He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix
Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca
Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.
Microsoft word - surgery_for_the_pre_#17e1b4.doc
Herbs help the body heal faster, minimize scaring, maximize sensation, and lessen nervedamage to surgically altered bodies. Lay out a timeline for when to begin preparing foroptimal healing post-surgically. We will discuss herb and drug interactions, includinghormones and anesthesia. This class is also geared toward western practitioners who wantan integrative model to give their clients more.
SURGERY- is a major stress on the whole person
• nervous system toxicity due to anesthesia drugs• liver stress due to drugs• adrenal stress• gastrointestinal tract- slows due to drugs, physical trauma, antibiotic dysbiosis• physical trauma to nerves, muscles, blood vessels, skin• risk of infection and hematoma• emotional stress- anxiety and loss of body part- unknown outcome
Start herbal regime up to 1 month before surgeryStop most herbs 2-3 days before surgery to insure no interactions with drugs
(mostly to appease your physician/surgeon, since they most likely knowlittle about herbs)
Stop herbs and supplements with salicylates that effect platelet function (bloodthinning) 1 week before through 2 days after surgery to avoid increased risk ofbleeding; these include-
AspirinAlcoholVitamin E oilEvening Primrose oilRed Clover HawthornGarlicGinkgoFeverfewWillowMeadowsweetSt. John’s Wort* not an exhaustive list
Specifics- St. John’s Wort and Ginkgo- are incompatible with most drugsincluding hormones and anaesthesia. The liver detoxifies/breaks-down hormonesand drugs in the body through the production of enzymes. These herbsspecifically induce the liver to create more P450 enzyme which changes the halflife and thus reduces the effectiveness of the drugs. They also inhibit otherenzymes which may allow toxic drugs to circulate in the system longer.
Note- St. John’s Wort is an amazing herb that clinical studies and
experiential data show destroys the HIV virus and helps uplift depression. Unfortunately we do not know enough about its effects in conjunction withpharmaceuticals for safe use with most drugs.
1) eat a clean, simple, whole foods diet, preferably organic2) Avoid Alcohol-at least one week prior- inhibits tissue regrowth and may cause
3) Increase B vitamins- help deal with stress4) AntiOxidents- support the immune system, decrease inflammation, and speed
healing- antioxidants are found in the rainbow of fruits and vegetables withred, blue, yellow, purple, and orange pigments.
5) Vitamin C- (ascorbic acid) assists the body in the production of collagen, a
basic component of connective tissues that aids wound healing and bruising.
It also helps the body's immune system and is thought to be the safestanti-viral. It is used intravenously during surgery in Europe. DOSE: 1000-2000mg 3-6x/day week before and week after surgery toBOWEL TOLERANCE. Third week titrate to 500mg 3x/day. Best bufferedor time-released.
6) Probiotics- if antibiotics taken to replenish gut bacteria and flora; may halt
yeast infections and bowel irritability- acidophilus and bifidus, yogurt
7) Hydrate- increase water intake to heal faster and aid elimination of toxins.
Your doctor may ask you to keep a log of your I&O (input and output).
HERBS- internally and topicallyTONICS- tonics are usually foods and medicine. They strengthen the entire system byboosting immunity and nutrient content of the blood. Mushrooms, Seaweeds, and Miso are SUPER-FOODS packed with micro-nutrients. Mushrooms have been proven to boost immunity and fight cancers. Seaweeds contain iodine which connects to receptors in the body that keep toxicionizing radiation from taking hold, from x-rays, electronics, uv-rays, airplanes,and other environmental exposure. Miso and other nutrient-rich broths are greatpost-op to rebuild the vitality of the system and allow the body to recuperate byfocusing on healing and not on digesting.
1) Nervine Tonics-strengthen the nervous system- Wild Oats/Avena, St. John’s
2) Nervine Relaxants-relaxing herbs to deal with anxiety- Scullcap/Scutellaria,Passionflower, Valerian, Kava Kava/Piper methisticum, Lemon Balm/Melissa,Chamomile/Matricaria etc
3) Adrenal Tonics- support the adrenal glands which produce stress hormones-
Licorice Root/Glycyrrhiza glabra (may increase blood pressure), Schizandraberries, Foti/Polygonum multiflorum
4) Adaptogens- help the body deal with stress- SiberianGinseng/Eleutherocaccus senticosis, Echinacea, Rose root/Rhodiola, Aralia
5) Flower Essences- Rescue Remedy, Blackberry-for grief and loss,
1) Hepatics- for liver toxicity and regeneration- Milk Thistle seeds/Silybummarianum, Turmeric root/Curcuma longa
2) Alteratives- cleanse and increase the bloods capacity to carry toxins out of the
system- Dandelion root/Taraxecum, Red Clover/Trifolium, YellowDock/Rumex crispus, Oregon Grape Root/Mahonia, Burdock root/Arctium
3) Lymphotics- clear toxins, increase white blood cell count- Red Root/Ceanothus, Cleavers/Galium aparine
1) Immune System Modulators- best used over a period of time to increase deep
immunity at the level of the bone marrow- Astragalus, Ashwaganda/Withania,most mushrooms including Reishi/Ganoderma lucidum, Maitake, Shitake,Turkey Tales, Lion’s Mane
2) Surface Immune Tonics- increase immunity and white blood cell proliferation
quickly for the onset of colds etc- Echinacea, Yarrow/Achillea milefolium
3) Vulneraries- usually applied externally to heal cuts and wounds -
Comfrey/Symphytum, St. John’s Wort/Hypericum perforatum, Calendula,Plantain/Plantago, Lavender essential oil, Chickweed/Stellaria media,Mullein/Verbascum thapsis, Yarrow/Achillea milefolium,Horsetail/Equasetum, Gotu Kola/Centella asiatica
4) Bruises- Arnica homeopathic tabletsand salve(never on open wounds), or 2-3
5) Anti-Microbials- in case of infection or preventatively- Yarrow/Achilleamilefolium, Echinacea, Myrrh/Commifera myrrha, Thyme, Rosemary, Garlic,Calendula, Lavender and Tea Tree essential oils
1) Hot and Cold- hydrotherapy- ice packs for the first 24-48 hours, then alternate
with hot packs. Sitz baths for delicate parts- add tea to bath or a bucket and sit
2) Nerve Regenerators- St. John’s Wort/Hypericum, Wild Oats/Avena3) Anti-Inflammatories- Turmeric/Curcuma longa, Bromelain plus Quercetin
(supplement taken away from food), Black Cohosh/Cimmicifuga racemosa,Lobelia inflata (at high dose is an emetic- causes vomiting), Evening PrimroseOil-1500mg every 3 hours, Willow bark, Meadowsweet, Cayenne/Capsicummarianum- depletes Substance P- a neurotransmitter- cuts the nerve firingresponse to pain, Chamomile/Matricaria or Anthemis nobilis, Calendula,Violets/Viola odorata, Indaian Warrior/Pedicularis spp.4) Rubifaciants- increases circulation to the area for faster healing- Cayennepepper/Capsicum marianum, Ginger/Zinziberis (fresh not as hot as dry),Cinnamon, Prickly Ash Bark/Zanthozylum, Peppermint, Rosemary,Horseradish, Mustard- internally as food or tincture, or in oil- spread overthin cloth
5) Demulcents/Emollients- moisturizing herbs with mucilage for soothing
inflamed tissue- Marshmallow root/Althea, Slippery Elm Bark/Ulmus fulva,California Slippery Elm/Fremontia californica, Flax seeds
SCARS- Gotu Kola/Centella asiatica, Vitamin E oil, Castor Oil- rub in forcefully tobreak up scar tissue
BOWEL IRRITABILITY-drugs may cause constipation
1) Bitters- increase the flow of bile and hydro-chloric acid to aid digestion; mild
laxative effect- Dandelion root/Taraxecum, Yellow Dock/Rumex crispus,Burdock root/Arctium lappa
2) Carminatives- decrease gas- Cinnamon, Peppermint, Chamomile, Ginger,
3) Laxatives- should only be used for a short period of time as a last resort-
Senna, Cascara Sagrada/Rhamnus persiana, Turkey Rhubarb/Rheumpalmatum
EXAMPLE OF AN HERBAL REGIME-Beginning one month before surgery, and continuing through healing stages after-
• Eat shitake mushrooms and seaweed 2x per week• 1 Tbs. ground Milk Thystle seeds 1x daily• Vitamin C- TITRATE TO BOWEL TOLERANCE 1000-2000 mg• Homeopathic Arnica tablets 3x/day• Increase water intake to 6-8 cups daily; avoid alcohol• Bromelain plus Quercetin- supplement taken away from food• Evening Primrose Oil- 1500mg 3-6 x daily (stop one week before, continue 2-
1 part Turmeric/Curcuma longa1 part St. John’s Wort/Hypericum (unless on hormones)2 parts Wild Oats/Avena sativa2 parts Siberean Ginseng/Eleutherococcus senticosis1 part Echinacea purpurea or angustifolia1 part Red Root/Ceanothus spp. _ part Yarrow/Achillea milefolium_ part Licorice root/Glycyrrhiza (may raise blood pressure)_ part Cayenne pepper/CapsicumTea- drink 2-4 cups daily; Tincture- 30 drops 3x per day.
• eat only broths for first 3-5 days, such as Miso soup• Hydrotherapy- cold for first 24-48 hours, then alternative with Hot• Salves and Sitz baths with vulneraries for topical healing• Pro-biotics if antibiotics taken
“Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster” by Peggy Huddleston
Hospital advocate- interface with Dr., bring you food, give supplements etc
keyhole vs. periaereolar vs. double incisionDr. Brownstein- best at double mastectomyDr. Fischer- best at keyhole
Your PreventiveRxSM Drug List: Basic Plus Plan PreventiveRx covers drugs that help keep you healthy because they prevent illness and other health conditions. You can get the products on this list at low or no cost to you. This list includes only prescription products. Brand-name drugs are listed with a first capital letter. Non-brand drugs (generics) are in lowercase letters. Birth contro
Effects of medicated and non-medicated molasses-urea multi-nutrient blocks in helminth control in a Dorper flock JM Nginyi, JM Mugambi, MK Rugutt, I.N Ogali and D.K. Wamae Helminthology division, Veterinary Research Centre, Muguga North, P.O. Box 32, 00902 Kikuyu, Kenya. e-mail: [email protected] Abstract A study to investigate the effect of medicated molasses-urea multi-nutrien