Omega-3 for young broilers – improves health and performance by Ir Gert Hemke, Hemke Nutri Consult, Joosten Products, PO Box 84, 6000 AB Weert, The Netherlands.
their own immune system takes 7-10 days.
infections. In practice it takes 20-40 hoursbefore broilers get their first meal. Long
term feed withdrawal results in poor devel-opment of the intestines and low growth
Fig. 1. Response curve of varying levels of digestible lysine on performance to 21 days (Plumstead, 2007).
mentation with glutamine in the starterperiod results in a better gut morphology
In young birds a finer particle size results in
higher intake and digestion. In a digestibility
increased feed intake and weight gain.
trial carried out by Joosten Products the
reduces free radical damage and activates
effect of grinding soya on its digestibility was
3 content of eggs will increase. It is known
essential organs like the heart. The result is
improves as the result of the unique pro-
amino acids. By increasing the amounts of
digestible lysine in early growth phases the
performance can be strongly increased. Inhibit inflammation
balances and confirmed the increaseddemands of modern broiler breeds.
In the first week of life birds are confronted
with many infectious agents, yet they do not
Joosten Products when designing their prod-
have a well developed immune system.
uct FMR Ω 3 as it contains high amounts of
These infections can result in inflammatory
lower weight gain and energy losses. Table 3. The effect of grinding soya on its digestibility.
that in normal broilers 1.5-2.0% of lysine isused for immunity, which increased to more
Suboptimal digestion
than 10% after infection. In case of infection,
fatty acids with animal fat in feeds for broil-
weight gain will reduce temporarily by 10-
ers during the first three weeks of age.
In the first weeks of life the digestive capac-
20%. Of this decrease two thirds is related
Feeds with omega-3 increased intake, gain
ity of broilers is suboptimal (Fig. 2). Joosten
to lower feed intake and one third to the
Products have invested in unique processing
respectively. Halle (1999) showed that the
use of fish oil in broiler breeders increased
digestibility of the amino acids and energy. Table 1. Effect of fasting on growth of broiler (Gonzales, 2003). Table 2. Impact of glutamine on performance, morphology and immune response (Yi, 2005). Hours fasting Weight Mortality posthatch Liveability Serum IFNa day 14 (%) day 14 (ng/ml)
International Poultry Production — Volume 17 Number 4
Continued from page 23fertility by 3% and increased hatchability by
5%. Allen (1998) showed lower coccidiallesion scores when broilers were fed with
omega-3 fatty acids. For the production of
FMR Ω 3 Joosten Products uses a well sta-
Floor pen trial
A broiler floor pen trial was conducted at
the Dutch Institute, Schothorst FeedResearch, in Lelystad. The trial was carried
out using eight replicates per treatment with1,000 Ross 308 birds per pen. The concen-
Fig. 2. ME Values for a corn soya meal as a function of age (Batal and Parsons, 2002).
trate feed was pelleted and, depending onthe age of the birds, diluted with 10-30%whole wheat (Table 4).
Feeds were fed ad libitum. All feeds were
calculated to have the same amount of MEand digestible amino acids. Trial feeds werecompared in the first three weeks of age.
Afterwards all broilers received standard
feeds. Feeding FMR Ω 3 in the first threeweeks results in significantly better growthand conversion in comparison to the con-trol with fishmeal. This difference in weightgain at three weeks remains until the end.
Due to a better start with FMR Ω 3 broil-
● FMR Ω 3 should be used at a rate of 2.5%in feeds for broiler breeders in the first layerphase and for broilers at the start.
● The product is composed of stabilisedomega-3 fatty acids and specially processedplant proteins. The in vitro digestion isincreased 5% due to this process.
● FMR Ω 3 contains high amounts of wellbalanced amino acids and extra glutamine.
● The functional nutrients in the productstimulate gut health and also the immuneresponse.
● The use of FMR Ω 3 in broiler starterdiets results in a significantly better perfor-mance. Calculated for Dutch price condi-tions its use increases the profit per 1,000birds started by more than €20. ■
Table 4. Broiler floor pen trial results. Control/ FMR fishmeal
International Poultry Production — Volume 17 Number 4 Secure Your Apache With mod_security Secure Your Apache With mod_security Version 1.0 Author: Falko Timme <ft [at] falkotimme [dot] com> Last edited 07/05/2006This article shows how to install and configure mod_security . mod_security is an Apache module (for Apache 1 and 2) that provides intrusion detection and prevention for web applicat
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