The Best Treatment For Aphthous Ulcers An evidence-based study of the literature
R. Fernandes, T. Tuckey, P. Lam, S. Allidina, S. Sharifi and D. Nia
This evidence-based study of the literature set out to examine the various treatment options for recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) and identify the best therapeutic choice for managing the condition. Currently, treatment options include symptomatic
relief of the canker sore using topical agents or antibiotics, or non-intervention treatment wherein the ulcer heals on its own. The
review is based on literature from a search of several electronic databases including references from the potential articles
obtained, as well as information obtained from dental textbooks and an oral pathologist. A total of 69 randomized control trials (RCTs) were deemed relevant and were critically appraised according to an “efficacy checklist”. Six studies met the criteria of
scoring >13/15 on the checklist with statistically significant results and potential applications in clinical treatment. The therapeutic
options investigated included 5% amlexanox, penicillin G, silver-nitrate cautery and doxymycine. Benefits versus risk for each
treatment option were examined, and the best form of therapy was based on an agent that would encompass reduction in pain and healing time and prevent further recurrences. Based on these criteria, 5% amlexanox was determined to be the most
effective form of treatment for RAS. MeSH Key Words: Aphthous stomatides; Aphthous stomatitis; Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis; Stomatides, Aphthous; Aphthae; Ulcer, Aphthous; Aphthous ulcer; Aphthous ulcers; Aphthous; Ulcers, Aphthous; Canker sore; Canker sores; Sore, Canker; Sores, Canker; Periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrence
weeks.1 Herpetiform ulcers are the least common
stomatitis (RAS), commonly referred to as canker
variety and account for only 5-10% of cases.2,3
sores, are inflammatory lesions of the mucous
lining of the mouth which may involve the cheeks,
keratinized mucosa unlike aphthae minor and
gums, tongue, lips, and roof or floor of the mouth.
major which are limited to non-keratinized
It is usually painful and associated with redness,
swelling, and occasional bleeding from the
affected area(s). Manifestation of the disease can
common form of oral ulcerative diseases and
range from mild to severe and, in extreme cases,
affects an estimated 15-20% of the population
even hinder a person’s ability to ingest foods,
worldwide. In some populations, the prevalence
thereby making the person susceptible to
has been documented as being as high as 50-66%5
and it is especially common in North America.3
These aphthae can also occur as widespread
several factors are suspected including genetics,
lesions in association with systemic diseases
stress, nutritional deficiencies, diet, hormonal
including Behcet’s syndrome, and gastrointestinal
changes, and immunological disorders. 1,2,5 Due to
malabsorption disorders like Crohn's and Celiac
the indeterminate etiology of the disease, it is
diseases. 1,3,6 It is unclear whether these
difficult to find a definitive cure and current
presentations are manifestations of the underlying
treatments are aimed towards ameliorating the
disease or represent a separate oral disorder.3
There are 3 clinical presentations of RAS:
goals being to decrease pain, healing time, number
aphthous minor, aphthous major and herpetiform
and size of the ulcer, and to increase disease-free
ulcers. Aphthous minor are the most common
periods. Current treatment options include topical
and account for 80-95% of all RAS lesions. They
are white ulcerative lesions that may be single or
corticosteroids, cauterization, antibiotics, mouth
multiple and round or oval.2,3 Two to eight crops
rinses containing active enzymes, laser treatments
of lesions occur per year, lasting 7 to 14 days and
and combination therapy. Given the prevalence of
then heal without scars.4 Aphthous major,
RAS, primary care physicians and dentists should
become familiar with its presentation and
characterized by larger lesions with 1-2 lesions
management and be able to offer therapeutic
occurring at a time. These are more common in
options that meet their patients’ needs. The report
serves as an educational medium for health
associated with severe pain, lasting 6 or more
professionals, so that they may become equipped
with the knowledge to manage patients who
oral pathology were consulted, as was the expert
present with RAS. Since aphthous minor is the
most prevalent form of RAS, this report focuses
Determination of Relevance using Validity
specifically on its treatment options. The findings
of this report may not be generalizable to patients
In the abstract stage, queries were limited
with major or herpetic aphthae or those with
to Randomized Controlled Trials and this process
forms of RAS that are manifestations of systemic
yielded 69 articles in Pubmed, 17 in Ovid Medline
disorders. For other forms of RAS, therapy should
and none in Cochrane. Following the elimination
be individually tailored to the patient depending
of duplicate articles (overlapping articles within
on the severity of the ulcer and the patient’s health.
the electronic databases), a total of 69 articles
remained. A search of the references within these
articles was also conducted, on the basis of titles,
A systematic literature search was employed to
but no articles were retrieved in this manner.
identify, select, critically appraise and utilize
Of these 69 articles, 40 were eliminated
based on titles – these articles either dealt with
Search Strategy
non-healthy populations (i.e. people with AIDS)
MeSH was initially used to expand on the
or RAS as a manifestation of a systemic disorder.
vocabulary, so as to conduct a more extensive
The remaining 29 articles were retrieved and
search on the topic. The following terms were
analyzed for relevance. Articles were considered
used in the searches: Aphthous stomatides;
relevant if they met the following criteria: 1)
primary research; 2) the best evidence as set by the
stomatides; Aphthae; Aphthous ulcer; Aphthous
classification system of the Canadian Task Force
ulcers; Aphthous; Canker Sore; Canker Sores;
on the Periodic Health Examination (CFTPHE)7;
Apthous ulcer; treatment/therapy for Aphthous
and 3) a score of >13/15 on the checklist to
ulcer(s) and management of/managing aphthous
assess the efficacy of a therapy or intervention
ulcers. To locate relevant articles, several
(Table 1)8. Articles with inconclusive or
electronic databases were used: Pubmed (1966 –
conflicting evidence were disregarded, as were
present), Ovid Medline (1966 – present) and
articles with poor design or those using an
Cochrane, which yielded 2546, 505 and 12 articles
alternate therapy as a control (Appendix 1). A
respectively. The next stage was to limit the search
total of 6 RCTs met all criteria and were further
to studies published in English that dealt with
human subjects of all ages and this decreased the
number of potentially relevant articles to 1466 in
investigated penicillin G, 1 investigated silver
Pubmed while the others remained unchanged. In
nitrate cautery and the last investigated
addition to using online databases, textbooks in
Table 1: Checklist to Assess Evidence of Efficacy of Therapy or Prevention8 Was the study ethical? (1 point) Was a strong design used asess efficacy? (1)
Were outcomes (benefits and harms) validly and reliably measured? (1) What were the results?
Was the treatment effect large enough to be clinically important? (1)
Was the estimate of the treatment effect beyond chance and relatively precise? (1)
If the findings were “no difference” was the power of the study 80% or better? (1)
Was the assignment of patients to treatments randomized? (1)
Were all patients who entered the trial properly accounted for and attributed at its conclusion?
¾ Was loss to follow-up less than 20% and balanced between test and controls?(1/2)
¾ Were patients analyzed in the groups to which they were randomized? (1/2)
Was the study of sufficient duration? (1)
Were patients, health workers, and study personnel “blind” to treatment? (1)
Were groups similar at the start of the trial? (1)
Aside from the experimental intervention, were the groups treated equally? (1)
Was care received outside the study identified and controlled for? (1)
Will the results help in caring for your patients? (1)
Were all clinically important outcomes considered? (1)
Are the likely benefits of treatment worth the potential harms and costs? (1)
Results Table 2: Studies investigating treatment of RAS Study Subjects Treatment Method Effect(s) observed [Total (final)] publication Binnie and Tx: 5% Amlexanox oral paste Control: placebo (vehicle)
-After 3 days, a significant difference in
Generally healthy, history ulcers healing or study ending
-No unusual or unexpected adverse reactions reported
Tx: of 5% Amlexanox oral
-↓ healing time by 0.8 days compared to
Generally healthy, history Control: placebo (vehicle) and Tx: 150 mg doxymycine + 1ml Control: 150 mg calcii
1cryo (n=16) Mean pain level VAS recorded
Tx: topical 50mg penicillin G
-Significant acceleration of healing and pain
Generally healthy, history potassium troches (Cankercillin) relief of minor RAU
(n=31) Control: placebo (n=33), no tx Tx: silver nitrate sticks gently
-Significant ↓ pain 1 day after procedure
Generally healthy, history cauterization (n=47)
Control: placebo (n=38)
-No significant difference in time to heal
Tx: 0.5cm of 5% Amlexanox
-By day 3, 35% of prodromal group had an
paste applied 4x/day beginning: ulcer present compared with 97% in placebo
Generally healthy, history 1. within 12h of onset of
-Prodromal tx ↓ ulcer size and extent by
ulceration to see if healing could -↓ healing time by 4.1 days if used at
Control: placebo
-Tx at onset of prodrome rather than at ulceration = 71% ↓ in extent of ulceration
and a 35% ↓ in max pain -Side effects were mild and transient (e.g, dry
mouth and numbness at application site) -Product considered easy to use
Four studies investigated the drugs’ effects
on pain and healing times. Three of these examined
thermographic imagers, and alongside the compliance
5% Amlexanox9,10,11 and these studies showed a
issue of applying the paste 4 times per day, diagnosing
significant (p<0.05) reduction in pain and healing
and treating the prodromal ulcer is difficult and the
time when Aphtheal was applied to the ulcer 4 times
treatment is unlikely to yield the same results as seen
a day from ulcer onset until healing. It was further
in the study. Furthermore, the reduction in pain and
demonstrated that application of 5% Amlexanox
healing time is not necessarily clinically significant.
during the prodromal stage significantly reduced ulcer
Alidaee and others 14 found healing to take 7-10 days
recurrence11. The fourth study12 examined Penicillin
with pain subsiding after 4-5 days; however, with
G and showed a significant decrease in pain and
Amlexanox treatment, median healing time was only
healing time when it was applied 4 times daily until
reduced by 1.6 days and the median time to complete
complete healing of the ulcer. None of the subjects in
pain relief was decreased by only 1.3 days – results
any of these experiments showed any significant side
which are not necessarily clinically significant.
Further, Murray11 found that 5% Amlexanox lead to
Two studies investigated the drug’s effect on
pain resolution in 83% of subjects compared with
pain only: Ylikontiola and others13 investigated the
73% of those using a vehicle, indicating that simply
effects of Doxymycine and Alidaee and others14
covering the lesion provided some benefit to the
investigated the effects of silver nitrate cauterization.
Both drugs significantly reduced pain without any
In conclusion, due to the unknown etiology
significant reduction in healing time. The reduction of
of RAS most of the treatment is therapeutic.
pain seen with silver nitrate is rapid and lasts for the
Literature shows that aphthous ulcers are best treated
duration of the lesion; however it was perhaps due to
with 5% Amlexanox as it decreases healing time and
the destruction of local nerve endings. 14 Furthermore,
pain and prevents recurrences if applied in the
adverse effects have been reported with silver nitrate
prodromal stage. The effectiveness of treatment,
such as argyria, mucocutaneous reactions15 and
however, is not clinically significant since pain relief
tattooing of the mucosa.16 These side effects make
and healing time is accelerated by only 1.3 and 1.6
silver nitrate an unlikely choice of treatment especially
days respectively and since a vehicle also reduces pain.
since the healing time is not affected by the
The effectiveness of prevention showed statistically
significant results; however, diagnosis of the
prodromal stage is subjective, while the objective
thermographic imaging is impractical and thus not
According to this literature review, the best
clinically utilizable. Therefore, based upon the
treatment for minor RAS is 5% Amlexanox. It is the
inherent difficulties associated with treatment of
only agent that has a “triple action” in the form of
aphthous ulcers, the clinician should individualize
preventing recurrences, decreasing healing time and
treatment to each patient by considering a number of
accelerating pain resolution. Penicillin G only
relevant factors, including the potential psychological
reduced pain and healing time, while doxymycine and
benefits of treatment, the degree of patient
discomfort experienced, the probability of patient
Amlexanox has only mild and transient side
compliance with required application procedures and
effects.11 While the results are statistically significant,
trade-offs between the enhanced rate of recovery and
they do not necessarily correlate well as being
the economic burden of purchasing the treatment.
clinically useful since the prodromal stage (the stage at
which the drug was shown to have the “triple action”
effect) is hard to determine. The prodromal stage is
Acknowledgements: The authors wish to thank Dr. Iona
characterized as a burning or pricking sensation 24 -
Leong, Department of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine,
48 hours before the onset of the ulcer but it is not
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto for her guidance in
easily identified by all patients. In Murray’s study,11
determining which treatments for aphthous ulcers were clinically
the prodromal stage was determined through
subjective measures of sensation to predict the ulcer
as well as the use of a thermographic imager as
confirmation. Thermographically active data meant a
surface temperature difference of 0.05°C between the
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Appendix 1: List of articles excluded and reasons for exclusion
Articles Reason for exclusion
Chadwick and others 1991; Drinnan and Fischman 1978; Fridh
Did not score ≥13/15 on efficacy checklist
and Koch 1999; Garnick and others 1998; Hodosh and others
2004; Matthews and others 1987; Miles and others 1993; Muzio
and others 2001; Olsen and Silverman 1978; Saxen and others 1997 Atik and others 2003; Brice and others 1997; Jacobson and others Inconclusive evidence (statistically insignificant)
1997; Jacobson and others 2001; Jenkins and others 1984; Revuz and others 1990; Ricer 1989; Taylor and others 1993; Cree and others 1978
Lu Muzio and others 2001; Saxen and others 1997
Other variables were being compared e.g. use of adhesive / delivery vehicle
Used an existing therapy as control (rather than placebo or
Pedersen and others 1990; Pedersen and others 1990
Did not have washout period to rule out lingering effects of 1st treatment
1. Atik U, Cimen M, Eskandari G, Ikizoglu G, Kaya T and Tursen U. Oxidant/antioxidant status in patients with
recurrent aphhthous stomoatitis. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2003; 28:647-650.
2. Brice S. Clinical evaluation of the use of low-intensity ultrasound in the treatment of recurrent aphthous
stomatitis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1997; 83(1):14-20.
3. Chadwick B, Addy M and Walker DM. Hexetidine mouthrinse in the management of minor aphthous ulceration
and as an adjunct to oral hygiene. Br Dent J 1991; 171:83-7.
4. De Cree J, Verhaegen H, De Cock W, and Verbruggen F. A randomized double-blind trial of levamisole in the
therapy of recurrent aphthous stomatitis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1978; 45 (3):378-84.
5. Drinnan AJ and Fischman SL. Randomized, double-blind study of levamisole in recurrent aphthous stomatitis.
6. Femiano F, Gombos F, and Scully C. Recurrent aphthous stomatitis unresponsive to topical corticosteroids: a
study of the comparative therapeutic effects of systemic prednisone and systemic sulodexide. Int J Dermatol 2003; 42(5):394-7.
7. Fridh G and Koch G. Effect of a mouth rinse containing amyloglucosidease and glucose oxidase on recurrent
aphthous ulcers in children and adolescents. Swed Dent J 1999; 23:49-57.
8. Garnick JJ, Singh B, and Winkley G. Effectiveness of a medicament containing silicon dioxide, aloe, and
allantoin on aphthous stomatitis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1998; 86(5):550-56.
9. Hodosh A, Hodosh M, and Hodosh M. Treatment of aphthous stomatitis with saturated potassium
nitrate/dimethyl isosorbide. Quintessence International 2004; 35 (2):137-144.
10. Jacobson JM, Greenspan JS, Spritzler J, Fox L, Fahey JL, Jackson JB, Chernoff M, Wohl DA, Pulvirenti JJ,
Hooton TM, and Shikuma C. Thalidomide in low intermittent doses does not prevent recurrence of human immunodeficiency virus-associated aphthous ulcers. J Infect Dis 2001; 183(2):343-6.
11. Jacobson JM, Greenspan JS, Spritzler J, Ketter N, Fahey JL, Jackson JB, Fox L, Chernoff M, Wu AW, MacPhail
LA, Vasquez GJ, and Wohl DA. Thalidomide for the treatment of oral aphthous ulcers in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection. N Engl J Med 1997; 336(21):1487-93.
12. Jenkins JS, Powell RJ, Allen BR, Littlewood SM, Maurice PD, and Smith NJ. Thalidomide in severe orogenital
ulceration. Lancet 1984; 2(8417-18):1424-6.
13. Lo Muzio L, della Valle A, Mignogna MD, Pannone G, Bucci P, Bucci E, and Sciubba J. The treatment of oral
aphthous ulceration or erosive lichen planus with topical clobetasol propionate in three preparations: a clinical and pilot study on 54 patients. J Oral Pathol Med 2001; 30(10):611-7.
14. Matthews RW, Scully CM, Levers BGH, and Hislop WS. Clinical evaluation of benzydamine, chlorhexidine, and
placebo mouthwashes in the management of recurrent aphthous stomatitis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1987; 63:189-91.
15. Miles DA, Bricker SL, Razmus TF, and Potter RH. Triamcinolone acetonide versus chlorhexidine for treatment
of recurrent stomatitis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1993; 75:397-402.
16. Olson JA and Silverman S. Double-blind study of levamisole therapy in recurrent aphthous stomatitis. J Oral
17. Pedersen A, Hougen HP, Klausen B, and Winther K. LongoVital in the prevention of recurrent aphthous
ulceration. J Oral Pathol Med 1990; 19:371-375
18. Pedersen A, Klausen B, Hougen HP, Ryder L, and Winther K. Immunomodulation by LongoVital in patients
with recurrent aphthous ulceration. J Oral Pathol Med 1990; 19:376-380.
19. Revuz J, Guillaume JC, Janier M, Hans P, Marchand C, Souteyrand P, Bonnetblanc JM, Claudy A, Dallac S, and
Klene C. Crossover study of thalidomide vs placebo in severe recurrent aphthous stomatitis. Archives of dermatology 1990; 126(7):923-7.
20. Saxen MA, Ambrosius WT, Rehemtula al-KF, Russell AL, and Eckert GJ. Sustained relief of oral aphthous
ulcer pain from topical diclofenac in hyaluronan: a randomized, double-blind clinical trial. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1997; 84(4):356-61.
21. Taylor LJ, Walker DM, and Bagg J. A clinical trial of prostaglandin E2 in recurrent aphthous ulceration. Br 22. Rattan J, Schneider M, Arber N, Gorsky M, and Dayan D. Sucralfate suspension as a treatment of recurrent
aphthous stomatitis. Journal of internal medicine 1994; 236:341-343
23. Ricer RE. Sucralfate vs. Placebo for the treatment of aphthous ulcers: A double-blinded prospective clinical trial.
Family practice research journal 1989; 9(1):33-41
MULTIDISCOS DE ANTIBIÓTICOS LABORCLIN 1. FINALIDADE 5. MATERIAIS E EQUIPAMENTOS NECESSÁRIOS (porém não Os Multidiscos de Antibióticos Laborclin consistem em unidades plásticas às quais estão aderidos 12 discos de papel com diâmetro de 6 mm, impregnados com antibióticos para uso em antibiograma por difusão em ágar (placas de 140 mm de - Alças bacteriológicas em pla