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Patient medical history
SINU-CLEAR, INC. , Office of Harvey D. Paley, M.D._________
Welcome to our office! Please take the time to fil out this form as thoroughly as possible.
PATIENT NAME: __________________________________DATE:_________________
Referred By:___________________________________________________________________
Primary Complaint:______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ How long have you had these symptoms?_____________________________________________ Basic Medical History (Please check those that apply):
□ Hepatitis/ jaundice/ kidney problems
□ Epilepsy/ seizures/ fainting/ black- outs □ Shortness of breath □ Respiratory problems/ asthma/ bronchitis □ Stroke □ Thyroid disorder □ Hay fever/ allergies □ Heart disease/ heart murmur/ angina/ irregular heartbeat □ Tuberculosis □ Emphysema □ Reflux □ Blurred or double vision □ Migraines
Are you allergic to any medications? □ NO □ YES If yes, please list which medications you are allergic to:______________________________________________________________________ Have you ever been tested for other allergies? ? □ No □ Yes Have you ever had allergy shots? □ No □ Yes Was it helpful? □ No □ Yes Are you currently using or have you ever used □ Afrin/Neosynephine □ Sudafed □ Benadryl □Cortisone or oral steroids such as Medrol □ Nasal saline irrigations/ Grossan irrigator □Claritin or Allegra Please list any other medications and dosages including vitamins, herbs, or over the counter medications that you are currently taking or recently discontinued. Please include aspirin and ibuprofen: _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Do you use recreational drugs? □ No □ Yes If yes, please list:____________________________ Do you use tobacco? If yes, how much? ______________________________________________ Do you use alcohol? If yes, rarely, socially, frequently, or daily? __________________________ Do you drink caffeine? If yes, how much including coffee, tea, and soda? ___________________
Ear, Nose, and Throat History
Have you had your tonsils removed? □ No □ Yes ~ Date: __________________________________ Have you had your adenoids removed? □ No □ Yes ~ Date: ________________________________ Prior surgery for snoring or sleep apnea? □ No □ Yes ~ Date: ______________________________ Prior nasal surgery? □ No □ Yes ~ Date: _______________________________________________ Did your symptoms improve? □ No □ Yes ~ Drastic improvement / Little improvement/ No change Have you ever been hospitalized for any other surgical procedure or serious illness? □ No □ Yes If yes, please give details dates:_____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
Difficulty breathing through nose/Congestion
Cough If yes, is it productive? □ Yes, I’m coughing up phlegm. □ No, it is a dry cough.
Recurrent sinus infections. If yes, please indicate number of infections in the past year: ______
If applicable, please list all antibiotics you have taken in the past year: ___________________
____________________________________________________________________________Date last course of antibiotics was taken:___________________________________________ Did your symptoms improve after finishing the antibiotics? □ Yes □ No
Do you have difficulty falling asleep? □ Yes □ No Have you ever been told by a partner that you have difficulty breathing in your sleep? □ Yes □ No Have you ever fallen asleep while driving? □ Yes □ No While at school or work? □ Yes □ No Have you ever had a CT Scan of your sinuses done? □ Yes □ No If yes, give date:______________ If you are coming in for a consult for the Sinu-Clear procedure, please bring the films with you.
European Journal of Cancer, Vol. 34, No. 12, pp. 1894±1901, 1998# 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reservedCost-eVectiveness Analysis of Paclitaxel and Cisplatin VersusCyclophosphamide and Cisplatin as First-line Therapy inAdvanced Ovarian Cancer. A European Perspective1Medical Economics Research Group, Prinzregentenst. 72, D-81675 Munich, Germany; and 2Centre forPharmacoeconomics, S
Titel proefschrift : Molecular Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance in Helicobacter pylori Door : Monique Gerrits Promotiedatum : 2 december 2004, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam Ruim 4 miljoen Nederlanders zijn besmet met Helicobacter pylori, een bacterie die de maagmucosa koloniseert. Een infectie met deze bacterie is chronisch en resulteert meestal in maagontsteking, maar kan ook leiden tot