He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix
Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca
Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.
0610_11_march 28.indd
Reserved Bicycle Parking Request Agreement Instructions: 1. Complete and return to Customer Service Centre at Union Station or mail to: For Offi ce Use Only
GO Transit, Reserved Parking, 140 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2L5Upon acceptance of your application, GO Transit shall provide a copy of this Reserved Bicycle Parking
Space no. (assigned by GO Transit)
Request Agreement to you by mail, along with confi rmation of your Reserved Bicycle Parking location, effective date of availability, and instructions on how to pick up your access key fob.
2. GO Transit shall have the right, exercisable in GO Transit’s sole discretion, to reject any application. Effective Date:
3. All Reserved Bicycle Parking Requests are for a period of one year. Applications must be received at the
Customer Service Desk at Union Station three weeks before the commencement of the agreement. Date required:
4. Fill out all required information including a valid e-mail address account. 5. Read the Terms & Conditions on the back of this form – it contains important information regarding your
rights and obligations. For further information see our Reserved Bicycle Parking FAQ’s at www.gotransit.com under “Get To and From GO” then “Bicycle”.
6. Don’t forget to sign this form. Please return all 3 copies. Faxes or PDF fi les are NOT accepted * E-mail ad dress - Must be completed for the credit card payment option
Bicycle description(s): List up to 3 bicycles. E.g. “Red CCM mountain bike” (note that only one of these bicycles can be parked in the reserved bicycle parking at any one time)
Spaces are provided on an annual basis with a single fee ($50 per 12 month period). No discounts or rebates are provided for agreements of a shorter period of time. In addition, anyone who loses their access key fob and/or who fails to return their access key fob upon termination of their Reserved Bicycle Parking Request Agreement will be charged a $25 replacement fee. The following payment options are available: Payment Method - Check ONE of the following boxes: Credit Card**: Pre-Authorized Debit (bank withdrawl)
A. Pre-authorized credit card withdrawl of $50.00 (once annually)
B. Pre-authorized Bank withdrawl of $50.00 (once annually)
* The Reserved Parking Offi ce will contact you at the e-mail address provided to activate the credit card payment option you have selected.
** “Credit Card” refers to credit cards currently accepted by GO Transit
(Visa, Mastercard and Amex). For further information visit www.gotransit.com
Only personal Pre-Authorized Debits (PADs) are permitted.
Account No (Note: line of credit or credit card cheques not accepted) HST # 872737671 * Prices include HST Preferred pick up location for access key fob:Union Station Customer ServiceStation of requested bicycle cageMailed to home address
By the evidence of my signature, I hereby ac knowl edge and agree to the terms set out on reverse and, if applicable, authorize the amount set out above to be charged to my credit card number or debited from the specifi c bank account as noted here:
Signature of Applicant Authorized cardholder signature (if different from applicant) IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS… To make an enquiry, please call 416-869-3600, ext. 7276 between 9:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday or email [email protected]. Important - Please read reverse
In this Reserved Bicycle Parking Request Agreement, a reference to "GO Transit" is a reference to "Metrolinx", a corporation continued under the Metrolinx Act, 2006. Pursuant to Section 39(2) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, you are hereby notifi ed that personal information relating to you is being collected for the purpose of providing you with a secure bicycle parking space. The legal authority for this collection is the Metrolinx Act, 2006 . Questions about this collection should be addressed to the Manager, Station Operations (Central), 140 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2L5, telephone (416) 601-2233. Part 1 - Legal Part 2 - Station Ops Central Part 3 - Applicant Reserved Bicycle Parking Request Agreement – Terms and Conditions
In consideration of the service provided by Metrolinx (referred to herein
8. GO Transit reserves the right to remove any bicycle from the
as “GO Transit” or "Metrolinx") pursuant to this Reserved Bicycle Parking
reserved bicycle parking if that bicycle violates any of these terms and
Request Agreement (the “Agreement”), you, the customer, accept and
9. If you arrive at the station and all the bike racks in the reserved
1. Your use of the reserved bicycle parking is at your sole risk and GO
area are full, you may leave your bicycle inside the reserved area out
Transit will not be liable for any loss, injury or damage caused to persons
of the way of other bicycles (e.g. secure the wheel to the frame to deter
using the reserved bicycle parking or to bicycles, their components
theft), or use the general purpose bicycle racks at the station. Advise
and accessories or any other property. You agree to hold GO Transit
the station attendant or report the situation to GO Transit Enforcement
harmless and release GO Transit from any loss, liability, cost, claim,
(905-803-0642) after 9am and let them know your name and the station
damage, or expense which may be suffered by you, or any person for
at which you encountered the problem. Calls made to GO Enforcement
whom you are in law responsible, for personal injury or property damage
from the pay phones at the GO Stations are FREE of charge.
(including loss or damage to your bicycle, it components or accessories) arising from or in any way connected with this Agreement. You agree
10. In the event that any payment made under this Agreement is not
that you will indemnify and hold GO Transit harmless from any loss,
honoured by a fi nancial institution or credit card company, in addition to
liability, claim, damage or expense sustained by or made against GO
any other right or remedy available to GO Transit under this Agreement,
Transit in connection with your use or misuse of the reserved bicycle
GO Transit shall charge a returned payment administration fee of $35.00
for each dishonoured or returned payment.
2. In addition, you acknowledge and agree that your rights are limited by
11. The cost of a reserved bicycle parking space is $50.00 (including
Metrolinx By-law No. 2, which states: “It is a term and condition of every
HST) per 12 month period. You agree to pay such amount to GO
ticket or pass issued by the Authority that the Authority, its employees
Transit in accordance with the payment options selected by you on
and agents, are not responsible for loss of, or damage to, property of
passengers carried on the transit system”, and the foregoing provisions shall apply to services provided under this Agreement.
12. GO Transit may from time to time cancel or unilaterally change any of the terms of this Agreement (including but not limited to the fees
3(a). This Agreement shall be effective as of the effective date specifi ed
payable for reserved bicycle parking) by providing you with at least 30
by GO Transit on the application and shall continue indefi nitely or until
days notice, provided in accordance with Section 16.
notice of cancellation is received by GO Transit, pursuant to Section 3b. Fees will be deducted annually.
13. You hereby covenant and agree that all information provided on the application form is correct and that you will notify GO Transit
(b) You are eligible to cancel the Agreement by providing 30 days written
immediately, in writing to GO Transit, Union Station, 140 Bay Street,
notice to GO Transit at the address indicated in Section 13, however
Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2L5. Attention: Reserved Parking, in the event
no refunds will be issued for any unused time. Upon termination,
of any change to the information provided.
your access key fob must be returned in person to the Union Station Customer Service Centre or mailed to: GO Transit, 140 Bay Street,
14. If you have selected payment by pre-authorized debit, the following
Toronto, ON, M5J 2L5 Attention: Reserved Parking. You will be
additional terms and conditions shall apply:
charged a $25 replacement fee for any access key fob not returned to
(a)You hereby authorize GO Transit and the financial institution
GO Transit within 30 days of cancellation of the Agreement.
designated to begin deductions as per the instructions noted on reverse. The authority to deduct amounts from the fi nancial institution designated
(c) GO Transit shall have the right to suspend or terminate this
shall remain in effect until GO Transit receives written notifi cation from
Agreement at any time, without liability, by providing notice to you in
you of its change or termination. This notifi cation must be provided
to the address indicated in Section 13, and must be received at least 15 business days before the next debit transaction is scheduled to
4. The use of the reserved bicycle parking must be incidental to the use
occur. To obtain a sample cancellation form, or for more information
of the GO Transit system. No bicycle shall be parked in the reserved
on your right to cancel a pre-authorized debit, you may contact your
bicycle parking facility for a period of more than 72 hours. Reserved
fi nancial institution or visit www.cdnpay.ca. Please note that this section
bicycle parking facilities are reserved for the exclusive use of the
applies to change or termination of a pre-authorized debit only. The
registered users at all times during the course of this Agreement.
requirements with respect to cancellations of this Agreement can be found in Section 3.
5. GO Transit reserves the right, on a temporary or permanent basis,
(b) You have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply
to relocate the reserved bicycle parking from one designated area of
with this Agreement. For example, you have the right to receive
the station or terminal to any other designated area of the said station
reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized or is not consistent
or terminal. Spaces are assigned as they are available. GO Transit
with this Agreement. To obtain more information on your recourse rights,
cannot guarantee that specifi c reserved bicycle parking preferences
contact your fi nancial institution or visit www.cdnpay.ca.
15. If you have selected payment by pre-authorized debit or by credit
6. In the event you wish to relocate to a different GO Station, you are
allowed one free transfer every 24 months to another reserved bicycle
GO Transit shall make reasonable effort to process pre-authorized
parking location. Transfers will be accommodated only as space is
payments, as and if applicable, on the fi rst business day of the month
available. If no reserved bicycle parking space is available at the
in which payment is due (as indicated on reverse); however, GO Transit
station you wish you transfer to, you forfeit your fee for the remainder
may experience delays in processing and/or may be required to process
additional amounts payable by you in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You hereby covenant and agree that the
7. The access key fob for the reserved bicycle parking and your
account referred to on the application form is in good standing and shall
permission to use it are not transferable. You will be charged a $25
at all times contain suffi cient funds to cover the cost of pre-authorized
replacement fee for any lost access key fob. Only bicycles belonging to
payments under this Agreement and any other charges as they become
the individual identifi ed on the application are permitted to park in the
reserved bicycle parking space; only one of that individual’s bicycles may be parked in the reserved bicycle parking at any given time. Any
16. All notices which GO Transit shall be required to provide to you
assignment, renting, or subletting of, or any attempt to assign, rent or
shall be in writing and may be delivered by e-mail or regular mail (to
sublet, a reserved bicycle parking space is expressly prohibited and will
the address specifi ed on the application or to such other address
result in immediate termination of this Agreement without refund pursuant
as you have provided to GO Transit in accordance with Section
to section 3(c). Your bicycle must be identifi ed using the numbered
13). Notwithstanding the foregoing, notices with respect to service
sticker provided by GO Transit. GO Transit Station Attendants do not
disruptions or temporary changes to reserved bicycle parking may be
have access to the Reserved Bicycle Parking Areas and can not give
delivered by posting such notices on the entry door of the reserved
you access in the event that you lose or forget your key.
17. The terms of this Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted
in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario.
Letters in Applied Microbiology 2001, 33, 256±263Co-composting of pharmaceutical wastes in soilT.F. GuerinShell Engineering Pty Ltd, Granville, NSW, Australia2001/139: received 9 May 2001, revised 28 June 2001 and 16 July 2001T. F . GU ER IN . 2001. Aims: Soils at a commercial facility had become contaminated with the pharmaceuticalchemical residues, Probenecid and Methaqualone, and required
NOTICE OF ELECTION AVISO DE ELECCION May 11, 2013 – Joint General Election 11 de mayo del 2013 Elecciones Generales Adjuntas To the registered Voters of the Keller Independent School District: ( A los votantes registrados del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Keller, Texas:) Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on