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Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in unipolar
Munish Aggarwal, Sandeep Grover, Subho Chakrabarti, Alakananda Dutt, Ajit Avasthi, Parmanand Kulhara Abstract Background: Metabolic syndrome is a risk factor for the development of coronary heart disease and type -2 diabetes mellitus. Depression and diabetes share a two way relationship. Only a few studies have evaluated the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in depression and there is none from India. Aim: To study the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients with unipolar depression. Methods: A total of 166 patients diagnosed with unipolar depression were evaluated for the presence of metabolic syndrome according to International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and National Cholesterol Education Program Third Adult Treatment Panel (NCEP-ATP III) criteria. Results: Of the total sample, 41.6% and 44% of patients had metabolic syndrome according to IDF and NCEP-ATP III criteria respectively. Increased waist circumference (69%) was the most common abnormality followed by hypertension (51%). Abnormal fasting blood glucose was the least common abnormality (28.9%). Metabolic syndrome was found to be higher in subjects who were older and had higher BMI. No significant association was found between the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and type of antidepressant used. On regression analysis, high BMI was found to be strongest predictor of development of metabolic syndrome. Conclusion: Monitoring of BMI, waist circumference and blood pressure can be helpful for early detection of metabolic syndrome. Key words: Metabolic syndrome, depression, prevalence Introduction
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of
development of diabetes and poor glycemic
disorders/risk factors which include obesity,
controls in those with preexisting diabetes.3
dyslipidaemia, insulin insensitivity, deranged
Studies have shown that metabolic syndrome
glucose metabolism and hypertension. It is of
and its various components, especially central
obesity and dyslipidemia are predictors of
metabolic risk factors are associated with
depressive symptoms.4,5 Similarly studies in
cerebrovascular disease, as well as type-2
abnormalities of lipid profile,4,8-11 higher
diabetes mellitus.1,2 Depression and metabolic
prevalence of obesity and increased waist
syndr ome share a two way relationship.
circumference4,6 and hypertension.11,12 It issuggested that presence of obesity and other
Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour : 2012; 17(1)
15 Aggarwal et al : Prevalence of Metabolic syndrome in Unipolar Depression : An exploratory study
markers of metabolic syndrome can promote a
chronic, sub acute state of inflammation.13 This
To be included in the study, the patients
were required to be 18 years or above, of either
dysregulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-
gender and diagnosed with a depressive disorder
adrenal (HPA) axis which can produce a state
(first episode or recurrent depressive disorder
similar to that of depression.14,15 It is also
according to ICD-10).26 Patients were selected
suggested that presence of central obesity (i.e.,
by purposive random sampling, i.e., a random
increased waist circumference) may be the key
table was generated using SPPS (3:2 ratios in
mediator or pathogenic factor responsible for
favour of inclusion into the study) and the
higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome in
patients were allocated to the inclusion or
diagnosed with first episode or recurrent
metabolic syndrome in subjects with depression
to vary from 30.4% to 48.8%.6,16,17 Studies also
sampling, of which 20 declined to participate.
suggest that depression increases the risk of
Of the remaining 250 patients, a study sample
of 166 patients was selected on the basis of pre-
folds.18-20 The prevalence of metabolic syndrome
generated randomization number table.
in subjects with depression was not influenced
using both International Diabetes Federation
episodes, age at first episode and presence of a
(IDF) criteria and modified National Cholesterol
Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III
However, there is lack of data from eastern
(NCEP ATP-III) criteria (see box 1). NCEP ATP-
countries like India. There are occasional studies
III criteria has been modified for Asians and
accordingly the waist circumference criteria for
depressive disorders in patients of hyper-
Asians is restricted to >90 cm for males and >
tension23 and diabetes mellitus24. There is one
80 for females (in contrast to NCEP ATP-III
study which has evaluated the prevalence of
where the cut-off is 102 cm and 88 cm for males
various subcomponents of metabolic syndrome
and females respectively). IDF also defines
in depressed patients. In a small sample study
metabolic syndrome by using similar cutoffs for
(n=30), Das et al25 reported significant elevation
various components and requires presence of 3
of serum total cholesterol in depressed patients
components but the waist circumference criteria
significance of these findings persisted even
after controlling for various confounders. In the
abnormalities (i.e. metabolic syndrome, or any
same study, authors reported that patients with
specific abnormality like hypertension, raised
severe depression had higher body mass index.
blood sugar, dyslipidemia) were informed,
However, there is lack of data with regard to
educated about the need for proper diet and
prevalence of metabolic syndrome in depressed
regular exercise, and were referred for specialist
subjects from India. In this background, the
present study aimed at assessing prevalence ofmetabolic syndrome in subjects with depression
All the eligible patients were approached
Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour : 2012; 17(1)
Aggarwal et al : Prevalence of Metabolic syndrome in Unipolar Depression : An exploratory study
Mean and standard deviation were calculated
Box 1: Metabolic syndrome: Modified
for continuous variables. Frequencies with
NCEP-ATP-III criteria
percentages were calculated for nominal and
A minimum of 3 out of the following 5 criteria:
ordinal variables. Chi-Square and t-tests were
(a) high waist circumference (> 80 cm for females
used for comparisons, and a binary logistic
(b) systolic blood pressure e” 130 and/or diastolic
influence of independent variables on presence
(c) triglyceride levels >150 mg/dl (or on treatment
(d) HDL cholesterol < 40 mg/dl for male and <50
mg/dl for females (or on treatment for this
The socio-demographic and clinical profile
(e) Fasting blood sugar more than 110 mg/dl (or
of patients is shown in table 1. Selective
on treatment for diabetes mellitus).
Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) as a
and explained about the purpose of the study.
antidepressants, while venlafaxine was the most
details of all the subjects were recorded in
structured formats. Body weight was measured
antipsychotic agent, olanzapine (n=9) and
in kilograms (kg) and height was measured in
risperidone (n=7) being the commonest. Only
centimeters (cm) by a calibrated scale and the
one subject received augmentation with lithium.
Body mass index (BMI) was calculated from
the above information. Waist circumference wasmeasured in centimeters (cm), at a point midway
between the inferior costal margin and the
fulfilled the modified NCEP-ATP III criteria for
superior iliac crest, at the end of normal
metabolic syndrome and 41.6% (N=69) subjects
expiration while standing. Standard mercury
fulfilled IDF criteria. Among the metabolic
manometer was used to measure blood pressure
syndrome criteria, waist circumference was the
(BP) in supine position. Two readings at 5-
most common criteria (69%) followed by high
minute intervals were recorded and if high blood
blood pressure or preexisting hypertension
pressure (e”130/85) was noted in one of the
(51.2%) and low HDL levels (45.8%). Abnormal
readings, then a third reading was taken after
fasting blood glucose level was the least
30 minutes; the lowest of these readings was
common abnormality seen (28.9%). Besides 73
included for analysis. Fasting venous blood
patients having metabolic syndrome, another 51
sample was collected under aseptic condition
patients (30.7%) fulfilled 2 criteria of metabolic
to estimate fasting blood sugar (FBS), serum
triglycerides (TGA) and serum high density
satisfied at least 1 criterion of metabolic
There was no difference in the prevalence
of MS between male and female patients.
However, in terms of various subcomponents
(Chicago, Illinois, USA) was used for analysis.
Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour : 2012; 17(1)
17 Aggarwal et al : Prevalence of Metabolic syndrome in Unipolar Depression : An exploratory studyTable 1:Socio-demographic and clinical profile of patients (N=166)
As shown in table 4, compared to patients
Variable Mean±SD/ Frequency (%)
belonged to urban locality, were less frequently
Age (years)
receiving sertraline, more frequently had higher
Education (years) Total duration of illness
groups of medications received were analyzed
(in months)
in terms of dose, duration and cumulative
medication exposure (dose x duration of intake),
as shown in table 5, no significant differences
Marital status
was seen for duration, dose or cumulative dose
of serteraline, escitalopram and venlafaxine,
which were the major medication groups in the
Occupation Working/Household work Religion Hindu
Binary logistic regression analysis was used
to assess the predictors of metabolic syndrome. Family type
All variables which had statistically significant
difference in the comparison analysis were
considered. As shown in table 6, metabolic
syndrome was significantly predicted by marital
status, urban locality and higher BMI. Among
Antidepressants Sertraline
the various components of metabolic syndrome,
triglyceride levels, raised blood pressure, high
fasting glucose levels and low high density
lipoproteins levels had the least predictive value. Antipsychotics Discussion Mood stabilizers
To our knowledge, this is the first study
from India which has evaluated the prevalence
triglyceride levels were more prevalent in males
of metabolic syndrome in patients of depressive
compared to females, whereas lower HDL levels
disorders. It is important to understand the
and higher waist circumference levels were
relationship between depression and risk for the
Table-3 provides details of mean values of
depression predicts future risk for heart disease.7
pressure, lipid profile and fasting blood glucose
representative of depressed patients seen in our
Relationship of Metabolic syndrome to
set up25,27 and other parts of India.28 The lipid
sociodemographic variables, anthropometry18
Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour : 2012; 17(1)
Aggarwal et al : Prevalence of Metabolic syndrome in Unipolar Depression : An exploratory studyTable 2: Metabolic parameters Variable Total sample Chi-square value (p)
Abnormal BP (>130//>85) or diagnosed
TG levels > 150 mg or on lipid lowering agents
FBG levels >100 mg % or diagnosed as DM
(>90 cm for males and >80 cm for females)
BP – Blood pressure; DM – Diabetes mellitus; FBG – Fasting blood glucose; HDL – High density lipoprotein; HTN –
Hypertension; MetS – Metabolic syndrome; TG – Triglycerides; WC – Waist circumference
Table-3: Mean values of various anthropometric measures, blood pressure, lipid profile and fasting blood glucose levels Variable Mean ±SD
High density lipoprotein (HDL) levels (mg/dl)
profile of the patients included in the present
finding is in the range of prevalence rate reported
study is also comparable to the lipid profile
in previous studies from the West. 6,16,17 When
reported for depressed patients in one of the
we compare the findings of the present study
with a community-based study in our catchment
area, the prevalence rates of metabolic syndrome
the present study was found to be 42-44%. This
[35.8% (NCEP ATP III), 45.3% (modified NCEP
Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour : 2012; 17(1)
19 Aggarwal et al : Prevalence of Metabolic syndrome in Unipolar Depression : An exploratory studyTable-4: Comparison of patients with and without metabolic syndrome as per modified NCEP-ATP-III Variable Subjects with Subjects t-test/ Chi-square MetS (N=73) without MetS Mean ± SD/ (N=93) Mean±SD/ Frequency (%) Frequency (%)
4 subjects received combination of antidepressants (two in each group); Only one subject not fulfilling the criteria for
metabolic syndrome had received lithium (no other subject received any other mood stabilizer)
Table-5: Comparison of patients with and without metabolic syndrome Variable Subjects with Subjects without Mann-Whitney MetS Mean ± SD/ MetS Mean ± SD Serteraline Escitalopram Venlafaxine
ATP III) and 39.5% (IDF criteria)] is more or
less equal to the findings of the general
population. 29 However, it must be remembered
that in this study patients were not screened for
depression and it is possible that some of these
Increased waist circumference was the most
patients may be having depression and other
common abnormality seen in the present study,
Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour : 2012; 17(1)
Aggarwal et al : Prevalence of Metabolic syndrome in Unipolar Depression : An exploratory studyTable-6: Simple binary logistic regression analysis showing predictors of metabolic syndrome as per NCEP-ATP III criteria Confidence interval
(> 90 cm for males & >80 cmfor females)Abnormal BP (>130//>85) or
diagnosed as having hypertensionTG levels >150 mg or on lipid
<50 mg F) or on lipidlowering agentsFBG levels >100 mg % or
this was followed by higher blood pressure. This
Taken together findings of the present study
is in keeping with previous studies which have
and literature suggest that it is important to study
In the present study, certain differences
components of metabolic syndrome, BMI more
than 25 was the strongest predictor of metabolic
subcomponents of metabolic syndrome among
syndrome and similar association has also been
reported earlier.31Thus, it is logical to assume
significantly higher prevalence of raised blood
pressure and raised triglyceride levels, whereas
fema le patients had significantly higher
prevalence of raised waist circumference and
variables, urban locality emerged as a significant
lower high density lipoprotein levels. Higher
predictor of metabolic syndrome. This finding
prevalence of increased waist circumference in
is line with that reported by Ravikiran et al, 29
female depressed patients is supported by the
which evaluated the prevalence of metabolic
findings from the West30. Studies from the West
syndrome in Indian setting. This could be due
also support the finding of higher prevalence of
to the life style and dietary factors. Studies from
the West suggest that metabolic syndrome is
depressed women,4,6,18 but the findings of higher
findings of the present study do not support the
triglyceride levels in males is in contradiction
Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour : 2012; 17(1)
21 Aggarwal et al : Prevalence of Metabolic syndrome in Unipolar Depression : An exploratory study
factor for diabetes. Expert Rev Cardiovasc
syndrome, it was seen that increased waist
circumference had the highest predictive value.
The predictive value of abnormal triglyceride
levels and high blood pressure was nearly same.
total and cardiovascular disease mortality
antidepressant medications was small, findings
of the present study suggest that antidepressants
have no influence on the prevalence of various
diabetic patients: the relationship between
metabolic syndrome per se. This is in agreement
present study namely a cross-sectional design
and lack of healthy control group. Although we
comorbidities, the data were not recorded for
comorbidities. Similarly, data for drug abuse
were not recorded. The relationship between the
severity of illness, residual symptoms, treatment
refractoriness and life style and prevalence of
MS was also not studied. Future studies should
depressive symptoms: a population-based 7-
To conclude, the present study reveals that
depressive disorder have metabolic syndrome.
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Metabolic syndrome in unipolar depression is
Philpot B, Laatikainen T, Kilkkinen A, et
predicted by urban locality and higher BMI.
Higher body mass index had the highest odds
components of MS, higher waist circumference
and high blood pressure were present more
frequently than other components and high
predictive value for full metabolic syndrome.
depression and the metabolic syndrome.
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Source of Funding: Nil Conflict of interest: None declared Munish Aggarwal, Senior Resident Sandeep Grover, Assistant Professor Subho Chakrabarti, Professor Alakananda Dutt, Formerly Senior Resident Ajit Avasthi, Professor Parmanand Kulhara, Professor Department of Psychiatry, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh - 160012, India Correspondence to: Dr Sandeep Grover, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh-160012, India Email: drsandeepg [email protected] 24
Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour : 2012; 17(1)
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