The Kingswood School recognizes that children differ in their rate and patterns of learning. Mastery of the basic skills occurs at different times. Our focus therefore, is on developmentally appropriate experiences that promote creativity, critical thinking, and curiosity of the individual child. Opportunities for large group, small group, and individual choices are presented. Children learn through play. Play is children’s work. It is the means by which young children discover, interpret, and come to understand the world. The curriculum of our school consists of exposure to many areas of high interest to children including experiences and activities that provide for:
• Creative expression through: Music, Movement, Art, Language. • Relating to others through: Learning respect, manners and cooperation are key.
• Learning through experience about: God’s love for us and the beautiful world
• Developing cognitive skills and concepts through: Readiness to learn basic
reading and math, as well as expanding imaginations and creativity.
• Personal growth through: Caring for personal needs; developing a good self-
concept and self control; becoming responsible for choices; forming a conscience; and developing problem solving abilities.
• Physical growth through: Exercise, rest, good nutrition and development of
Published Curriculum: The following published curriculum is used: Modern Curriculum Press, Math Their Way, Developmental Learning Materials, Handwriting Without Tears, and Pearson Education Phonics, guided reading levels based on Fontas and Pinell publications. In addition to these curriculums, teacher-made materials along with thematic units and skill assessments are used. Hands-on activities match the age development of each child. Weekly Specials: Chapel Busy Bodies Music Games Galore Spanish Storytelling SCHOOLWIDE THEMATIC CURRICULUM Our school year consists of nine months, which is further broken down into thematic units. These themes have been coordinated with developmental skills related to each age level. While all classes explore “colors,” the depth and intensity of the unit depends on the age group. Suggested yearly themes are listed below. Please keep in mind that teachers do integrate other units of study, depending on their teaching styles and the interest and learning strengths of the children. SCHOOL THEMES: (but not limited to) Birds
CONFERENCES Parent Initiated Teachers welcome the opportunity to confer with you concerning your child. Parents are urged to visit the school throughout the school year and to openly communicate with the teachers and the director. If a parent wishes a conference at any point during the school year, please send a note to your child's teacher requesting a conference or call the school office to arrange a conference time with your child’s teacher or the Director. School Initiated Two scheduled parent conference days are held during the year for all of our preschool classes. A third parent conference is held in the Fall for our Pre-K and Kindergarten classes. Conferences are limited to 15 minutes so that all parents can be seen within the school day. If either the parent or teacher feels the scheduled conference needs more time, either party may request an additional conference on another day. The school makes every attempt to schedule these conferences with each child’s parent. In the event the parent can not attend the conference, it becomes the parent’s responsibility to call to reschedule. Skill sheets will be sent home prior to the conference times. While these mid-year and end of year conference days are not regular school days, childcare is provided for your child during your conference time.
Book Plaisance, P.L., 2008, Media ethics: Key principles for responsible practice . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 280 pp. Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters (22) Besley, J.C., McComas, K.A. & Trumbo, C.W. (2008). Local newspaper coverage of health authority fairness during cancer cluster investigations. Science Communication 29(4), 498-521. Buller, D.B
New Rules for a New Game For a lover of literature, the twenty-first century represents a dream-come-true. Today, through websites such as,,, Google Books, and countless others, millions of books, stories, and poems are accessible and absolutely free to anyone—24 hours a day, 7 days per week. With devices such as the Kindle and Nook, the latest literary wo