He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
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Pii: s0167-2738(02)00064-4
Solid State Ionics 148 (2002) 283 – 289
Reaction behavior of LiFePO4 as a cathode material
Masaya Takahashi*, Shin-ichi Tobishima 1, Koji Takei, Yoji Sakurai
NTT Telecommunications Energy Laboratories, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken, 319-1193, Japan
We investigated the effect of cell temperature on the electrochemical reaction behavior of LiFePO4. We evaluated its
electrochemical characteristics by using cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Both theelectron transfer activity and the lithium ion diffusion rate in the LiFePO4 electrode increased as we increased the operatingtemperature. The apparent activation energy for the lithium diffusion was more than twice that for charge transfer. This resultsupports the idea that the large discharge capacity of LiFePO4 at elevated temperatures is mainly caused by the high lithiumdiffusion rate in the LiFePO4 particles, which makes it possible to utilize more material near the center of the particles. We alsoevaluated the thermal stability of LiFePO4 by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Charged LiFePO4 in contact with anelectrolyte solution exhibited no obvious endothermic or exothermic reaction below 340 jC. This means that LiFePO4 hashigher thermal stability than such other cathode materials as LiCoO2, LiNiO2 and LiMn2O4. D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PACS: 84.60.DnKeywords: LiFePO4; Lithium ion battery; Cyclic voltammetry; Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy; Thermal stability
batteries are often decided by the properties of thecathode material. Recently, iron-based compounds
The demand for high energy density rechargeable
containing polyanions such as (SO4)2À , (PO4)3À or
batteries for portable electronic devices, electric ve-
(AsO4)3À have been investigated intensively as
hicle systems and dispersed-type energy storage sys-
potential cathode materials for rechargeable lithium
tems has promoted the development of lithium ion
ion batteries [2 – 8]. They are environmentally benign,
batteries. Many kinds of material have been inves-
inexpensive and abundant. Orthorhombic LiFePO4,
tigated as the cathode material for lithium ion batteries
which has an ordered olivine structure, has attracted
[1]. This is because the performance and cost of the
particular interest. This material has a relatively largetheoretical capacity of 170 mA hÁgÀ1 compared withother iron-based compounds, good thermal stability in
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +81-29-287-7545; fax: +81-29-
the fully charged state and little hygroscopicity, making
it easy to handle [4,5]. However, it was reported that
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Takahashi). 1
there was a difficulty as regards charging and discharg-
Present address: Department of Chemistry, Faculty of
ing with a high current density in an ordinary liquid
Engineering, Gunma University, 4-2, Aramaki-machi, Maebashi,Gunma-ken, 371-8510, Japan.
electrolyte cell at room temperature [4]. Recently, this
0167-2738/02/$ - see front matter D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 1 6 7 - 2 7 3 8 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 6 4 - 4
M. Takahashi et al. / Solid State Ionics 148 (2002) 283–289
material has been reported to perform well in a lithium
working electrode by putting a cathode pellet (6 mm
battery system by coating the conductive material on
f) between two pieces of titanium mesh and pressing
the surface of the LiFePO4 particles, especially at high
softly. A lithium metal sheet and a lithium fragment
temperature [9]. The effect of the operating temperature
were used counter and reference electrode, respec-
on the cell of the material has also been examined [10 –
tively. The electrolyte was the same as that of the
13]. The capacity of LiFePO4 increased with temper-
coin-type cell. We measured the cyclic voltammogram
ature. It was also reported that the specific surface area
by using a potentio-galvanostat (biologic MacPile II).
of the LiFePO4 particle plays an important role in
We started the potential scanning from a rest potential
improving the capacity [10 – 14]. The surface area of
of about 3.4 V vs. Li/Li+ in the anodic direction. The
the material was controlled by refining the synthesis
potential was swept between 4.2 and 2.8 V or 4.2 and
temperature. In this paper, we use cyclic voltammetry
0.7 V. EIS was measured with a frequency response
and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to
analyzer (Solatron 1260) interfaced with a potentio-
investigate the influence of cell temperature on the
galvanostat (Solatron 1287) controlled by a personal
lithium diffusion process and on the charge transfer
computer. The sinusoidal excitation voltage applied to
process that occurs during the LiFePO4 charge– dis-
the cells was 10 mV rms with a frequency range of
charge reaction. We also investigated the thermal
between 105 and 10À1 Hz. We analyzed the impe-
stability of electrochemically delithiated Li1 À xFePO4
dance data to evaluate the equivalent circuit parame-
and re-lithiated LiFePO4 in contact with the electrolyte
ters by using a parameter fitting program (Scribner
by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
Associates, Zplot for Windows). Both electrochemicalmeasurements were performed in a dry air atmos-phere.
We monitored the thermal stability of the material
from 100 to 400 jC by DSC (Rigaku thermoflex
We prepared the LiFePO4 by firing a stoichiomet-
TG8110). One sample was charged in the coin type
ric mixture of Fe(COO)2Á2H2O, (NH4)2HPO4 and
cell to 4.0 V at 60 jC with a constant current of 0.1
LiOHÁH2O in an argon atmosphere. First, we heated
mAÁcmÀ2. Another sample was charged in the same
a mixture of these materials at 350 jC for 5 h to
way as the first charged sample and then discharged to
decompose them. The mixture was then ground and
3.0 V at 60 jC with the same current. After charging
pressed into pellets. We fired the pellets at 675 jC for
or discharging the cell, we removed the cathode
24 h and cooled them to 70 jC for 14 h. We evaluated
pellets from the cell and cut into fragments containing
the charge – discharge characteristics of the material
about 1 mg of LiFePO4. The fragments were put into
by using coin-type cells (Type 2320) with a lithium
sealed stainless steel pans with the fresh electrolyte.
metal anode and 1 mol dmÀ3 (M) of LiPF6 in ethy-
lene carbonate/dimethyl carbonate (1:1 in volume)electrolyte. The separator we used was a Celgard3501 microporous membrane. The cathode electrode
was made in the following way. We mixed theLiFePO4 powder with acetylene black and polytetra-
It has already been reported that the reversible
fluoroethylene (PTFE) with a weight ratio of 70:25:5.
capacity of LiFePO4 increases at an elevated temper-
We then rolled the mixture into a 0.6-mm-thick sheet
ature by reason of the high Li diffusion rate in the
and cut it into pellets. We assembled the cell in a dry
LiFePO4 particles [10– 13]. Fig. 1 shows charge and
air atmosphere, where the dew point of the air was
discharge curves of the Li/LiFePO4 cells at the 2nd cy-
below À 50 jC. We cycled the cells galvanostatically
cle. Each pair curves was measured at 20, 40 and 60 jC.
between 3.0 and 4.0 V at a constant current of 0.5
The discharge capacity increased as the measuring
mAÁcmÀ2 by using the potentio-galvanostat (biologic
temperature increased from 114 mA hÁgÀ1 (at 20 jC)
to 133 mA h gÀ1 (at 60 jC). A flat charge – discharge
We also characterized the electrochemical proper-
profile over a large range indicates that the redox
ties by using a three-electrode cell. We prepared the
reaction of the LiFePO4 proceeds as a two-phase
M. Takahashi et al. / Solid State Ionics 148 (2002) 283–289
resistance with a change cell temperature had littleeffect on the capacity of Li/LiFePO4 cells.
The cell temperature also affected the current
dependence of the capacity. Fig. 2 shows the effectof the discharge current on the cell discharge capacitymeasured at 20, 40 and 60 jC, respectively. Themeasurement was carried out after 10 charge– dis-charge cycles. At 20 jC, the capacity decreasedabruptly while the discharge current increased andthe capacity at 5 mAÁcmÀ2 became about 20% of thatat 0.5 mAÁcmÀ2. By contrast, the capacity decreasewith increasing current became gentle as the temper-ature rose. At 60 jC, the capacity at 5 mAÁcmÀ2 wasabout 70% of that at 0.5 mAÁcmÀ2 This result alsosupports the idea that the large discharge capacity ofLiFePO4 observed at elevated temperatures is caused
Fig. 1. Charge and discharge curves of the Li/LiFePO4 cells at the
by the high lithium diffusion rate in LiFePO
2nd cycle, measured at 20, 40 and 60 jC and with a current of 0.5
We investigated the influence of the cell temper-
ature on the diffusion rate of the lithium in LiFePO4 byusing cycle voltammetry. Fig. 3 shows a cyclic vol-
reaction. The length of the plateau, which extended
tammogram of LiFePO4 measured at 20 jC. The pair
when the temperature was elevated, determined the cell
of peaks, consisting of an anodic and a cathodic peak,
capacity. By contrast, the voltage difference between
observed around 3.4 V vs. Li/Li+ corresponded to the
the charge and discharge curves in the plateau region
two-phase charge – discharge reaction of the Fe2+ /
changed little as the temperature increased. This volt-
Fe3+redox couple. We supposed that the cathodic peak
age difference related to the voltage drop caused by
seen around 0.7 V vs. Li/Li+represented the reduction
solution resistance. Therefore, a change in the solution
of Fe2+to Fe0. This voltammogram indicated that onlyone electrochemical reaction, corresponding to thepeak pair shown around 3.4 V vs. Li/Li + , occurred
Fig. 2. The effect of the discharge current on the cell dischargecapacity measured at 20, 40 and 60 jC after 10 charge – discharge
Fig. 3. A cyclic voltammogram of LiFePO4 measured at 20 jC and
M. Takahashi et al. / Solid State Ionics 148 (2002) 283–289
during the charge and discharge of the LiFePO4. Fig. 4shows the effect of the potential scanning rate on thecycle voltammograms measured at 0.01, 0.02 and 0.05mVÁsÀ1. Although the wave shape of the anodic andcathodic peak was almost symmetrical, the potentialseparation between the two peaks increased as thescanning rate increased. Since the potential separationbetween the two peaks is independent of scan rate for anernstian (reversible) system [15], this result meansthat the Fe2+ /Fe3+ redox reaction is a quasi-nernstian(quasi-reversible) system. Fig. 5 shows relationshipbetween the potential and the electricity with which theelectrode was charged during the first anodic potentialscanning. The electricity was calculated by integratingthe anodic current observed in the first anodic scan forthe voltammetry with the time from the moment the
Fig. 5. The relationship between the potential and the electricity
potential scanning was started to the time the scanning
calculated by integrating the anodic current observed in the first
reached the potential. The total electricity during the
anodic scan of the voltammetry from the initial to the potential.
first anodic scanning was about 135 mA hÁgÀ1, andthis corresponds to 80% of the theoretical capacity. This means that the bulk of the LiFePO
ature. If the absorbed species or only the materials at
reacted during the measurement of the anodic voltam-
the surface of the LiFePO4 particles contribute to the
mogram peak. Fig. 6 shows the relationship between
reaction, the peak current should be proportional to the
the peak current and the square root of the scan rate,
scan rate. Therefore, this means that the anodic peak of
v0.5, for the anodic peak observe around 3. 4 V vs. Li/
the voltammogram at 3.6 V vs. Li/Li+ is related to the
reaction of the diffusing species. We used the relation-
The peak current is proportional to v0.5 and extrapo-
ship between ip and v0.5 to estimate the diffusion
lated to its origin regardless of the measured temper-
coefficient of the lithium ions in the cathode materials
Fig. 6. The relationship between the anodic peak current of the
Fig. 4. The effect of the potential scan rate on the cyclic
cyclic voltammogram and the square root of the scan rate, v0.5,
voltammograms at 10, 20 and 50 AV sÀ1 and at 20 jC.
M. Takahashi et al. / Solid State Ionics 148 (2002) 283–289
Fig. 7. An Arrhenius plot of the square of the inclination angle of
Fig. 8. The influence of the cell temperature on the Nyquist plot of
the extrapolated line shown in Fig. 6.
LiFePO4, measured at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 jC.
[16 – 18]. For a quasi-reversible reaction, the peak
The H value defined by the equation (3) is propor-
tional to the D. The Arrhenius plot of H is shown in
Fig. 7. Good linearity was observed and the apparent
activation energy of the lithium diffusion was calcu-lated to be 39 kJ molÀ1 from the slope of the plot.
where n is electrons per molecule oxidized, F is the
We also investigated the influence of the cell tem-
Faraday constant, A is the surface area, C is the
perature on the charge transfer of the LiFePO4 redox
concentration, R is the gas constant, T is temperature,
reaction with the EIS. Fig. 8 shows the influence of the
D is the diffusion coefficient of lithium ions and
cell temperature on the Nyquist plot of LiFePO4. The
K(K,a) indicates the degree of irreversibility [15]. Ordinarily, K(K,a) is dependent on the v, and ip isnot proportional to v0.5 for a quasi-reversible reaction. However, the ip values were completely proportionalto v0.5 as shown in Fig. 6. We assume that K(K,a) canbe treated as a constant in our scan rate measurementrange because the scan rate was relatively low and therate range was narrow. The inclination angle of theextrapolated lines h shown in Fig. 6 is representedfrom Eq. (1) as:
Fig. 9. A comparison of the measured Nyquist plot and thecalculated values (shown by the line) with the equivalent circuit
M. Takahashi et al. / Solid State Ionics 148 (2002) 283–289
than half that for the lithium diffusion obtained from theplot shown in Fig. 7. This result indicates that theinfluence of the cell temperature on the lithium diffusionprocess is larger than that of the charge transfer for thelithium extraction reaction of the LiFePO4 electrode. Weconfirmed that the effect of the cell temperature on thecell capacity and the current dependence of the capacityresults mainly from the enhancement of the lithiumdiffusion at elevated temperatures.
The thermal stability of the charged and discharged
states of the LiFePO4 in contact with the electrolytesolution is shown in the DSC curves of Fig. 11. Forthe fully charged state, we observed a small exother-mic peak at about 360 jC. This temperature is higherthan that reported by Yamada et al. [14]. The total heatflow value of 288 JÁgÀ1 is about twice the value they
Fig. 10. An Arrhenius plot of i0 obtained from the Nyquist plots
reported. The difference in the electrolyte composition
may affect the decomposition temperature and theheat flow. For the discharged state, there was no
high-frequency limit shifted in the negative direction
obvious heat evolution up to 400 jC. Discharging
on the real axis as the temperature increased. This
caused the exothermic peak observed for the charged
means that the ohmic resistance, mainly the solution
sample to disappear. The DSC results indicate that the
resistance of the electrolyte, decreased with increasing
thermal stability of LiFePO4 is much better than that
the cell temperature. All plots exhibit a depressed
of other cathode materials such as LiNiO2, LiCoO2
semicircle in the high frequency region, which is
attributed to the charge-transfer process. We fitted theseimpedance data with the equivalent circuit shown in theinset of Fig. 9 to estimate the charge transfer resistanceRct. As shown in Fig. 9, the calculated values fit well tothe measured values. This equivalent circuit was ob-tained by substituting the double layer capacitance ofthe Randles equivalent circuit [19] to the constantphase angle element (CPE). The CPE is commonlyused to describe the depressed semicircle that resultsfrom a porous electrode [20 – 22]. The exchange currenti0 was obtained from Rct by using equation [15]:
Although we have no means of comparing the absolutevalue of i0 with those of other materials because we didnot obtain the surface area of the LiFePO4 electrode, weare able to evaluate the temperature dependence of i0 byusing these values. The Arrhenius plot of i0 is shown inFig. 10. Good linearity was also observed. The appa-
Fig. 11. The DSC curves of the charged and discharged states after
rent activation energy of the charge transfer calculated
charging the LiFePO4 in contact with the electrolyte solution in a
from the angle of the plot is 15 kJ molÀ1. This value is less
M. Takahashi et al. / Solid State Ionics 148 (2002) 283–289
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