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Knee Joint Injection Under Local Anaesthetic
Mr Nigel J Donnachie MB ChB DIMC RCSEd FRCS FRCS(Orth)
Consultant Surgeon Trauma and Orthopaedics
Special Interest in Hip and Knee Surgery
The benefits of a joint injection
The purpose of administering a joint injection is to reduce pain, inflammation and swelling in a painful joint. The aim is to allow you move the joint more easily and comfortably. Steroid reduces swelling and inflammation but cannot reverse arthritic wear.
It is important to note that joint injections do not work for everyone. Some patients experience many months of symptom relief fol owing a joint injection. However, for some patients the results are short term and if this is the case for you we wil discuss ongoing management options.
The risks of a joint injection
Adverse reactions and side effects are rare; some patients experience quite a painful reaction after the injection lasting two to four days, this will normally settle. With al injections there is a very smal risk of
the joint becoming infected. Cleaning the skin prior to the injection and using an aseptic injection technique minimize this risk.
A thin needle is inserted into the joint. Then a combination of local anaesthetic and a steroid are injected. The type of steroid used (methylprednisolone) is a synthetic drug, which acts like the natural hormone (cortisol) produced by your body.
You may have more than one injection. If you have too much fluid in your joint making it feel tight and uncomfortable, we may draw the fluid out with a syringe before injecting the joint. This is known as a joint aspiration.
After the procedure
As local anaesthetic is combined with the steroid injection, your joint will initially feel relatively pain free. As a result, you may put too much stress on the arthritic joint while stil feeling the effects of the local anesthetic. Overuse of the joint in the first six hours after injection can aggravate arthritis and should therefore be avoided.
You may require simple painkillers for the first few days after the injection.
Park Suite, Arrowe Park Hospital, Arrowe Park Road, Upton, Wirral, CH49 5PE
Spire Murrayfield Hospital, Holmwood Drive, Thingwall, Wirral, CH61 1AU
TEL: 07753 386 028 | E-mail:
The full benefits of a joint injection may take several days, and in some cases several weeks to be fully apparent. It is useful to keep a record of your progress and the level of symptom relief you have experienced following the injection so that you can discuss this with me when you are seen for fol ow-up.
Follow up care
An appointment wil be made as appropriate.
If you have any problems such as: a high temperature/ fever, increasing redness/ swelling around the
joint, increasing pain that continues to get worse, increasing difficulty moving the joint, please contact the hospital immediately or alternatively contact your General Practitioner for further advice.
Park Suite, Arrowe Park Hospital, Arrowe Park Road, Upton, Wirral, CH49 5PE
Spire Murrayfield Hospital, Holmwood Drive, Thingwall, Wirral, CH61 1AU
TEL: 07753 386 028 | E-mail:
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