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Curriculum vitae
Biosketch Catherine A. Peterson
Department of Nutrition& Exercise Physiology
2009- present Associate Professor of Nutritional Sciences, Department Nutritional Sciences, University EDUCATION
Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Wisconsin- Madison.
Nutritional Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Division of Nutritional Sciences.
Nutrition and Medical Dietetics, University of Illinois at Chicago, Health Sciences Center, College of Associated Health Professions. EXPERIENCE
2004 – 2009 Assistant Professor of Nutritional Sciences, Department Nutritional Sciences, University
2003 – 2004 Principal Nutrition Scientist, Mead Johnson Nutritionals, Evansville, IN.
1999 – 2003 Assistant Professor of Nutritional Sciences and Director of Coordinated Program in Dietetics, Department Nutritional Sciences, University of Missouri-Columbia.
1996 – 1998 Assistant Professor of Nutritional Sciences, School of Health Promotion and Human
Development, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
1993 – 1996 NIH Postdoctoral Trainee, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Wisconsin-
1988 – 1993 Graduate Research Assistant Nutritional Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-
1989 – 1990 Nutrition Consultant, Nutrition Consultants, Atlanta, IL.
1987 – 1988 Clinical Dietitian, Silver Cross Hospital, Joliet, IL.
1986 – 1987 Nutritionist, Will County Health Department, Joliet, IL.
TEACHING ACTIVITIES Major Teaching Responsibilities Fifty-five percent (55%) teaching appointment; expectations include both undergraduate and graduate courses in Nutritional Sciences and/or Dietetics. Primaryinstructor for seven distinct courses at various times since arriving at MU: (1) Nutrition Assessment, (2) Nutrition throughout the Lifespan, (3) Human Nutrition I, (4) Human Nutrition II, (5) Issues in Dietetics Practice, (6) Capstone- Research in Nutrition Sciences, and (7) Nutrition Research Communications. Co-instructor (25%) for the graduate course, Nutrition and Human Health. Additional responsibilities: participate in the education and training of medical students, including providing lectures on selected nutrition topics (e.g. introductory nutrition, prenatal nutrition) and contributing to the problem-based learning (PBL) modules. Research mentor for selected students (10 in the last 10 years) on summer research projects including students funded by the F21C Summer Internship Grant Program and the Life Sciences Undergraduate
Research Opportunities Program (LSROP). Results from all projects were presented in a scientific poster session; results of two are also reported in manuscripts submitted or to be submitted for publication in peer- reviewed journals. Undergraduate Advising Advisor for hundreds of undergraduate majors in Dietetics from F1999-F2002 and W2004 through F2009. I am currently the academic advisor for ~40 undergraduates. Many students apart from my advisees, seek my guidance on careers in nutrition and dietetics. I have written countless letters of recommendation for my undergraduate students including Dietetics, Nutritional Sciences, and Nutrition and Fitness majors. I am very pleased that most of my former students have either gone on to professional careers, typically as clinical dietitians, or on to graduate or professional studies in a wide array of areas including Public Health, Exercise Physiology/Sciences, Business Administration, Nutritional Sciences, Dietetics, Medical School, Chiropractic Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, Physical Therapy, Physician’s Assistant. In addition to my primary academic advisor role, as the Director of Undergraduate Studies for our department, I also serve as a contact person for students inquiring about any of our undergraduate major or minor degree programs. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Main Focus: Nutrition and Skeletal Health/ Vitamin D Bone & Beyond; Outcomes Research Training. Work has been supported by Departmental start-up funds, internal, and external grants a including: J.R. Albert Charitable Foundation ($81,435; Use of High-dose Vitamin D to Improve Glucose metabolism and Reduce Inflammation in Obese Adolescents on a Standard Weight Loss Program); MU Research Council grant ($7500; Vitamin D Status, Inflammatory Markers, and Bone Mineralization of Pre- and Post- Menopausal Women who regularly use a Commercial Tanning Bed); UM Research Board grant ($39,941; Effects of Soy Phytoestrogens on Bone Mineralization); and the HES Margaret Mangel Faculty Catalyst Award ($5000; The effectiveness of an Outcomes Research Training Curriculum in Promoting the Performance of Outcomes Research by Dietetics Professionals). Publications:
Ring, S.M. *, E.A. Dannecker, and C.A. Peterson†. Vitamin D status is not associated with outcomes of experimentally-induced muscle weakness and pain in young, healthy volunteers. Submitted to APNM. Peterson, C.A.† Harr, B.C.,** Ring, S.M.,* Imhoff, R.D., and Hinton, P.S. Effects of hormonal contraceptive use on vitamin D status and serum bone markers in active young women. Work in progress. Peterson, C.A.† Geter, K.A.,** Heffernan, M.E.*, and Ring, S.M*. Effects of regular tanning bed use and increased Vitamin D Status on serum bone markers in healthy women. Clinical Medicine: Women’s Health 2:1–7, 2009. Peterson, C.A.† Schnell, J.*, Kubas, K. L., and Rottinghaus, G.E. Effects of soy isoflavone consumption on bone structure and milk mineral concentration in a rat model of lactation-associated bone loss. Eur J Nutr. Dec 17, 2008. [Epub ahead of print] Peterson, C.A.† & Heffernan, M.E.* Serum TNF-alpha concentrations are negatively correlated with serum 25(OH)D concentrations in healthy women. Journal of Inflammation 5(1):10, 2008. Peterson, C.A.†, Kimmons, J.E.*, & Cole, J.S. Short-term effectiveness of an outcomes research training curriculum within a Coordinated Program. JADA, 108: 120-124, 2008. Peterson, C.A.†, Kubas, K.L. *, Hartman, S.J., Rottinghaus, G.E., Taylor, J.A., & Welshons, W.V. Lack of skeletal effect of soy isoflavones in intact growing, female rats may be explained by reduced serum estrogenicity. Ann Nutr Metab 52:48-57, 2008. Hays, J.E*. & Peterson, C.A.† Use of an outcomes research collaborative training curriculum to enhance entry-level dietitians’ and established professionals’ understanding of research. JADA, 103:77-84, 2003.
Gardner, J.K*., Rall, L.C. & Peterson, C.A.† Lack of multidisciplinary collaboration is another barrier to outcomes research. JADA 102:65-70, 2002. Peterson, C. A., Gillingham, M., Mohapatra, N. K., Adamo, M. L., Carey, H. V.,Lund, P. K & Ney, D. M. † Enterotropic effect of insulin-like growth factor-I but not growth hormone and localized expression of insulin-like growth factor-I, insulin-like growth factor binding protein- 3 and -5 mRNAs in jejunum of parenterally-fed rats. J Parenter Enteral Nutr JPEN 24:288-95, 2000. Hinton, P.S. †, Peterson, C.A., McCarthy, D.O. and Ney, D.M. Medium-chain compared with long-chain triacylglycerol emulsions enhance macrophage response and increase mucosal mass in parenterally-fed rats. Am J Clin Nutr 76:1265-72, 1998. Hinton, P.S., Peterson, C.A., Dahly, E.M. and Ney, D.M. † IGF-I alters lymphocyte survival and regeneration in thymus and spleen after dexamethasone treatment. Am J Physiol. 274: R912-920, 1998. Yang, H., Ney, D.M., Peterson, C.A., Lo, H.-C & Adamo, M.L†. Stimulation of intestinal growth is associated with increased IGFBP-5mRNA in the jejunal mucosa of IGF-I-treated parenterally-fed rats. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 216:438-445, 1997. Peterson, C.A., Carey, H.V., Hinton, P.S., Lo, H.C. and Ney, D.M.† GH elevates serum IGF-I levels but does not alter mucosal atrophy in parenterally-fed rats. Am J Physiol 272:G1100-1108, 1997. Peterson, C.A., Hinton, P.S., Ney, D.M. and Carey, H.V. † Insulin-like growth factor-I attenuates changes in jejunal structure and transport function in parenterally-fed rats. Gastroenterology 111:1507-1514, 1996. 2004 ISI Journal Citation Reports impact factor of 13.092. Hinton, P.S.†,Peterson, C.A., Lo, H.C., Yang, H., McCarthy, D. and Ney, D.M. Insulin-like growth factor-I enhances immune function in dexamethasone-treated or surgically-stressed rats maintained with total parenteral nutrition. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 19:444-452, 1995.
Peterson, C. A., Baker, D. H. & Erdman, J. W., Jr.† Dietary-induced nephrocalcinosis in female rats: A response to L’Abbe et al. Journal of Nutrition, 126:2941-2942, 1996. Peterson, C. A., Baker, D. H. & Erdman, J. W., Jr.† Dietary-induced nephrocalcinosis in female rats is irreversible and is primarily induced before the completion of adolescence. Journal of Nutrition, 126:259-265, 1996. Lo, H.C., Hinton, P.S., Peterson, C.A. and Ney, D.M.† Simultaneous treatment with IGF-I and GH additively increases anabolism during total parenteral nutrition in rats. Am J Physiol 269 (Endocrinol Metab 32):E368-E376, 1995. Peterson, C.A., Eurell, J. C., Kelley, K. W. & Erdman, J. W.†, Jr. Bone composition and histological analysis of young and aged rats fed diets of varied calcium bioavailability. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 14:278-285, 1995. Peterson, C.A., Eurell, J. C. & Erdman, J. W., Jr.† Alterations in calcium intake on peak bone mass in female rats. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 10:81-95, 1995. Peterson, C.A., Eurell, J. C. & Erdman, J. W., Jr.† Bone composition of young growing rats fed diets of varied calcium bioavailability: Spinach, nonfat dry milk, or calcium carbonate added to casein. Journal of Nutrition 122:137-144, 1992. Publications: Invited Review Peterson, C. Optimizing infant bone health by modeling human milk: Calcium and so much more. Pediatric Perspectives Newsletter. 3(8), 2004. Publications: Chapters
Markward, N., Peterson, C.A., and Markward. M.J. Biological and Genetic Influences on Obesity. In: Obesity in Youth: Causes, Consequences and Cures. American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 2009.
Hillman, L.S., Hinton, P.S., Peterson, C.A., Thomas, T.R., Sun, G.Y., Hillman, R. and Raedeke, M.D. Nutrition. Cardiovascular Diseases in Women, H.N. Winn & K.C. Dellsperger, eds., Taylor & Francis Books Ltd., Oxford, U.K,2006. Publications: Abstracts Presented at National/International Meetings
C. A. Peterson, S.M. Ring, E.A. Dannecker. Does vitamin D status predict outcomes of experimentally-induced muscle pain and weakness in healthy young volunteers? Experimental Biology 2009, April 18-22, New Orleans, LA. C. A. Peterson, S. Ring, J. Loethen, R. S. Rector, T. Thomas, P.S. Hinton. Vitamin D status is unaltered by mild weight reduction in obese premenopausal women. Experimental Biology 2008, April 5-9, San Diego, CA. C. A. Peterson, N. Bagegni. Diet, Not Genotype, Affects Bone Size in Ovariectomized Estrogen Receptor Alpha Knockout Mice. 27th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, September 23-27, 2005, Nashville, Abs #SU416. Peterson, C.A. Schnell J., Hillman L. Effects of Soy Isoflavones on Bone Mineralization and Milk Mineral Concentration in Lactating Rats. 26th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, October 1-5, 2004, Seattle, Abs #M446. Peterson, C.A, Miranda, D.G., Kubas, K.L. Soy isoflavone extracts affect bone mineralization in lactating rats. Experimental Biology 2002, April 21-24, New Orleans, FASEB J. 15: A. Peterson, C.A., Kubas, K.L., Yates, S.J. & Rottinghaus, G.E. Effects of dietary soy protein on serum genistein levels and bone histology in female adolescent rats. Experimental Biology 2001, March 31- April 4, Orlando, FASEB J. 15: A631 (abs.#500.5). Peterson, C.A. & Kubas, K.L. Effects of soy protein with varying levels of isoflavones on bone mineralization and reproductive development in the adolescent rat. Experimental Biology 2000, April 15-18, San Diego. FASEB J. 14: A217 (abs.#160.6). Peterson, C.A. Entry-level Outcomes Research Collaborative Training Teams: Securing a Future for the Dietetics Profession, ADA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Atlanta, GA, October 16-20, 1999.
Hinton P.S., Peterson C.A. and Ney, D.M. Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) does not alter the decrease in pre- lymphoid bone marrow (BM) cells observed during total parenteral nutrition (TPN) in rats. FASEB J 13:199.2, 1999. Ney, D. M., Peterson, C., Gillingham, M., Carey, H. V., Mohapatra, N. K. & Lund, P. K. IGF-I stimulates intestinal growth and local expression of IGF binding proteins 3 and 5 in parenterally-fed rats. 1997 Endocrine Society Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. Hinton, P.S., Peterson, C.A., McNall, A. and Ney, D.M. IGF-I alters lymphocyte recovery after dexamethasone- induced apoptosis in rats maintained with total parenteral nutrition. Endocrine Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Abstract #P2-239, 1996. Peterson, C.A., Hinton, P.S. and Ney, D.M. Medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) emulsions improve immune response and attenuate mucosal atrophy in parenterally-fed rats. FASEB J 10(3):1195, 1996. Hinton, P.S., Peterson, C.A., Lo, H.C., McCarthy, D. and Ney, D.M. Insulin-like growth factor-I coinfused with total parenteral nutrition solution enhances immune function in dexamethasone-treated or surgically-stressed rats. FASEB J 9:5001, 1995. Lo, H.C, Hinton, P.S., Peterson, C.A. and Ney, D.M. Anabolic response to concurrently administered recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-I and/or growth hormone during total parenteral nutrition in surgically-stressed rats. FASEB J 9:5002, 1995. Peterson, C. A., Carey, H. V. & Ney, D. M. Insulin-like growth factor I, but not growth hormone attenuates changes in jejunal structure and function induced by total parenteral nutrition in rats. Endocrine Society Meeting, Washington, DC. Abstract #P3-210, p. 521, 1995.
Yang, H, Ney, D.M., Peterson, C.A., Lo, H.-C & Adamo, M.L. Hepatic and jejunal responses to IGF-I and GH in rats maintained with total parenteral nutrition are associated with differential responses of IGF-I and IGFBP-5 gene expression. Endocrine Society Meeting, Washington, DC. Ab#P1-242, p. 173, 1995. Peterson, C. A., Ney, D. M. & Carey, H. V. IGF-I attenuates TPN-induced changes in jejunal structure and transport function. Gastoenterology 108:A746, 1995. Peterson, C.A, Eurell, J. C. & Erdman, J. W., Jr. Effect of varied calcium intakes on bone growth and development during the early phases of the life cycle of the female rat. FASEB Journal 8: A693, 1994. Peterson, C.A., Eurell, J. C., Kelley, K.W. & Erdman, J. W., Jr. Histologic and histomorphometric analysis of vertebrae from aged rats fed diets of varied calcium bioavailability. FASEB Journal 6: A1984, 1992.
Peterson, C.A.,, Eurell, J. C., Kelley, K.W. & Erdman, J. W., Jr. Bone composition and histology of young and old rats fed diets with varying calcium bioavailability. FASEB Journal 4: A1045, 1990. Patents: Anthony JC, Sims KA, Hossen M, Peterson CA, Diersen-Schade, D. Nutritional supplement containing long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Application No.11/303,374, filed with the US Patent Office, December 16, 2005. Selected Institutional service: Department of Nutrition & Exercise Physiology
Chair, NEP Undergraduate Education and Curriculum Committee Dietetics Recruitment and Selection Committee Faculty Advisor, Nutrition and Wellness Association (Student organization) NEP Graduate Committee Selected Institutional service: College of Human Environmental Sciences
2008 – 2009 HES Curriculum Committee 2006 − 2008 HES Margaret Mengel Lectureship Committee Selected Institutional Service: University of Missouri
Campus Writing Program Task Force on Funding Formula
2010 - 2013 Committee on Undergraduate Education 2008 - 2011 Campus Parking and Transportation Committee 2008
Campus Dining Services’ Student Employee Scholarship Committee
Selected Professional Organization’s Service
2006- present Miscellaneous journals (Journal of Experimental Biology and Medicine; Acta Biochimica Polonica; Libertas Academica; Cell Health & Cytoskeleton; Biofactors; Nutrition; Cytokine; Nutrients)
2005- present Journal of Nutrition (~2 manuscript per year) 2004- present University of Missouri Research Board (1 proposal per year) 2004- present Journal of the American Dietetic Association (~2 manuscripts per year) 2000 - present American Dietetic Association Annual Food and Nutrition Conference and Exhibition,
Abstract Reviewer (30 abstracts per year)
2001 – 2003 Graduate Nutrition Education Committee, American Society of Nutritional Sciences SELECTED HONORS AND SCHOLARSHIPS
Nominated for College of Human Environmental Sciences Outstanding Teacher Award
Nominated for 2008 MU Office of Research Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor award
College of Human Environmental Sciences Nutritional Sciences Schade Scholar Award
New Faculty Teaching Scholar, University of Missouri
Nominated for the University of Missouri Chapter Xi Excellence in Graduate Research Mentoring Award
The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
American Society for Clinical Nutrition (merged with ASN)
American Society for Nutrition (formerly ASNS and AIN)
University of Illinois Alumni Association
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