Exclusive on Mango Mango consumption reduces the cancer risk
increased from Rs 1.74 billion in 2007-08to Rs 3.27 billion in 2011-12, thus show-ing an average increase of 18% perannum. Pakistani Mango is one of themost delicious products in the world,which is being exported in large quantitiesfrom Pakistan to Europe, Middle East &America by air and to the Gulf by sea inreefers containers.
mangoes may potentially have a positiveeffect on blood sugar in obese individualsand reduce cancer risk. The study, led byOklahoma State University’s NutritionalSciences Associate Professor Edralin Lucas,examined the effects of daily mango con-sumption on clinical parameters and bodycomposition in obese subjects. Mangocontains many nutrients and other bioac-tive compounds that can provide various
These findings are the result of a single
investigated. He said it is high in fibre,
vitamins A and C, as well as other miner-
als. In addition to the positive effects on
slow. The main mango growing districts in
body fat, blood lipids and glucose, it is not
associated with serious side-effects such
as negative effects on bone that is linked
and Thatta. In the province of NWFP it is
Blood sugar levels at the conclusion of the
and non-cancerous breast cells. This study
baseline in both male and female subjects.
Pakistan for well over two thousand years
Table 1: Area, production and yield per
and the country is now the 6th largest pro-
hectare of mango Production Yield per (000) Hectares (000 Tonnes) Hectare in Kg Production of Pakistan
privilege to grow early varieties of mango.
Subsequently, a new trend of growing late
Source: Ministry of Agriculture Government of Pakistan.
plus. The high prices are paid for undam-
Exclusive on Mango Table 2: Province - wise production of Mango
export prospects, the area under cultiva-
(000 Tonnes)
tion has increased over the few years from
Punjab Sindh KPK Baluchistan
area, production and yield per hectare of
5 Year Avg:
mango are given in Table 1. Province-wise
production of mango are given in Table 2. Types of Mango Sindhri (Mango): This fine variety is 5 Year Avg:
large size, yellow in colour, fibreless, and
very sweet in taste and has a pleasant fra-
grance. This variety is available from the
Source: Ministry of Agriculture Government of Pakistan Chaunsa (Mango): This variety is pro-
cious. Fresh, firm and fibre less, it is avail-
able after 15th June to the end of August.
with shares of 18% and 13% respectively.
$37 million if it succeeds in meeting the
Sindh: Sindhri, Gulabkhas, Punjab: Malda, Langra, Aman Duseri,
rent season starting from May 25, 2013.
The date has been fixed this year to avoid
(VHT) plant – a pilot plant donated by the
NWFP: Lengra and Samer Bahisht. Baluchistan: Sindhri and Banganpalli. Exclusive on Mango Problems Table 3: Export of Mango from Pakistan
acres. Certification is in process for eight
Quantity (Tonnes) (Rs. Million)
ogy and ecology was missing. It is impor-
Source: (i) Federal Bureau of Statistics, Government of Pakistan. (ii) Trade Development Authority of Pakistan
have also adversely affected Pakistan’s
mango is a perennial species offering con-
tinuity of habitat for both pests and natu-
Iran. It is important to note that Iran was
how to protect their plants from pests and
using biological and cultural control meth-
midges. Identifying natural enemies of the
able conditions for them, is a key priority
valued at Rs 202.80 million to Iran alone.
over the last five years and local agricul-
in South Korea ‘Taste of Pakistani Mango’
Taiwanese and Philippines’ mangoes hold-
goes can capture a substantial share in the
Table 4: Country-wise Export of Mango
years of sustained efforts by the govern-
(Major Countries) Quantity: 000 Kg Value: Rs. 000
Pakistan’s mango farmers through infra-
Country Quantity Value Quantity Value
certifications. This has led to increased
mango sales of about $20.5 million, and a
to international markets, said Ambassador
$5.8 million in Pakistan’s mango sector,
infrastructure and marketing assistance to
3,271,913 2,889,007
help farmers sell their products globally.
Source: Trade Development Authority of Pakistan
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STAGES OF LABOR FIRST STAGE Latent phase – Cervical effacement and early dilatation Active phase – Rapid cervical dilatation Protraction disorder of the active phase (dilatation) SECOND STAGE (pushing) Primip – 30min – 3 hr, multip – 5 –30 min Mechanisms of Labor Descent – uterine contractions, maternal pushing, gravity Internal Rotation – Fetal head fr