Any of us who use caffeine as our stimulant of choice,
The Fed has been confident in their ability to micro-manage
whether we’re trying to jump start our Monday morning or the economy that they have almost gotten to the point
navigate the last 60 miles of our trip, know about the law
where they think it’s a permanent solution. My concern is
of diminishing returns. That first shot of caffeine delivers
that, at some point, the whole process could run out of
a pretty good kick. The next infusion, not so much. By the
steam, and Fed policy may not be able to stimulate the
end of the day, even a pot of coffee can’t raise the dead.
Our bodies become used to artificial stimulation. Over
A case in point
time, whatever we’re using tends to lose its effect. Could
The Japanese economy since the late ’80s might be able
this principle also be true for the economy?
to teach us about the potential perils of artificial market
stimulation. Driven by very low discount rates (their equiva-
Here’s what I’m thinking. When the Feds adjust interest
lent of the FFR), the Japanese economy exploded between
rates, the key rate that they tinker with is the Federal Funds 1987 and 1989. The Nikkei stock exchange climbed from
Rate (FFR). Banks and thrifts have to keep funds reserved
10,000 in 1985 to almost 40,000 in 1989.3
in non-interest-bearing accounts at the Fed. In order to
stay as close as possible to their minimum required reserve
When the central bank began raising the discount rate to
level, financial institutions with excess funds deposited at
rein in the growth, the bubble burst. When the discount
the Fed often lend money to other institutions overnight.
rates finally were lowered again in 1991, the economy
The weighted average rate at which these overnight loans
failed to recover. In fact, interest rates have been at, or
near, 0% since that time, yet without any lasting positive
effect on the economy. The Nikkei has also struggled,
currently standing in the mid-13,000 range.
The last time the Fed started lowering interest rates, there
was a 2½-year period from 2002 to 2004 where the FFR
Considering the fact that Japan is a major financial
sunk to 2% or lower.1 Rates that low for that long feel
and economic power, you might ask if the same thing
about as close as you can come to the point where the
will happen in the U.S. We don’t know. The important
whole pot of coffee doesn’t work anymore.
question is, could it happen here? And the lesson we may
be learning might be the same one we figured out when
Since last August, the FFR has dropped from 5.25%
we were cramming for finals—caffeine will only take us so
to 2.25%—a big drop in a short period of time.2 A few
months ago, the Fed also injected a couple of hundred
billion dollars of liquidity into the system. These are all
attempts to stimulate the economy. But as is the case with
humans, stimulants can lose their effectiveness.
A free economy, like ours, should be allowed to fluctuate.
It shouldn’t be constantly micro-managed. We are
governed, in a sense, by financial physics. If you keep
something artificially elevated for a long period of time,
eventually you will have an equivalent opposite reaction.
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Metformin improves survival in intensive careunit patients, but why?Niels P Riksen1,2*, Gerard A Rongen1,2 and Peter Pickkers3See related research by Christiansen et al., read with interest the study by Christiansen and col-tolerance of various organs against IRI and potentlyleagues in the previous issue of Critical Care. In a largemodulates inflammatio