He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra. Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.

Microsoft word - e5018102.doc

Product: Soldering solution Frutti Art. No. 50 181 02 – 50 181 03 11.02.02 SAFETY DATA SHEET
(According to 91/155/EC)
Safety data sheet/ EG-Sicherheitsdatenblatt
Product/ Product group: Soldering solution Frutti

1.1 Substance/Preparation and Company Name

1.2 Information on the product
1.2 Information on manufacturer/Supplier
Supplier: Tiffany Glaskunst GmbH
Street: Helleforthstr. 18-20
UIP Code/town: D-33758 Schloß Holte Stukenbrock
Tel.: +49 5207 91280
Fax.: +49 5207 912840
e-mail: [email protected]
Internet: http://www.tgk.de
Telephone number in emergency cases: 05207-9128-0
2. Composition/Information on Ingredients

Chemical characteristics:

CAS No.: 7646-85-7

Destil. water, wetting agents, odoriferous and aromatic agents, food colourants
3. Possible hazards:

Hazard symbol

Special hazard indications for humans and environment
Product: Soldering solution Frutti Art. No. 50 181 02 – 50 181 03 11.02.02
4. First Aid Measures

General information


Fresh air, if discomfort persists, consult medician. It is recommended to use a prophylactic dosis of dexamethasone spray.
Skin contact:

Remove contaminated clothes immediately. Wash with water and soap imm ediately and flush abundantly. If skin irritation persists, consult medician.
Eye contact:
Flush eyes immediately for at least 15 min. under running water with opened palpepral Consult medician if discomfort persists. Ingestion:
Rinse mouth immediately with a lot of water, drink a lot of water. Don’t vomit, contact 5. Fire fighting measures :
Appropriate extinguishing agent:
6. Measures in case of accidental release:
Personal safety measures:
Wear protective clothes, keep unprotected persons away from material. Protective equipment: Gloves of PVC, neopren or nitril caoutchouc. Environmental protection:
Dilute soldering solution abundantly with water – Mix 1 l soldering solution + 10 l water and dispose of through canalisation in accordance with local regulations.
Methods for cleaning up:
Dilute spilled soldering solution with water and clean up with normal cloth. Rinse cloth thereafter intensively with water or absorb spilled material with absorbing material Waste disposal: s. point 13 – clean surface thereafter carefully with water. 7. Handling and storage:

Information on secure storage:
Container should be firmly locked and stored in a cool, dry place. Prevent children from accessing material.
Information on protection against fire and explosion:

Requirements for storage room and containers:

Store firmly locked – store in a cool place Product: Soldering solution Frutti Art. No. 50 181 02 – 50 181 03 11.02.02

8. Exposure limits and personal protection:

The information are based on the lists applying at the date of establishment.
Ingredients with exposure limits which have to be controlled:
CAS-No. 7667-85-7
Designation of the material Salt-sour zinc
% ca. 24,5
Value unit 1 mg/m³

Personal protective equipment:

General protective and hygiene measures:

Keep away from food, drinks and fodder. Remove contaminated clothes immediately. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Respiratory protection:
In case of short-term or weak contact use respiratory filter, in case of intensive resp. long- term exposure use independent respiratory protection equipment. Hand protection:

Eye protection:

Body protection:
9. Physical and chemical properties:
Form: liquid
Colour: blue
Odour: citric
Datas relevant for security purposes:

Change of state:

Melting point: 100o C
Flash point: ---
Ignition point: ---
Boiling temperature: 100 o C at 1013 bar
Explosion limit: The product is not explosive
Vapour pressure at 20°C: 23 mbar
Specific gravity 20o C: 1,033 g/cm
Viscosity at 20o C: 1,0
Solubility in water: soluble
Miscibility with water: miscible
pH-value: at 100 g/l water ca 4,8
Product: Soldering solution Frutti Art. No. 50 181 02 – 50 181 03 11.02.02 10. Stability and reactivity

Thermic decomposition:
Materials to avoid:

11. Toxicological information:

Experience with humans:
Acute toxicity: LD 50 oral, rat 350 350 mg/kg (Z nCL2 100 %) Permanent contact can lead to skin irritations. All mucous membranes are cauterised leading to formation of scurf. Resorbtion is effected at cauterised places. This can lead to death in case of greater injuries. Symptoms of intoxication after oral absorption: Nausea, Irritaions can lead to tissue damages if not flushed immediately with water. Sensibilisation:


Gastric disorder and irritations at inner organs possible.

12. Ecological information:


Aquatic toxicity:

Water hazard class 1 – weak water hazard 13. Disposal considerations:


may not be disposed of together with normal waste Disposal in accordance with local regulations Waste no. X 35 309 (Waste containing zinc) 14. Transport information:

Not dangerous for transport in accordance with transport regulations
Overland transport ADR/RID and GGV/GGVAE -
Technical designation: 1840 salt-sour zinc, solution
GGVS/GGVE: Class 8 subparagraph 5 letter c
RID/ADR Class 8 subparagraph 5 letter c
Sea transport IMGD/GGVSee - Classification:
IMDG-Code Class 8 Page 82 47 UN-No. 1840 Pack. group III
IMFAG-Ems: 145/8-06.2
Product: Soldering solution Frutti Art. No. 50 181 02 – 50 181 03 11.02.02 Air transport ICAO-TI and IATA-DGR - classification:
ICAO-IATA-class: 8
UN/ID-No: 1840 – Packing group: III

15. Regulations:

Labelling according to EC regulations:

Symbol and hazard designation of the product:

The product is classified and labelled according to EC regulations. C corrosive

S 7/8 Keep container dry and firmly locked S 28 Rinse immediately with a lot of water in case of skin contact 16. Other information
Further information is supplied in the information sheets of the trade associations
of the chemical industry.
The information contained herein is based on the present state of our knowledge and does not therefore guarantee certain properties. Recipients of our product must take responsibility for observing existing laws and regulations.

Source: http://www.gilraphal.co.il/msds/5018102.pdf

Kurzlebenslauf 03-2012 birkholz

Sina Birkholz University of Augsburg [email protected] Student of Arabic as a Foreign Living Language in Egypt - annual course ALEVE 2011-2012 Le Centre Français de Culture et de Coopération en Egypte, CairoField Research - “Identities at Crossroads: Young Muslim women in post-revolutionary Egypt”(Diploma Thesis), conducted in Cairo, funded by Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes

Microsoft word - therapie des ts-tourette aktuell-korrektur.doc

Dr. med. Kirsten R. Müller-Vahl Abteilung Klinische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Medizinische Hochschule Hannover April 2002 Diese Broschüre wurde konzipiert, um Personen mit Tourette-Syndrom und derenAngehörige über die derzeitigen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten der Erkrankung zuinformieren. Sie soll und kann die Diagnostik und Therapie durch einen Arzt nichtDr. med. Kirsten

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