MEDICAL RELEASE FORM (All Campers and Sponsors)
In the event of an accident or special health needs, it will be necessary for us to have the requested information. Please make certain that you have
provided thorough and accurate medical information. It is recommended that you attach a photocopy of your family medical insurance card.
Name: _________________________________________________ Birth Date: _____/_____/_____ Age: ___ Sex: (M/F) _____ First Middle Last Mo. Day Year
Church: ________________________________________________ City: _____________ Dates at TPCC: _____/____/____ to _____/____/____ Person to Notify in Event of Emergency: ______________________________________________ Relationship to You: __________________
Phone Number of Contact Person: Daytime (______)_______________ Evening (______)________________ Other (_______)__________
If unable to reach above person: Notify ______________________________________________ Relationship to You: __________________
Phone Number of Contact Person: Daytime (______)_______________ Evening (______)________________ Other (_______)__________
Family Physician: _________________________________________________ Phone: (_______) ______________________________
Medical Insurance Co.: ____________________________________________ Plan or Group #: ________________________________
Insured ID or Member #: ___________________________________________ Ins. Co. Phone #: (_______)_______________________
Diseases, Chronic or Recurring Illness: (Check all that apply, explain)
Asthma: _____________________________________________
Food: _______________________________________________
Bleeding Disorder: ____________________________________
Insect Sting: __________________________________________
Joint or Back Problems: _____ _________________________
Medicine/Drug: _______________________________________
Diabetes: ____________________________________________
Plant/Pollen: __________________________________________
Epilepsy: _________ ________________________________
Other: _______________________________________________
Heart Condition: _______________________________________
Special Diet: ____________________________________________
Seizures: _____________________________________________
Recent Surgery? _________________________________________
Stomach Condition: _____________________________________
Date of last Tetanus Shot? ______ Immunizations Current? ______
Emotional: ____________________________________________
___ I give permission for first aid techniques and simple health care to be administered as the need arises. I understand in the event of any serious injury or illness on my part the camp officials reserve the right to seek professional medical attention including but not limited to consultation with medical director, EMS transportation, and hospitalization.
___antihistamine (i.e. Benadryl, Claritin)
___additional medications as indicated/prescribed by the HLC Medical Director
I hereby attest that all information listed on this Medical Form is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge that I or my child/ward am/is in acceptable heath, physical ability, and emotionally ready to fully participate in camp or retreat activities. I grant my permission to participate in all activities associated with the enrolled event with the exceptions of those that are noted.
I, _______________________________ being the legal guardian of ______________________________________(if applicable)give my permission to 7ULQLW\3LQHV&RQIHUHQFH&HQWHU¶VPDQDJHPHQWPHGLFDOVWDIIDQGRUWKHJURXSGLUHFWRUWRSURYLGHPHGLFDOWUHDWPHQWWKDWPD\be deemed necessary to insure the well-being of myself/the named camper. I do hereby release and forever discharge all from any and all claims, demands, actions or cause of action arising out of damage or injury while participating in Trinity Pines sponsored activities.
X ___________________________________________________ ____/____/____ (_______) ____________________________ Signature Date Phone Number MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION AUTHORIZATION (Accompanies Medications)
Name: _____________________________________________________ Birth date: _____/_____/_____ Age: ___ Sex: ___ Male ___ Female
Church Name: _________________________________________ Church City & State: ___________________________________________
As the parent or legal guardian of the above-named child, I give my permission to the Trinity Pines Medical Staff to administer as prescribed by law the listed below medication to my child. X_______________________________________________ _________ (______) ____________________ (______) ___________________
Parents/Guardian Signature Date Daytime Phone # Evening Phone # OR As an Adult Camper/ Sponsor/Staff, I give my permission to the Trinity Pines Medical Staff to administer as prescribed by law the listed below medication to me during my stay at Trinity Pines Conference Center. X_________________________________________ _________ Adult Camper / Sponsor/Staff Date
For Prescription Medications only.PLEASE follow these guidelines: In accordance with Texas Department of Health regulations: ALL
Medication that is brought to camp must be: (1) Placed in a secure location not accessible to campers, (2) Prescribed for the camper (not a sibling or parent), (3) In the original container with all labels intact, and (4) Correct current dosage. Dosage of non-prescription medication may not exceed product recommendation withoXWGRFWRU¶VZULWWHQRUGHUV73&& staff request that you do not send over-the-counter medications (i.e. Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, etc). These types of medications are provided by TPCC). Name of Medication: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Purpose for medication use (e.g. allergies, asthma, antibiotic) _____________________________________________________________________
Form of medication: ___ Tablet ___ Pill ___ Capsule ___Liquid ___ Inhalation ___ Other (specify) ___________________________________
Dosage (amount to be given): _________________________________ How often or at what time: ______________________________________
Remarks or special instructions: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Medication: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Purpose for medication use (e.g. allergies, asthma, antibiotic) _____________________________________________________________________
Form of medication: ___ Tablet ___ Pill ___ Capsule ___Liquid ___ Inhalation ___ Other (specify) ___________________________________
Dosage (amount to be given): _________________________________ How often or at what time: ______________________________________
Remarks or special instructions: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Medication: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Purpose for medication use (e.g. allergies, asthma, antibiotic) _____________________________________________________________________
Form of medication: ___ Tablet ___ Pill ___ Capsule ___Liquid ___ Inhalation ___ Other (specify) ___________________________________
Dosage (amount to be given): _________________________________ How often or at what time: ______________________________________
Remarks or special instructions: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ If necessary, make additional copies of this blank Medication Form in order to provide requested information for each medication. All Medication
Release/Administration Forms and medication(s) to be administered should be given to the church Contact Person prior to arriving at TPCC. When the church group arrives at camp, the Contact Person will be responsible for bringing all medications and forms to the TPCC Office. The Forms will be reviewed by our Medical Staff to clear up any possible questions about medications or their administration. To make it easier for the church Contact Person, the parent/or student should put their medications and signed Medication Administration Authorization forms in a zip-lock type plastic EDJZLWKWKHVWXGHQW¶VQDPHDQGFKXUFKZULWWHQZLWKDPDUNHURQWKHRXWVLGHRIWKHEDJ Parents should emphasize to their child(ren) the responsibility of reporting to the camp Health Center for their medications while at camp.
University of Oslo and Rutgers University This paper evaluates arguments presented by John Perry (and Ken Taylor) in favor of the presence of an unarticulated constituent in the proposition expressed by utterance of, for example, (1):1 We contend that these arguments are, at best, inconclusive. That's the critical part of our paper. On the positive side, we argue that (1) has as its semantic
Identify the various classifications of oral and injectable medication currently used in the treatment of diabetes mellituspharmacokinetics, dosing, adverse effects and drug interactions of each class of diabetes medicationsMetabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia¾Impaired pancreatic insulin secretion¾Increased hepatic glucose production¾Decreased peripheral glucose uptake Gluc