FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT (FBA) STUDENT: GRADE: 08 DISABILITY: Emotional Disability ALL OTHER MEDICATION(S) and other health issues: Nathan is currently diagnosed with: ADD with inattention (314.01); Sleep Disorder (780.50); Anxiety Disorder (300.0) and Depression (311). He takes Celexa (10mg) on a daily basis.
List Student Strengths, Skills, Interests Intelligent; Observant of details; Good with words; Good vocabulary. Parents are supportive. List Outside Factors(ex: health/medication issues, family changes, past experiences, legal issues, etc.) Student attended the Crossing in Elkhart for the second semester of the 2012-2013 school year. Student was seen by the Behavior Consultant for short term intervention during the school years of 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2013. List no more than 1 or 2 Specific Behaviors Causing Concern(give exact/detailed description of behavior - describe in terms of frequency, duration, intensity, location for each behavior) Student actively and passively refuses to do his school work. Antecedents(describe what typically occurs immediately prior to the behavior including setting, time, others present, etc. and if a pattern exists) When the school work seems too hard; When student perceives there is too much work to do; When student is tired Indicate Methods of Collecting This Data 1
Consequences of the Behavior
Function of the Behavior 1
Needed Skills 1
Assessment Techniques Used to Analyze Behavior
Summary Statement of Information Although student's academic ability is not in question, the lack of effort in demonstrating it is. The refusal to do school work appears to be a combination of a lack of confidence, anxiety, avoidance and defiance. Potential interventions include: Teaching him Calming/Relaxation strategies such as deep breathing; positive self-talk and self-analysis. Another possible intervention could include the "all-aboard" check in- check out program. Short-term intervention with the Behavior Consultant is also a possibility. BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION PLAN STUDENT: GRADE: 08 DISABILITY: Emotional Disability ALL OTHER MEDICATION(S) and other health issues: Nathan currently has the diagnoses of: ADD with inattention (314.01); Sleep Disorder (780.50); Anxiety Disorder (300.0) and Depression (311). He takes 10mg. of Celexa on a daily basis. Specific Behavior Goal(s) (List what you want the student to be able to do.) 1. Student will actively participate in academic tasks 80% of the time without refusal. 2. Plan of Action (How will outside circumstances/antecedents be removed, modified, or accommodated? Include a list of acceptable replacement behaviors to be taught that decrease/eliminate inappropriate behavior. Specify who those persons are that will be responsible for teaching replacement behaviors.) Give tasks one at a time to avoid a sense of feeling overwhelmed whenever possible, break down larger assignments, provide opportunity for movement, allow time to go to the office for a short break, make instructional accomodations to decrease frustration, praise frequently stating exact reason for praise, offer choices that give him a sense of control over the situation, use positive language. Replacement Behaviors: Teach acceptable classroom behaviors/replay situations directing him to choices and consequences, teach/model better ways to express and relieve sense of frustration and anger, use active listening, listening to his point of view then addressing behavior, offer reminders of rules/ teaching/reteaching when needed, positive self-talk, social skills- interpersonal skills, emotional coping skills, and decision making. Responsible people to teach him: Teacher, Behavior Consultant, Counselor Positive Consequences for Behavior Reinforcement 1
Other: Daily All Aboardevaluation tool Staff Response to Behavior(s) 1
Replacement Behaviors/Skills to be Taught and Indicate Person(s) Responsible 1 Evaluation (Indicate methods to be used to evaluate the Behavior Intervention Plan) The need exists for a Crisis Management Plan. Proceed to Crisis Management Section.
10 kinds of homemade tea practices and effectiveness ginseng: sex more peaceful, not warm but not dry, either qi, but also fluid, suitable for rousing,enhance physical fitness and anti- disease capabilities. White ginseng (sugar ginseng): more choice of body short, inferior quality of ginseng, blanched inboiling water cook for a while, soaked in syrup, then dried. White ginseng (ginseng sug
DOCUMENTO INFORMATIVO Médicos Sin Fronteras (MSF) actualmente proporciona atención a más de 100.000 personas con VIH/SIDA y terapia antirretroviral a más de 80.000 personas en sus 65 proyectos en más de 30 países. Aunque los programas de MSF reportan muy buenos resultados, los retos que Basado en datos y experiencias que se presentaron en la XVI Conferencia Internacional del SIDA