He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix
Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca
Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.
July 2002 product reviews
flected power and SWR simultaneously.
stances you’ll be concerned with average
test gear you’ll ever own is your watt-
power, leaving it up to you to “ask” for
do an adequate job in this department.
the output of your transceiver and adjust
a calibration knob. Other wattmeters dis-
at 2, 14, 28, 50 and, for those meters with
it accordingly. A wattmeter can alert you
play only forward or reflected power—
curacy tests were conducted at 5, 100 and
power at a particular point. With the for-
reading. That is, they can display power
levels that are present at extremely brief
wattmeter to calculate feed line loss—just
SSB signal that can have a relatively low
compare the power at the input of the feed
average power, but include numerous
bursts of higher peak power that exist for
are not laboratory-grade meters. Al-
ers include wattmeters, but these are tied
meters: active and passive. The active
brated ARRL Lab equipment, it isn’t fair
stalled. In contrast, a stand-alone wattme-
wattmeters sample peak power levels elec-
to expect the same level of performance.
If you require extreme accuracy, you have
nient when you’re trying to troubleshoot
take a measurement at the feedpoint of an
can tolerate reasonable accuracy; you
guess, active wattmeters provide the most
don’t need to split hairs at tiny fractions
accurate peak-power readings. In most in-
stacked scales and a single meter movement
lighted, but you have to supply an external12-V power source (Diamond includes the
200 you have to use the front-panel switches
to jump between forward power, reflectedpower and SWR functions as necessary. The
SX-200 is a passive peak-reading meter with
a switch to select either average or peak-
power modes. To measure SWR, you mustfirst calibrate the SX-200 in the calibrate
control, then switch to the SWR mode. TheSX-200 specifies a frequency range of 1.8
desktop meter, the SX-200 measures 6 × 2
one of the heftier meters of the bunch.
quite good in our Lab tests, but the for-ward power accuracy could have beenbetter. From a user standpoint, we foundthe need to frequently change switch set-tings a little cumbersome. The meter isruggedly built, however, with a sleek, at-tractive appearance. Manufacturer: Diamond Antenna, 435
tel 760-744-0900; www.rfparts.com/ diamond/. $99.95. DIAMOND SX-20C
button selects average or peak power dis-
× 35/16 × 33/4 inches) designed to be as gedly built as the Diamond SX-200. In plays. The frequency range of the“hands off” as possible. The SX-20C is
intended for mobile use, but it works just
housed in a 41/2 × 31/4 × 31/4-inch alumi-
Manufacturer: Diamond Antenna, 435
num case. The display is illuminated and,
other (the so-called “cross needle meter”
92069; tel 760-744-0900; www.rfparts. com/diamond/. $89.95.
12-V dc “wall wart” supply to power the
Frequency Range: 3.5-150 MHzPower Range(s): 30/300 WPEP Measurement: None
Actual Forward Power (Average only)Frequency (MHz)From July 2002 QST ARRL PALSTAR WM150
Palstar states that the meter is not specifi-
Frequency Range: 1.8-150 MHzPower Range(s): 300/3000 W
cally designed for accuracy above 50 MHz.
45356; 937-773-6255; www.palstarinc. com/. $89.95. DAIWA CN-101L
the cross-needle meter design more than20 years ago, and it has been showing up
101L is a desktop meter with three switch
selectable power levels: 15, 150 and 1500W. The frequency range is 1.8 to 150
was 1.7:1 (2.5:1 indicated onmeter), possibly affecting
unit requires more than 5 Wfor proper operation.
requiring external power isused. “Passive” indicates a
peak envelope power (PEP). The CN-101L isn’t well designed for peak powermeasurement, and the manual says asmuch (see the note in the data table).
pany, 60 9th Floor, TOC Building, 22-17-7 chome, Nishi-Gotanda Shinagawa-ku,Tokyo, Japan. Available from several US
dealers. Typical street price $94.75. DAIWA CN-410M
Power Range(s): 15/150/1500 WPEP Measurement: Passive†
that also features Daiwa’s famous cross-
pleasant experience in the shack as well. The CN-410M is designed for operation
(peak or average). The CN-410M comeswith a mobile mounting bracket. Accord-
3 W, but this aspect of its performancewas not tested.
CN-410M has been discontinued. How-ever, this meter is still quite popular at
hamfest fleamarkets and on-line auctions.
*According to the CN-101L manual, “For monitoring PEP, a condensor is placed into
detector circuit. This function can not hold peak envelope power.”
but we noticed that its accuracy declined at
†For PEP monitoring, “Active” indicates that a circuit requiring external power is used.
the high end of its range. Also, on 2 meters,
“Passive” indicates a circuit that requires only RF.
‡Amplifiers for 6 meters or 2 meters were not available at the time of testing.
a significant figure at this frequency. From July 2002 QST ARRL MFJ ENTERPRISES MFJ-860
Frequency Range: 1.8-54 MHzPower Range(s): 30/300 WPEP Measurement: None
Actual Forward Power (Average/Peak)Frequency (MHz)DAIWA CN-410M
Actual Forward Power (Average only)Frequency (MHz)Note *SWR on input was 2:1 at 100 W on 144 MHz, so test was not
dealers. Typical street price $98.75.
and at 5 × 31/2 × 5 inches it is the largest
meter tested for this review. A Lexan face
varied considerably according to thepower level and frequency. SWR accu-racy was fair. Manufacturer: Vectronics, 300 Indus-
trial Park Rd, Starkville, MS 39759; 800-363-2922; www.vectronics.com/. VECTRONICS PM-30
Frequency Range: 1.8-60 MHzPower Range(s): 300/3000 W
wattmeter in this group. At about 41/2 ×
31/2 × 21/2 inches, it is also among the
smallest. It sports the convenient cross-
readings. In fact, the only switch on the
two power ranges: 30 and 300 W. TheMFJ-860 is average-reading only. The
was surprisingly accurate. Its insertionloss was also acceptable and well within
related to the small size of the meter dis-play itself. It can be difficult to read un-
†For PEP monitoring, “Active” indicates that a circuit requiring external power is used.
“Passive” indicates a circuit that requires only RF.
‡Amplifiers for 6 meters or 2 meters were not available at the time of testing.
674-1800; www.mfjenterprises.com/. $44.95. From July 2002 QST ARRL
Next Page Project Management underpinning success in the biopharmaceutical industry G.O Regester, E. Johnstone, S. Milner GroPep Limited, PO Box 10065 Adelaide SA, 5000 Corresponding Author : Dr G. Regester, Project Management Office, GroPep Limited, PO Box 10065, Adelaide, South Australia 5000. Email : [email protected] Summary : Once the domain of construction a
Lieven Saerens Lieven Saerens studeerde geschiedenis aan de KU Leuven, waar hij in 1999 promoveerde tot doctor in degeschiedenis met een proefschrift over de houding van de Antwerpenaars tegenover de Joden in de periode1880-1944. Voor zijn proefschrift ontving hij zowel de Hubert Pierlot-prijs als de Prijs van de ProvincieAntwerpen. Hij werkte in de jaren 1980 een aantal maal mee aan de BRT-uit