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Genesis Skin Care & Laser Clinic
This condition is more commonly referred to as broken veins, dilated capillaries, red veins, or
thread veins. Genesis Skin Care & Laser Clinic offers various treatments for vein/capillary
damage, depending on the severity of the condition.
SHORTWAVE DIATHERMY: Spider naevi or blood spots
LASER GENESIS: Rosacea/mild high colouring
ND YAG LASER: for visible broken veins known as telengectasia on face & legs.
There are a number of reasons why broken veins develop. One of the functions of the skin is
to regulate body temperature, so when we are very hot the small veins known as capillaries
dilate to release heat & constrict to conserve heat, so when this process happens too often the
elasticity in the capillary walls is lost resulting in dilated broken capillaries.
Treating the cause of broken veins is important, in order to prevent new ones forming.


Asthma: due to the transient narrowing of the air passages oxygen supply to the skin is
impaired. Capillaries with a reddish/blue colour appear on the cheeks and around the nose.
Circulatory disorders which result in weakened capillary walls. Certain medications may
aggravate the condition.

• Comedone
extraction: the repeated extraction of comedones (blackheads), particularly
around the nose, with too much pressure from fingernails, often damages the capillaries.

• Diabetes
: the skin is both sensitive and dry. The blood is slow to coagulate and the skin
bruises easily.

• Diet
: certain foods such as hot curries and spicy foods are very stimulating. Alcohol causes
the capillaries to dilate, as do very hot beverages such as tea and coffee. When drinks are too
hot the heat from the steam raises the local temperature of the skin. Tea and coffee both
contain the stimulant caffeine. Eating food too quickly also encourages the development of
Hormones: hyper-pigmentation of the skin and sensitivity to natural sunlight and sunbeds
often occurs as a result of taking the contraceptive pill. There is a tendency for dilated
capillaries to occur with increased skin sensitivity.
Pregnancy: spider naevi often occur during pregnancy. If left untreated these often will
disappear within six months of the birth. Small, blue veins appearing on the legs during
pregnancy does not disappear. A long and strenuous labour can often aggravate existing
facial telangiectasia.
Heredity: hereditary disposition comes high on the list of causes. When questioned clients
often refer only to the mother’s history, overlooking the fact that skin problems can be
inherited from father and his predecessors!
Liver diseases: the skin tends to develop spider naevi, telangiectasia and haemangiomas in
abundance on the trunk of the body. Other areas such as the face and arms can be affected.
The skin bruises easily.
Knocks/heavy blows: such as those caused by bumping into the corner of an office desk
may often cause dilated capillaries to occur.
Medications: the application of steroid-based creams such as Betnovate thins the skin when
used over a prolonged period of time, or when used too often. Increased redness, skin
sensitivity and a tendency to develop telangiectasia are some of the side effects of steroid
creams. Antibiotics may cause an increase in spider naevi. Antihistamines dehydrate the
skin, which also becomes sensitive to sunlight.
Extremes of temperature: this can include frequent use of the steam bath and sauna -
particularly if a cold shower is taken afterwards. Hot baths where the hot tap is left running
are also not good for the skin due to the excessive heat. Long hours spent in a hot, steamy
kitchen have a detrimental effect on facial capillaries. When the skin is subjected to any of the
above on a regular basis, weak capillaries lose the ability to dilate and constrict efficiently,
eventually remaining in a state of constant dilation.
Tight clothing/pop socks: restrict the circulation which puts pressure on the capillaries.
Respiratory problems: these include asthma, hay fever and sinus problems. During the
height of the hay fever season consistent sneezing tends to rupture the capillary walls. The
skin is often sensitive.
Rosacea: can vary from mild to severe forms. Telangiectasia first appears on the nose and
cheeks in a butterfly appearance. As the condition progresses the skin texture thickens,
papules form and the high colour intensifies. The colour can vary from pale pink in the early
stages. Medical control is usually by the administration of tetracycline.
Sensitivity; to foods harsh cosmetic preparations, incorrect skincare, e.g. too many harsh
facial scrubs, or over stimulating face masks, and exposure to extremes of weather conditions.
Sensitive skins have a tendency to flush easily. The continual dilation and contraction of
capillaries can result in weakening of the capillary walls.
Spectacles; with badly fitting frames and/ or heavy glass lenses can put pressure on the
bridge and sides of the nose as well as along the upper cheek bones. This encourages the
development of telangiectasia where there is weakness in the capillaries. Unless the cause is
rectified the problem will reoccur in a very short period of time.
Smoking: reduces the oxygen supply to the skin, therefore cellular regeneration is decreased
and the skin is slower to heal. A smoker’s skin often has a grey, sluggish, dehydrated
appearance, fine lines can be seen, particularly around the mouth.
Sporting activities: such as horse riding, high-powered speedboats, skiing and water skiing
may all result in the development of dilated capillaries. Any sport, which involves frequent
exposure to the elements, particularly at speed, will have a detrimental effect on the skin.
Biting winds will cause windburn, reflection of ultraviolet rays from snow can result in
sunburn, and each will encourage the development of telangiectasia.
Sunlight: Over exposure to the sun’s rays or sun beds causes a number of problems. Tissue
fibres are weakened; dehydration of the skin occurs; sunburn & / or prolonged sun exposure
damages the surface capillaries. Weather affects skin in several ways; cold winds, strong
sunlight & extremes of temperatures all encourage telangiectasia, especially where
the surface capillary network is weak.
Therefore a cosmetic sunscreen containing Titanium Dioxide or Zinc Oxide must be used
winter & summer to protect skin & prevent new veins forming an SPF 20 plus is
recommended all year round.
A natural mineral based sunscreen that acts like a mirror and reflects the light is
recommended for those suffering from high colouring and broken veins.
• Many sunscreens are chemical based which absorb sunlight energy into the skin, transforms
it to heat in the skin & then reflects it off the skin. Because it heats the skin, this contributes to
broken veins, so a natural cosmetic sunscreen that acts like a mirror & reflects light is
recommended for those suffering from high colouring & broken veins.


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