He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra. Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.


Introduction to Sequence of Events Recorder
This document introduces P-CIM for Windows Sequence of Events Recorder (SER) functions.
In this document:
Overview --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Multiple SER Management --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Operation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
Viewing SER Events in Alarm Handler -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Viewing SER Events in Advanced Alarm Handler ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 Reporting SER Events from Advanced Alarm Handler Database ---------------------------------------------------- 5 Viewing the Last SER Event ID------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 Reporting SER Events Sequence from Trend History Database ----------------------------------------------------- 6 Theory of Operation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
Communications Interface Convention -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 PLC Logic Design --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
P-CIM Application Design ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Communications Interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 Event Settings for Simple Presentation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Configuring Settings in file PCIMUSER.INI Section [PCIMSER] . 7 Configuring Event Settings for Comprehensive Presentation---------------------------------------------------------- 8 Configuring Global Advanced Alarm Settings in Database Editor . 8 Configuring Blocks in Database Editor . 8 Configuring Settings in PCIMUSER.INI Section [PCIMSER]. 9 Troubleshooting ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
Introduction to Sequence of Events Recorder Overview
The Sequence of Events Recorder enables P-CIM for Windows to capture and present events at sub-second time resolution (e.g., 10 milliseconds). You can use up to 32 SERs in your application (see Multiple SER Management). The first part - capturing, time stamping, and intermediate storage - can be done with a PLC, but present PLC communications protocols do not support transport of time-stamped data. The new functionality consists of: PLC Logic - You need to program logic in the PLC to capture, time-stamp, and store events in a
FIFO buffer - until they are read by P-CIM for Windows. This document guides you how to
program the PLC to do all the above mentioned tasks.
Communication Convention - You need to configure P-CIM to read time-stamped data from the
PLC and handshake with its FIFO buffer. The communications software of P-CIM for Windows
supports this convention for any communications protocol - you need to configure parameters
matching the PLC logic.
Interpretation and Presentation - You need to configure P-CIM to interpret and present the
information read from the PLC - according to the presentation option you choose:
Simple - showing events only in Alarm Handler and have them recorded only in the Daily Log. All
settings are configured in PCIMUSER.INI.
Comprehensive - showing events in Alarm Handler and in Advanced Alarm Handler, and have
them recorded in the Daily Log and in Advanced Alarm Handler's database (from the latter you
can produce elaborate reports). Settings are configured in PCIMUSER.INI and in Database
Multiple SER Management
You can use up to 32 SERs (0 to 31) in your application. Each SER is defined in file
PCIMUSER.INI under section [PcimSerN], where N is a number between 1 and 31. The first SER
section is not numbered: [PcimSer] - supporting older SER revisions. The settings are identical
for all the SERs, except one setting which is configured in the first SER section (i.e., [PcimSer])
only, and applies for all the other SERs - ScanRate=100.
Each SER can be enabled or disabled by the setting Enable=1.
You can use a string before the event message description, identifying the SER that generated the messages. ¡Error! Estilo no definido. 3
Introduction to Sequence of Events Recorder Operation
File PCIMUSER.INI contains the 32 SER sections. The first SER section, [PcimSer] includes the
settings: Enable=0, and ScanRate=100.
The other SER sections, i.e., [PcimSer1] to [PcimSer31], contain the setting Enable=0.
After enabling the SER, i.e., configuring the setting Enable=1, and starting P-CIM for Windows,
all the relevant INI settings (of the SER that was activated) are displayed under that SER section.
Event Presentation Settings
The following settings define Alarm Handler and Advanced Alarm Handler event messages presentation. The settings are specified in file PCIMSUER.INI, section [PcimSerN]. Setting Description
Enter 1 to enable display of milliseconds, 0 to disable (default is 1). Enter Right to justify event description to the right. Default is None, i.e., event description is not justified. Enter 1 to display in SER messages a string identifying the SER that generated the message. Define the string identifying the SER that generated the message, default is SER(N), i.e., the SER number as defined in PCIMUSER.INI, section [PcimSerN]. Viewing SER Events in Alarm Handler
Alarm Handler presents SER events only in the Alarm Summary window(s), in their specified zone, in a dark green (color specified in PCIMUSER.INI section [PCIMALMH] setting GREENCOLOR). In a simple configuration, SER event messages have the following format: (nn) hh.mm.ss.xxx SER(N) [EventID] DescriptionA.
In a comprehensive configuration, SER event messages have the following format:
(nn) hh.mm.ss.xxx SER(N) [EventID] Block Name DescriptionB.
Node number - optional feature of Alarm Handler hh.mm.ss.xxx
Event time stamp (xxx shows milliseconds) as read from the PLC SER identifier - optional feature configured in file
PCIMUSER.INI, section [PCIMSER], settings:
ShowPrefixString={0/1}, and PrefixString=SER(N)
Event ID - optional feature configured in file PCIMUSER.INI,
section [PCIMSER], setting ShowEventID={0/1}
Event description configured in PCIMUSER.INI, section [PCIMSER] Block Name
Block name associated with event (association configured in PCIMUSER.INI, section [PCIMSER]) DescriptionB.
Block description (configured in Database Editor) ¡Error! Estilo no definido. 4
Introduction to Sequence of Events Recorder SER events cannot be acknowledged, and do not return to normal. Viewing SER Events in Advanced Alarm Handler
Advanced Alarm Handler presents SER events in the both windows (Current Alarm and Alarm Log), according to their advanced alarm associations. SER events cannot be acknowledged, and do not return to normal (clear). Event time stamps are shown in the following list view columns: • Start Time displays the time stamp of the first time a particular event ever occurred.
• Cont. Time displays the time stamp of the last (most recent) time a particular event occurred.
• End Time remains blank (SER events do not clear).
Reporting SER Events from Advanced Alarm Handler Database
You can use Crystal Reports to report SER events from Advanced Alarm Handler Database. The time picture (format) used in Crystal Reports to display milliseconds is as follows: hh:mm:ss.000
where - h stands for hours, m for minutes, s for seconds and 0 for milliseconds.
Viewing the Last SER Event ID
The value of the Analog Value block configured for Event IDs (in Database and in PCIMUSER.INI) will show the most recent event ID. You can present this information in P-CIM for Windows displays and in 3rd party applications. ¡Error! Estilo no definido. 5
Introduction to Sequence of Events Recorder Reporting SER Events Sequence from Trend History Database
The history of the Analog Value block configured for event IDs (in Database and in PCIMUSER.INI) will record the event ID's sequence as historical values. You can present this information in P-CIM for Windows as Historical trend, and in 3rd party applications, such as Excel, using the Database Server #hist function. Note, however, that trend recording time resolution is down to 1 second, so multiple events (IDs) that occurred within the same second will only show one value. Theory of Operation
Communications Interface Convention
P-CIM interfaces with the PLC over four consecutive registers (not necessarily in this register order) - that contain the indication that an event occurred and its details: Register
(any value but 0) when there is an event, "0" when none Event identification number - an integer, as applicable Hours and Minutes part of event time stamp (in 24 hours format) as a 4-digit decimal number. For example, value of "715" stands for 7:15 AM, "2345" for 11:45 PM, etc. Seconds and Milliseconds part of event time stamp as a 4-digit decimal number; the "SS" digits (thousands and hundreds) respectively stand for tens and units of seconds; the "MS" digits stands for hundreds and tens of milliseconds. For example, "1234" stands for 12.34 seconds (12 seconds, 340 milliseconds). 1. P-CIM reads the four registers at a fixed, user-defined rate and clears the semaphore 2. PLC logic senses that the semaphore was cleared and, if there is another event to be reported, reloads the four interface registers with its data. Defining Communication Interface
Use the following settings in file PCIMUSER.INI, section [PcimSer], to define the communication interface: Setting Purpose
Enter the address of the semaphore, e.g. SEM=3:1:40201 Enter the address of the event identification number, e.g. EventID=3:1:40202 Note: it is a good practice to set SEM and EventID to the same address, in this case EventID = 0 means there are no events. Default is 0. If 1 - event ID is displayed in the message in square brackets - [EventID]. Enter the address of the Hours and Minutes part of the event presentation ¡Error! Estilo no definido. 6
Introduction to Sequence of Events Recorder Enter the address of Seconds and Milliseconds part of the event presentation time stamp, e.g. SSMS=3:1:40204 ¡Error! Estilo no definido. 7
Introduction to Sequence of Events Recorder PLC Logic Design
3. Manages 3 parallel FIFOs (event ID, HHMM time stamp and SSMS time stamp) 4. Loads the 4 interfaces registers with next event after the previous one was read by P-CIM P-CIM Application Design
The design of the various parts of the P-CIM for Windows applications is described in a sub-section below. The following table summarizes all the places: Location
Install & configure communications driver Section [PCIMSER] - all settings in this section; section [PCIMALMH] - setting GREENCOLOR If you want to use Advanced Alarm Handler for event presentation and storage, configure a block for each event Advanced Alarm Handler If you want to use Advanced Alarm Handler for event presentation, configure time presentation format Communications Interface
You have to install and configure the communications driver for the respective PLC type and protocol (as usual). In addition, you have to configure the following settings - in file PCIMUSER.INI, section [PCIMSER]: Enter 1 to enable SER functionality; 0 to disable Enter the rate - 100 (milliseconds) or higher - at which P-CIM checks the PLC FIFO Enter 1000, 100 or 10 according to PLC time resolution capability. Event Settings for Simple Presentation
For simple presentation, i.e., events shown only in Alarm Handler (and stored in the Daily Log), configure the following settings. Configuring Settings in file PCIMUSER.INI Section [PCIMSER]
Configure the following in PCIMUSER.INI section [PCIMSER]: Insert for each Event ID number a setting in the format <number>=<description>. Start numbers at 1; Insert a text description of up to 60 characters and spaces. ¡Error! Estilo no definido. 8
Introduction to Sequence of Events Recorder Insert a default text description of up to 60 characters and spaces for Enter EventsAreBlocks=0 to show events only in Alarm Handler (and
Enter the number of the zone between 1 and 10 to which you want to Enter 1 to enable broadcasting of SER event messages over the P-CIM network - to be shown on other stations. Configuring Alarm Handler
Configure the color in which SER messages are shown in setting GREENCOLOR in file PCIMUSER.INI, Section [PCIMALMH]. Configuring Event Settings for Comprehensive Presentation
For comprehensive presentation, i.e., events shown in Advanced Alarm Handler (and stored in its database - from which you can produce elaborate reports), you need to design a Database block (type Digital Value) for each event, and configure all the settings detailed below. Configuring Global Advanced Alarm Settings in Database Editor
Configure the global Advanced Alarm settings for the entire application in Database Editor (Database / Zones - Advanced / Zoneand - Advanced Categories). Configuring Blocks in Database Editor
Create a Digital Value block for each event (each EventID number reported by the PLC). Configure the following in each block: "|!*" (vertical bar, exclamation mark, asterisk)
Enter the zone (valid only for Alarm Handler) Click this button and complete the Advanced Alarm settings of this block You can configure an Analog Value block to present the event ID and record it in its trendhistory as historical block values. Note, however, that trend recording time resolution is down to 1 second, so multiple events (Ids) that occurred within the same second will only show one value. Setting Purpose
Enter “|!*” (vertical bar, exclamation mark, asterisk) Configuring Settings in PCIMUSER.INI Section [PCIMSER]
Configure the following in PCIMUSER.INI section [PCIMSER]: ¡Error! Estilo no definido. 9
Introduction to Sequence of Events Recorder Event blocks Insert for each Event ID number a setting in the format <number>=<block name>. Start numbers at 1; Enter the name of the Database block that you configured for that event (see above). Enter EventsAreBlocks=1 (default) to show events in
Advanced Alarm Handler (and also record them in its
database - from which you can produce elaborate reports).
You need to configure a database block for each event
Zone association Enter 0 to use for each event the zone configured it its respective block. Enter the number of the zone between 1 and 10 to which you want to associate all events (overriding definition in associated block) Enter 1 to enable broadcasting of SER event messages over Network the P-CIM network - to be shown on other stations. Name of Analog Value block that trends event IDs Configuring Advanced Alarm Handler
To display events time stamped with sub-second resolution: 2. In the Current Alarm Window, choose Customize List from the View menu. 3. Add to the Time Format setting ".00" or ".000" immediately after "hh.mm.ss".
4. Repeats steps 2. and 3. in the Alarm Log Window. Configuring Alarm Handler
Configure the color in which SER messages are shown in setting GREENCOLOR in file PCIMUSER.INI, Section [PCIMALMH]. ¡Error! Estilo no definido. 10
Introduction to Sequence of Events Recorder Troubleshooting
System messages of SER begin with SER(N), where N stands for the SER number (0 - 31). The number of the message is indicated in brackets at the end of the message. Alarm Handler displays the following message when a specific SER is enabled, providing that all the addresses were advised successfully: SER(N): Ser Logic Enabled. (5001)
The following message is displayed whenever any of the error messages, numbered 5003 to 5010, is generated: SER(N): Ser Logic Aborted. (5002)
¡Error! Estilo no definido. 11

Source: http://www.ovp01.com.ar/schneiderelectric/administrador/uploadVademecum/P-CIM%20Sequence%20of%20Events%20Recorder%20SER.pdf

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