Guidelines for tanning salon owners, operators and users
Guidelines for Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Operators and Users A Guideline published in collaboration with the Federal Provincial Territorial Radiation Protection Committee Guidelines for Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Operators and Users A Guideline published in collaboration with the Federal Provincial Territorial Radiation Protection Committee
Our mission is to help the people of Canada
Table of Contents
Également disponible en français sous le titreLignes directrices pour les propriétaires, les opérateurs et les
Sources and Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation
Protective Eyewear toBe Used with Tanning Equipment
This publication can be made available in/on (computer
Products that Increase Sensitivity to Ultraviolet Radiation
diskette/large print/audio-cassette/braille) upon request.
Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations –(Tanning Equipment)
Federal Provincial Territorial RadiationProtection Committee (FPTRPC)Position Statement on Ultraviolet Radiation
Tanning Salon Operator Knowledge Questionnaire
Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2005Cat. H46-2/05-389E
Tanning Operator Knowledge – Answer Key
Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 3
Our mission is to help the people of Canada
Table of Contents
Également disponible en français sous le titreLignes directrices pour les propriétaires, les opérateurs et les
Sources and Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation
Protective Eyewear toBe Used with Tanning Equipment
This publication can be made available in/on (computer
Products that Increase Sensitivity to Ultraviolet Radiation
diskette/large print/audio-cassette/braille) upon request.
Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations –(Tanning Equipment)
Federal Provincial Territorial RadiationProtection Committee (FPTRPC)Position Statement on Ultraviolet Radiation
Tanning Salon Operator Knowledge Questionnaire
Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2005Cat. H46-2/05-389E
Tanning Operator Knowledge – Answer Key
Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 3 Acknowledgments
These guidelines have been prepared from similar documents
Exposure to ultraviolet A and B radiation can cause sunburn,
published by Saskatchewan, Manitoba and British Columbia. They
premature skin ageing, skin cancers, cataracts and other eye and skin
have also been reviewed by and published in collaboration with the
diseases. It has also been shown that UV can weaken the body’s
Federal Provincial Territorial Radiation Protection Committee. We
wish to thank those organizations for the many hours of research,
If a person chooses to acquire or enhance a tan using tanning
review and consultation they put into preparing their Guidelines for
equipment (sunlamp or tanning bed), it is important that this person
be aware of the hazards involved so she can make an informed deci-sion about the amount of exposure she receives.
This booklet is designed to give tanning salon owners,
operators and users of tanning equipment a fundamental understand-ing of ultraviolet radiation and its effects on people. It discusses therisks of tanning, provides information on certain cosmetic andmedicinal products that increase ultraviolet effects, and providesa list of general guidelines. The final section contains a series ofquestions for tanning salon personnel to test their knowledge andunderstanding of the information in this booklet.
The owner of a tanning salon and its staff have to use only
equipment that complies with federal Radiation Emitting DevicesRegulations. They should know the regulations and refer to them forany question. Owners and operators may refer to this document or tothe public health departments in their area: both are good sources ofreference. However, following the guidelines listed in this documentdoes not relieve the operator from the obligation to take any addi-tional measures necessary to minimize health hazards in theirestablishment.
These guidelines have been prepared from similar documents
published by Saskatchewan, Manitoba and British Columbia. Theyhave also been reviewed by and are published in collaboration withthe Federal Provincial Territorial Radiation Protection Committee. 4 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 5 Acknowledgments
These guidelines have been prepared from similar documents
Exposure to ultraviolet A and B radiation can cause sunburn,
published by Saskatchewan, Manitoba and British Columbia. They
premature skin ageing, skin cancers, cataracts and other eye and skin
have also been reviewed by and published in collaboration with the
diseases. It has also been shown that UV can weaken the body’s
Federal Provincial Territorial Radiation Protection Committee. We
wish to thank those organizations for the many hours of research,
If a person chooses to acquire or enhance a tan using tanning
review and consultation they put into preparing their Guidelines for
equipment (sunlamp or tanning bed), it is important that this person
be aware of the hazards involved so she can make an informed deci-sion about the amount of exposure she receives.
This booklet is designed to give tanning salon owners,
operators and users of tanning equipment a fundamental understand-ing of ultraviolet radiation and its effects on people. It discusses therisks of tanning, provides information on certain cosmetic andmedicinal products that increase ultraviolet effects, and providesa list of general guidelines. The final section contains a series ofquestions for tanning salon personnel to test their knowledge andunderstanding of the information in this booklet.
The owner of a tanning salon and its staff have to use only
equipment that complies with federal Radiation Emitting DevicesRegulations. They should know the regulations and refer to them forany question. Owners and operators may refer to this document or tothe public health departments in their area: both are good sources ofreference. However, following the guidelines listed in this documentdoes not relieve the operator from the obligation to take any addi-tional measures necessary to minimize health hazards in theirestablishment.
These guidelines have been prepared from similar documents
published by Saskatchewan, Manitoba and British Columbia. Theyhave also been reviewed by and are published in collaboration withthe Federal Provincial Territorial Radiation Protection Committee. 4 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 5 Glossary of Terms UVA – ultraviolet radiation (sometimes called “long wave”
radiation – 320 to 400 nanometres) which has the ability to penetrate
Delayed tanning
the dermis. UVA has to be 1000 times more intense than UVB to
– a type of tanning produced by UVB appear-
trigger the same erythema level. It is the most common radiation in
ing a few days after exposure and lasting up to a few weeks. This
commercial tanning equipment and is responsible for the darkening
process increases the number of melanocytes in the skin. At the same
of the melanin already present in the skin. An intense exposure to
time, these melanocytes increase their production of melanin which
UVA can result in burns in sensitive people. UVA rays can cause
then is oxidized and causes tanning.
premature skin ageing due to their penetration in the dermis. Most
Dermis – lowest (innermost) layer of cells in the skin under the
tanning beds emit between 7-20 mW/cm² UVA, which is 8 times
more than the sun at noon in the summer. Some facials could emit
Epidermis – outer layers of skin in which melanin is found, UVB – ultraviolet radiation (sometimes called “short wave” Erythema – the medical term for inflammatory redness of the
radiation – 280 to 320 nanometres) that mostly penetrates the epider-
skin. It is the result of an exposure to ultraviolet radiation, particu-
mis. UVB rays are responsible for sunburns (being 1000 times more
larly UVB. It is commonly called “sunburn”.
erythemally effective than UVA) as well as for delayed tanning thatappears within 2 or 3 days and lasts for a longer period of time. UVB
Immediate tanning – tanning process (mainly triggered by
is found at varying levels in all commercial types of tanning equip-
UVA) that darkens only the melanin pigment already present in the
ment. Always remember that the letter “B” in UVB reminds us
of “burn”. Some pieces of tanning equipment can emit as much as
Melanin – pigment in the skin that becomes darker when
10 times more UVB radiation than others so they can cause serious
oxidised under the effect of ultraviolet radiation.
burns in a very short period of time. Melanoma – most serious form of skin cancer, malignant and UVC – ultraviolet radiation (100 – 280 nanometres) that is very
dangerous to all forms of life, even with only very short exposures. UVC radiation from the sun is completely absorbed by the ozone
Photokeratitis and photoconjunctivitis – painful injuries to
layer in the higher atmosphere and never reaches the earth’s level.
the cornea and conjunctiva caused by overexposure to ultraviolet
Modern tanning equipment should not emit UVC radiation or at
radiation that can be avoided by wearing protective eyewear.
least comply to the UVC/UVB ratio dictated in the Regulations. Stratum corneum – tough outer layer of dead skin cells. Ultraviolet radiation – electromagnetic radiation in the wave-
length range from 100 to 400 nanometers. It is shorter and moreenergetic than visible light but has essentially the same composition. Depending on its wavelength, it penetrates skin to different levels(more deeply in the case of UVA than UVB) and triggers differentbiological effects. 6 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 7 Glossary of Terms UVA – ultraviolet radiation (sometimes called “long wave”
radiation – 320 to 400 nanometres) which has the ability to penetrate
Delayed tanning
the dermis. UVA has to be 1000 times more intense than UVB to
– a type of tanning produced by UVB appear-
trigger the same erythema level. It is the most common radiation in
ing a few days after exposure and lasting up to a few weeks. This
commercial tanning equipment and is responsible for the darkening
process increases the number of melanocytes in the skin. At the same
of the melanin already present in the skin. An intense exposure to
time, these melanocytes increase their production of melanin which
UVA can result in burns in sensitive people. UVA rays can cause
then is oxidized and causes tanning.
premature skin ageing due to their penetration in the dermis. Most
Dermis – lowest (innermost) layer of cells in the skin under the
tanning beds emit between 7-20 mW/cm² UVA, which is 8 times
more than the sun at noon in the summer. Some facials could emit
Epidermis – outer layers of skin in which melanin is found, UVB – ultraviolet radiation (sometimes called “short wave” Erythema – the medical term for inflammatory redness of the
radiation – 280 to 320 nanometres) that mostly penetrates the epider-
skin. It is the result of an exposure to ultraviolet radiation, particu-
mis. UVB rays are responsible for sunburns (being 1000 times more
larly UVB. It is commonly called “sunburn”.
erythemally effective than UVA) as well as for delayed tanning thatappears within 2 or 3 days and lasts for a longer period of time. UVB
Immediate tanning – tanning process (mainly triggered by
is found at varying levels in all commercial types of tanning equip-
UVA) that darkens only the melanin pigment already present in the
ment. Always remember that the letter “B” in UVB reminds us
of “burn”. Some pieces of tanning equipment can emit as much as
Melanin – pigment in the skin that becomes darker when
10 times more UVB radiation than others so they can cause serious
oxidised under the effect of ultraviolet radiation.
burns in a very short period of time. Melanoma – most serious form of skin cancer, malignant and UVC – ultraviolet radiation (100 – 280 nanometres) that is very
dangerous to all forms of life, even with only very short exposures. UVC radiation from the sun is completely absorbed by the ozone
Photokeratitis and photoconjunctivitis – painful injuries to
layer in the higher atmosphere and never reaches the earth’s level.
the cornea and conjunctiva caused by overexposure to ultraviolet
Modern tanning equipment should not emit UVC radiation or at
radiation that can be avoided by wearing protective eyewear.
least comply to the UVC/UVB ratio dictated in the Regulations. Stratum corneum – tough outer layer of dead skin cells. Ultraviolet radiation – electromagnetic radiation in the wave-
length range from 100 to 400 nanometers. It is shorter and moreenergetic than visible light but has essentially the same composition. Depending on its wavelength, it penetrates skin to different levels(more deeply in the case of UVA than UVB) and triggers differentbiological effects. 6 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 7 RISKS OF TANNING Eye Problems
Ultraviolet radiation may cause painful temporary injuries to
the cornea and conjunctiva called photokeratitis and photocon-
junctivitis. These conditions may develop from 2 to 24 hours afterexposure, but usually occur within 6 to 12 hours. UVA radiation may
Sunburn (or erythema) is an inflammatory redness of the skin
cause eye ageing effects, such as browning of the lens and its loss of
caused by too much exposure to UV radiation, particularly UVB
elasticity. Overexposure to UVB seems to be partly responsible for
radiation. The small blood vessels in the skin dilate and increase
the appearance of cataracts in the lens. Retinal damage is mostly
the blood flow to the skin’s surface, making it red and painful. This
caused by blue light in the visible spectrum.
reaction can be almost immediate in severe cases, or may developup to 24 hours later in less severe cases of overexposure. Premature Skin Ageing
Ultraviolet radiation causes premature ageing effects such as
Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in Canada. In
2004, there were more than 76,000 new cases of this increasinglyprevalent skin disease, including 4,200 melanomas. Within the71,800 non-melanoma skin cancers reported, there was a ratio offour Basal Cell Carcinomas (BCC) to one Squamous Cell Carcinoma(SCC). More than ever, skin cancer seems to occur in youngerindividuals. Squamous and basal cell cancers are the most common,but rarely fatal, forms of skin cancer. In most cases, they are causedby UV exposure. Melanoma is a less common, but potentiallydeadly, type of skin cancer. The main factors that predispose anindividual to the development of melanoma seem to be recreationalexposure to the sun and a history of sunburn. The risk of developingskin cancer increases as total exposure to UV radiation increases. People with fair skin who burn easily are also more at risk ofdeveloping skin cancer. 8 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 9 RISKS OF TANNING Eye Problems
Ultraviolet radiation may cause painful temporary injuries to
the cornea and conjunctiva called photokeratitis and photocon-
junctivitis. These conditions may develop from 2 to 24 hours afterexposure, but usually occur within 6 to 12 hours. UVA radiation may
Sunburn (or erythema) is an inflammatory redness of the skin
cause eye ageing effects, such as browning of the lens and its loss of
caused by too much exposure to UV radiation, particularly UVB
elasticity. Overexposure to UVB seems to be partly responsible for
radiation. The small blood vessels in the skin dilate and increase
the appearance of cataracts in the lens. Retinal damage is mostly
the blood flow to the skin’s surface, making it red and painful. This
caused by blue light in the visible spectrum.
reaction can be almost immediate in severe cases, or may developup to 24 hours later in less severe cases of overexposure. Premature Skin Ageing
Ultraviolet radiation causes premature ageing effects such as
Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in Canada. In
2004, there were more than 76,000 new cases of this increasinglyprevalent skin disease, including 4,200 melanomas. Within the71,800 non-melanoma skin cancers reported, there was a ratio offour Basal Cell Carcinomas (BCC) to one Squamous Cell Carcinoma(SCC). More than ever, skin cancer seems to occur in youngerindividuals. Squamous and basal cell cancers are the most common,but rarely fatal, forms of skin cancer. In most cases, they are causedby UV exposure. Melanoma is a less common, but potentiallydeadly, type of skin cancer. The main factors that predispose anindividual to the development of melanoma seem to be recreationalexposure to the sun and a history of sunburn. The risk of developingskin cancer increases as total exposure to UV radiation increases. People with fair skin who burn easily are also more at risk ofdeveloping skin cancer. 8 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 9 TANNING SAFETY GUIDELINES
tanning units. Anyone who has a skin infection, rash or otherskin condition should not use tanning equipment without firstconsulting a doctor.
Children under 16 years of age should not use tanning equip-
Owners and operators of tanning salons must be aware of and
ment. Depending on provincial or territorial regulations, a
adhere to the pertinent requirements for tanning equipment under
minor may require written parental consent.
the federal Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations (Tanning Equip-ment). In addition, operators should follow the guidelines listed below,
which have been developed specifically for tanning salon operators.
First and maximum exposure times suggested for different skin
It is recommended that tanning salon clients be informed of
types depend on the strength and type of ultraviolet emissions
these guidelines and advised to consider discussing the risks of
from the light bulbs used in each individual piece of tanning
artificial tanning with their family physicians.
equipment. There are many different models and brands ofultraviolet light bulbs available on the market, producing
All tanning equipment sold, resold, leased or imported into
various intensities and emitting different amounts of UVA
Canada, including tanning beds, must comply with the
requirements specified for tanning equipment under the federalgovernment’s Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations. Owners
All pieces of tanning equipment are required to carry specific
must check with their equipment supplier to ensure that tanning
information about first and maximum exposure times based on
equipment, and any associated apparatus being purchased and
the user’s skin type. The total amount of minutes of exposure
used in their salon, are in compliance with the Radiation
corresponding to a recommended dose of 15 kJoules/m2 annu-
ally must also be included. This information is to be providedby the equipment manufacturer and is based on the bulbs
Knowledgeable operators or staff members who can inform
provided with the original equipment at the time of sale. The
and assist the public in the safe use of tanning devices should
replacement of bulbs in tanning equipment that have different –
always be on the premises during business hours. Staff should
and often higher – levels of UVA and UVB than the original
be familiar with these guidelines and have successfully
bulbs, should never happen. Cases of overexposure and burns
completed the questionnaire at the back of this booklet.
from UV radiation have occurred as a result of clients being
It is recommended that tanning salon operators ascertain a
exposed to tanning equipment which has had its original bulbs
client’s ability to tan, history of sunburns, and history of skin
replaced with newer, more powerful bulbs that do not comply
infections, rashes or other skin conditions. It is important that
the client discloses information about certain medications or
Operators should ensure that replacement bulbs are identical
cosmetics to prevent phototoxic and photoallergic reactions.
or equivalent to the original bulbs supplied with this piece of
Client records should be kept. This information is to be used
tanning equipment at the time of sale. When replacement bulbs
for exposure planning and to help clients understand how these
are identical to the original ones, the client can rely on the
factors interact with ultraviolet radiation.
manufacturer’s information provided with tanning equipment.
People with sensitive skin who always burn and never tan,
should be advised by the tanning equipment operator not to use
10 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 11 TANNING SAFETY GUIDELINES
tanning units. Anyone who has a skin infection, rash or otherskin condition should not use tanning equipment without firstconsulting a doctor.
Children under 16 years of age should not use tanning equip-
Owners and operators of tanning salons must be aware of and
ment. Depending on provincial or territorial regulations, a
adhere to the pertinent requirements for tanning equipment under
minor may require written parental consent.
the federal Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations (Tanning Equip-ment). In addition, operators should follow the guidelines listed below,
which have been developed specifically for tanning salon operators.
First and maximum exposure times suggested for different skin
It is recommended that tanning salon clients be informed of
types depend on the strength and type of ultraviolet emissions
these guidelines and advised to consider discussing the risks of
from the light bulbs used in each individual piece of tanning
artificial tanning with their family physicians.
equipment. There are many different models and brands ofultraviolet light bulbs available on the market, producing
All tanning equipment sold, resold, leased or imported into
various intensities and emitting different amounts of UVA
Canada, including tanning beds, must comply with the
requirements specified for tanning equipment under the federalgovernment’s Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations. Owners
All pieces of tanning equipment are required to carry specific
must check with their equipment supplier to ensure that tanning
information about first and maximum exposure times based on
equipment, and any associated apparatus being purchased and
the user’s skin type. The total amount of minutes of exposure
used in their salon, are in compliance with the Radiation
corresponding to a recommended dose of 15 kJoules/m2 annu-
ally must also be included. This information is to be providedby the equipment manufacturer and is based on the bulbs
Knowledgeable operators or staff members who can inform
provided with the original equipment at the time of sale. The
and assist the public in the safe use of tanning devices should
replacement of bulbs in tanning equipment that have different –
always be on the premises during business hours. Staff should
and often higher – levels of UVA and UVB than the original
be familiar with these guidelines and have successfully
bulbs, should never happen. Cases of overexposure and burns
completed the questionnaire at the back of this booklet.
from UV radiation have occurred as a result of clients being
It is recommended that tanning salon operators ascertain a
exposed to tanning equipment which has had its original bulbs
client’s ability to tan, history of sunburns, and history of skin
replaced with newer, more powerful bulbs that do not comply
infections, rashes or other skin conditions. It is important that
the client discloses information about certain medications or
Operators should ensure that replacement bulbs are identical
cosmetics to prevent phototoxic and photoallergic reactions.
or equivalent to the original bulbs supplied with this piece of
Client records should be kept. This information is to be used
tanning equipment at the time of sale. When replacement bulbs
for exposure planning and to help clients understand how these
are identical to the original ones, the client can rely on the
factors interact with ultraviolet radiation.
manufacturer’s information provided with tanning equipment.
People with sensitive skin who always burn and never tan,
should be advised by the tanning equipment operator not to use
10 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 11
a) The recommended maximum exposure time is not increased
A physical barrier, like a clear UV-transmitting plexiglass
to compensate for decreasing UV intensity as bulbs age.
cover, should always be in place between the lamps and theperson being exposed to UV radiation, covering the top and
b) First and maximum exposure times comply with the
bottom sections of a two-part, hinged tanning bed. This barrier
manufacturer’s recommendation. Clients should know that
will prevent injury to the user of the equipment in case of
UVA tanning equipment exposure times are different than
accidental lamp breakage. It will also guard against thermal
those recommended for higher intensity UVB equipment.
burns from close contact with the bulbs.
c) Ultraviolet radiation warning labels, compliant with the
Whenever maintenance is being performed on the tanning
Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations (Tanning Equipment),
equipment (e.g., changing UV bulbs, cleaning equipment, etc.),
are well posted on each piece of tanning equipment. These
employees should turn off the equipment. If the bulbs have
labels are designed to warn clients about ultraviolet radiation
to be on, the employees should use protective eyewear and
and its harmful effects on health. A summary of these guide-
clothing to minimize their exposure.
lines should be available within facilities or in the clientreception area.
Adequate ventilation is provided in such a way that the temper-ature of the tanning booth does not exceed 30 °C.
d) Each tanning device can be easily turned off by theperson who is being exposed, without the need to disconnect
Clients are advised that they may have a delayed, adverse reac-
the electrical plug or remove the ultraviolet lamp (a require-
tion to UV exposure like red, irritated and watering eyes, an
ment of the Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations (Tanning
itching skin rash or even a sunburn. This delayed reaction can
take anywhere from less than an hour to as long as a day anda half to develop. If a serious adverse reaction results, the client
The operator should provide each client/customer with
should be advised to consult their doctor. They should also
ultraviolet radiation safety eyewear that complies with the
be asked to notify the tanning salon operator of their reaction.
Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations (Tanning Equipment)
Upon receipt of notification of an adverse reaction, the owner/
and covers the eyes securely. Instructions should be given on
operator should investigate the incident and implement what-
Protective eyewear used with sunlamps or tanning beds must
All such incidents shall be documented and made available to
meet three criteria. The eyewear must have a spectral transmit-
an officer on request. Where an injury to a person is reported
to the owner/operator by a duly qualified medical practitioner
a) not more than 0.001 over the wavelength range from 200 to
as a result of an exposure to the tanning equipment under the
owner’s control, the owner shall inform the health
b) not more than 0.01 over the wavelength range from 320 to
department immediately or any other health authority.
c) sufficient over wavelengths greater than 400 nm to enable
Ensure that common contact surfaces, including protective
the user to read the labels and use the controls mentioned in the
eyewear, are disinfected between each use, with an appropriate
12 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 13
a) The recommended maximum exposure time is not increased
A physical barrier, like a clear UV-transmitting plexiglass
to compensate for decreasing UV intensity as bulbs age.
cover, should always be in place between the lamps and theperson being exposed to UV radiation, covering the top and
b) First and maximum exposure times comply with the
bottom sections of a two-part, hinged tanning bed. This barrier
manufacturer’s recommendation. Clients should know that
will prevent injury to the user of the equipment in case of
UVA tanning equipment exposure times are different than
accidental lamp breakage. It will also guard against thermal
those recommended for higher intensity UVB equipment.
burns from close contact with the bulbs.
c) Ultraviolet radiation warning labels, compliant with the
Whenever maintenance is being performed on the tanning
Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations (Tanning Equipment),
equipment (e.g., changing UV bulbs, cleaning equipment, etc.),
are well posted on each piece of tanning equipment. These
employees should turn off the equipment. If the bulbs have
labels are designed to warn clients about ultraviolet radiation
to be on, the employees should use protective eyewear and
and its harmful effects on health. A summary of these guide-
clothing to minimize their exposure.
lines should be available within facilities or in the clientreception area.
Adequate ventilation is provided in such a way that the temper-ature of the tanning booth does not exceed 30 °C.
d) Each tanning device can be easily turned off by theperson who is being exposed, without the need to disconnect
Clients are advised that they may have a delayed, adverse reac-
the electrical plug or remove the ultraviolet lamp (a require-
tion to UV exposure like red, irritated and watering eyes, an
ment of the Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations (Tanning
itching skin rash or even a sunburn. This delayed reaction can
take anywhere from less than an hour to as long as a day anda half to develop. If a serious adverse reaction results, the client
The operator should provide each client/customer with
should be advised to consult their doctor. They should also
ulraviolet radiation safety eyewear that complies with the
be asked to notify the tanning salon operator of their reaction.
Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations (Tanning Equipment)
Upon receipt of notification of an adverse reaction, the owner/
and covers the eyes securely. Instructions should be given on
operator should investigate the incident and implement what-
Protective eyewear used with sunlamps or tanning beds must
All such incidents shall be documented and made available to
meet three criteria. The eyewear must have a spectral transmit-
an officer on request. Where an injury to a person is reported
to the owner/operator by a duly qualified medical practitioner
a) not more than 0.001 over the wavelength range from 200 to
as a result of an exposure to the tanning equipment under the
owner’s control, the owner shall inform the health
b) not more than 0.01 over the wavelength range from 320 to
department immediately or any other health authority.
c) sufficient over wavelengths greater than 400 nm to enable
Ensure that common contact surfaces, including protective
the user to read the labels and use the controls mentioned in the
eyewear, are disinfected between each use, with an appropriate
12 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 13 Appendix A
melanin pigment. These melanin containing units begin to spreadthemselves throughout the layers of the skin, as they work theirway toward the keratinocytes at the surface of the skin. These
melanin-containing cells cause the skin to appear darker in colour.
Second, the tough outer surface layer of dying skin cells thickensand absorbs more of the hazardous shortwave UVB radiation. Thissecond process takes at least one day to happen, and produces anoticeable tan within a few days that can last for weeks or evenmonths.
Skin is made up of basically two layers, the epidermis (outer
layer) and the dermis (inner layer). The innermost section or dermisis formed of tissues containing nerves, blood vessels, lymphatics andfatty tissue. The outer layer or epidermis is made up of a series oflayers. Cells are created in the bottom or innermost layer of the epi-dermis. As cells age, they travel from the innermost layer of the epi-dermis to the outer surface of the skin where they die. This surfacelayer (or stratum corneum) forms a tough outer protective covering. As the cells move outward, they lose moisture, flatten and eventuallyflake off the surface of the skin. This process takes about 28 days.
There are two effects that occur in the skin following exposure
to UV radiation. When the skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation,slight pigment darkening is observable immediately, calledimmediate tanning. This results from darkening of the melaninpigment that is already present in the epidermis as it absorbs UVAradiation. This tan is only temporary, and fades within 3 to 36 hoursafter exposure.
A second process known as “delayed tanning” occurs in some
individuals, but not in every white individual, when the skin isexposed to UVB radiation. There are two processes involved indelayed tanning. First, more melanocytes (skin cells capable of pro-ducing melanin pigment) are produced at the base of the epidermis,and each melanocyte produces more melanosomes containing the
14 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 15 Appendix A
melanin pigment. These melanin containing units begin to spreadthemselves throughout the layers of the skin, as they work theirway toward the keratinocytes at the surface of the skin. These
melanin-containing cells cause the skin to appear darker in colour.
Second, the tough outer surface layer of dying skin cells thickensand absorbs more of the hazardous shortwave UVB radiation. Thissecond process takes at least one day to happen, and produces anoticeable tan within a few days that can last for weeks or evenmonths.
Skin is made up of basically two layers, the epidermis (outer
layer) and the dermis (inner layer). The innermost section or dermisis formed of tissues containing nerves, blood vessels, lymphatics andfatty tissue. The outer layer or epidermis is made up of a series oflayers. Cells are created in the bottom or innermost layer of the epi-dermis. As cells age, they travel from the innermost layer of the epi-dermis to the outer surface of the skin where they die. This surfacelayer (or stratum corneum) forms a tough outer protective covering. As the cells move outward, they lose moisture, flatten and eventuallyflake off the surface of the skin. This process takes about 28 days.
There are two effects that occur in the skin following exposure
to UV radiation. When the skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation,slight pigment darkening is observable immediately, calledimmediate tanning. This results from darkening of the melaninpigment that is already present in the epidermis as it absorbs UVAradiation. This tan is only temporary, and fades within 3 to 36 hoursafter exposure.
A second process known as “delayed tanning” occurs in some
individuals, but not in every white individual, when the skin isexposed to UVB radiation. There are two processes involved indelayed tanning. First, more melanocytes (skin cells capable of pro-ducing melanin pigment) are produced at the base of the epidermis,and each melanocyte produces more melanosomes containing the
14 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 15 Appendix B SOURCES AND EFFECTS OF ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION Wavelength 100-280 nm 280-320 nm 320-400 nm
n Absorbed in the epidermis by keratinn Does not penetrate into the dermis
n Cellular DNA not protected: epithelium,
n Maximum acute and chronic biological n Thermal burns
16 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 17 Appendix B SOURCES AND EFFECTS OF ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION Wavelength 100-280 nm 280-320 nm 320-400 nm
n Absorbed in the epidermis by keratinn Does not penetrate into the dermis
n Cellular DNA not protected: epithelium,
n Maximum acute and chronic biological n Thermal burns
16 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 17 Appendix C Appendix D PROTECTIVE PRODUCTS THAT INCREASE TO BE USED WITH SENSITIVITY TO ULTRAVIOLET EQUIPMENT RADIATION
Protective eyewear used with tanning equipment like sunbeds
Many products, including prescribed medications, over-the-
must meet the following three criteria. The eyewear must have a
counter patent medicines, and a wide range of personal care products
can increase the skin’s sensitivity to UV radiation, also known asphotosensitivity. This is an intense reaction of the skin to ultraviolet
not more than 0.001 over the wavelength range from 200 to
radiation which can cause burning (or erythema) in a much shorter
period than would normally be expected.
not more than 0.01 over the wavelength range from 320 to
Photosensitivity can be caused by products applied directly
to the skin or from medications or other substances that have been
sufficient over wavelengths greater than 400 nm to enable the
user to read the labels and use the controls.
Because there are literally hundreds of known photosensitizing
agents under the following general categories, clients taking anymedications or using any products (some listed below), should beadvised to consult a physician or pharmacist before using tanningequipment. List of Photosensitizing Drugs (This list is only informative)
The following table lists some drugs and other agents that have
been reported to cause photosensitivity reactions. Those marked withan asterisk cause more frequent reactions. Phototoxic drugs used for
18 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 19 Appendix C Appendix D PROTECTIVE PRODUCTS THAT INCREASE TO BE USED WITH SENSITIVITY TO ULTRAVIOLET EQUIPMENT RADIATION
Protective eyewear used with tanning equipment like sunbeds
Many products, including prescribed medications, over-the-
must meet the following three criteria. The eyewear must have a
counter patent medicines, and a wide range of personal care products
can increase the skin’s sensitivity to UV radiation, also known asphotosensitivity. This is an intense reaction of the skin to ultraviolet
not more than 0.001 over the wavelength range from 200 to
radiation which can cause burning (or erythema) in a much shorter
period than would normally be expected.
not more than 0.01 over the wavelength range from 320 to
Photosensitivity can be caused by products applied directly
to the skin or from medications or other substances that have been
sufficient over wavelengths greater than 400 nm to enable the
user to read the labels and use the controls.
Because there are literally hundreds of known photosensitizing
agents under the following general categories, clients taking anymedications or using any products (some listed below), should beadvised to consult a physician or pharmacist before using tanningequipment. List of Photosensitizing Drugs (This list is only informative)
The following table lists some drugs and other agents that have
been reported to cause photosensitivity reactions. Those marked withan asterisk cause more frequent reactions. Phototoxic drugs used for
18 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 19
therapeutic purposes such as the psoralens, trioxsalen (Trisoralen)
and methoxsalen (Oxsoralen), used for vitiligo and psoriasis, and
coal tar (Zetar, and others), used for psoriasis, are not listed.
Minoxidil (Loniten, and others)Nifedipine (Procerdia, and others)
Some agents that may cause Antimicrobials photosensitivity reactions
(The Medical Letter, Vol. 37 (issue 946), April 14, 1995)
* Demeclocycline (Declomycin, and others)
Anticancer drugs Antidepressants Antiparasitic drugs Antipsychotic drugs Antihistamines Antihypertensives
* Prochlorperazine (Compazine, and others)
20 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 21
therapeutic purposes such as the psoralens, trioxsalen (Trisoralen)
and methoxsalen (Oxsoralen), used for vitiligo and psoriasis, and
coal tar (Zetar, and others), used for psoriasis, are not listed.
Minoxidil (Loniten, and others)Nifedipine (Procerdia, and others)
Some agents that may cause Antimicrobials photosensitivity reactions
(The Medical Letter, Vol. 37 (issue 946), April 14, 1995)
* Demeclocycline (Declomycin, and others)
Anticancer drugs Antidepressants Antiparasitic drugs Antipsychotic drugs Antihistamines Antihypertensives
* Prochlorperazine (Compazine, and others)
20 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 21 Sunscreens
Benzophonones (Bain de Soleil; Solbar, and others)Cinnamates (Bull Frog; Coppertone, and others)
Homosalate (Coppertone; Tropical Blend, and others)
Menthyl anthranilate (Hawaiian Tropic, Neutrogena, and others)
* PABA esters (Tropical Blend, Presun, and others)
Bendroflumethiazide (Naturetin, and others)
* Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA – 405 Solar Cream)
* Hydrochlorothiazide (HydroDIURIL, and others)
Methyclothiazide (Aquatensen, and others)
* Bergamot oil, oils of citron, lavender, lime, sandalwood, cedar
(used in many perfumes and cosmetics); also topical exposure
Trichlormethiazide (Metahydrin, and others)
to citrus rind oils)Carbamazepine (Tegretol, and others)
Hypoglycemics Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
* 6-methylcoumarin (used in perfumes, shaving lotions
Quinidine sulphate and gluconate (many manufacturers)
22 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 23 Sunscreens
Benzophonones (Bain de Soleil; Solbar, and others)Cinnamates (Bull Frog; Coppertone, and others)
Homosalate (Coppertone; Tropical Blend, and others)
Menthyl anthranilate (Hawaiian Tropic, Neutrogena, and others)
* PABA esters (Tropical Blend, Presun, and others)
Bendroflumethiazide (Naturetin, and others)
* Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA – 405 Solar Cream)
* Hydrochlorothiazide (HydroDIURIL, and others)
Methyclothiazide (Aquatensen, and others)
* Bergamot oil, oils of citron, lavender, lime, sandalwood, cedar
(used in many perfumes and cosmetics); also topical exposure
Trichlormethiazide (Metahydrin, and others)
to citrus rind oils)Carbamazepine (Tegretol, and others)
Hypoglycemics Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
* 6-methylcoumarin (used in perfumes, shaving lotions
Quinidine sulphate and gluconate (many manufacturers)
22 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 23 Appendix E
(c) exempting any radiation emitting device or class of radiationemitting device from the application of all or any of the provisions
of this Act or the regulations and prescribing the conditions of thatexemption;
(d) respecting the labeling, packaging and advertising of radiation
emitting devices, and the use of any material in the construction ofany radiation emitting device, for the purpose of protecting persons
against genetic or personal injury, impairment of health or deathfrom radiation;
(e) prescribing the information that must be shown on any label or
package and the manner in which that information must be shown;
(f) requiring persons who manufacture, sell, lease, import intoCanada or otherwise deal with any radiation emitting device tomaintain such books and records as the Governor in Councilconsiders necessary for the proper enforcement and administration
A summary of the federal Radiation Emitting Devices Act and
Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations for tanning equipment ispresented here for general information only. It is not the legal text;
(g) prescribing the content of and the method of sending a
for complete detailed information, please contact the Consumer and
notification in case defect or non-compliance;
Clinical Radiation Protection Bureau (CCRPB) at Health Canada.
(h) respecting the powers and duties of inspectors and analysts andthe seizure, taking away, detention, forfeiture and disposition of
(Requirements for the Radiation Emitting Devices Act,
(i) generally, for carrying out the purposes and provisions of this
(1) The Governor in Council may make regulations
(a) prescribing classes of radiation emitting devices for the purposes
Sale, Lease and Importation Prohibitions
(Requirements of the Radiation Emitting Devices Act, section 4.)
(b) prescribing standards regulating the design, construction and
Except as authorized by regulations made by the Governor
functioning of any prescribed class of radiation emitting devices
in Council, no person shall sell, lease or import into Canada a
for the purpose of protecting persons against genetic or personal
injury, impairment of health or death from radiation;
24 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 25 Appendix E
(c) exempting any radiation emitting device or class of radiationemitting device from the application of all or any of the provisions
of this Act or the regulations and prescribing the conditions of thatexemption;
(d) respecting the labeling, packaging and advertising of radiation
emitting devices, and the use of any material in the construction ofany radiation emitting device, for the purpose of protecting persons
against genetic or personal injury, impairment of health or deathfrom radiation;
(e) prescribing the information that must be shown on any label or
package and the manner in which that information must be shown;
(f) requiring persons who manufacture, sell, lease, import intoCanada or otherwise deal with any radiation emitting device tomaintain such books and records as the Governor in Councilconsiders necessary for the proper enforcement and administration
A summary of the federal Radiation Emitting Devices Act and
Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations for tanning equipment ispresented here for general information only. It is not the legal text;
(g) prescribing the content of and the method of sending a
for complete detailed information, please contact the Consumer and
notification in case defect or non-compliance;
Clinical Radiation Protection Bureau (CCRPB) at Health Canada.
(h) respecting the powers and duties of inspectors and analysts andthe seizure, taking away, detention, forfeiture and disposition of
(Requirements for the Radiation Emitting Devices Act,
(i) generally, for carrying out the purposes and provisions of this
(1) The Governor in Council may make regulations
(a) prescribing classes of radiation emitting devices for the purposes
Sale, Lease and Importation Prohibitions
(Requirements of the Radiation Emitting Devices Act, section 4.)
(b) prescribing standards regulating the design, construction and
Except as authorized by regulations made by the Governor
functioning of any prescribed class of radiation emitting devices
in Council, no person shall sell, lease or import into Canada a
for the purpose of protecting persons against genetic or personal
injury, impairment of health or death from radiation;
24 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 25
(a) does not comply with the standards, if any, prescribed by the
(ii) does not accomplish its claimed purpose, or
Governor in Council and applicable thereto; or
(iii) emits radiation that is not necessary in order for it to
(b) creates a risk to any person of genetic or personal injury, impair-
accomplish its claimed purpose, the person shall forthwith
ment of health or death from radiation by reason of the fact that it
(i) does not perform according to the performance
(ii) does not accomplish its claimed purpose, or
(b) through the Minister’s own investigation, research, inspection or
(iii) emits radiation that is not necessary in order for it to
that a radiation emitting device falls under paragraph 6.(1)(a) or (b),the manufacturer or importer of the device shall, if directed by the
Minister, notify such persons as the Minister requires of the defect ornon-compliance, by such method, giving such details and within
(Required by the Radiation Emitting Devices Act, section 5.)
such time period as are specified by the Minister.
(1) No person shall label, package or advertise a radiation
emitting device in a manner that is false, misleading or deceptive or
Definition of Tanning Equipment
is likely to create an erroneous impression regarding its design, con-struction, performance, intended use, character, value, composition,
(Provided in Schedule I of the Radiation Emitting Devices
Item 11 of Schedule I to the Radiation Emitting Devices
Regulations is for Tanning equipment as defined in section 1of Part XI of Schedule II.
(Required by the Radiation Emitting Devices Act, section 6.)
Part XI of Schedule II defines requirements for tanning
(1) Where a person who is the manufacturer or importer of a
radiation emitting device becomes aware, after the device has left theperson’s premises, of the fact that the device
Tanning Equipment Requirements
(a) does not comply with the standards, if any, prescribed by theGovernor in Council and applicable thereto, or
(Provided in Part XI of the Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations)
(b) creates a risk to any person of genetic or personal injury, impair-
ment of health or death from radiation by reason of the fact that it
The following definitions apply in Part XI.
(i) does not perform according to the performance character-
“double-contact medium screw lampholder” means a lampholder
described in American National Standard for Lampholders for26 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 27
(a) does not comply with the standards, if any, prescribed by the
(ii) does not accomplish its claimed purpose, or
Governor in Council and applicable thereto; or
(iii) emits radiation that is not necessary in order for it to
(b) creates a risk to any person of genetic or personal injury, impair-
accomplish its claimed purpose, the person shall forthwith
ment of health or death from radiation by reason of the fact that it
(i) does not perform according to the performance
(ii) does not accomplish its claimed purpose, or
(b) through the Minister’s own investigation, research, inspection or
(iii) emits radiation that is not necessary in order for it to
that a radiation emitting device falls under paragraph 6.(1)(a) or (b),the manufacturer or importer of the device shall, if directed by the
Minister, notify such persons as the Minister requires of the defect ornon-compliance, by such method, giving such details and within
(Required by the Radiation Emitting Devices Act, section 5.)
such time period as are specified by the Minister.
(1) No person shall label, package or advertise a radiation
emitting device in a manner that is false, misleading or deceptive or
Definition of Tanning Equipment
is likely to create an erroneous impression regarding its design, con-struction, performance, intended use, character, value, composition,
(Provided in Schedule I of the Radiation Emitting Devices
Item 11 of Schedule I to the Radiation Emitting Devices
Regulations is for Tanning equipment as defined in section 1of Part XI of Schedule II.
(Required by the Radiation Emitting Devices Act, section 6.)
Part XI of Schedule II defines requirements for tanning
(1) Where a person who is the manufacturer or importer of a
radiation emitting device becomes aware, after the device has left theperson’s premises, of the fact that the device
Tanning Equipment Requirements
(a) does not comply with the standards, if any, prescribed by theGovernor in Council and applicable thereto, or
(Provided in Part XI of the Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations)
(b) creates a risk to any person of genetic or personal injury, impair-
ment of health or death from radiation by reason of the fact that it
The following definitions apply in Part XI.
(i) does not perform according to the performance character-
“double-contact medium screw lampholder” means a lampholder
described in American National Standard for Lampholders for26 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 27 Electric Lamps, ANSI C81.62-1991, Standard Sheet 2-158-1,
“spectral irradiance” means the irradiance that results from radiation
entitled Double-Contact Medium Screw Lampholder, published by
within an infinitesimally small wavelength range, expressed in watts
the American National Standards Institute and approved on July 15,
per square metre per nanometre (W/m2/nm). (éclairement
1991. (douille à contact double pour vis moyenne)
“erythema reference action spectrum” means the erythema action
“spectral transmittance” means the ratio of the spectral irradiance
spectrum set out in section 5.2 of CIE Standard CIE S 007/E-1998
that is transmitted through protective eyewear to the spectral
entitled Erythema Reference Action Spectrum and Standard
irradiance that is incident and normal to the surface of the eyewear. Erythema Dose, published in 1998 by the Commission internationale
de l’éclairage. (spectre d’action érythémale de référence)
“tanning equipment” means a device that
“exposure position” means any place, orientation or distance relative
(a) can be equipped with one or more ultraviolet lamps; and
to the ultraviolet-radiating surface of tanning equipment at which itis recommended by the manufacturer that the user be exposed.
(b) induces skin tanning or other cosmetic effects.
It does not include any such device that is used in the production of
“exposure schedule” means a program of exposure recommended by
therapeutic effects for medical purposes. (appareils de bronzage)
the manufacturer of tanning equipment that takes into account expo-
“timer” means a device that is capable of ending the emission of
sure times, intervals between exposures and the degree of sensitivity
ultraviolet radiation from tanning equipment after a preset period.
for each skin type. (programme d’expositions)
“irradiance” means radiant power incident per unit area, expressed in
“ultraviolet lamp” means a device that produces ultraviolet radiation
watts per square metre (W/m2). (éclairement énergétique)
in the wavelength range from 200 nm to 400 nm and is used in tan-
“maximum exposure time” means the longest period for continuous
ning equipment. (lampe à rayonnements ultraviolets)
exposure recommended by the manufacturer of tanning equipment.
“wavelength” means a wavelength as measured in air. (longueur
“protective eyewear” means a device that is worn by the user of tan-ning equipment to reduce ultraviolet radiation reaching their eyeseither directly or indirectly. (dispositif de protection des yeux)
Information and Labelling
“single-contact medium screw lampholder” means a lampholder
described in American National Standard for Lampholders for
The information and labels required by this Part must be
Electric Lamps, ANSI C81.62-1991, Standard Sheet 2-157-1,
provided in both official languages.
entitled Single-Contact Medium Screw Lampholder, published bythe American National Standards Institute and approved on July 15,1991. (douille à contact unique pour vis moyenne)
28 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 29 Electric Lamps, ANSI C81.62-1991, Standard Sheet 2-158-1,
“spectral irradiance” means the irradiance that results from radiation
entitled Double-Contact Medium Screw Lampholder, published by
within an infinitesimally small wavelength range, expressed in watts
the American National Standards Institute and approved on July 15,
per square metre per nanometre (W/m2/nm). (éclairement
1991. (douille à contact double pour vis moyenne)
“erythema reference action spectrum” means the erythema action
“spectral transmittance” means the ratio of the spectral irradiance
spectrum set out in section 5.2 of CIE Standard CIE S 007/E-1998
that is transmitted through protective eyewear to the spectral
entitled Erythema Reference Action Spectrum and Standard
irradiance that is incident and normal to the surface of the eyewear. Erythema Dose, published in 1998 by the Commission internationale
de l’éclairage. (spectre d’action érythémale de référence)
“tanning equipment” means a device that
“exposure position” means any place, orientation or distance relative
(a) can be equipped with one or more ultraviolet lamps; and
to the ultraviolet-radiating surface of tanning equipment at which itis recommended by the manufacturer that the user be exposed.
(b) induces skin tanning or other cosmetic effects.
It does not include any such device that is used in the production of
“exposure schedule” means a program of exposure recommended by
therapeutic effects for medical purposes. (appareils de bronzage)
the manufacturer of tanning equipment that takes into account expo-
“timer” means a device that is capable of ending the emission of
sure times, intervals between exposures and the degree of sensitivity
ultraviolet radiation from tanning equipment after a preset period.
for each skin type. (programme d’expositions)
“irradiance” means radiant power incident per unit area, expressed in
“ultraviolet lamp” means a device that produces ultraviolet radiation
watts per square metre (W/m2). (éclairement énergétique)
in the wavelength range from 200 nm to 400 nm and is used in tan-
“maximum exposure time” means the longest period for continuous
ning equipment. (lampe à rayonnements ultraviolets)
exposure recommended by the manufacturer of tanning equipment.
“wavelength” means a wavelength as measured in air. (longueur
“protective eyewear” means a device that is worn by the user of tan-ning equipment to reduce ultraviolet radiation reaching their eyeseither directly or indirectly. (dispositif de protection des yeux)
Information and Labelling
“single-contact medium screw lampholder” means a lampholder
described in American National Standard for Lampholders for
The information and labels required by this Part must be
Electric Lamps, ANSI C81.62-1991, Standard Sheet 2-157-1,
provided in both official languages.
entitled Single-Contact Medium Screw Lampholder, published bythe American National Standards Institute and approved on July 15,1991. (douille à contact unique pour vis moyenne)
28 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 29 Information
(d) the recommended exposure time, as calculated in seconds using
The following information must accompany each piece of
(a) instructions for its operation and safe use that include
and converted into and expressed in minutes, where
(i) detailed directions for determining the exposure positions,
is a dose not greater than 100 Joules/m2 for the first exposuresession for untanned skin, gradually increasing over the follow-
ing sessions to a maximum of 625 Joules/m2 per session,
(iii) the minimum interval between consecutive exposures
is the irradiance of the tanning equipment, measured at the
(iv) the maximum number of persons who may, at the same
time, be exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the tanningequipment, as recommended by the manufacturer, and
is the weighting factor determined in accordance with the
(v) the ultraviolet radiation warning labels described in
(e) the minimum interval between consecutive exposures;
(b) instructions for obtaining repairs and the recommended replace-
(f) the maximum number of minutes of exposure per year, as
ment components and accessories that comply with the requirements
recommended by the manufacturer based on a maximum annual
dose of 15kJ/m2 weighted in accordance with the erythema referenceaction spectrum and taking into account the recommended exposure
(c) a warning to always follow the instructions that accompany the
(g) the model designation for each type of ultraviolet lamp that is tobe used in the tanning equipment; and
(h) the ultraviolet radiation warning labels designed in accordance
Every piece of tanning equipment must have permanently af-
fixed to its external surface the following information, clearly legibleand readily accessible to view by the user immediately before use:
(a) the manufacturer’s name and address;
(a) be reproduced from the electronic file provided by the Minister;
(b) the model designation, serial number and month and year of
(b) include in the French version of the label illustrated in Figure 1
of paragraph (e), enclosed within a black border,
(c) detailed directions for determining the exposure positions and a
(i) in the upper portion, on a white background, the signal
warning that the use of any other position may result in
word « Danger » in red with the hazard symbol to its right,
30 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 31 Information
(d) the recommended exposure time, as calculated in seconds using
The following information must accompany each piece of
(a) instructions for its operation and safe use that include
and converted into and expressed in minutes, where
(i) detailed directions for determining the exposure positions,
is a dose not greater than 100 Joules/m2 for the first exposuresession for untanned skin, gradually increasing over the follow-
ing sessions to a maximum of 625 Joules/m2 per session,
(iii) the minimum interval between consecutive exposures
is the irradiance of the tanning equipment, measured at the
(iv) the maximum number of persons who may, at the same
time, be exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the tanningequipment, as recommended by the manufacturer, and
is the weighting factor determined in accordance with the
(v) the ultraviolet radiation warning labels described in
(e) the minimum interval between consecutive exposures;
(b) instructions for obtaining repairs and the recommended replace-
(f) the maximum number of minutes of exposure per year, as
ment components and accessories that comply with the requirements
recommended by the manufacturer based on a maximum annual
dose of 15kJ/m2 weighted in accordance with the erythema referenceaction spectrum and taking into account the recommended exposure
(c) a warning to always follow the instructions that accompany the
(g) the model designation for each type of ultraviolet lamp that is tobe used in the tanning equipment; and
(h) the ultraviolet radiation warning labels designed in accordance
Every piece of tanning equipment must have permanently af-
fixed to its external surface the following information, clearly legibleand readily accessible to view by the user immediately before use:
(a) the manufacturer’s name and address;
(a) be reproduced from the electronic file provided by the Minister;
(b) the model designation, serial number and month and year of
(b) include in the French version of the label illustrated in Figure 1
of paragraph (e), enclosed within a black border,
(c) detailed directions for determining the exposure positions and a
(i) in the upper portion, on a white background, the signal
warning that the use of any other position may result in
word « Danger » in red with the hazard symbol to its right,
30 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 31
(ii) in the middle portion, the primary hazard statement
« Rayonnements ultraviolets » in yellow on a black back-ground, and
(iii) in the lower portion, the following message in black on a
Rayonnements ultraviolets La surexposition provoque des brûlures aux yeux et à la peau. Porter le dispositif de protection des yeux. Suivre les instructions. Médicaments et cosmétiques peuvent augmenter les effets des UV.
« La surexposition provoque des brûlures aux yeux et à la peau. Lexposition aux UV peut avoir des effets nocifs sur la santé et contribuer, à long terme, au vieillissement prématuré et au cancer de la peau. Ces effets sont cumulatifs.
Porter le dispositif de protection des yeux. Suivre les instruc-
Plus lexposition réguliére commence tôt, plus les risques qui y sont associés sont élevés.
tions. Médicaments et cosmétiques peuvent augmenter leseffets des UV. L’exposition aux UV peut avoir des effets nocifssur la santé et contribuer, à long terme, au vieillissementprématuré et au cancer de la peau. Ces effets sont cumulatifs.
Plus l’exposition régulière commence tôt, plus les risques qui ysont associés sont élevés. »;
(c) include in the English version of the label illustrated in figure 2of paragraph (e), enclosed within a black border,
Ultraviolet Radiation Overexposure causes skin and eye burns. Use protective eyewear. Follow instructions.
(i) in the upper portion, on a white background, the signal
Drugs and cosmetics may increase UV effects. UV exposure can be hazardous to your health and in the long term can contribute to premature ageing
word “Danger” in red with the hazard symbol to its right,
and skin cancer. UV effects are cumulative. Greater risks are associated with early and repeated exposure.
(ii) in the middle portion, the primary hazard statement
“Ultraviolet Radiation” in yellow on a black background, and
(iii) in the lower portion, the following message in black on awhite background:
(1) Subject to subsection (2), all advertising material in relation
to tanning equipment must include, in a clearly legible manner, the
“Overexposure causes skin and eye burns. Use protective
signal word “Danger”, the primary hazard statements “Ultraviolet
eyewear. Follow instructions. Drugs and cosmetics may
Radiation/Rayonnements ultraviolets” and the messages set out in
increase UV effects. UV exposure can be hazardous to your
subparagraphs 5 (b)(iii) and (c)(iii).
health and in the long term can contribute to premature skinageing and skin cancer. UV effects are cumulative. Greater
(2) Advertising material that is only English or French must
risks are associated with early and repeated exposure.”;
(a) if it is only in French, the signal word “Danger”, the primaryhazard statement “Rayonnements ultraviolets” and the message set
(i) 75 mm high and 200 mm wide, in the case of tanning
equipment used for full- or half-body exposure, and
(ii) 50 mm high and 100 mm wide, in any other case; and
32 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 33
(ii) in the middle portion, the primary hazard statement
« Rayonnements ultraviolets » in yellow on a black back-ground, and
(iii) in the lower portion, the following message in black on a
Rayonnements ultraviolets La surexposition provoque des brûlures aux yeux et à la peau. Porter le dispositif de protection des yeux. Suivre les instructions. Médicaments et cosmétiques peuvent augmenter les effets des UV.
« La surexposition provoque des brûlures aux yeux et à la peau. Lexposition aux UV peut avoir des effets nocifs sur la santé et contribuer, à long terme, au vieillissement prématuré et au cancer de la peau. Ces effets sont cumulatifs.
Porter le dispositif de protection des yeux. Suivre les instruc-
Plus lexposition réguliére commence tôt, plus les risques qui y sont associés sont élevés.
tions. Médicaments et cosmétiques peuvent augmenter leseffets des UV. L’exposition aux UV peut avoir des effets nocifssur la santé et contribuer, à long terme, au vieillissementprématuré et au cancer de la peau. Ces effets sont cumulatifs.
Plus l’exposition régulière commence tôt, plus les risques qui ysont associés sont élevés. »;
(c) include in the English version of the label illustrated in figure 2of paragraph (e), enclosed within a black border,
Ultraviolet Radiation Overexposure causes skin and eye burns. Use protective eyewear. Follow instructions.
(i) in the upper portion, on a white background, the signal
Drugs and cosmetics may increase UV effects. UV exposure can be hazardous to your health and in the long term can contribute to premature ageing
word “Danger” in red with the hazard symbol to its right,
and skin cancer. UV effects are cumulative. Greater risks are associated with early and repeated exposure.
(ii) in the middle portion, the primary hazard statement
“Ultraviolet Radiation” in yellow on a black background, and
(iii) in the lower portion, the following message in black on awhite background:
(1) Subject to subsection (2), all advertising material in relation
to tanning equipment must include, in a clearly legible manner, the
“Overexposure causes skin and eye burns. Use protective
signal word “Danger”, the primary hazard statements “Ultraviolet
eyewear. Follow instructions. Drugs and cosmetics may
Radiation/Rayonnements ultraviolets” and the messages set out in
increase UV effects. UV exposure can be hazardous to your
subparagraphs 5 (b)(iii) and (c)(iii).
health and in the long term can contribute to premature skinageing and skin cancer. UV effects are cumulative. Greater
(2) Advertising material that is only English or French must
risks are associated with early and repeated exposure.”;
(a) if it is only in French, the signal word “Danger”, the primaryhazard statement “Rayonnements ultraviolets” and the message set
(i) 75 mm high and 200 mm wide, in the case of tanning
equipment used for full- or half-body exposure, and
(ii) 50 mm high and 100 mm wide, in any other case; and
32 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 33
(b) if it is only in English, the signal word “Danger”, the primary
Components and Accessories
hazard statement “Ultraviolet Radiation” and the message set out in
Every ultraviolet lamp that is used in tanning equipment must
be constructed so that it cannot be inserted and operated in a single-
Every ultraviolet lamp must have a tag, tape or card affixed to it
contact medium screw lampholder or a double-contact medium
Every piece of tanning equipment must be accompanied by a
number of sets of protective eyewear at least equal to the maximum
(b) the warning “DANGER – Ultraviolet radiation. Follow instruc-
number of persons who may, at the same time, be exposed to ultra-
tions. Use only in fixtures equipped with a timer. / DANGER –
violet radiation from the tanning equipment, as recommended by the
Rayonnements ultraviolets. Suivre les instructions. À n’utiliser
qu’avec un dispositif pourvu d’une minuterie.”
Functioning Standards Construction Standards
Every piece of tanning equipment, whether it has its original
components or replacement components recommended by the manu-facturer, must, under the conditions of use specified by the manufac-
All controls, meters, lights or other indicators of a piece of tan-
turer, meet the functioning standards set out in this Part.
ning equipment must be readily identifiable and clearly labelled toindicate their function.
Every ultraviolet lamp that is used in tanning equipment must
function so that, at any distance and in any direction from the radia-tion source, the irradiance within the wavelength range from 200 nm
Safety Features
to less than 260 nm does not exceed 0.003 of the irradiance withinthe wavelength range from 260 nm to 320 nm.
Every piece of tanning equipment must have the following
Every replacement ultraviolet lamp must function so that the
maximum exposure time remains within 10% of the maximum
(a) a control by which the person being exposed may easily turn off
exposure time originally recommended by the manufacturer.
the tanning equipment at any time without disconnecting the electri-cal plug or removing the ultraviolet lamps; and
(b) a timer that meets the functioning standards set out in section 16.
(a) be adjustable to preset times and have a maximum timer settingnot greater than the maximum exposure time recommended by the
(1) Every piece of tanning equipment must have a physical
barrier between the ultraviolet lamps and the user that prevents anydirect physical contact between the user and the lamps.
(b) have a margin of error not greater than 10% of the maximumtimer setting; and
(2) In the case of tanning beds, the physical barrier must be
constructed of plexiglass or an equivalent material.
(c) not automatically reset when the tanning equipment emissionshave been ended by the timer. 34 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 35
(b) if it is only in English, the signal word “Danger”, the primary
Components and Accessories
hazard statement “Ultraviolet Radiation” and the message set out in
Every ultraviolet lamp that is used in tanning equipment must
be constructed so that it cannot be inserted and operated in a single-
Every ultraviolet lamp must have a tag, tape or card affixed to it
contact medium screw lampholder or a double-contact medium
Every piece of tanning equipment must be accompanied by a
number of sets of protective eyewear at least equal to the maximum
(b) the warning “DANGER – Ultraviolet radiation. Follow instruc-
number of persons who may, at the same time, be exposed to ultra-
tions. Use only in fixtures equipped with a timer. / DANGER –
violet radiation from the tanning equipment, as recommended by the
Rayonnements ultraviolets. Suivre les instructions. À n’utiliser
qu’avec un dispositif pourvu d’une minuterie.”
Functioning Standards Construction Standards
Every piece of tanning equipment, whether it has its original
components or replacement components recommended by the manu-facturer, must, under the conditions of use specified by the manufac-
All controls, meters, lights or other indicators of a piece of tan-
turer, meet the functioning standards set out in this Part.
ning equipment must be readily identifiable and clearly labelled toindicate their function.
Every ultraviolet lamp that is used in tanning equipment must
function so that, at any distance and in any direction from the radia-tion source, the irradiance within the wavelength range from 200 nm
Safety Features
to less than 260 nm does not exceed 0.003 of the irradiance withinthe wavelength range from 260 nm to 320 nm.
Every piece of tanning equipment must have the following
Every replacement ultraviolet lamp must function so that the
maximum exposure time remains within 10% of the maximum
(a) a control by which the person being exposed may easily turn off
exposure time originally recommended by the manufacturer.
the tanning equipment at any time without disconnecting the electri-cal plug or removing the ultraviolet lamps; and
(b) a timer that meets the functioning standards set out in section 16.
(a) be adjustable to preset times and have a maximum timer settingnot greater than the maximum exposure time recommended by the
(1) Every piece of tanning equipment must have a physical
barrier between the ultraviolet lamps and the user that prevents anydirect physical contact between the user and the lamps.
(b) have a margin of error not greater than 10% of the maximumtimer setting; and
(2) In the case of tanning beds, the physical barrier must be
constructed of plexiglass or an equivalent material.
(c) not automatically reset when the tanning equipment emissionshave been ended by the timer. 34 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 35
Protective eyewear must have a spectral transmittance that is
Appendix F
(a) not more than 0.001 over the wavelength range from 200 nm to320 nm;
(b) not more than 0.01 over the wavelength range from 320 nm to
(c) sufficient over wavelengths greater than 400 nm to enable the
user to read the labels and use the control specified in paragraph 9(a). (FPTRPC)* POSITION STATEMENT ON ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION
There is ample scientific evidence demonstrating that excessiveexposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR), from sunlight or fromartificial sources, causes acute and chronic adverse healtheffects. The main organs affected by UVR are the skin andthe eyes. There is increasing evidence indicating that UVRalso acts as a systemic immuno-suppressor.
Exposure to solar and artificial ultraviolet radiation is widelyrecognized as an important, and preventable, cause of skincancer. There is significant scientific evidence indicating that
* The Federal Provincial Territorial Radiation Protection Committee comprises aforum of delegates from each of the following government organizations: AtomicEnergy Control Board; Health Canada (Consumer and Clinical Radiation ProtectionBureau) and provincial and territorial radiation protection programs. It was estab-lished to support federal, provincial and territorial government radiation protectionagencies with their respective mandates in Canada. The mission of the committee isto advance the development and harmonization of practices and standards for radia-tion protection within federal, provincial and territorial jurisdictions. 36 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 37
Protective eyewear must have a spectral transmittance that is
Appendix F
(a) not more than 0.001 over the wavelength range from 200 nm to320 nm;
(b) not more than 0.01 over the wavelength range from 320 nm to
(c) sufficient over wavelengths greater than 400 nm to enable the
user to read the labels and use the control specified in paragraph 9(a). (FPTRPC)* POSITION STATEMENT ON ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION
There is ample scientific evidence demonstrating that excessiveexposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR), from sunlight or fromartificial sources, causes acute and chronic adverse healtheffects. The main organs affected by UVR are the skin andthe eyes. There is increasing evidence indicating that UVRalso acts as a systemic immuno-suppressor.
Exposure to solar and artificial ultraviolet radiation is widelyrecognized as an important, and preventable, cause of skincancer. There is significant scientific evidence indicating that
* The Federal Provincial Territorial Radiation Protection Committee comprises aforum of delegates from each of the following government organizations: AtomicEnergy Control Board; Health Canada (Consumer and Clinical Radiation ProtectionBureau) and provincial and territorial radiation protection programs. It was estab-lished to support federal, provincial and territorial government radiation protectionagencies with their respective mandates in Canada. The mission of the committee isto advance the development and harmonization of practices and standards for radia-tion protection within federal, provincial and territorial jurisdictions. 36 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 37
long-term exposure to UVR without adequate eye protection
Appendix G
also plays a role in the development of some types of cataractand other eye and skin conditions. TANNING SALON
The main source of ultraviolet radiation in the environment isthe sun. Artificial sources of UVR can be found in work and
recreation environments. Tanning equipment accounts forsignificant additional UVR exposure to users. KNOWLEDGE
The UVR dose to the population can be significantly decreased
by applying simple strategies and measures to reduce sun expo-sure. The FPTRPC recommends that protective measuresagainst excessive exposure to solar and artificial ultravioletradiation, such as those contained in its overview document,be implemented by health, education, labour and recreation
The owner or manager of the facility should ensure that each
authorities in all provinces and territories and adopted by the
operator successfully completes the following questionnaire to
evaluate their knowledge about UV radiation.
The FPTRPC recommends that particular attention be given to
It is recommended that the owner or manager retain copies of
the reduction of UVR exposure among the following groups:
the completed questionnaire in their appropriate employee training
n Children. Their skin is usually more sensitive to UVR than
file. It is also recommended that operators not be permitted to workwith clients until they can answer all of the questions in the question-
n Sensitive people. People with lightly pigmented skin, hair
and eyes are at higher risk of developing skin cancer.
The FPTRPC recommends that tanning and the use of tanningequipment, particularly by minors, be discouraged. TheFPTRPC further recommends that provincial and territorialauthorities evaluate the need for operator-based regulation oftanning salons. 38 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 39
long-term exposure to UVR without adequate eye protection
Appendix G
also plays a role in the development of some types of cataractand other eye and skin conditions. TANNING SALON
The main source of ultraviolet radiation in the environment isthe sun. Artificial sources of UVR can be found in work and
recreation environments. Tanning equipment accounts forsignificant additional UVR exposure to users. KNOWLEDGE
The UVR dose to the population can be significantly decreased
by applying simple strategies and measures to reduce sun expo-sure. The FPTRPC recommends that protective measuresagainst excessive exposure to solar and artificial ultravioletradiation, such as those contained in its overview document,be implemented by health, education, labour and recreation
The owner or manager of the facility should ensure that each
authorities in all provinces and territories and adopted by the
operator successfully completes the following questionnaire to
evaluate their knowledge about UV radiation.
The FPTRPC recommends that particular attention be given to
It is recommended that the owner or manager retain copies of
the reduction of UVR exposure among the following groups:
the completed questionnaire in their appropriate employee training
n Children. Their skin is usually more sensitive to UVR than
file. It is also recommended that operators not be permitted to workwith clients until they can answer all of the questions in the question-
n Sensitive people. People with lightly pigmented skin, hair
and eyes are at higher risk of developing skin cancer.
The FPTRPC recommends that tanning and the use of tanningequipment, particularly by minors, be discouraged. TheFPTRPC further recommends that provincial and territorialauthorities evaluate the need for operator-based regulation oftanning salons. 38 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 39 Operator’s name: _______________________ True or False Date completed: ________________________
Most conventional commercial tanning devices emit someUVB radiation.
Name the three wavelength regions that ultraviolet radiationmay be divided into.
The risk of developing skin cancer will increase as totalultraviolet exposure is increased.
Which of these three wavelength regions of ultraviolet radiationis now most prevalent in commercial tanning equipment emis-
Cataracts are a long term chronic effect of ultraviolet radiation
Briefly, what is the skin’s reaction that causes erythema?
Name one painful eye injury resulting from ultraviolet radiation
After using a commercial tanning facility, if a customer
Which penetrates most deeply into the layers of the skin UVA
complains of red irritated and watering eyes, or an itching skin
rash causing discomfort, the customer should be told that the
Which is responsible for long term or long lasting tan UVA, or
cause may be related to ultraviolet exposure.
What is the correct medical term for skin reddening or
The customer should always wear protective eyewear while
List two common categories of drugs or medications which
may increase sensitivity to ultraviolet exposure.
A fair-skinned person with red or blond hair and freckles
The sun produces about 2.5 mW/cm² of UVA in summer
should be allowed to use a tanning unit.
around noon. How much UVA does a typical tanning bedproduce?
What precautions should be taken by an employee when
Ultraviolet radiation is responsible for premature skin ageing
performing maintenance on any of the tanning equipment
effects such as wrinkling and skin hardening.
(e.g., changing UV bulbs, cleaning equipment, etc.)?
40 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 41 Operator’s name: _______________________ True or False Date completed: ________________________
Most conventional commercial tanning devices emit someUVB radiation.
Name the three wavelength regions that ultraviolet radiationmay be divided into.
The risk of developing skin cancer will increase as totalultraviolet exposure is increased.
Which of these three wavelength regions of ultraviolet radiationis now most prevalent in commercial tanning equipment emis-
Cataracts are a long term chronic effect of ultraviolet radiation
Briefly, what is the skin’s reaction that causes erythema?
Name one painful eye injury resulting from ultraviolet radiation
After using a commercial tanning facility, if a customer
Which penetrates most deeply into the layers of the skin UVA
complains of red irritated and watering eyes, or an itching skin
rash causing discomfort, the customer should be told that the
Which is responsible for long term or long lasting tan UVA, or
cause may be related to ultraviolet exposure.
What is the correct medical term for skin reddening or
The customer should always wear protective eyewear while
List two common categories of drugs or medications which
may increase sensitivity to ultraviolet exposure.
A fair-skinned person with red or blond hair and freckles
The sun produces about 2.5 mW/cm² of UVA in summer
should be allowed to use a tanning unit.
around noon. How much UVA does a typical tanning bedproduce?
What precautions should be taken by an employee when
Ultraviolet radiation is responsible for premature skin ageing
performing maintenance on any of the tanning equipment
effects such as wrinkling and skin hardening.
(e.g., changing UV bulbs, cleaning equipment, etc.)?
40 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 41
UVA radiation exposure causes the skin to produce more
Appendix H
melanin-producing cells, thus creating a longer lasting tan. TANNING OPERATOR
It is the customer’s responsibility to ask the owner or operator
for instructions on the proper use of tanning equipment. ANSWER KEY Results: Correct Answers ________ Incorrect Answers ________ UVA, UVB and UVC are the three ultraviolet radiation wave- length regions. Comments
: _____________________________________________
and UVB: Commercial tanning equipment all emit
primarily UVA radiation, with various amounts of UVB.
Erythema is the medical term for inflammatory redness of
the skin. It is caused by UV radiation. When this happens,erythema is commonly called “sunburn”.
Photokeratitis and photoconjunctivitis (also known as welder’sflash or snow blindness) are two painful eye injuries that can
Owner’s or manager’s signature: __________________________
result from exposure to UV radiation. Date: _________________________ UVA is the wavelength which penetrates most deeply into the skin. UVB causes long-lasting tan by increasing the production of the melanin pigment in the skin.
Erythema occurs when the small blood vessels in the skin dilateand increase the flow of blood to the skin’s surface.
Antibiotics, antihistamines, oral contraceptives and tranquil-lizers are some of the common classes of drugs which canincrease the skin sensitivity to UV radiation (see Appendix Bfor full list). 42 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 43
UVA radiation exposure causes the skin to produce more
Appendix H
melanin-producing cells, thus creating a longer lasting tan. TANNING OPERATOR
It is the customer’s responsibility to ask the owner or operator
for instructions on the proper use of tanning equipment. ANSWER KEY Results: Correct Answers ________ Incorrect Answers ________ UVA, UVB and UVC are the three ultraviolet radiation wave- length regions. Comments
: _____________________________________________
and UVB: Commercial tanning equipment all emit
primarily UVA radiation, with various amounts of UVB.
Erythema is the medical term for inflammatory redness of
the skin. It is caused by UV radiation. When this happens,erythema is commonly called “sunburn”.
Photokeratitis and photoconjunctivitis (also known as welder’sflash or snow blindness) are two painful eye injuries that can
Owner’s or manager’s signature: __________________________
result from exposure to UV radiation. Date: _________________________ UVA is the wavelength which penetrates most deeply into the skin. UVB causes long-lasting tan by increasing the production of the melanin pigment in the skin.
Erythema occurs when the small blood vessels in the skin dilateand increase the flow of blood to the skin’s surface.
Antibiotics, antihistamines, oral contraceptives and tranquil-lizers are some of the common classes of drugs which canincrease the skin sensitivity to UV radiation (see Appendix Bfor full list). 42 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 43
Tanning beds typically produce between 7 to 20 mW/cm²
of UVA, which is as much as 3 to 8 times the UVA the sun
All customers must wear protective eye-wear while using
When maintenance is being performed on the tanning equip-
ment, the employee should either turn off all the tanning bulbswhile working on or around the equipment, or else wear
Fair-skinned people with red or blond hair and freckles should
protective eyewear and clothing to minimize their exposure.
not use a tanning device. Fair-skinned people are most at risk ofburning and skin cancer. Children, the elderly and those whoalways burn or don’t tan well should not use tanning units at
True or False Questions
Most tanning lamps emit some UVB radiation, the form of
Ultraviolet radiation causes premature skin ageing effects such
ultraviolet radiation with the greatest capability of causing
as wrinkling and hardening of the skin.
sunburns. All operators must be aware of the maximum expo-
sure times for their clients, depending on their skin type and
the intensity of the lamps used in their tanning equipment.
Although radiation penetrates more deeply into the skin, it is
mainly UVB exposure that causes the skin to produce more
melanin. UVB radiation is 1,000 times more likely to cause
The risk of developing skin cancer increases as total exposure
sunburn than the same intensity of UVA radiation.
Operators must provide customers with clear instructions on
In the long term, ultraviolet radiation exposure to the eyes can
how to use tanning equipment, including maximum exposure
cause cataracts. In the short term, UV can cause photokeratitis
times (based on their skin type) and the need to wear protective
Operators should tell customers that exposure to ultravioletradiation at a tanning salon can cause watering eyes, an itchingskin rash or sunburn. 44 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 45
Tanning beds typically produce between 7 to 20 mW/cm²
of UVA, which is as much as 3 to 8 times the UVA the sun
All customers must wear protective eye-wear while using
When maintenance is being performed on the tanning equip-
ment, the employee should either turn off all the tanning bulbswhile working on or around the equipment, or else wear
Fair-skinned people with red or blond hair and freckles should
protective eyewear and clothing to minimize their exposure.
not use a tanning device. Fair-skinned people are most at risk ofburning and skin cancer. Children, the elderly and those whoalways burn or don’t tan well should not use tanning units at
True or False Questions
Most tanning lamps emit some UVB radiation, the form of
Ultraviolet radiation causes premature skin ageing effects such
ultraviolet radiation with the greatest capability of causing
as wrinkling and hardening of the skin.
sunburns. All operators must be aware of the maximum expo-
sure times for their clients, depending on their skin type and
the intensity of the lamps used in their tanning equipment.
Although radiation penetrates more deeply into the skin, it is
mainly UVB exposure that causes the skin to produce more
melanin. UVB radiation is 1,000 times more likely to cause
The risk of developing skin cancer increases as total exposure
sunburn than the same intensity of UVA radiation.
Operators must provide customers with clear instructions on
In the long term, ultraviolet radiation exposure to the eyes can
how to use tanning equipment, including maximum exposure
cause cataracts. In the short term, UV can cause photokeratitis
times (based on their skin type) and the need to wear protective
Operators should tell customers that exposure to ultravioletradiation at a tanning salon can cause watering eyes, an itchingskin rash or sunburn. 44 Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users Guidelines for Tanning Salon Owners, Operators and Users 45
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this (incorporated in the Cayman Islands wi
PEARSON/ the way through the woods Waves, crashing gently against the shore. Or is it the wind in the trees? Or is it someone whispering a name? Something moving in the dark - something immeasurably huge, spinning, round and round and round. Can’t see it. Can feel it though, tugging, pulling; irresistible. Beautiful. It’s beautiful. Am I supposed to be here? Time’s running out.