Please complete and return to: Director of Programs 152 Madison Avenue, Suite 2400 New York, NY 10016 PHYSICIAN'S EXAMINATION FORM Must be completed by a Physician
Name: ________________________________________
Date of Birth (month/date/year): ________________ Sex (M/F): ________
Height: __________ Weight: _________ Blood Pressure: _____________
Date of exam (month/date/year):___________________
Teeth: ___________________________ Nervous System: ___________________ Gums: ___________________________
Please comment if Camper is capable of full activity in the program including a four-day hiking trip: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ General comments and recommendations: _________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________ Treatment to be continued during the program including all prescription, over-the-counter medications and vitamins (please complete one Camper Medical Authorization Form for each of these treatments): _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Signature of licensed medical practitioner: ______________________________ Date: ____________ Print Name: ___________________________ Telephone: __________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 of 7 Camper Forms Packet Please complete and return to: Director of Programs 152 Madison Avenue, Suite 2400 New York, NY 10016 PAST HEALTH HISTORY May be filled out by parent/guardian but must be signed by a physician
NAME: ______________________________________
Check any that apply and give further information, dates, and explanation below.
_____recent injury, illness or infectious diseases
_____ever had joint problems (knees, ankles, etc.)
_____chronic or recurring illness or condition
_____ever been dizzy during or after exercise`
_____abnormal menstrual history (females)
_____ever been diagnosed with a heart murmur
_____mononucleosis in the past 12 months
_____ever had emotional difficulties for which
_____problems with diarrhea/constipation
Explanations of above: _______________________________________________________________________________
Allergies List all known. Describe reaction (including asthma) and treatment needed.
Medication Allergies (list) ___________________ ________________________________________________________
___________________ ________________________________________________________
___________________ ________________________________________________________
Food Allergies and treatment needed (list)
___________________ ________________________________________________________
___________________ ________________________________________________________ ___________________ ________________________________________________________
Other allergies/treatment needed (list) include insect stings, hay fever, animals, dust, etc. ___________________ ________________________________________________________
___________________ ________________________________________________________ ___________________ ________________________________________________________
Page 2 of 7 Camper Forms Packet Please complete and return to: Director of Programs 152 Madison Avenue, Suite 2400 New York, NY 10016 Past Health History-CONTINUED
NAME: ______________________________________ DATE___________________________ Disease History
Which of the following diseases has the Camper had?
Explanations of above including dates of symptoms and treatments: _______________________________________________________________________________
TB Mantoux Test
Health Department or Doctor’s card needed as proof of test results.
This health history is correct so far as I know, and the person herein described has permission to engage in
all prescribed activities except as noted.
___________________________________________________ _________________
Signature of parent or guardian (for minors) or self
________________________________________________________ ____________________ Physician’s
___________________________________________________ _________________
Page 3 of 7 Camper Forms Packet Please complete and return to: Director of Programs 152 Madison Avenue, Suite 2400 New York, NY 10016 INDIVIDUALIZED STANDING ORDERS FOR “OVER-THE-COUNTER” MEDICATION
Orders for _________________________for the following products to be administered if and when needed at Camp Rising Sun. To the Healthcare Provider: Please circle "Yes" or "No" for each product AND SIGN AT THE END. These products are almost all available without a prescription in the U.S., but we must have a doctor's permission to use them as needed. For further information about specific products in English or Spanish, please see Camper's Drug Name (please circle Schedule and Health Care Comments preferred Indications Provider formulation(s)) Tylenol/ Acetaminophen (chewable tabs, elixir Instructions by Ibuprofen (pain Analgesic/ Naproxen (pain oral reliever) Robitussin (cough PO Tinactin (anti- Lotrimin (anti- OTC lip balms Pepto-Bismol Kaopectate (anti- PO Page 4 of 7 Camper Forms Packet Please complete and return to: Director of Programs 152 Madison Avenue, Suite 2400 New York, NY 10016 Camper's Drug Name (please circle Schedule and Health Care Comments preferred Indications Provider formulation(s)) Imodium (anti- Mylanta (antacid) PO Maalox (anti-gas- PO Dramamine Dimetapp Povidone (iodine) Listerine
ophthalmic) Murine
ophthalmic) Caldescene (zinc Powder
drying agents) Bacitracin (anti- Neosporin (anti- Hydrocortisone Cream Chlortrimeton Emollient skin (Undecylenic acid topically antifungal) Page 5 of 7 Camper Forms Packet Please complete and return to: Director of Programs 152 Madison Avenue, Suite 2400 New York, NY 10016 Camper's Drug Name (please circle Schedule and Health Care Comments preferred Indications Provider formulation(s)) RID(piperonyl butoxide/pyrethrum topical
(permethrin) Oxygen
½ teaspoon salt Gargle 1 minute q2 hrs.
Saline gargle Throat Lozenges oral Per Cramergesic ointment Solar cream, Aloe Cream/gel Vera Gel, Noxema (topical) Chloraspectic Caladryl
(Analgesic) Sunscreen Insect repellant Spray/oil (topical) Epinephrine or Benadryl
(Diphenhydramine (elixir, chewable tabs instructions by
(hives, insect bite) 1 spray each nostril q12.5-25 mg Q 4-6 hr
decongestant (not to exceed 3 days per use)
Milk of Magnesia PO Claritin tabs
Health Care Provider Name : ________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________ License number: __________________________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________
A doctor's signature is required in order for our medical staff to administer over-the- counter products. Page 6 of 7 Camper Forms Packet Please complete and return to: Director of Programs 152 Madison Avenue, Suite 2400 New York, NY 10016 CAMPER MEDICATION AUTHORIZATION
For Prescription Medication and Non-Prescription Medication
All forms must be completed by a Physician!
To the Healthcare Provider: Please use this form for any prescription or over-the-counter medication or vitamins that the Camper may need to take during the program season. Please use one medication per page and make additional copies as required.
(Campers Name) is to receive the following medication
Medication: ______________________________________________________________
Dosage: ________________________________________________________________
Hours to be given: ________________________________________________________
Diagnosis: _______________________________________________________________
Any special restrictions or unusual effects to be aware of: ________________________________________________________________________
Please check if Camper is able to self-medicate on out off-campus trips: □ YES □ NO
Signature of licensed medical practitioner: __________________________ Date: ____________
Telephone: ______________________________
______________________________ Cell Phone:_______________________
To be completed by parent/guardian
Please give the medication to ________________________(Campers Name) as directed by the physician.
Signature or parent/guardian: ___________________________ Date(month/date/year): ____________ Print Name: __________________________________________________
***Please note, your child will not receive any of his/her prescription, over-the-counter or
vitamin supplements without this completed form*** Page 7 of 7 Camper Forms Packet
DOSSIER N'16: Reflux gastroœsophagien chez une asthmatique Madame V. B., 40 ans obèse, souffre d'un asthme sévère depuis l'adolescence et qui est actuellementcortico-dépendant. Elle prend 15 mg de prednisone chaque jour depuis six mois, en raison de l'échec detoutes les autres thérapeutiques. L'enquête allergologique a retrouvé des IgE spécifiques dirigées contredes acariens et de
– Nephrologists– Surgeons– Pathologists– Tissue Typing– Consultants– Living Donor– Pre-Transplant– Post-Transplant– List maintenance• Administrator• Social Work• QA/PI• “Desensitization Team”– 4 Full-time transplant Nephrologists– 4 other Nephrologists participate in the care of transplant patients– 7 transplant surgeons, 5 also participate in Liver transpla