson BK: The effect of 3-methylcholanthrene
on the pharmacokinetics of amiodarone in the rat. Federation Proceedings 43:749,
7. Rocci Jr ML, Grasela DM, Fruncillo RJ, Romensch HH, Vlasses PH: Do H2-receptor
antagonists alter hepatic blood flow? Clin Res 32Z:247A, 1984.
8. Fruncillo RJ, Bernhard R, Rocci Jr ML, Ferguson RK: The biliary disposition of
amiodarone in the rat: Evidence against enterohepatic recirculation. Clin Res 32:671A,
9. Vlasses PH, Conner DP, Rocci Jr ML, Rotmensch HH, Fruncillo RJ, Ferguson RK: Do
captopril and enalapril differ in their antihypertensive mechanism? Clin Res 32:791A,
10. Fruncillo RJ, Rocci Jr ML, Shepley K. Clementi RA, DeRita R, Mojaverian P, Smith RD,
Ferguson RK: Enalaprilat accumulates after chronic enalapril dosing in renal failure.
11. Kozin S, Fruncillo RJ, DiGregorio GJ. Effect of Amiodarone on the pharmacokinetics of
phenytoin, quinidine and lidocaine in the rat. Clin Res 34:316A, 1986.
12. Fruncillo RJ, Bernhard R, Ferguson RK: The effects of renal failure or biliary stasis on
the tissue levels of amiodarone. Clin Pharmacol Ther 37:197, 1985.
13. Riley Jr. LJ, Fruncillo RJ, Smith RD, Vlasses PH, Conner DP, Narins RG, Mojaverian P,
Krishna G, Till AE, Ferguson RK: Enalapril maleate in renal failure: relationships
between blood pressure response aldosterone, and accumulation of active metabolite.
14. Riley LJ, Fruncillo RJ, Smith R, Vlasses PH, Conner DP, Narins RG, Mojaverian P, Krishna
G, Till AE, Ferguson RK: The safety and antihypertensive effect of once daily enalapril
maleate in renal failure. Clin Res 33:85A, 1985
15. Fruncillo RJ, DiGregorio GH, Ruch E, Kozin S, Lubniewski A: The effect of acute liver
injury on the disposition of vitamin A in the rat. Clin Res 34:441A 1986.
16. Vlasses PH, Foley J, Fruncillo RJ, Nowacki J, Brennan J, Ivashkiv E, Tu J: Disposition and
efficacy of repeated doses of zofenopril in mild to moderate hypertension. Clin
17. Korth-Bradley JM, Fruncillo RJ, Klamerus KJ, Chiang ST, Conrad KA: The influence of
high and low fat meals on single dose pharmacokinetics of zalospirone. Pharm Res,
18. Fruncillo RJ, Troy SM, Parker V, Hicks D, Turner MB, Chiang ST: Effect of age and sex on
tolrestat pharmacokinetics. Clin Pharm Ther 53:193, 1993.
19. Ben-Maimon C, Korth-Bradley JM, Cevallos W, Fruncillo RJ, Chiang ST. Stereospecific
pharmacokinetics of pemedolac in healthy male volunteers. Clin Pharmcol Ther 53:223,
20. Ermer JC, Burghart P, Rudnick M, Cevallos W, Fruncillo RJ, Berns J, Cohen R, DeCleene S
and Chiang ST. The effect of renal disease on bromfenac disposition. Pharm Res 10(10
21. Garg V, Parker V, Turner MB, Burghart P, Fruncillo RJ, Battle M and Chaing ST:
Pharmacokinetic interaction between aspirin and tolrestat in normal volunteers. Pharm
22. Epstein M, Orczyk G, Muralidharan G, Fruncillo RJ, VPA-985:a novel non-peptide
competitive vasopressin receptor antagonist for the treatment of dilutional
hyponatremia. J Am. Soc. Nephrol 1998;9:0544
23. Muralidharan G, Meng X, DeCleene SA, Cevallos WH, Fruncillo R, Hicks D, Orczyk GP.
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a novel vasopressin receptor antagonist,
VPA-985 in healthy subjects. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1999;65:189.
24. Klamerus KJ, Battle MM, Burghort BF, Whitehead DI, Neefe DL, Fruncillo RJ, Weinryb I
and Mayer PR. Effects of concomitant tasosartan and HCTZ administration in healthy
volunteers. Am J JHypertans (1997) 10, 118A
25. Zimmerman JJ, Harper D, Speth JT, Fruncillo RJ, Getsy J, eds, Potential pharmacokinetic
interactions between sirolimus and atorvastatin [abstract]. ESOT. 2001;(Oct 6-11); 145
26. Darwish M, Parker V, Harper D, Leister C, Raible D, Fruncillo R. The lack of drug
interactions between zaleplon and venlafaxine extended release. 155th Annual Meeting of
the American Psychiatric Association, 2002.
27. Zimmerman JJ, Harper D, Matschke K, Speth J, Raible DC, Fruncillo RJ. Tigecycline (Tgc)
and digoxin (Dig) co-administered to healthy men Abstract A-460 presented at:44th
Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy: October 30 through
28. Richards LS, Behrle JA, Nichols AI, Fruncillo RJ, Paul J. An ascending multiple dose study
of the safety and pharmacokinetics of a sustained release formulation of desvenlafaxine
succinate in healthy subjects. Clin Pharmacol Ther (2005) 77, P84
29. Parker VD, Richards, LS, Nichols AI, Behrle JA and Fruncillo R (2005) The absolute
bioavailability of an oral sustained-release formulation of desvenlafaxine succinate in
healthy subjects. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics: 2005 March 2-5; Orlando, FL. American Society
for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Alexandria, VA.
1. American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Spring 1983. Effects of
captopril and hydrochlorothiazide on the responses to norepinephrine and angiotensin II
2. Federation Meeting, Spring, 1983. Depressed in vivo and in vitro hepatic drug
metabolism in the thermally injured rat.
3. American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Summer, 1983.
Amiodarone pharmacokinetics in rats with renal failure and biliary stasis.
4. American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Spring, 1984. The effect
of phenobarbital on the pharmacokinetics and tissue levels of amiodarone.
5. American Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Spring, 1985. Enalaprilate
accumulates after chronic enalapril dosing in renal failure.
6. American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Spring, 1985. The effect
of renal failure or biliary stasis on the tissue levels of amiodarone.
7. American College of Clinical Pharmacology, Fall, 1985. Enalapril maleate in renal failure:
relationship between blood pressure response, aldosterone, and accumulation of active
8. American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Spring 1993. Effect of age
9. Pituitary Society, Fall 1998. The Pharmacodynamics of a Novel Vasopressin-2
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