
Bruce B. Wiland, D.D.S., M S.D.
Board Certified • The American Board of Periodontology
Specialist in Periodontics & Dental Implants
Congratulations! You have finished a very important phase of your implant treatment and now it is time to begin the healing process. It is important to understand that some discomfort, swelling and bruising is normal. Every patient is different and there is no way of predicting if you will experience any of these symptoms. The medications that have been prescribed to you will help keep you comfortable for the next few days. Please follow the instructions carefully when taking these medications. Activity: You are advised to take things relatively easy for the next 24 hours and to keep your head and feet elevated. Do not do any strenuous activities such as running, heavy lifting, mowing the lawn, cleaning the house, etc. For 24-48 hours. Please do not smoke or use tobacco in any form! The heat from the chemicals from the smoke irritate the surgical area resulting in prolonged and more painful healing, and increases the risk for infection and possibly even implant failure. Antibiotics/Pain Medications: Not all surgical procedures require antibiotics. If you are given an antibiotic prescription, be sure to take the antibiotic for the total number of days as directed on the prescription label. Please do not discontinue the antibiotic unless you suspect an adverse reaction (rash/itching), in which case, contact us immediately! If is also very important that you take the first pain tablet before the anesthetic wears off, then around the clock for the first 24 hours. After 24 hours, take as needed to keep you comfortable. Over the counter anti-inflammatories like Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, and Aleve tend to work the best when taken in conjunction with prescribed pain medication. Always take pain medications with food to decrease nausea/vomiting. Frequently a medication (phenergan or promethazine) will be prescribed to counteract nausea that might occur. If you are prone to nausea with pain medications, take this medication 30-45 minutes before taking the pain medications. Oral Hygiene: Do not brush or floss the surgical area for the first 10-14 days! Brush the rest of your teeth normally but stay away from the surgical area. A prescription mouthwash (Chlorhexidine) might be prescribed. You should swish very gently in the surgical area 2 times per day (directions on the bottle). You may begin lightly brushing the surgical area 10-14 days following the surgery with a very soft bristled toothbrush but do not floss or use an electric toothbrush until instructed. You will be instructed on how to clean the surgical site at your evaluation appointment in 1-2 weeks. Chewing/Pressure on the Jaw: It is very important that you do not put any unnecessary force on the implant surgery site for at least 2 weeks. Continue to be cautious for several weeks following your surgery. Chew the majority of your food on the opposite side of the surgery site, and do not eat any food that is hard, crunchy or has sharp edges or pieces, which can easily get lodged into or cut the surgery site while it is initially healing. Bone Grafts: If a bone graft was part of your procedure you may notice small particles that may feel like sand in your mouth for the next several days. This is okay, but remember to gently use the prescribed mouthwash and do not create any suction when spitting out. This will minimize the loss of extra bone particles. Diet Following Surgery: It is very important for you to maintain a well balanced diet during your healing period. You do not have to stay on a liquid diet. You may eat a variety of foods as long as you can chew them easily. Foods such as soup, mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, macaroni and cheese, yogurt powdered protein supplement drinks, pudding, canned fruit, soft cooked vegetables and easy to chew meat (in small pieces) should be tolerated well. The only foods to avoid are those with shells, husks, sharp edges, those that are spicy or those that take a lot of force to chew. Try to avoid chewing on the surgical side for at least the first week. Bleeding: We try very hard not to involve major blood vessels in the areas of surgery; however, the small vessels may continue to ooze for a couple days following surgery. If you have caused the area to bleed, or if the persistent oozing is bothersome, put your feet up, elevate your head and place a well-moistened tea bag in your mouth over the bleeding site for several minutes. This will usually retard the bleeding significantly. If you feel that you are having unexplained or excessive bleeding and the teabag is not effective within 20-30 minutes, please call us. Swelling/Bruising: Regardless of the use of ice packs, you still may experience a certain amount of swelling or bruising based on the type of surgery you have had. Some swelling is normal and tends to peak on the 3rd day, subsiding over the next few days. It will often take 7-10 days for the swelling to decrease. Ice packs should be placed on the face, adjacent to the surgical site during the first 24 hours (15 min. on, 15 min. off) will help to minimize swelling. After the first 24 hours after surgery, use moist heat such as a warm washcloth or a heating pad to control any swelling that maybe present. If you are concerned about the amount of swelling you are experiencing, please call us. If you have been prescribed a medication for swelling, be sure to take as directed until it is completely gone. Bruising is not uncommon and should not be cause for alarm. Your body is just responding to your treatment. We are always happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have. Dr. Wiland’s Home phone is 317-580-9139 or pager is 317-505-2521.

Source: http://www.kokomoperio.com/PDF%20Documtents/After%20implant%20Surgery%20Instructions%20Indy.pdf


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