He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra. Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.

Tender for procurement of drugs and medical consumables

Name of the District / Health Institution:_CDMO, NUAPADA (HEALTH & F.W. DEPTT., GOVT. OF ODISHA) Tel: 06678 - 223346 /223908/ 223118: Fax: 06678 – 223346/ 223118
Bid Reference No. 02/DMC/2011-12
O/o Chief District Medical Officer, Nuapada Terms and Conditions – Page No. 02 to 03 Technical Bid –Page No. 04 Price Bid – Page No. 05 to 11 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR SUPPLY OF DRUGS AND
1. The bidder may download the tender documents directly from the Dist. Web site available at www.nuapada.nic.in (All tender) No Tender Paper Cost

2. The tender paper will be rejected if the bidder changes any clause or Annexure of the bid documents downloaded from the website. 3. Sealed tenders will be received by date 13.10.2011 up to 02PM by the
CDMO, Nuapada in the office of the CDMO, Nuapada for the purchase of
Drugs and Medical Consumables. Any tender paper received after the due date
and time will be rejected/returned to the sender unopened. The tender paper
will be received through
Speed Post/ Regd. Post Only.
4. The CDMO shall have no responsibility for any delay / Omission on part of
the bidder and reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. 5. The bidder(s) are to submit their tenders in separate sealed covered envelops
for Technical Bid and Price Bid by superscribing Cover ‘A’ (Technical Bid)
and Cover ‘B’ (Price Bid) & both the sealed covers should be put into a third
outer cover which should be superscribed as “Tender for Supply of Drugs &
Medical Consumables under CDMO, Nuapada, Odisha” and Tender
Reference No 02/ DMC/ 2011-12.

6. The sealed tenders will be opened by the CDMO, Nuapada in the office
chamber of the CDMO, Nuapada on next working day at 11 AM .The tenderer or their duly authorised representatives are allowed to be present during the opening of the tenders if they so like. 7. The rate quoted by the bidder should be inclusive of all taxes (VAT/CST/ET/
8. Conditional tenders are liable to be rejected. In the event of acceptance,
District Magistrate’s decision will be final. The tender which is not as per our required specifications will not be considered. 9. If the successful bidder/ bidders fail to supply within the stipulated period i.e.
21 (Twenty One) days from date of receipt of final proof from CDMO, Nuapada liquidated damage @ 0.5% of the tender value per week of delay shall be deducted from the final payment. Maximum delay time acceptable is 8 weeks. Hence, the maximum liquidated damage shall be up to 4% of purchase order. If the bidder fails to supply within the maximum delay time his order stands cancelled automatically. 10. The authority will not make any advance payment to the organisation. The
organisation will have to carry out the entire job on its own and the amount will be paid only after satisfactory completion of the job and submission of bill in that regards. 11. The cost towards the testing of sample will be borne by the successful bidder.
The supply of items shall be made immediately according to volume after
placing the supply order in the office of the CDMO, Nuapada and supplier
shall submit the bill for payment at the approved rate in respect to quantity of
items supplied. The transportation of items is sole responsibility of the
supplier and must deliver the item on door delivery basis.
13. In case of failure on the part of the approved supplier to supply of the above
mentioned items as per supply order with stipulated period, the CDMO, Nuapada shall be at liberty to purchase above mentioned items from other sources and the approved supplier shall be liable to pay the excess amount which this office have to incur being the different of actual amount of purchase minus the amount as per approved rates and difference aforesaid shall be recoverable and adjustable against the security deposit amount. 14. Under no circumstances shall the organisation appoint any sub contractor or
sublease the contract. If it is found that the organisation has violated these conditions the contract will be terminated forthwith without any notice and security deposited by the organisation shall be forfeited. 15. Rates quoted against this tender notice shall remain valid up to 12 months after
award of contract. No request of increase in rates, if any, will be allowed or entertained during this period. 16. Eligibility Criteria:
Terms and Condition
Documents to be submitted
The organisation should be a bonafide registered The organisation should be have PAN/TIN holder, up to date VAT clearance certificate and valid drug The organisation should have valid authorisation Annual turn over of the bidder must be >=60 lacs in Tender must be accompanied by EMD of Rs.10000/- (Ten thousand) by way of Demand Draft (Must be submitted), in favour of ZSS (Misc), Nuapada, Payable at SBI Nuapada. Tenders if not accompanied by EMD will not be considered. EMD of unsuccessful tenderers will be returned without interest on finalization of bid. EMD of successful tenderer will be retained & will be refunded on successful completion of the job without interest. The tenderer should furnish the copies for the supply order executed in similar type of supply during the The head of the organisation (bidder) should submit an authorization and specimen signature of their Successful bidder will have to deposit additional security deposit (Performance Security) @ 10% of the work order value by way of demand draft in favour of ZSS (Misc), Nuapada, Payable at SBI Nuapada. The performance security shall be returned on successful completion of assignment without interest. 17. The Approximate quantity/units of medicines to be purchased during the
year 2011-12 may be nearly the same quantity mentioned in the tender for
which was purchased during 2010-11

18. Jurisdiction: All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of Nuapada

courts only.
(Part- I)
Technical Bid
(in capital Letter)
Specimen signature of the authorised signatory Manufacturer’s Authorisation (Photo copy to be attached) signed by chattered accountant submitted for last 3 years. of Rs.10000/- (Rupees Ten thousand
only) Compulsory
works executed during the last three years. (Minimum five order copies of each year) organisation agrees to abide by all terms & conditions of tender. signed by the authorised signatory of the organisation in the prescribed format (Yes/No) DECLARATION
I / We hereby certify that, the terms and conditions, specification etc. given with the tender notice have been read carefully and acceptable to me/us and that the information furnished above is full and correct to the best of my/our knowledge. I /We understand that in case of any deviation in the above statement at any state, our Firm/ Agency will be blacklisted and will not have any dealing with your organisation in future. Place (Signature and seal of the authorised signatory) Part – II
Price Bid
Qty/ No. of
during 2010-

Name of the Item with Strength
128 Black Disinfacted Fluid (Phenyl) 4Ltrs Jar 133 Polygalactin ½ Circle Round Body 1-0 195 X- Ray Cassette Plate (18' x 15") 196 X- Ray Cassette Plate (12" x 15") 197 X- Ray Cassette Plate (12" x 12") 198 X- Ray Cassette Plate (12" x 10") 199 X- Ray Cassette Plate (10" x 8") 200 X- Ray Cassette Plate (61/2" x 81/2") 202 X- Ray Film (KODAK) (12" x 15") 203 X- Ray Film (KODAK) (12" x 12") 204 X- Ray Film (KODAK) (12" x 10") 205 X- Ray Film (KODAK) (10" x 8") 206 X- Ray Film (KODAK) (61/2" x 81/2") 207 X- Ray Screen (18' x 15") Speed 800 208 X- Ray Screen (12" x 15") Speed 800 209 X- Ray Screen (12" x 12") Speed 800 210 X- Ray Screen (12" x 10") Speed 400 211 X- Ray Screen (10" x 8") Speed 400 212 X- Ray Screen (61/2" x 81/2") Speed 400

Source: http://nuapada.nic.in/TENDER/Tender%20for%20Procurement%20of%20Drugs%20and%20Medical%20Consumables.pdf

Applying human rights to improve access to reproductive health services

International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetricsj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / i j g oApplying human rights to improve access to reproductive health servicesDorothy Shaw Rebecca J. Cook a Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canadab Faculty of Law, Univers

Finite p-nilpotent groups with some subgroups c-supplemented

J. Aust. Math. Soc. 78 (2005), FINITE p -NILPOTENT GROUPS WITH SOME SUBGROUPS c -SUPPLEMENTED XIUYUN GUO and K. P. SHUM (Received 10 June 2001; revised 18 February 2004)A subgroup H of a finite group G is said to be c -supplemented in G if there exists a subgroup K of G such that G = H K and H ∩ K is contained in core G . H /. In this paper some result

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