Microsoft word - publications 2012-2013.docx


Lutsiv O, Giglia L, Pullenayegum E, Foster G, Vera C, Chapman B, Fusch C, McDonald SD. (2013). A
Population-Based Cohort Study of Breastfeeding According to Gestational Age at Term Delivery. The Journal
of Pediatrics, doi:pii: S0022-3476(13)00815-9. 10.1016/j.jpeds.2013.06.056. [Epub ahead of print].
Wang L, Sievenpiper JL, de Souza RJ, Thomaz M, Blatz S, Grey V, Fusch C, Balion C. (2013). Hematocrit
correction does not improve glucose monitor accuracy in the assessment of neonatal hypoglycemia. Clinical
Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 51(8):1627-35.
Wu WI, Rochow N, Chan E, Fusch G, Manan A, Nagpal D, Selvaganapathy PR, Fusch C. (2013). Lung assist
device: development of microfluidic oxygenators for preterm infants with respiratory failure. Lab on a Chip,
Lutsiv O, Pullenayegum E, Foster G, Vera C, Giglia L, Chapman B, Fusch C, McDonald S. (2013). Women’s
intentions to breastfeed: a population-based cohort study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.12376. [Epub ahead of print].
Rochow N, Chan EC, Wu WI, Selvaganapathy PR, Fusch G, Berry L, Brash J, Chan AK, Fusch C. (2013).
Artificial placenta--lung assist devices for term and preterm newborns with respiratory failure. The International
Journal of Artificial Organs, 36(6):377-91.
Choi A, Fusch G, Rochow N, Sheikh N, Fusch C. (2013). Establishment of micromethods for macronutrient
contents analysis in breast milk. Maternal & Child Nutrition. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12053. [Epub ahead of print].
Rochow N, Fusch G, Choi A, Chessell L, Elliott L, McDonald K, Kuiper E, Purcha M, Turner S, Chan E, Xia
MY, Fusch C. (2013). Target Fortification of Breast Milk with Fat, Protein, and Carbohydrates for Preterm
Infants. The Journal of Pediatrics, 163(4):1001-7.
Richter-Rodier M, Lange AE, Hinken B, Hofmann M, Stenger RD, Hoffmann W, Fusch C, Haas JP. (2012).
Ultrasound screening strategies for the diagnosis of congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract.
Ultraschall in der Medizin, 33(7):E333-8.
Kutschmann M, Bungard S, Kötting J, Trümner A, Fusch C, Veit C. (2012). The care of preterm infants with
birth weight below 1250 g: risk-adjusted quality benchmarking as part of validating a caseload-based
management system. Deutsches Ärzteblatt International, 109(31-32):519-26.
McDonald SD, Pullenayegum E, Chapman B, Vera C, Giglia L, Fusch C, Foster G. (2012). Prevalence and
predictors of exclusive breastfeeding at hospital discharge. Obstet Gynecol, 119(6):1171-9.
Rochow N., Fusch G., Mühlinghaus A., Niesytto C., Straube S., Utzing N., Fusch C. (2012). A nutritional
program to improve outcome of very low birth weight infants. Clinical Nutrition, 31(1):124-31.
Murphy KE, Willan AR, Hannah ME, Ohlsson A, Kelly EN, Matthews SG, Saigal S, Asztalos E, Ross S, Delisle MF, Amankwah K, Guselle P, Gafni A, Lee SK, Armson BA; Multiple courses of antental corticosteroids for preterm birth study collaborative Group. Effect of antenatal corticosteroids on fetal growth and gestational age at birth. Obstet Bynecol. 2012 May; 119(5):917-23. Saigal S. Quality of life of former premature infants during adolescence and
beyond. Early Hum Dev 2013;89(4):209-13.
Asztalos E, Murphy KE, Whillan AR, Matthews Stephen G, Ohlsson A, Saigal S et al.
Muliple courses of antenatal corticosteroids for preterm birth study. Outcomes in
Children 5 years of age (MACS-5). Jama Pediatr.doi.10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.2764

Thomas S., Saigal S, Murthy P. Long term outcomes of newborns with bronchopulmonary
dysplasia. Manual of Neonatal Respiratory Care. Springer (ed) 2012; Chapter 71, pg 639-643. Rashish G, Paes BA, Nagel K, Chan AK, Thomas S; the Thrombosis and Hemostasis in Newborns (THiN)
Group. Spontaneous neonatal arterial thromboembolism: infants at risk, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes.
Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2013 Aug 12. [Epub ahead of print]
Shivananda S
, Lee KS, Leong K, Hellmann J, Braid S, Kim JH. Defining the Threshold Where Health Care
Professionals Consider Withdrawing of Life Sustaining Ventilation in Neonatology. Journal of Palliative Care
and Medicine Special Edition. 2013 May.
Mondal T, Chaudhauri D, Li B, Shivananda S, Dutta S. Prophylactic Indomethacin Worsens Short-Term
Respiratory Outcomes in Extremely Low-Birth Weight Infants. Am J Perinatol. 2013 Mar (eFirst).
Wong C, Mak M, Shivananda S, Yang J, Shah PS, Seidlitz W, Pemberton J, Fitzgerald PG, Cameron BH on
behalf of the Canadian Neonatal Network. Outcomes of Neonatal Patent Ductus Ateriosus Ligation in
Canadian Neonatal Units with and without Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Programs. Journal of Pediatric Surgery.
2013 May; 48(5): 909-914.
McNamara PJ, Shivananda SP, Sahni M, Freeman D, Taddio A. Pharmacology of Milrinone in Persistent
Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn (PPHN). Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 2013 Jan; 14 (1): 74-84.
Shivananda S, Ahliwahlia L, Kluchkow M, Luc J, Jankov J, McNamara PJ. Variation in the management of
persistent pulmonary hypertension of newborn (PPHN): A survey of physicians in Canada, Australia, and New
Zealand. American Journal of Perinatology. 2012 Aug; 29 (7): 519-26
Gupta V, Whelan KF, Schneider L, Farrokhyar F, Shivananda S, Lee S, Sabri K. National variations in
retinopathy of prematurity screening criteria in Canada: existent guidelines and actual practice patterns.
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2012 Aug; 47 (6): 473-478.
Thomas S., Saigal S, Murthy P. Long term outcomes of newborns with bronchopulmonary
dysplasia. Manual of Neonatal Respiratory Care. Springer (ed) 2012; Chapter 71, pg 639-643.
Dutta S
Anticonvulsants for neonates: high time we were seized of the matter. Indian Pediatr 2013;
Mondal T, Chaudhuri D, Li B, Shivananda S, Dutta S. Prophylactic Indomethacin worsens short-term
respiratory outcomes in extremely low birth weight infants. Am J Perinataol 2013; (Epub ahead of print)
Dutta S. Surfactant treatment for spontaneously breathing preterm infant. Lancet. 2012 Apr
28;379(9826):1589; author reply 1589-90. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60676-X.
Epub 2012 Apr 26.

Book chapter: Williams C, Hellmann J. Withdrawal of artificial nutrition and hydration in neonatal critical
care. In: Diet and Nutrition in Critical Care. Eds: Rajendram R, Patel VB, Preedy VR. SpringerReference: 2013
Paper: Hellmann J, Williams C, Ives-Baine L, Shah P. Withdrawal of artificial nutrition and hydration in the
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: parental perspectives. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2012 Mar 23


Microsoft word - a man my own age.doc

A Man My Own Age I thought my mild asthma was under control. I rode my bicycle, played my flute, lifted weights and did yoga. I was doing everything I should be doing. I was in terrific condition for a man my age. Everybody said so. I only took an occasional puff from one of my inhalers. Sometimes I took more. I told myself it didn’t matter. I was the old jock, the street kid, the tough guy.

Microsoft word - bd - alfalfa.doc

Well known in today’s health conscious sandwiches, alfalfa receives its illustrious name from the Arabic, al-fac-facah, "father of all foods. To the best of modern knowledge, the origin of alfalfa lies in present day Iran, but it’s fame begun as animal fodder. Alfalfa is apparently the oldest crop grown solely for forage food and its actual use predates recorded history, the charred seeds

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