When you pick up your next prescription, you
expenses by controlling the market for that
may be told a generic equivalent was substituted
specifi c drug over a set amount of time. Once
for the brand name drug. You may ask yourself,
the patent of the brand name drug has expired,
“What exactly is a generic?” and “Is this just as
other manufacturers are allowed to enter the
good as the brand?” A “generic” is a medication
market with their generic product. Because
that has the same active ingredient as the brand
these manufacturers can skip the research
name drug, but costs less. With patents on brand
step and move right into manufacturing, they
How a Generic Drug
name drugs expiring every year, the number of
realize signifi cant savings that they pass on to
Comes to Market
generics on the market will keep increasing. the patient. In addition, the added competition
This means savings for you! Understanding the
between generic manufacturers further drives
facts about these medications is important, as
there are many misconceptions about them. Are there any differences between brand What are generics? name and generic drugs? Brand Manufacturer
According to the Food and Drug Administration
Generics may look different than brand name
Formulation of
(FDA), generic drugs have the same active drugs, but they still contain the same active
ingredient(s); dosage form (pill, cream, etc.); ingredient. There can be very small differences
method of administration; and overall effect in the amount of active ingredient, but the
as the brand name drug. Brand name drug FDA puts limits on the variations. This small
companies are awarded a patent for their new
difference is not enough to cause a different
Patent on Brand Drug
idea by the U.S. Patent offi ce. Having the patent
effect in the body. Consider baking a batch of
means the company is the only one allowed to
cookies. You can follow a recipe closely, but
make and market that specifi c drug while the not every cookie will look exactly the same even
patent is active. When the patent for the brand
Marketing Brand Drug
name drug expires, other drug companies can
The FDA has indicated that certain drugs
make and sell the generic version of the brand
called “narrow therapeutic index drugs” (i.e.
Patent Expires
phenytoin, warfarin, digoxin, cyclosporine,
Generic Manufacturers Why do generics cost less?
zidovudine, lithium carbonate, and theophylline)
Brand name drug companies pay millions require as little variance as possible to get the
of dollars over many years researching, best effects from them. Just a small difference
Can Now Make the Brand Drug
formulating, and marketing a new drug product.
in the amount of active ingredient can change
They are allowed to make up some of these how these drugs work in your body. If you are
Savings to You!
taking a narrow therapeutic index drug, do not
the pharmacy and talk to your pharmacist if your
How do I get generics prescribed to me? I have seen some pharmacies advertise $4
Your doctor can determine whether or not a generics. Are all generic drugs on this list?
generic can be substituted for the brand name
No. Although a brand name drug may have a
drug. Be sure to ask your pharmacist if a generic
generic, it does not guarantee that the generic
product has been substituted for the brand name
will be $4. Check out your pharmacy’s specifi c
conditions for more information on what is on
What if my generic drugs look different from the last time I picked them up?
More than likely your prescription was fi lled
alternatives to brand name drugs. They contain
with the same generic drug but from a different
the same active ingredient and meet standards
generic drug manufacturer. These generic set by the FDA to ensure that the overall effect
products will have the same active ingredient, of the drug is the same as the brand. They can
but the appearance of the medication itself may
also save you money! So the next time you go
vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Always
to the pharmacy, take the time to look at your
look at the contents of the bottle before leaving
medication and talk to your pharmacist if you
have any questions regarding the generic that
The following brands are expected to have generic equivalents available within the next twelve months. Talk to your doctor about switching from brand to generic if you currently take one of these medications.Brand Name Brand Name (Manufacturer) Available (Manufacturer) Available
Director-General's Statement Under Section 98 of the Medicines A. http://www.moh.govt.nz/moh.nsf/0/3711B8F68E771F8FCC257. Media Release 1 March 2006 Director-General's Statement Under Section 98 of the Medicines Act 1981 Director-General of Health Dr Karen Poutasi is today warning people against taking two herbal products after testing revealed they contained undeclared prescripti
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