Children with medical needs

Kington St Michael CE Primary School
Policy Statement for Pupils with Medical Needs

Most pupils at some time have a medical condition, which may prevent them from attending school.
For the majority this will be short term. For pupils who have long- term or recurrent illness, access to
school may be limited. The Department for Education and Science (DfES) has produced statutory
guidance ‘Access to Education for Children and Young People with Medical Needs’ with regard to
pupils who may be absent for more than 15 school days because of medical need. This policy
statement has been written to comply with such guidance.
Kington St Michael CE Primary School (KSM) seeks to maintain a high quality continuing education
for those pupils on roll who have medical needs and are unable to attend school as a result.
KSM will work closely with the Local Authority (LA), health professionals and other agencies to
ensure that their pupils receive access to appropriate educational provision when they are not able
to attend school.
Management Responsibility
The designated member of staff with responsibility for pupils with medical needs at KSM is Mrs
Cavey. The role of the designated member of staff is to provide a link between the school, family
and the LA and other agencies.
Continuing Provision for Pupils with Medical Needs
When KSM becomes aware that a pupil will be absent from school for more than 15 school days
because of their medical need, the designated member of staff will notify the Education Welfare
Officer (EWO) as soon as possible. This will assist the LA with continuity of educational provision.
The designated member of staff will provide the EWO with such information as is required to make a
referral to an appropriate education provider. Parental consent will be obtained before information
regarding the pupil is passed to the EWO.
The designated member of staff will be responsible for liaising with the LA education provider and
will ensure that information is given regarding the pupil’s ability, progress and work programmes.
Wherever possible, work and materials will be provided for the pupil in accordance with their peers.
In cases of long-term or recurrent absence the designated member of staff will participate in the
development of a Personal Education Plan (PEP) for the pupil. This will be written in conjunction
with the LA, the parents and pupil.

Monitoring and Recording of Absence
All pupils who are unable to attend school for more than 15 school days due to medical needs will
be regularly monitored and reviewed by the designated member of staff together with LA
representatives. Ongoing medical advice will be taken into account at all times.
Absence will be recorded on the register as medical (eg code M) only when appropriate medical
advice has been received. When a pupil commences education with an alternative education
provider the absence will be recorded as educated off site (eg code B).
This is in accordance with the LA and school attendance policy.
Pupils absent for medical reasons will not be removed from the school roll unless advice is received
from the School Medical Officer stating they will not be fit to return to school before ceasing to be of
compulsory school age. Parents will be fully consulted and their consent sought if their child is to be
removed from the school roll in these circumstances.

Pupils with Long -Term or Recurring Absence
Some pupils will be away from school long-term or with recurrent bouts of illness. In these cases the
designated member of staff will liaise with the LA to ensure that alternative education provision is put
in place as soon as possible. The school will have responsibility for ensuring that the education
provider has all information regarding work programmes and curriculum plans. It is acknowledged
that continuity of education is important for these pupils. For pupils whose learning progress is being
severely affected by long term absence the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) will
be advised and consideration will be given as to whether Statutory Assessment of Special
Educational needs should commence.
Pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Need
These pupils may be able to access alternative educational provision through the LA – sometimes
with assistance from specialist teaching services. The SENCo will notify the Assessment and
Placement Service if a pupil with a Statement of SEN is going to be absent from school through
medical need.
The school will retain responsibility for co-ordinating the Annual Review meetings and for inviting the
appropriate people to such reviews.

For pupils who have been absent from school it may be necessary to have a staged reintegration
plan. The designated member of staff will co-ordinate the initial meeting to instigate a plan, together
with the LA, parent and pupil and any health professionals who may need to be involved.
The reintegration will be monitored and reviewed regularly with all parties to ensure success.
Contact between School/Pupil
KSM is committed to ensuring that, even if a pupil is absent for medical reasons they should retain
contact with the school.
After consultation with the pupil and parents, and taking into account their wishes in relation to the
level of contact, the designated member of staff will put a plan into place to ensure contact is
KSM has the following modes of contact available:
Newsletters to be sent home
Inclusion in trips and social events
Contact with peers and members of staff via e-mail
Statutory assessment
Wherever possible statutory assessment will be undertaken. KSM will endeavour to ensure that
sufficient educational input is made to enable each pupil to reach their full potential.
As the time for public statutory assessment nears pupils and parents will be fully consulted so that
their wishes may be taken into consideration.
Medication for pupils
• The school is committed to pursuing a policy of inclusive education. No child should be excluded from school activities by virtue of having a medical condition. • The school will carry out risk assessments and care plans where appropriate in conjunction with the school nurse and parents to determine the procedures the school will need to adopt. These assessments and plans will also identify any exceptions to normal participation in school activities. • Teachers and support staff have a responsibility to maintain the health and safety of pupils in their care. In some circumstances this might extend to administering medication or taking other medical action in an emergency. In normal circumstances teachers and support staff will not be asked to administer medication. • It is entirely the decision of each individual employee in the school as to whether he/she is prepared to personally administer medication. No sanction will be taken against any employee who declines to undertake this task. • No medication must be given to any child without the specific written consent of the parent/carer concerned and authorisation from the Headteacher. (Consideration should be to the need for the medicine to be taken during school hours.) • Non-prescribed medicines containing analgesics (including mild painkillers such as
aspirin or paracetamol) should not be given, even with the consent of parents/carers.
• Where a decision is reached that medication will be given in school: 1. Parents/carers will complete a consent form including full directions for use 2. The medicine will be handed directly to the headteacher or the admin officer in 3. A record will be kept of the administration of the medicine (appendix 2) This record will be kept with the instructions for administration and will be checked on every occasion. 4. Medicines must be stored safely and be clearly labelled with the contents, the child’s name and the dosage or other instructions as to use. Medication which is required to be kept in a refrigerator must be placed in a suitable sealed container and clearly marked ‘medicines’. 5. Any medication which has passed its expiry date should be collected from school by parents/carers within 5 days of the expiry date or it should be disposed of safely (e.g. by returning it to the local pharmacist.) 6. Before medication is administered the identity of the child must be verified.
Special circumstances
Some pupils have specific medical needs which may require treatment in an emergency which may
involve invasive medical procedures (e.g. epipen). Other children may require special personal care
involving intimate or invasive treatment (e.g. assistance with catheters).
• These children will have a care plan, drawn up by the school nurse together with the parents and the school. • Staff who are willing to administer such treatment will be given appropriate training to enable
them to act in emergencies in potentially life threatening situations or in providing intimate or
invasive personal care. Only those who are both willing and appropriately trained should
administer such treatment.
• For the protection of both staff and children a second member of staff should be present
when the more intimate procedures are being followed.
• Appropriate personal protection should be worn.
• The dignity of the child should be protected as far as possible at all times, even in emergencies. • All staff should be made aware of the pupil’s condition (subject to parent/carer consent) and know where to locate trained staff. • All staff should respect the confidentiality of medical information. • Medication should be stored in a sealed container clearly marked ‘emergency medication’ and with the pupil’s name. Trained staff should have immediate access to it. • Pupils with personal inhalers can administer their own medication. • Pupils will be responsible for the storage of inhalers. • Parents will be responsible for ensuring that the inhaler is in school. • The school will keep a register of inhaler users.
Risk assessment
• For a number of pupils with medical needs it may be appropriate for risk assessments to be carried out on certain activities, e.g. physical activities and visits. This would consider such issues as medical needs, medication requirements, physical abilities, emergency treatment. Children with Asthma

Kington St. Michael School:

• Will encourage and help children with asthma to participate in all aspects of school life • Recognises that asthma is a significant condition affecting many children • Recognises that immediate access to inhalers is vital • Will do all it can to make sure that the school environment is favourable to children with • Will ensure that other children understand asthma so that they can support their friends • Has a clear understanding of what to do in the event of a child having an asthma attack • To work in partnership with parents, governors, health professionals, staff and children to ensure the successful implementation of this policy

• The children are expected to keep their ventolin inhaler (marked with their name) with them at school in a designated place. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the inhaler is kept within its use by date • Parents are responsible for training their child to use their inhaler • Checks will be made to ensure they are taken on school trips • Children may use the inhaler as they feel necessary, (a child cannot overdose), particularly before physical exercise, if appropriate • Staff will inform parents if it is felt the inhaler is being used too frequently, thus enabling a revised prescription to be obtained if appropriate. • Preventer inhalers (brown) are usually used at home Policy Approved by: ____S+C Committee____ Policy Approval Date: ______12.2.2012_____ Policy Review Date: ______February 2014__


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