Balamurugan et al., Jour. Harmo. Res. Pharm., 2013, 2(2), 100-103
Journal Of Harmonized Research in Pharmacy
Ethnopharmacology unit, Research Department of Botany, V.O.Chidambaram College, Tuticorin-628008,
Abstract: The objective of this study was to investigate the anti-diarrhoeal activity of whole plant of Polycarpaea corymbosa in rats. Anti-diarrhoeal effects of the ethanol extracts at 100, 200 and 400 mg/Kg were evaluated in rats using castor oil induced models. Results showed that the ethanol extract exhibited significant and dose dependent anti-diarrhoeal activity in the model used. A percentage diarrhoeal inhibition of extract at 400 mg/Kg was 75.63%. Diarrhoeal protection in the model used by the extract is dose dependent and the diarrhoeal inhibitory effects of the extract are comparable to loperamide. Therefore, a result of present study suggests that the ethanol extract of Polycarpaea corymbosa possesses anti-diarrhoeal activity. Keywords: Polycarpaea corymbosa, anti-diarrhoea Introduction:
A vast majority of the people of developing
Diarrhoeal diseases are one of the leading
countries relies on herbal drugs for the
management of diarrhoea. Considering this
developing countries and are responsible for
the death of millions of people each year 1.
constituted a diarrhoeal disease control
There are large numbers of epidemiological
traditional medicinal practices, together with
worldwide acute diarrhoeal disease, which is
one of the principal causes of death in the
Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.)Lam. belongs to ‘Caryophyllaceae” is commonly known as
For Correspondence:
“Pallipoondu” in Palliyar tribals of Sirumalai hills, Western Ghats Tamil Nadu. Paste
prepared from the leaf is taken once in a day
for a period of 2-3weeks to treat jaundice by
the Palliyars 4 Biological activities such as
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Balamurugan et al., Jour. Harmo. Res. Pharm., 2013, 2(2), 100-103
5mg/kg body weight by gastric incubations
diarrhoeal activity of Polycarpaea corymbosa
and observed for 14 days. If mortality was
whole plant has not been reported. Hence the
observed in two out of three animals, then the
dose administered was assigned as toxic dose.
possible anti-diarrhoreal activity of the whole
If mortality was observed in one animal then
plant extract of Polycarpaea corymbosa to
the same dose was repeated again to confirm
continue the long-run to the improvement of
the toxic dose. If mortality was not observed,
the procedure was repeated for higher doses
Materials and Methods
such as 50, 100 and 2000 mg/kg body weight.
Plant materials Experimental setup
Whole plant of Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.)
Lamwas collected from Sirumalai hills,
Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu. With the help of
Group I: Rats treated with castor oil (10
local flora, voucher specimens were identified
and preserved in the Ethnopharmacology Unit,
Group II: Rats treated with ethanol extract of
whole plant of Polycarpaea corymbosa,at the
V.O.Chidambaram College, Tuticorin, Tamil
dose of 100 mg/Kg body weight daily for 7
Preparation of plant extract Group III: Rats received ethanol extract of
The whole plant of Polycarpaea corymbosa
whole plant of Polycarpaea corymbosa, at the
were dried separately under shade and then
dose of 200 mg/Kg body weight daily for 7
powdered with a mechanical grinder to obtain
a coarse powder, which were then subjected to
Group IV: Rats received ethanol extract of
whole plant of Polycarpaea corymbosa, at the
dose of 400 mg/Kg body weight daily for 7
concentrated in a rotatory evaporator. The
concentrated ethanol extracts of whole plant
Group V: Rats treated with Loperamide (2
of Polycarpaea corymbosa were used for anti-
The anti-diarrhoeal activity was performed by
the method developed by Havagiray et al., 9 .
Normal healthy male Wistar albino rats (180-
240g) were used for the present investigation.
administration of 10 ml/Kg castor oil to all
groups by orally. Animals were fasted for
24hours with free access to water prior to the
(25±20C) and light and Dark (12:12h). Rats
were fed with standard pellet diet (Goldmohur
corymbosa (100, 200 & 400 mg/Kg) and the
standard drug (Loperamide) were given orally
Acute Toxicity Studies Results and discussion
Acute oral toxicity study was performed as per
The extracts significantly reduced the number
of diarrhoeal episodes in a dose-dependent
method), albino rats of either sex selected by
random sampling were used for acute toxicity
control. At 400 mg/Kg dose Polycarpaea
study 8. The animals were kept fasting for
corymbosa showed 75.63% reduction in the
overnight and provided only with water, after
number of fecal episodes when as loperamide
which the extracts were administered orally at
(2 mg/Kg) offered 94.84% protection. The
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Balamurugan et al., Jour. Harmo. Res. Pharm., 2013, 2(2), 100-103
results indicated that the ethanol extract of
Polycarpaea corymbosa was higher effective
gastrointestinal release of acetyl choline
in controlling castor oil induced diarrhoea at
by quercetin as possible mode of action of
the doses of 100 mg/Kg, 200 mg/Kg and 400
Psidium guajava leaf extracts in the
treatment of acute diarrhoeal disease. J
Although the extract was found to reduce
castor oil induced diarrhoeal episodes but the
3. Das, A.K., Mandal, S.C., Banerjee, S.K.,
mechanism of its anti-diarrhoeal activity is
Sinha, S., Das, J., Saha, B.P. and Pal, M.
uncertain. Since castor oil produces diarrhoea
1999. Studies of anti-diarrhoeal activity
by preventing fluid and electrolyte absorption
of Punica granatum seed extracts. J
and thus resulting in intestinal peristalsis 10,
Polycarpaea corymbosa may be disability to
enhance fluid and electrolytic absorption
jaundice by palliyar tribals in Sirumalai
hills, Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu, India.
diarrhoea by increasing GI mobility 11, the
significant inhibition of GI mobility by test
extract Polycarpaea corymbosa suggested its
V. R. Anti-inflammatory activity of whole
probable mode of action to be the prevention
plant of Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.) Lam
anticholinergic effect on gastric mucosa.
Most plant species that have anti-diarrhoeal
6. Nishanthini A., Mohan V.R. Antioxidant
potential confirm tannins as one of the major
activity of Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.)
Polycarpaea corymbosa also contain tannins.
peristaltic movements and intestinal secretion
15. Thus further phytochemical studies are
required to isolate anti-diarrhoeal components
effect of Polycarpaea corymbosa against
from the extract to establish its extract mode
CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Int J
Dr.R.Sampathraj, Honorary Director Samsun
chemicals/section 4: Health Effects Test
Clinical Research Laboratory, Thiruppur for
providing necessary facilities to carry out this
9. Havagiray, R.C., Ramesh, C. and Sadhna,
activity of Calotropis gigantean R.BR. in
Phillips J Microbo Infect Dis 19: 51-53.
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Balamurugan et al., Jour. Harmo. Res. Pharm., 2013, 2(2), 100-103
10. Goodman, A. and Gillman, A. 1996. The
pharmacological basis of therapeutics (9th
11. Mycek, M.J., Harvey, R.A. and Champe,
14. Yadav, A.K. and Tangpu, V. 2007. Anti-
dealbata and Urnea lobata extracts
therapeutic implications. Pharmaceutical
N.Y. 2004. The anti-diarrhoeal activity of
Alchornea cordifolia leaf etract. Phytother
Analysis of anti-diarrhoeic effect of plants
used in popular medicine. Rev Saude Publica 29: 428-433.
Table 1: Anti-diarrhoeal activity of ethanol extract of whole plant of Polycarpaea corymbosa % protection Weight of stools (g)
Each Value is SEM ± 6 individual observations * P < 0.05; ** P<0.01; *** P<0.001
Compared to castor oil induced control vs drug treated rats
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1. Wilke A, Wende C, Horst M, Steverding D: Thrombosis of a prosthetic mitral valve after withdrawal of phenprocoumon therapy. Cardiol Res 2011 (in print) 2. Diepholz D, Wilke A, Maisch B, Steverding D: Demonstration of TGF- β and XIII α in Endocardial Biopsies of Carcinoid Heart Disease Patients: an Immunofluorescence Study. Cardiol Res 2011;2(3):119-122 3. Wilke A, Steverding D: Does the C