He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix
Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca
Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.
January breeze
The Newsletter of the Goleta Valley Cycling Club
po box 1547 goleta ca 93116 www.goletabike.org MARCH 2005
We are a non-profit recreational association committed to promoting health, fitness, and safety through bicycling. Minnesota Cyclists are coming our way. If
you are available to join a group of cyclists who
GVCC President: Doris Phinney,
will be here for a week please let me know. The
968-3143, [email protected]
dates are March 13 to 18. They will be riding in
the Santa Ynez Valley the early part of the week
and I plan to join them on a tour of Santa
The next monthly meeting of the GVCC will be
held on Wednesday, March 16, 6:30pm at Rusty’s
March 20 and you could also win a super raffle
Pizza Fairview. Please contact me if you have
prize. Call John Berberet (681-0048) to reserve a
items to place on the agenda. Beware the Ides of
March, and we are because our meeting is one
ongoing commitment to clean the Obern Trail
and we love to see new faces behind the brooms
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day and don’t forget to SIDEWAYSbike tours: Movie buffs check out Weather: The weather has definitely been
the Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition website for
putting a dent in my cycling routine. I’m a
route sheets and maps for a do-it-yourself bicycle
weather wimp, so with all the February storms
tour visiting real locations featured in the film.
around President’s Day weekend, I’ve been
Ralph Fertig has put together two nice rides. Go
cooped up in the house. A special commendation
to Rosie Thompson and Robert Rainwater for
GVCC Website: Speaking of websites, if you
riding in the rain on Saturday, February 19.
haven’t checked out ours recently, go to
The Choo Choo Century is coming and I’m
www.goletabike.org and see the changes, new
sorry that Owen and I will miss it this year. Have
photos and links that Robert Rainwater has
a wonderful ride and be sure to eat a “sticky bun”
added. Don’t forget that if you have a good
GVCC cycling photo, get it to Robert.
Thanks to the efforts of Robert Young, we now have
a recipient of our last RFP funding for 2004; a new
February 12 GVCC minutes reported by Substitute
bicycle will be given to James Carter, 8 years old, of
With bagels, muffins, fruit and fresh coffee in hand,
Recently a local runner, Julie McGeever, owner of
GVCC’ers adjourned to the President Doris Phinney’s the Heritage House on 5200 Hollister Ave, was
livingroom where she called the meeting to order.
given a GVCC safety light for her use while running.
She said a man driving a PT cruiser, wearing a
Recent club mail and the ride calendar were
mulicolored cycling jersey, stopped her and offered
circulated anxiously awaiting the many ride signups.
her the light for safety purposes. Since the light has
Treasurer Cheryl Everett reported on our income
GVCC embossed on it, she wondered if the man
was a member of our club. Are you?? If so, she
wanted to reciprocate the gesture by baking some
Connie Styrwoll and Lori Haney reported that we
cookies as her way of saying thanks. Even if you’re
have 18 train and bike riders signed up for the Choo not a GVCC member, we need to contact this lady
Choo Century in March. All systems are go except
and have her bake for PPR. All in favor, say.
for Amtrak which is still not running trains
northward from Santa Barbara because of track
Ralph Fertig, bicyclist extraordinaire, has 2 fabulous
damage from the January rains. With any luck, we’l
bike rides on the sbbike website that include many
be able to do the Choo Choo; however, we all know
of the wineries and locations as shown in the movie
Amtrak and hope they’ll be back on track (pardon
“Sideways”. All yours to download.
We received notification of several new 2005
In another update Connie said that 12 riders, 3 non- centuries including Pedaling with the Poppies in
riders and a few maybes have signed on to do
May; LA Wheelmen 60th Anniversary Century and
RAGBRAI 2005. A discussion followed about
SCOR adding a century to the Solvang Prelude in
transportation to and from the start in Des Moines
and also about the deluxe tent provisions available
The club will be adding a link on our web page for
Ride Strong Bike tours. And finally, a lengthy
Brigitta Rainwater reported on the logo for the 2005
discussion was held on how to best utilize and
PPR. She circulated samples and those present
disperse our email list for the club. Robert
decided on a basic design. She does excellent work.
Rainwater did extensive research and came up with
She will fine-tune the design and we wil take it
several different choices for consolidating and
securing our email list for distribution. It was
decided to do more research and report back at a
New Business:
The meeting was adjourned and all of us were
Our March GVCC meeting will be held at Rusty’s
happy that the sun was shining and we were able to
Pizza, Fairview and Calle Real on Wednesday, March
If GVCC members have items for sale phone 687-
For Sale: Adams Trail-A-Bike, excellent condition, a
6218 or [email protected] for ad submission.
year old but hardly used because I got a tandem to
ride with my grandchildren. New price was $200,
asking $125. Call Doris at 968-3143 or email
Dan Henry (see below and the next column!)
evidence of fame from the Central Indiana
I am looking over the rides posted on the site and
the term Dan Henry is repeated several times. Is
this a trail marker or a person who sits at turns to
And rhythms that sent tinglesAll up and down our spine.
These are painted-on road markings at the turns.
Usually a circle with a line pointing the way. The
ones on my Breakfast ride are the letter B with an
arrow. Just be sure which color marker to follow for
any particular ride. There are lots of older DHs on
Read this for info on Dan Henry http://www.louisvillebicycleclub.org/misc/ danhenry.htm (where we find the following:)
This month's bicycling personality is "Mr. Bicycle" of
the Santa Ynez Valley and unofficial president of the
Bicycle Touring Club of Solvang, Dan Henry. Dan is
a veteran cyclist whose organized bicycle touring
exploits go back some fifty years. During that time
he has (among numerous other accomplishments)
designed full suspension bicycles decades before
they became popular on mountain bikes; invented
the typical route marking (commonly known as Dan
Henry Arrows) seen on countless century rides;
It’s the song of the rolling wheel.
convinced Clement to produce their first butyl tubed
tubular (sew-up) tires; participated in countless
tours around the world; and organized events for
the New York Cycle Club, the International Bicycle
Touring Society and many, many others. The South Coast Breeze is a monthly Thank You to Our GVCC Sponsors! publication of the Goteta Valley Cycling Club. Please support these Jersey & Member Officers & contacts are: Sponsors; they help support our club!
VicePres./RideCoordinator Hildy Hoffmann 964-0802
533 E. Micheltorena, Ste. 200, Santa Barbara 93103
GVCC Jerseys for Sale Member Sponsorships, which are $50 biannually,
guarantee your listing every month in The Breeze, as well as
The club is waiting for a minimum order to make up new
regular membership in GVCC. The price of biannual Jersey
jerseys in your size. Thus far we have only 3 requests. If you
Sponsorships, which provide you with Member Sponsor
have not previously requested a jersey and wish to do so,
benefits as well as a place on our jersey, varies according to
contact Kathleen @ 687-6218 or [email protected]. A very
placement of your logo on the GVCC jersey; they will be
limited number of the club jerseys - 3 dolphins on blue, yellow
available when the club places its next jersey order. For more
& green background - are available (no L, XL or XXL). They
information, please contact Nancy Hull at 965-5392 or
can be obtained from Nancy Hull; please call ahead to arrange
a time (965-5392). The cost is $55. If you choose to have ajersey mailed, mail a $60 check, payable to GVCC, to Nancy
Your GVCC membership provides you with discounts for
Hull at 963 Fellowship Ln, Santa Barbara, CA 93109; make
non-sale items at the following bike shops:
Bike Hazards 15% off parts & accessories at: Open Air Bicycles, 224 Chapala,
Call these folks to report the broken glass, potholes,
10% off parts & accessories at:
downed tree limbs, discarded mattresses, illegally parked cars& other obstacles to safe cycling.
I.V. Bike Boutique, 880 EmbarcaderoDelMar,
Velo Santa Barbara, next to RoCo on State St, 884-0917
general road/bikeway suggestions 568-3046
a huge thanks to Velo Pro for being so cooperative with GVCC in helping the youth of ourcommunity. Of course, Robert Young derserves credit too for all the work he did. Hildy
> Date: 2005/02/16 Wed PM 05:39:15 EST
> Have the bike. Got it, plus helmet/lock from Velo Pro Goleta. Also got a
> stand pump for Boys and Girls Club to have available for everyone.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
If you’ve been living on Mars, and missed the news, here it is.
Bob Zimels February 16, 2005 Armstrong Aims for 7th Tour De France Win By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Tour’s only six-time winner finally put an end to questions about his plans for 2005, announcing today that he’ll try to extend his record streak of consecutive victories in cycling’s most prestigious event.
The parents of Mark J. Reynolds, who tragically lost his life while
mountain biking near his home in California in January 2004, started the
Mark Reynolds Memorial Bike Fund to continue his wonderful work of
providing needy children with bikes. Reynolds used to solicit
contributions from fellow cyclists to help him give bicycles during the
holiday season to kids whose families couldn’t afford them. He worked with
local churches to find children in need and delivered the bikes himself,
just to see the faces of joy. In 2004, the Fund donated over $12,000 worth
of bicycles to less fortunate children, including special bikes for
special kids at the Helen Davis State School for the severely retarded in
St. Joseph, MO and the Shriners Crippled Children’s Hospital in St. Louis.
To support this great work, visit http://www.markreynoldsfund.com.
3/4/2005 The Moab Skinny Tire Festival Peloton Project
3/5/2005 100 km Populaire Seattle International Randonneurs
3/5/2005 Death Valley Century and Double Century Adventure Corps
3/5/2005 Kings River Blossom Bike Ride Reedley Lions Club
3/6/2005 LA Bike Tour Los Angeles Marathon
3/10/2005 Speed and Power Clinic Santiago Cycling
3/12/2005 Solvang Century & Half Century
3/19/2005 200 km Brevet Seattle International Randonneurs
3/19/2005 300k Brevet Palomar / Santa Ysabel San Diego Longriders
3/19/2005 Bakersfield Community Gourmet Ride Kern Wheelmen
3/19/2005 Spring Metric Century Orange County Wheelmen
3/19/2005 Tour de Sewer Bell Gardens Lions Club
3/26/2005 Moss Beach 200k Brevet Santa Cruz Randonneurs
3/26/2005 Solvang Double Century PlanetUltra
3/28/2005 Solvang Spring Tour Planet Ultra
Ride across incredible terrain from Jerusalem to Eilat, May 10-17, whilelearning about some of the most important political and environmentalissues in the world. Join 150 riders on the 2005 Arava Institute HazonIsrael Ride: Cycling for Peace, Partnership & Environmental Protection. The Israel Ride is co-sponsored by the Arava Institute for EnvironmentalStudies and Hazon, a New York-based organization dedicated toenvironmental education. The main beneficiary is a Masters inEnvironmental Education program that trains Israeli Jews, IsraeliPalestinians, Palestinians, and Jordanians, educating a new generation ofleaders in the Middle East to work together towards peace andenvironmental protection in the region. Last year’s riders includedAmericans, both Jewish and Arab Israelis, and a Jordanian student from theArava Institute.
“In Israel, there are a few issues that can actually unite ethnic,political, and religious factions,” said Avi Hoffer, who will beparticipating in the Israel Ride for the second time this year. “Theenvironment is one of those rare issues that bridges many gaps. The AravaInstitute embodies the principles of regional co-existence andenvironmental conservation.” The ride will go from start from Jerusalemand pass through Ashkelon, the Negev, Mitzpeh Ramon, and Kibbutz Ketura,and on to Eilat. It is fully supported; food and lodging will be provided. Visit Hazon (http://www.hazon.org) for details.
Posición teológica: VIOLENCIA EN LA SOCIEDAD Dr. David Hormachea Desde que volvió a ocurrir otra masacre en los Estados Unidos se volvió a la discusión de si las armas son las culpables de estos actos de violencia. Por supuesto, la posición de la izquierda estadounidense es la que mas se escucha pues la mayoría de los columnistas, periodistas, y los programas de televisión son l
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