Microsoft word - min town council 14 sep 09

In attendance: James Parker, Chief Executive and one member of the public. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Warnell (stuck on M25) and Cllr Peek (Ill). DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST
Cllr Symonds a declared a prejudicial interest in that that she runs the Havers Youth Club for which a grant application to be debated later. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION

A presentation was given by Mr Gareth Jones, Director of Strategic Planning of East & North Hertfordshire Primary Care Trust. In summary: Cases of Swine Flu have dipped during the school holiday months but are expected to rise again. Currently it is not considered a particularly serious virus, comparable to normal winter flu. There are two approaches to tackling it: issue antiviral treatment (Tamiflu) which reduces the symptoms and as a result reduces the spread. Three collection points had been established, Welwyn/Watford (where the majority of cases are coming from) and subsequently Hertford to serve East Herts. These centres are now CLOSED and instead pharmacists will provide the service. Six are signed up and the Primary Care trust is in discussion with others hopefully to include one in Bishop’s Stortford vaccinate – the vaccine is being manufactured and is expected to be available mid October. A vaccination programme will be introduced starting with frontline staff, followed by people with existing chronic health conditions who are likely to develop complications if they contract flu. Carers for people with immuno-suppression and pregnant women will follow this, and then those over 65 with no underlying condition. This represents about 25% of the population. Vaccinations require two visits and the precise process is still being defined. This scheme is nationally agreed. The rationale for the original placement of the collection centre in Hertford was that it could also serve the south east part of Hertfordshire (Cheshire, Broxbourne etc). A request was also made for an MS nurse locally at the H&E hospital. Mr Jones agreed to take the question away for a response. Interviews are being held for two parkinsons disease nurses to supplement the one currently employed in Hertfordshire. It was asked was there a possibility of a full out of hours service in Bishop’s Stortford. The answer given was no. Mr Jones also reported that an urgent care centre is planned for Bishop’s Stortford. Currently the PCT is evaluating preferred bidders. A timescale cannot currently be given. MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 3 AUGUST 2009
The following corrections were noted: Cllr Burlton is spelt without an ‘e’. Churches is incorrectly spelt Chuches. Cllr Jones is on the Electoral roll of St Michaels not Holy Trinity. In item (Crematorium) 186 the ‘current environment’ refers to the perceived lack of support from the council not the economic environment. If the council became supportive the proponent would become enthusiastic about developing the Crematorium. It was RESOLVED that these minutes be accepted with the amendments noted. COMMUNICATIONS
A communication was received from the Bishop’s Stortford Golf Club requesting sponsorship for a centenary publication. It was agreed that the CEO would seek clarification of the request and then take the question back to finance. A note regarding SHINE was distributed. The Mayor stated that he had received a letter from Mr Austin (the proponent of the crematorium) who is seeking private land for his proposal as an alternative to the use of council owned land. QUESTIONS ASKED PURSUANT TO STANDING ORDER 24
An update was given as detailed in Appendix 1 to the minutes. It was agreed that the CEO will investigate the extent of the toxicity in the former allotment land and propose next action regarding the possible golf course on the former allotment land at Hallingbury Road. It was RESOLVED that a charge be taken on the land owned by Silver Leys if Silver Leys have no money to pay for our services. The Joint Parishes’ Centre/Windhill Churches centre is referred to by various names by both the Town Council and others. In future all Town council documentation will refer to it as the ‘Joint Parishes’ Centre’. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND MINUTES OF COMMITTEE MEETINGS
i) Planning and Development Committee 27th July –
It was RESOLVED that these be accepted. ii)
Allotments Management Committee
A member queried why it was taking so long to permit bee keeping. The chairman of the committee answered that there was public disagreement over this. The Chief executive stated that a public consultation had been initiated to clarify the public view and that the results will be available for the next Allotments Committee meeting, which should give us the necessary data to make a decision. It was RESOLVED that the minutes be accepted. iii)
Planning and Development Committee 17th August
Cllr Symonds noted that she was incorrectly shown as present. In fact she was not present and had sent her apologies. Item 232 should read ‘numbering’ It was RESOLVED that these minutes be accepted with the amendments noted. Finance and General Purposes Committee
Cllr Wyllie objected to the use of ‘Chair’ and ‘Vice Chair’. The Chief Executive advised that these would be changed in future. Item 245 Cemetery is spelt wrongly. It was RESOLVED that these minutes be accepted with the amendments noted. TOWN GUIDE TASK AND FINISH GROUP – 17 AUGUST 2009.
It was RESOLVED that the minutes be accepted. YOUTH COUNCIL
No meetings took place. It was RESOLVED that the Chief Executive would issue invitations, that the Mayor would attend and that Cllr Hollebon would assist. GRANT APPLICATIONS
i) East Herts Citizens Advice Service Ltd (Deferred from Town Council meeting of 3
August 2009)

It was RESOLVED that a grant of £809 be made. ii) Bishop’s Stortford Shopmobility (Deferred from Town Council meeting of 3
August 2009)

It was RESOLVED that a grant of £600 be made subject to the condition that, if the enterprise fails or leaves Bishop’s Stortford, the scooter becomes the property of BSTC. iii) Havers Youth Club
Cllr Symonds clarified that the bank account was in fact an organisation account not a personal account. She then left the room during the debate on this item. It was pointed out that the Council grants policy states that grants will be available only for capital projects (other than in exceptional circumstances). It was RESOLVED that we approve the grant subject to the understanding that no further grants will be made for running costs which must, in future, be funded from other sources. TOWN MAYOR’S REPORT
Town Centre Manager Report. It was stated that this was REQUIRED for next meeting. Terms of reference for Youth Council (Chief Executive to identify what we already have prior to debating this). 2012 Olympics. Creation of a Personnel Committee. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC
RESOLVED: that under Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, the Press and Public be excluded during the next Agenda item in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted PERSONNEL
The Chief executive gave a verbal update. It was RESOLVED that the Mayor write a letter of appreciation to Ms P Carpenter for her 12 years’ service to the Council. CLOSE OF MEETING
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.10pm


Parte iii

PARTE III PREVENZIONE E TRATTAMENTO DELLE COMPLICANZE TRATTAMENTO DELLE COMPLICANZE INTRAOPERATORIE Sanguinamenti : Sanguinamenti importanti intraoperatori sono rari anche rispetto ad altri interventi effettuati per carcinosi, anche perchè i tumori che si estrinsecano con carcinosi peritoneale sono spesso facilmente sanguinanti e l’asportazione totale della neoplasi

Fit bits spring 2003

Spring 2003 This is a love letter of sorts to tell you how much Iappreciate all that you have done for me. You can now deduct you weight loss programs! I am so excited. Three weeks ago, I turned 60! Sincethen I have had two compliments from strangers. Sandyand I and friends were in a restaurant in Yellowstone. Ileft the table ahead of Sandy and three women at thenext table who w

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