Why this degree? — We’re one of the UK’s top 20, and the world’s top 100,
Why do people differ in their ability to learn different
universities for the arts and humanities
subjects? How does culture affect the ways people learn?
— We have well-established links with employers of
What role do genes play in ability and achievement, how
Psychology graduates and an active programme
do educational methods interact with them? And how can
education be individualised to allow for optimum learning
— 42 months after graduating, Goldsmiths’ Psychology
graduates are ranked in the top 3 for highest median salary
— We host excellent specialist and general research
The answers to these fascinating questions are explored in
laboratories, including an EEG suite for brain research,
this MSc programme offered by Goldsmiths’ Department
as well as a general Goldsmiths’ Graduate School for
of Psychology – one of the top-ranking Psychology
departments in the world and ranked top 3 in the UK
— We combine academic excellence with vibrant living,
for highest salaries for Psychology graduates.
in an urban and well-connected area of South East London
Taught by the leading academics in the field, you
will use interdisciplinary methods and integrate the
BSc Hons degree (minimum 2:1) in Psychology or another
latest knowledge about genetic, brain, and cognitive
relevant subject with a research component. In exceptional
mechanisms into educationally relevant research.
circumstances, other degrees and professional qualifications may be considered. International, non-English native
You will be introduced to different methods, such
speakers will need to provide evidence of relevant English
as twin studies, cutting-edge molecular genetic
competency qualifications and will be interviewed in person
methodologies, brain imaging research, experimental
psychology, and cognitive psychology. You’ll explore
their application to educationally relevant investigations,
with the ultimate goal of improving learning.
Your experience on the programme will give you:
— a thorough understanding of cutting edge interdisciplinary
cross-cultural research — practical experience and skills applicable across a range
of roles and career opportunities, including PhD research
and academia, science communication and bio-ethics
— Visit our web pages at www.gold.ac.uk/psychology
— the opportunity to collaborate with international
— Watch our Psychology Department in action
researchers based across the globe as part of Goldsmiths-
based InLab (International Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Investigations into Individual Differences in Learning)
To find out about fees, funding and financial support,
— access to mentoring support and resources from
Goldsmiths’ Unit for Schools and Family Studies— the opportunity to contribute to STEM-relevant research
Related linksInLab website: www.inlab.co.uk
Skills you will develop on the programme include:
Unit for School and Family Studies: www.gold.ac.uk/usfs
— Problem solving — Critical analysis — Interpersonal— Communication
*LYHU 76 VNROHSUREOHPHU" I tilfælde, hvor et barn med TS har vanskeligheder iskolen, kan det være nødvendigt at foretage en samletvurdering af barnets skolesituation. Der kan være speci-fikke indlæringsproblemer, som anbefales afklaret vedneuropsykologisk undersøgelse. Det kan så vurderes ombarnet har behov for ekstra undervisning eller specialun-dervisning. .DQ PHQQHVNHU PHG 76 OHY
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