
Jørgen K. Larsen - Finsen Laboratory - Publications Møller U, Larsen JK, Faber M: The influence of injected tritiated thymidine on the mitotic circadian rhythm in the epithelium of the hamster cheek pouch. Cell Tissue Kinet 7: 213-239, 1974. Hart Hansen O, Pedersen T, Larsen JK: A method to study cell proliferation kinetics in human gastric mucosa. Gut 16: 23-27, 1975. Krøll J, Larsen JK, Loft H, Ezban M, Wallevik K, Faber M: DNA-binding proteins in Yoshida ascites tumor fluid. Biochim Biophys Acta 434: 490-501, 1976. Hart Hansen O, Pedersen T, Larsen JK: Cell proliferation kinetics in normal human gastric mucosa: Studies on diurnal fluctuations and effects of food ingestion. Gastroenterology 70: 1051-1054, 1976. Hart Hansen O, Pedersen T, Larsen JK, Rehfeld JF: The effect of gastrin on gastric mucosal cell proliferation in man. Gut 17: 536-541, 1976. Hart Hansen O, Johansen A, Larsen JK, Pedersen T, Rehfeld JF: Is gastrin a trophic hormone for human gastric mucosa? Current Views in Gastroenterol 1: 199-206, 1977. Larsen JK: Cellekinetisk analyse ved pulscytofotometri. Ugeskr Læg 139: 1115-1117, 1977. Hart Hansen O, Johansen Aa, Larsen JK, Pedersen T, Svendsen LB: Relationship between gastric acid secretion, histopathology, and cell proliferation kinetics in human gastric mucosa. Gastroenterol 73: 453-456, 1977. Hart Hansen O, Jensen KB, Larsen JK, Søltoft J: Gastric mucosal cell proliferation and immunoglobulin containing cells in Ménétriérs disease. Digestion 16: 293-298, 1977. 10. Larsen JK, Pedersen T: Pulsecytophotometry on bladder-washings. In: Pulse-Cytophotometry III. D. Lutz (ed), pp 11. Møller U, Larsen JK, Frentz G: Experimental studies on stratified squamous keratinizing epithelia by pulse- cytophotometry. In: Pulse-Cytophotometry III. D. Lutz (ed), pp. 343-350. European Press, Ghent, 1978. 12. Christensen I, Hartmann NR, Keiding N, Larsen JK, Noer H, Vindeløv L: Statistical analysis of DNA distributions from cell populations with partial synchrony. In: Pulse-Cytophotometry III. D. Lutz (ed), pp. 71-78. European Press, Ghent, 1978. 13*. Hart Hansen O, Larsen JK, Svendsen LB: Changes in gastric mucosal cell proliferation after antrectomy or vagotomy in man. Scand J Gastroenterol 13: 947-952, 1978. 14. Pedersen T, Larsen JK: Flow-cytometri på blæreskyllevand. Ugeskr Læg 4: 351-355, 1978. 15*. Pedersen T, Larsen JK, Krarup T: Characterization of bladder tumours by flowcytometry on bladder washings. Eur 16*. Møller U, Larsen JK: The circadian variations in the epithelial growth of the hamster cheek pouch. Quantitative analysis of DNA distributions. Cell Tissue Kinet 11: 405-413, 1978. 17*. Larsen JK, Nielsen O: Flowcytometrical evaluation of the DNA distribution in isolated pancreatic islets from normal and diabetic mice. J Histochem Cytochem 27: 410-412, 1979. 18*. Møller U, Larsen JK: DNA flowcytometry on isolated keratinized epithelia. A methodological study based on ultrasonic tissue disaggregation. Cell Tissue Kinet 12: 203-212, 1979. 19. Hart Hansen O, Larsen JK, Svendsen LB: Gastrin, the vagus and gastric mucosal cell proliferation in man. In: Gastrins and the vagus; Rehfeld JF, Amdrup E (eds), pp. 259-262. Academic Press, London, 1979. 20*. Hart Hansen O, Johansen Aa, Larsen JK, Svendsen LB: Cell proliferation in normal and diseased gastric mucosa. Autoradiography after in vitro continuous labeling with tritiated thymidine. Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand, Sect A, 87: 217-222, 1979. 21. Christensen I, Møller U, Larsen JK: The choice of model for deconvolution of DNA distributions measured by flow cytometry. In: Flow Cytometry IV. Lærum OD, Lindmo T, Thorud E (eds), pp. 147-151. Universitetsforlaget, Bergen, 1980; and in: Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand Sect A, Suppl 274: 147-151, 1981. 22. Møller U, Larsen JK, Hendel J, Christensen IJ: The cell kinetic effects of methotrexate on the epithelium of the hamster cheek pouch, a circadian dependent effect. In: Flow Cytometry IV. Lærum OD, Lindmo T, Thorud E (eds), pp. 372-376. Universitetsforlaget, Bergen, 1980; and in: Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand Sect A, Suppl 274: 372-376, 1981. 23. Larsen JK, Byskov AG, Grindsted J: Growth and differentiation of fetal mouse gonads in culture studied by flow cytometry on nuclear suspensions. In: Flow Cytometry IV. Lærum OD, Lindmo T, Thorud E (eds), pp. 178-182. Universitetsforlaget, Bergen, 1980; and in: Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand Sect A, Suppl 274: 178-182, 1981. 24. Hart Hansen O, Pedersen T, Svendsen LB, Larsen JK: Gastric mucosal cell proliferation in duodenal ulcer patients. Scand J Gastroenterol, Suppl 63, 15: 89-92, 1980. 25. Lernmark Å, Nielsen DA, Nielsen O, Larsen JK: Light scattering analysis of rodent islet cells. Uppsala Med J 86: 26. Hendel L, Larsen JK, Ammitzbøll T, Asboe-Hansen G: Epithelial cell turnover in the small intestine of psoriatics. In: Psoriasis; Farber EM, Cox AJ, Nall L, Jacobs PH (eds), pp. 331-332. Grune & Stratton, New York, 1982. 27. Westergaard L, Christensen I, Larsen JK, McNatty KP, Frölich M: Follicular health and atresia determined by flow cytomety on aspirated granulosa cells and by steroid content of the follicular fluid. In: Follicular Maturation and Ovulation; Rolland R, van Hall EV, Hillier SG, McNatty KP, Schoemaker I (eds), pp 188-192. Elsevier/North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1982. 28*. Wallevik K, Jensenius J, Larsen JK, Krøll J, Lassota H: An inhibitor of DNA-synthesis, isolated from rat tumor induced ascites. Virchows Arch B Cell Pathol 39: 145-158, 1982. 29*. Westergaard L, McNatty KP, Christensen I, Larsen JK, Byskov AG: Flow cytometric DNA-analysis of granulosa cells aspirated from human ovarian follicles. A new method to distinguish healthy and atretic ovarian follicles. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 55: 693-698, 1982. 30*. Nielsen O, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, Lernmark Å: Flow sorting of mouse pancreatic B-cells by forward and orthogonal light scattering. Cytometry 3: 177-181, 1982. 31*. Søndergaard K, Larsen JK, Møller U, Christensen IJ, Hou-Jensen K: DNA ploidy-characteristics of human malignant melanoma analysed by flow cytometry and compared with histology and clinical course. Virchows Arch B Cell Pathol 42: 43-52, 1983. 32*. Lange Wantzin G, Thomsen K, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, Bruun Rasmussen B: DNA analysis by flow cytometry in lymphomatoid papulosis. Clin Exp Dermatol 8: 505-512, 1983. 33*. Lange Wantzin G, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, Bruun Rasmussen B: Aneuploidy in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Acta Dermatol Venerol 63: 283-289, 1983. 34*. Geisler, Ralfkiær E, Astrup L, Christensen I, Dickmeiss E, Mørk Hansen M, Larsen JK, Petersen J, Plesner T: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia of T cell origin. Clinical variation possibly due to involvement of different T lymphocyte subpopulations. Scand J Haematol 31: 109-121, 1983. 35*. Byskov AG, McNatty KP, Westergaard L, Larsen JK, Grindsted J, Peters H: Abnormal growth of ovarian antral follicles in breast cancer patients. Fertil Steril 40: 73-79, 1983. 36. Geisler C, Mørk Hansen M, Plesner T, Ralfkiær E, Philip P, Larsen JK: Kronisk lymfatisk leukæmi. En oversigt over nyere undersøgelsesmetoder. Ugeskr Læg 146: 265-270, 1984. 37*. Lange Wantzin G; Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, Ralfkiær E, Thomsen K: Early diagnosis of mycosis fungoides by DNA-flow cytometry on skin biopsies. Cancer 54: 1348-1352, 1984. 38*. Krøll J, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ: Tumor-induced growth-inhibitory activity isolated from the Yoshida ascites fluid by extraction with methanol. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 20: 783-790, 1984. 39*. Lange Wantzin G, Thomsen K, Brandrup F, Larsen JK: Lymphomatoid papulosis - development into cutaneous T- cell lymphoma. Arch Dermatol 121: 792-794, 1985. 40*. Hendel L, Larsen JK, Ammitzbøll T, Asboe-Hansen G: A study of cell proliferation kinetics in the small intestinal epithelium of psoriatic patients. Clin Exp Dermatol 9: 329-335, 1984. 41*. Møller U, Keiding N, Larsen JK: The effect of methotrexate on cells in a keratinized epithelium with an active thymidine salvage pathway. Cell Tissue Kinet 17: 497-507, 1984. 42*. Møller U, Larsen JK, Keiding N, Christensen IJ: Circadian-stage dependance of methotrexate in a keratinized epithelium. An in-vivo study using flow cytometry on the hamster cheek pouch epithelium. Cell Tissue Kinet 17: 483-495, 1984. 43. Nielsen HI, Christensen IJ, Larsen JK, Madsen AM, Wallevik K: Formation and loss of tumor cell clones during cultivation of human melanomas, assessed by flow cytometrical DNA analysis. In: Pigment Cell 1985. Bognara J, Klaus SN, Paul E, Schartl M (eds), pp. 493-499. University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 1985. 44*. Lykkesfeldt AE, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, Briand P: Effects of the antioestrogen tamoxifen on the cell cycle kinetics of the human breast cancer cell line, MCF-7. Br J Cancer 49: 717-722, 1984. 45*. Nissen MH, Plesner T, Larsen JK, Olesen BK, Ernst P: Enhanced expression in vivo of HLA-ABC antigens and β- 2-microglobulin on human lymphoid cells induced by human interferon-α in patients with lung cancer. Enhanced expression of class I major histocompatibility antigens prior to treatment. Clin Exp Immunol 59: 327-335, 1985. 46*. Lange Wantzin G, Ralfkiær E, Larsen JK, Thomsen K: Clonal evolution in cutaneous malignant histiocytosis. Clin 47*. Lange Wantzin G, Saxinger WC, Woods A, Larsen JK, Thomsen K, Gallo RC: Human T-cell leukemia virus in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in Denmark. A possible association of HTLV and aneuploidy. Acta Dermato-Venerol 64: 395-399, 1984. 48*. Ralfkiær E, Lange wantzin G, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, Thomsen K: Single cell DNA measurements in benign cutaneous lymphoid infiltrates and in positive patch tests. Br J Derm 112: 253-262, 1985. 49*. Frentz G, Møller U, Larsen JK: DNA flow cytometry on human epidermal tumours. Intra- and intertumour variability in ploidy and proliferative characteristics. Virchows Arch B Cell Pathol 48: 175-183, 1985. 50*. Larsen JK, Frentz G, Møller U, Christensen IJ: A method for flow cytometric cell cycle analysis of normal and psoriatic human epidermis based on a detergent/citric acid technique for suspension of nuclei. Virchows Arch B Cell Pathol 48: 247-259, 1985. 51. Geisler C, Plesner T, Ralfkiær E, Larsen JK, Hansen MM: Cell markers in lymphoproliferative disease. (Letter in) 52*. Ralfkiær E, Lange Wantzin G, Larsen JK, Andersen V, Geisler C, Thomsen K: Sézary syndrome: phenotypic and functional characterization of the neoplastic cells. Scand J Haematol 34: 385-393, 1985. 53*. Larsen JK, Munch-Petersen B, Christiansen J, Jørgensen K: Flow cytometric discrimination of mitotic cells: Resolution of M, as well as G1, S, and G2 phase nuclei with mithramycin, propidium iodide, and ethidium bromide after fixation with formaldehyde. Cytometry 7: 54-63, 1986. 54*. Lange Wantzin G, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, Ralfkiær E, Tjalve M, Lund Kofoed M, Thomsen K: Activated and cycling lymphocytes in benign dermal lymphocytic infiltrates including psoriatic skin lesions. Arch Derm Res 278: 92-96, 1985. 55*. Lund Kofoed M, Munch-Petersen B, Larsen JK, Lange Wantzin G: Non-replicative DNA synthesis detected in peripheral lymphocytes from a patient with actinic reticuloid. Photodermatol Clin Exp 3: 158-163, 1986. 56*. Lykkesfeldt AE, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, Briand P: Cell cycle analysis of estrogen stimulated growth of the human breast cancer cell line, MCF-7. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 22: 439-444, 1986. 57*. Larsen JK, Byskov AG, Christensen IJ: Flow cytometry and sorting of meiotic prophase cells of female rabbits. J 58*. Mortensen BT, Hartmann NR, Christensen IJ, Larsen JK, Kristensen T, Wieslander SB, Nissen NI: Synchronization of the human promyelocytic cell line HL 60 by thymidine. Cell Tissue Kinet 19: 351-364, 1986. 59. Lykkesfeldt AE, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ: Cell cycle analysis of estrogen stimulation and anti-estrogen inhibition of growth of the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7. In: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 7 (Suppl): 83-90, 1986. 60*. Svendsen LB, Hart Hansen O, Larsen JK, Pedersen T, Johansen Aa: Effect of cimetidine on gastric mucosal cell proliferation in man. Scand J Gastroenterol 21: 1271-1274, 1986. 61*. Svendsen LB, Hart Hansen O, Larsen JK, Johansen Aa, Stener Jørgensen F: The effect of acetyl salicylic acid and indometacin on cell proliferation kinetics in the human gastric mucosa. Scand J Rheumatol 16: 107-111, 1987. 62*. Vejerslev LO, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, Tommerup N: DNA-aneuploidy in 46,XX hydatidiform moles. Cancer 63*. Stenstrand K, Larsen JK, Wulf HC, Lange Wantzin G: Effects of 254 nm UV irradiation of human lymphocytes in vitro studied on chromosomes, cell cycle phase distribution and cell surface antigens. Photodermatol 4: 36-42, 1987. 64*. Geisler CH, Larsen JK, Plesner T, Hansen M, Hansen MM: Lack of prognostic significance of T-lymphocyte subset counts i B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Eur J Haematol 38: 67-74, 1987. 65*. Svendsen LB, Stener Jørgensen F, Hart Hansen O, Johansen A, Horn T, Larsen JK: Influence of the prostaglandin E1 analogue rioprostil on the human gastric mucosa. Digestion 37: 29-34, 1987. 66*. Nissen MH, Larsen JK, Plesner T, Olesen BK, Ernst P: α-interferon induces enhanced expression of HLA-ABC antigens and β-2-microglobulin in vivo and in vitro in various subsets of human lymphoid cells. Clin Exp Immunol 69: 632-638, 1987. 67. Larsen JK, Christiansen J: Flow cytometric discrimination of mitotic nuclei by forward and orthogonal light scatter. In: Clinical Cytometry and Histometry; Burger G, Ploem JS, Goerttler K (eds), pp. 279-281. Academic Press, London, 1987. 68*. Geisler C, Plesner T, Pallesen G, Skjødt K, Ødum N, Larsen JK: Characterization and expression of the human T cell receptor-T3 complex by monoclonal antibody F101.01. Scand J Immunol 27: 685-696, 1988. 69*. Geisler C, Larsen JK, Plesner T: Identification of alpha beta and gamma delta T cell receptor positive cells. Scand 70*. Lykkesfeldt A, Balslev I, Christensen IJ, Larsen JK, Mølgaard H, Rasmussen BB, Thorpe S, Rose C: DNA ploidy and S-phase fraction in primary breast tumours in relation to prognostic factors and survival for premenopausal patients at high risc for recurrant disease. Acta Oncologica 27: 749-756, 1988. 71*. Geisler C, Larsen JK, Andersen E, Birgens H, Christensen BE, Drivsholm A, Hansen MM, Hokland P, Thorling K, Plesner T: The CLL2-study: preliminary results of flow cytometry immunophenotyping in the first 500 patients. Nouv Rev Fr Hematol 30: 335-337, 1988. 72*. Geisler C, Møller J, Plesner T, Dickmeiss E, Pallesen G, Larsen JK, Jacobsen N, Svejgaard A: Specific depletion of mature T lymphocytes from human bone marrow. Scand J Immmunol 29: 617-625, 1989. 73*. Lange-Vejlsgaard G, Ralfkiær E, Larsen JK, O'Connor N, Thomsen K: Fatal cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in a child with atopic dermatitis. J Amer Acad Dermatol 20: 954-958, 1989. 74*. Sunde L, Vejerslev LO, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, Hansen HE, Mogensen B, Bolund L: Genetically different cell subpopulations in hydatidiform moles. A study of three cases by RFLP-, flow cytometric, cytogenetic, HLA- and morphologic analyses. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 37: 179-192, 1989. 75*. Svendsen LB, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ: Human skin fibroblast in vitro tetraploidy: Flow cytometric DNA assay used to confirm metaphase assay in patients with various colonic diseases. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 39: 245-252, 1989. 76*. Ralfkiaer E, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, Thomsen K, Wantzin GL: DNA analysis by flow cytometry in cutaneous T-cell lymphomas. Brit J Dermatol 120: 597-605, 1989. 77*. Geisler C, Pallesen G, Platz P, Ødum N, Dickmeiss E, Ryder LP, Svejgaard A, Plesner T, Larsen JK, Koch C: Novel primary thymic defect with T lymphocytes expressing gamma delta T cell receptor. J Clin Pathol 42: 705-711, 1989. 78*. Ornvold K, Carstensen H, Christensen L, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ: DNA aneuploidy in sarcoid granuloma. J Clin 79*. Svendsen LB, Thorup J, Larsen JK, Nørgård T, Willumsen H, Hart Hansen O: Association betweeen tumor DNA aneuploidy and in vitro tetraploidy of skin fibroblasts in patients with colorectal neoplasms. Scand J Gastroenterol 24: 755-760, 1989. 80*. Ornvold K, Carstensen H, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, Ralfkiaer E: Flow cytometric DNA analysis of lesions from 18 children with Langerhans cell histiocytosis (Histiocytosis X). Am J Pathol 136: 1301-1307, 1990. 81. Larsen JK: Washless double staining of a nuclear antigen (Ki-67 or bromodeoxyuridine) and DNA in unfixed nuclei. In: Flow Cytometry, Darzynkiewicz Z, Crissman HA (eds). Methods in Cell Biology 33: 227-234, Academic Press, San Diego, USA, 1990. 82. Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, Christiansen J, Mortensen BT: Washless double-staining of nuclear antigen and DNA for flow cytometry. In: Advances in Analytical Cellular Pathology, Burger G, Oberholzer M, Vooijs GP (eds), pp. 99-100, Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, 1990. 83*. Borup-Christensen P, Erb K, Ditzel H, Nielsen B, Larsen JK, Svehag S-E, Jensenius JC: Human-human hybridoma producing monoclonal antibodies against colorectal cancer associated antigens. APMIS 98: 674-684, 1990. 84*. Svendsen LB, Thorup J, Larsen JK, Bülow S, Horn T: Correlation between in vitro tetraploidy in skin fibroblasts and development of sporadic colorectal carcinomas. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 50: 139-148, 1990. 85*. Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, Christiansen J, Mortensen BT: Washless double staining of unfixed nuclei for flow cytometric analysis of DNA and a nuclear antigen (Ki-67 or bromodeoxyuridine). Cytometry 12: 429-437, 1991. 86*. Vejerslev LO, Sunde L, Hansen BF, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, Larsen G: Hydatidiform mole and fetus with normal karyotype: Support of a separate entity. Obstet Gynecol 77: 868-874, 1991. 87*. Geisler CH, Larsen JK, Hansen NE, Hansen MM, Christensen BE, Lund B, Nielsen H, Plesner T, Thorling K, Andersen E, Andersen PK: Prognostic importance of flow cytometric immunophenotyping of 540 consecutive patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood 78: 1795-1802, 1991. 88. Hansen ER, Vejlsgaard GL, Larsen JK, Lisby S, Cooper KD, Thomsen K, Baadsgaard O: Immunoregulation in the skin of patients with cutaneous T cell lymphoma: Evidence for an enhanced functional capacity of CD1+ epidermal cells obtained from involved epidermis relative to uninvolved epidermis. In: Czernielewski JM (ed): Immunological and Pharmacological Aspects of Atopic and Contact Eczema. Pharmacol Skin. Karger, Basel, pp. 48-50, 1991. 89*. Carlsen NLT, Mortensen BT, Andersson PK, Larsen JK, Nielsen OH, Tommerup N: Chromosome abnormalities, cellular DNA content, oncogene amplification and growth pattern in agar culture of human neuroblastomas. Anticancer Res 11: 353-358, 1991. 90*. Carlsen NLT, Ørnvold K, Christensen IJ, Laursen H, Larsen JK: Prognostic importance of DNA flow cytometric, histopathologic and immunohistochemical parameters in neuroblastomas. Virchows Archiv A Pathol Anat 420: 411-418, 1992. 91*. Nylander K, Larsen JK, Larsen J, Clausen H, Bonding N, Dabelsteen E: The ELAM-1 ligand sialosyl-Lex is present on Langerhans cells isolated from stratified epithelium. Exp Dermatol 1: 236-241, 1992. 92. Larsen JK: Cell proliferation: Analysis by flow cytometry. Nouv Rev Fr Hematol 34: 317-335, 1992. 93*. Jensen PØ, Larsen J, Christiansen J, Larsen JK: Flow cytometric measurement of RNA synthesis using bromouridine labelling and bromodeoxyuridine antibodies. Cytometry 14: 455-458, 1993. 94*. Hansen ER, Vejlsgaard GL, Cooper KD, Heidenheim M, Larsen JK, Ho VC, Ross CW, Fox DA, Thomsen K, Baadsgaard O: Leukemic T cells from patients with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma demonstrate enhanced activation through CDw60, CD2 and CD28 relative to activation through the T-cell antigen receptor complex. J Invest Dermatol 100: 667-673, 1993. 95. Jensen PØ, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, Christensen K, Pedersen KM, Gustavsson I: Non-disjunction events evaluated by flow cytometry in cattle and swine. In: Proceedings of 10th European Colloquium on Cytogenetics of Domestic Animals; Bosma AA (ed), pp 104-108, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1993. 96*. Strange P, Cooper KD, Hansen ER, Fisher G, Larsen JK, Fox D, Krag C, Voorhees JJ, Baadsgaard O: T- lymphocyte clones initiated from lesional psoriatic epidermis release growth factors that induce keratinocyte proliferation. J Invest Dermatol 101: 695-700, 1993. 97*. Jensen PØ, Larsen J, Larsen JK: Flow cytometric measurement of RNA synthesis based on bromouridine labelling and combined with measurement of DNA content or cell surface antigen. Acta Oncol 32: 521-524, 1993. 98. Larsen JK: Flowcytometeret - Flowcytometri med intracellulære markører. In: 1) Celledyrkning - En praktisk håndbog i dyrkning af mammale celler; Kielberg V, Brünner N, Briand P (eds), Chapters 15.1-2, Foreningen af Danske Lægestuderendes Forlag, København, 1994, pp 231-242. 2) Cellodling - En praktisk handbok i odling av mammalieceller; AB Labassco Förlag, Göteborg, 1994. 3) Celledyrkning - En praktisk håndbog i dyrkning af mammale celler, 2. uændrede udgave. Gad, København, 2001. 99. Larsen JK: Principles, capacity and limitations of immunofluorescent flow-sorting of rare cell species. In: Hematopoietic Stem Cells: The Mulhouse Manual; Wunder E, Sovalat H, Henon P, Serke S (eds). AlphaMed Press, Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A., 1994, pp 133-140. 100*. Balslev I, Christensen IJ, Rasmussen BB, Larsen JK, Lykkesfeldt AE, Thorpe SM, Rose C, Briand P, Mouridsen HT: Flow cytometric DNA ploidy defines patients with poor prognosis in node-negative breast cancer. Int J Cancer 56: 16-25, 1994. 101*. Jensen PØ, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, van Erp PEJ: Discrimination of bromodeoxyuridine labelled and unlabelled mitotic cells in flow cytometric bromodeoxyuridine/DNA analysis. Cytometry 15: 154-161, 1994. 102*. Pedersen L, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, Lykkesfeldt A, Holck S, Schiødt T: DNA ploidy and S-phase fraction in medullary carcinoma of the breast - A flow cytometric study using archival material. Breast Cancer Res Treat 29: 297-306, 1994. 103. Larsen JK: Measurement of cytoplasmic and nuclear antigens. In: Flow cytometry - A practical approach, 2nd edition; Ormerod MG (ed). Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994, pp 93-117. 104*. Skouv J, Jensen PØ, Forchhammer J, Larsen JK, Lund LR: Tumor promoting phorbol ester transiently down- modulates the p53 level and blocks the cell cycle. Cell Growth & Differentiation 5: 329-340, 1994. 105. Larsen JK: 'Washless' procedures for nuclear antigen detection. In: Flow Cytometry, 2nd edition, Part A; Darzynkiewicz Z, Robinson JP, Crissman HA (eds). Methods in Cell Biology, Academic Press, San Diego, USA, Vol 41, pp 377-388, 1994. 106*. Hansen ER, Bang B, Larsen JK, Vejlsgaard GL, Baadsgaard O: In cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, class II MHC molecules on CD1+ antigen-presenting cells are upregulated in involved compared with uninvolved epidermis. Brit J Dermatol 131: 780-788, 1994. 107. Jensen PØ, Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, Christensen K, Pedersen KM, Gustavsson I: Non-disjunction events and Y Chromosome size variation evaluated by flow cytometry of sperm cells from cattle and swine. In: Proceedings of 11th European Colloquium on Cytogenetics of Domestic Animals; Christensen K (ed), Royal Vet. & Agric. University, Frederiksberg, Denmark, 1994, pp 66-70. 108. Skouv J, Lund LR, Jensen PØ, Larsen JK, Forchhammer J: p53 may be involved in the action of tumor promoters. In: Proceedings of the XVI International Cancer Congress, New Delhi, October 30 - November 5, 1994; Rao RS, Deo MG, Sanghvi LD, Mittra I (eds), Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, 1994, pp 159-163. 109*. Ottesen GL, Christensen IJ, Larsen JK, Christiansen J, Hansen B, Andersen JA: DNA analysis of in situ ductal carcinoma of the breast via flow cytometry. Cytometry (Communications in Clinical Cytometry) 22: 168-176, 1995. 110*. Ottesen GL, Christensen IJ, Larsen JK, Hansen B, Andersen JA: Flow cytometric DNA analysis of breast cancers with predominance of carcinoma in situ. A comparison of the premalignant and malignant component. Clin Cancer Res 1: 881-888, 1995. 111*. Larsen JK, Christensen IJ, Kieler J: Cell cycle perturbation by sodium butyrate in tumorigenic and non-tumorigenic human urothelial cell lines assessed by flow cytometric bromodeoxyuridine/DNA analysis. Cell Prolif 28: 359-371, 1995. 112*. Ottesen GL, Christensen IJ, Larsen JK, Kerndrup GB, Hansen B, Andersen JA: DNA aneuploidy in early breast 113*. Ottesen GL, Christensen IJ, Larsen JK, Hansen B, Andersen JA: Tissue disaggregation for flow cytometric DNA analysis: A comparison of fine-needle aspiration and an automated mechanical procedure. Cytometry (Communications in Clinical Cytometry) 26: 65-68, 1996. 114*. Larsen JK, Møller U, Christensen IJ, Christiansen J: Circadian variation of DNA replication in hamster cheek pouch epithelium analysed by tritiated thymidine labelling, flow sorting and autoradiography: No resting S phase cells in the normal epithelium. Cell Proliferation 29: 61-71, 1996. 115*. Geisler CH, Hou-Jensen K, Jensen OM, Tinggaard-Pedersen N, Hansen MM, Hansen NE, Holm M, Christensen BE, Drivsholm A, Nielsen JB, Thorling K, Andersen E, Larsen JK, Andersen PK, for the Danish CLL Study Group: The bone-marrow infiltration pattern in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia is not an important prognostic factor. Eur J Haematol 57: 292-300, 1996. 116*. Ottesen GL, Christensen IJ, Larsen JK, Larsen J, Christiansen J, Baldetorp B, Linden T, Hansen B, Andersen JA: DNA ploidy analysis in breast cancer. Comparison of unfixed and fixed tissue analyzed by image and flow cytometry. Anal Quant Cytol Histol 19: 413-422, 1997. 117*. Skov L, Chan LS, Fox DA, Larsen JK, Voorhees JJ, Cooper KD, Baadsgaard O: Lesional psoriatic T cells contain the capacity to induce a T cell activation molecule CDw60 on normal keratinocytes. Am J Pathol 150: 675-683, 1997. 118*. Geisler CH, Philip P, Christensen BE, Hou-Jensen K, Pedersen NT, Jensen OM, Thorling K, Andersen E, Birgens HS, Drivsholm A, Ellegaard J, Larsen JK, Plesner T, Brown P, Andersen PK, Hansen MM: In B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia chromosome 17 abnormalities and not trisomy 12 are the single most important cytogenetic abnormalities for the prognosis: a cytogenetic and immunophenotypic study of 480 unselected newly diagnosed patients. Leukemia Res 21: 1011-1023, 1997. 119*. Jensen PØ, Mortensen BT, Christensen IJ, Larsen JK: Immediate bromodeoxyuridine labelling of unseparated human bone marrow cells ex vivo is superior to labelling after routine laboratory processing. Cell Prolif 31: 1-7, 1998. 120*. Sorensen M, Sehested M, Christensen IJ, Larsen JK, Jensen PB: Low-level resistance to camptothecin in a human small-cell lung cancer cell line without reduction in DNA topoisomerase I or drug-induced cleavable complex formation. Brit J Cancer 77: 2152-2161, 1998. 121*. Mortensen BT, Jensen PØ, Helledie N, Iversen PO, Ralfkiær E, Larsen JK, Madsen MT: Changing bone marrow micro-environment during development of acute myeloid leukemia in rats. Brit J Haematol 102: 458-464, 1998. 122*. Jensen AM, Lladó MB, Skov L, Hansen ER, Larsen JK, Baadsgaard O: Calcipotriol inhibits the proliferation of hyperproliferative CD29 positive keratinocytes in psoriatic epidermis in the absence of an effect on the function and number of antigen-presenting cells. Brit J Dermatol 139: 984-991, 1998. 123*. Flyger H, Larsen JK, Nielsen HJ, Christensen IJ: DNA ploidy in colorectal cancer, heterogeneity within and between tumors and relation to survival. Cytometry (Communications in Clinical Cytometry) 38: 293-300, 1999. 124*. Larsen J, Kirchhoff M, Rose H, Gerdes T, Maahr J, Lundsteen C, Larsen JK: Improved sensitivity in comparative genomic hybridization analysis of DNA heteroploid cell mixtures after pre-enrichment of subpopulations by fluorescence activated cell sorting. 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Source: http://www.j-k-larsen.dk/JKL-arbejde/JKLPUB100a.pdf

Candida self analysis:

Candida Self Analysis: It is estimated that over 90% of the U.S. population has some degree of Candida overgrowth. What is Candida albicans? It is yeast organism that normally lives in your mouth, on your skin and in your intestinal tract. If you are a female, it can also live in your vagina. In a normal healthy body, the immune system and the “friendly bacteria” that inhabit the intes

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