Data linkage branch_projects1995-2012

Data Linkage Branch – Project Applications 1995 – 2010
Project Title
Johnson Graeme, Fiona Stanley, Alison Plant Hospitalisation rates for women 20-60 years Breast cancer - patterns of care and outcomes Comorbidity in people with mental illness Key cancers - lung, colorectal, breast, melanoma Secondary prevention of Myocardial infarction SPLASH - Health behaviours and cardiovascular risk Perth Cohort/ risk factor study - update Respiratory disease comorbidity (update) Continuing disability - planning model for health Immunogenicity of influenza vaccine in the elderly Preventable hospital admissions; contributing fact Stevens Margaret Hobbs Michael, Ridout Steve Pre-hospital care - ambulance linkage update SQSCP - Gestational Breast Cancer Project Rural access to health speciality services Age-stratified sample of men from electoral roll SQSCP - Breast cancer management and survival Mortality data - Environmental protection Linkage of police crash reports for year 2000 Esperance Community Health - sample selection Oesophagitis and Oesophageal malignancy audit WA women in childbirth: a holistic approach Safety and quality of surgical care: development Audit of one year mortality after PEG insertion Significant adverse health outcomes - assisted con ECHO project - outcomes for prehospital care Pathways of risk from conception to disease DD motor vehicle crashes and alcohol admissions Analysis of Mental Health Utilisation in WA BPD predicting suicide during the first five years Aboriginal population estimates - deaths 2001 An analysis of breast cancer treatment and survival Evaluation and planning of Coronary artery revascularisation Busselton - chronic disease risk factors Psychiatric morbidity and mental retardation Inequalities in health care - MDC 6 to 22 Targeting early life programs in East Metropolitan Analysis of vascular disease deaths by level of social disadvantage Infectious gastroenteritis admission rates Chemotherapy survival benefit in colorectal cancer Geocoding the Health System Surveillance Sample  North Metro Area Health Service Planning Predictors of transition from hostel care Rates of migration following serious illness SQSCP - WA Audit of Surgical Mortality - update In-patient insurance classification in WA Alcohol problems and mental health - update SQSCP - Incidence of AAA in WA, 1990-2002 SQSCP - Sigmoid volvulus in WA, 1982-2002 Incidence and predictor of disease in veterinarian Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in hospital practice Colorectal cancer - health system utilisation Pathways Home program implementation plan Outcomes of critical illness - RPH ICU linkage  Hospitalisations for oral health and oral cancer Outcomes for hospital-community links (adolescents) Childhood cancer - maternal and birth factors Mental health and morbidity for ART women Occurrence and Recurrence of chromosomal abnormalities Map services for Health and Community Care Occurrence/ recurrence of Chromosome abnormalities Epidemiology of Unexplained Fetal death in WA Repeated therapeutic poisoning in seniors Respiratory conditions in Cockburn, Kwinana etc Retrospective cohort study of Population Based Health Information Ecosystem health - land degradation & human health Elderly hospital use - last year of life Burden of infection in residential aged care Assessment of the population impact of programs for the prevention of falls in persons receiving home and community care Evaluation and comparison of risk adjustment system Duodenal ulcers - effect of H2 Blockers etc Geocoding of Private Healthcare facilities Geocoding of Private Healthcare facilities Socioeconomic inequalities - uptake of new interventions Utilisation and outcomes of surgery for obesity Evaluation of the Rectangularisation of Morbidity Geocoding of health service facilities pertaining to Perinatal Mental Geocoding of Metropolitan Child Development Centres (DCD) Small Area Residential Population Counts Epidemiology of Intellectual Disability in WA Brameld Kate, Broadhurst Robyn, Ng Jonathon Chronic disease outcomes and enhanced primary care Effects on ageing and time to death on health-care Annual production of small area aboriginal population counts Therapeutic Poisoning in Older West Australians Intergovernmental Working Group on Settlement Issue Primary care services for mental health clients Follow up of alcohol research in the Kimberley 98-0505 The Virtual Infant Parenting Program (VIP): A Randomised Controlled Trial Improving identification of race in statutory notifiable infectious disease data using data linkage Community outreach for a proposed Joondalup Family Health The Western Australian Twins Register  The Rural Specialist Breast Nurse Project Patient transfers from Western Australian Residential Aged Care Facilities to hospital: a study of emergency department and inpatient admissions Viral Hepatitis: Trends, Hospital Utilization and Health Outcomes. A Alfonso Helman, Teng, Tiew-Hwa Katherine population study using record linkage in Western Australia Outcome of patients on Cholycystectomy Waiting lists Utilisation and Outcomes of Surgery for Female Genital Prolapse The Epidemiology of Newborn Encephalopathies in Term Infants Western Australian Genetic Epidemiology Resource (WAGER) Care career of elderly people diagnosed with a mental disorder Wynaden Dianne, Boldy Duncan, Horner Barbara, Calver Janine, Pennebaker Duane, Downie Jill, Landsborough Ian Estimation of linkage quality - breast cancer records from cancer registry as linked to MBS records A Data Linkage Study to Determine the Missed Cardiac Event Rate for Patients with an Initial Diagnosis of Non-Cardiac Chest Pain Erectile Dysfunction : Its Prevalence in Western Australia, associated sociodemographic factors, clinical correlates and prognostic significance Genetic susceptibility to venous leg ulceration in patients who have The Epidemiology of Unexplained Fetal Death in WA Pregnancy Outcomes in Women Prescribed Medications under the Bower Carol, Colvin Lyn, Slack Smith Linda PBS Population based estimates of MBS, PBS and hospital utilisation rates using prevalent chronic disease denominators obtained from Brameld Kate, Broadhurst Robyn, Ng Jonathon data linkage Community asthma and uncontrolled bushfires in Western Australia Association Between Metals in Dust and Soil and Respiratory Does Participation in a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Based Screening Program for Colorectal Cancer Improve Colorectal Cancer Outcomes 2006 Community Consultations: Community Principles of the Osborne Division and Medical Practices Long Term Cardio-Respiratory Effects of Smoke Inhalation on Gawthorne Tanya Sanfilippo Frank, Finn Judith, Ridout Steve, Hobbs Michael, Bradshaw Monitoring Coronary Heart Disease in the Modern Era An Investigation of the Antenatal Determinants and Morbidity Outcomes of Intellectual Disability and Autism Management of Drugs of Dependence System (MODDS) Internal Geographical Variations in Chronic Disease in Metropolitan WA Trends in the Use of Private Health Insurance for Surgery in Western Australia, 1981-2005 Identification of Potentially Suitable Patients for Clinical Care by Production of Patient Count Information & Area Based Analysis Monitoring Coronary Heart Disease in the Modern Era Development of An Age/Comorbidity/Medication Risk Profile for WA Patients with Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis in the 65+ Age Pearce Christopher, Sim Moira, Whitstock Margaret Geocoding of Ross River Virus Cases for Epidemiology Website Exposure to Water Contaminants & Prelabour Rupture of Membranes Prevalence & Risk Factors for Vascular Injury in Hip & Knee Assessing Cardiovascular Disease Risk in People With Diabetes: Performance of Public and Private Hospitals in Western Australia Impact of Health & Social, Economic & Psychological Conditions in Early Life on Educational Outcomes in WA Children Alcohol in Pregnancy: Health Outcomes & Use of Hospital Services by Women with a Recorded Alcohol-Related Condition During Effects of Socioeconomic Inequalities on Stroke Risk and Outcome Spatial Modelling of Chronic and Other Diseases Across WA What is the Long Term Risk of Hypothyroidism Following Healthy Hospitals - Hospital Care Quality Project Annual Estimation of Small Area Aboriginal Population Counts Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia in WA: Population Based Estimates of the Utilisation of Health Care Services & Health Outcomes Demand Modelling of Emergency and Other Ambulatory Services Risk Factors in the Development of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Update The clinical epidemiology & outcomes in endoscopic retrograde cholangioancreaticography in Western Australia 1980-2006 Ecological study of birth defects and trihalomethane (THM) levels in Perth Alcohol & Pregnancy: The impact of low to moderate maternal alcohol consumption on child health and developmental outcomes The Controlled Trial of the Home Independence Program-Stage2- Lewin Gill, Vandermeulen Suzanne, Smith Joanna Health & Aged Care Outcomes Socioeconomic inequalities in diabetes & diabetes related diseases by country of birth 1986-2006 Morbidity & mortality outcomes in women following treatment with Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) in WA Adult outcomes of bronchopulmonary dysplasia Health in Men Study-PART1- 12,319 Study participants Socioeconomic inequalities in the use of health care: the uptake of new interventions Health status, outcomes and health service utilisation of children with hypospadias in WA Older people who receive enteral nutrition via gastrostomy tubes: a population-based study of incidence, indications and outcomes (short title: The use of feeding tubes in older people) Occurrence, aetiology & outcomes of surgically managed pelvic organ prolapse in Western Australian women 1980-2006 Long-term health outcomes of critical illness in children - a PMH ICU linked data project Dietary Protein Effects in Elderly Women: Musculoskeletal, Renal, Cardiovascular and Body Composition Endpoints Health impacts of urban emissions in metropolitan Perth Medications and crash involvement for older drivers: a population Estimating the hospital costs of the sequelae of gastroenteritis in Western Australia A study of trauma patients transferred by rural and remote WA by Mapping of Blood Levels in the Esperance Community SLA's for Midwives' Notification System (MNS) 2001-2005 Root numbers for Midwives' Notification System (MNS) 2005 The Western Australian Twins Register: extension to include births CARES - CAIFOS Age Related Extension Study Use and adequacy of diabetic retinopathy screening: a whole Morlet Nigel, Preen David, Clark Antony, Ng Jonathon, Semmens The Clinical Epidemiology and Trends in Utilisation of Eye Care Preen David, Semmens James, Ng Jonathon, Morlet Nigel, Clark Services in Western Australia: A whole population study using data linkage RASCALS - Investigating Early Causal Pathways of Mental Health Problems Calculating Injury Severity Scores from Hospital Separations (1995 to 2006) in WA Evaluation and Comparison of Resource Allocation Systems in Western Australia Calculate the Incidence of First Carpal Tunnel Decompression in the General Population of Western Australia  Visualisation and Analysis of Population-Level Pedigrees with Health Outcomes for Risk Measures and Intervention Annual Estimation of Small Area Aboriginal Population Counts Verification of Cardiovascular Disease Events: the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study (AusDiab) Heart Disease Among Urban Australian Aboriginal People and the Use of Interventions to Treat Heart Disease The relationship between treatment of cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia and subsequent preterm delivery Chronic Kidney Disease, Progression, Morbidity and Mortality: Prospective Cohort Study from Busselton, Western Australia Fremantle Diabetes Study: A linkage study to provide detailed data on the prevalence, incidence and predictors of established and novel complications in a community setting Cardiorespiratory Illness and Proximity to Traffic Corridors in Perth Measuring the Burden of Genetic Disease in the WA Population The prevalence & prognostic significance of risk factors for coronary heart disease (Old Title: The Perth Cohort Study) An Investigation into the Relationship Between Kawasaki Syndrome in Children and Other Disease in Their Relatives The Phase IIa Randomised, Double-Blinded, Controlled with GARDASIL Clinical Trial to Study the Tolerability and Immunogenicity of V505 (A Multivalent Human Papillomavirus [HPV] L1 Virus-Like-Particles [VLP] Vaccine in Healthy 16- to26- Year-Old Women Creation of Linkage Infrastructure Between the WA Notifiable Infectious Disease Database and Other Core Health Related Datasets Held by WA HiL to Facilitate Data Extraction for Use in a Variety of Communicable Disease-Related Research Projects WA Component of the National Evaluation of the Transition Care Halbert Julie, Crotty Maria, Giles Lynne, Whitehead Craig, Eckermann Modelling Suicide Following Hospitalisation for Self-Inflicted Injury Evaluation of the Role of Medication Use in Patients with Inflammatory Arthritis and Increased Case Fatality Following Acute Child Development Service: Consumer Perspectives Project Burden, Aeitology and Antecedents of Acute Lower Respiratory Infections in a Birth Cohort of Western Australian Children Maternal and Child Health Research Database Rates of Emergency Department Utilization Across the Metropolitan Area Reducing the Early Re-Presentation of Older Adults to Hospital after Discharge from an Acute Assessment Unit: Phase 1 Determining the Drug and Alcohol Office (DAO) Linkage - infrastructure Determining Indicators for Palliative Care Provision in the Life Limiting Illness Pathway in the Last Year of Life Follow-up of Health Outcomes for Participants in a Randomised Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial of Naltrexone Implants for the Treatment of Heroin Addiction ED presentation at Fremantle hospital by residential aged care facility residents Consumer copayments of prescription medications: impact on access 1993 Western Australian Child Health Survey - 15 years on An Evaluation of the Role of Medication Use in Patients with Inflammatory Arthritis and Increased Case Fatality Following Acute Brand Caroline, Sundararajan Vijaya, Taylor Andrew, Van Doornum Morbidity, mortality and health service use among criminal offenders: a Western Australian population-based study A phase IV, randomised, observer-blind, placebo-controlled, multi- centre study to evaluate the efficacy of CSL limited inactivated influenza vaccine in adults aged >18 to <65 years Risk factors in the development of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR): a retrospective case-control study of DR subjects Determining cause of death of patients waiting on the metropolitan elective surgery waiting list, 2005 and 2006 Men, Women and Ageing: Predictors of ageing well in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health and the Perth Health in Men Study Dobson, Annette, Flicker, Leon, McLaughlin Deirdre On the dimensions and development of juvenile delinquency: a population-based study of the prevalence and frequency of offending and the individual, family and community factors that influence delinquency in WA children Assessing the impact of 'available street time' and mortality of Examining the neuroprotective potential of Sodium Valproate: a retrospective case study of Motor Neuron Disease (MND) subjects A randomized control trial to assess the impact of an Asthma Phone Coaching Program for children with asthma who frequently utilize hospital services. International study of embryonal tumours (pilot study) Study of high users of psychiatric inpatient services on the psychiatric The Western Australian (WA) Cerebral Palsy (CP) Register Assessing long term outcomes of men with prostate cancer - a data Risk factors for obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and the interrelationship with cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, neuropsychiatric and other associated diseases A Comparison of mortality and morbidity outcomes 5 yrs after Health in men (HIM) study (Group 1) - HACC data addition Defining immune dysregulation cohorts at risk of cancer IDEA (Intellectual Disability Exploring Answers) Database Bourke Jenny, Bower Carol, Leonard Helen Birth and childhood health outcomes associated with exposure to Cook Angus, Nassar Natasha, Pereira Gavin Annual estimation of small area Aboriginal population counts- update Developing a method to adjust for non-participation bias in a case Developing a method to adjust for non-participation bias in a case Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Healthy@Home phone-coaching Evaluation of the effectiveness of the chronic disease management Detailed multivariate analysis of factors influencing road crash injuries using linked hospital, main roads, death, insurance, trauma and licensing data NMAHS Mental health clinical services re-design Domiciliary non-invasive ventilation: impact on hospitalisation & health Hillman, Dr David, Keihani Dr Sina Michael Domiciliary non-invasive ventilation: impact on hospitalisation & health The clinical epidemiology and trends in utilisation of eye care services Clark Antony, Morlet Nigel, Ng Jonathon, Preen David, Semmens in Western Australia: A whole population study using data linkage. History of maltreatment in persons who suicided in Western Australia Suicide Ideation and suicide in Western Australian adults using linked Patterns and trends in deaths attributed to birth defects in WA children State-wide evaluation of first and second trimester screening and diagnosis for Down Syndrome and other fetal anomalies in Western Australia Brameld Kate, Maxwell Suzy, O'Leary Peter Research into gestational diabetes in Western Australia Patient First Program Stage 1: Evaluation of the Patient First Booklet Endophthalmitis and the complications of cataract surgery in Western Barrett Patricia, Clark Antony, Crewe Julie, Morlet Nigel, Mukhtar Aqif, Bower Carol, Good Girard Almeida Osvaldo, Calver Janine, Flicker, Leon, Jamrozik Konrad, The health effects of biomass smoke and heatwaves in Australian Hanigan Ivan Johnston Dr Fay, Morgan Assoc Prof Geoff, Runion Dr Survival from uveal melanoma in Western Australia 1970-2005 Cultural influences on the treatment of ADHD in the Western Australian Ghosh Manonita, Holman D'Arcy, Preen David Do thyroid function tests improve the predictive nature of first trimester Brown Suzanne J, Hadlow Dr Narelle, Lim Dr Ee Mun, Stuckey screening for adverse pregnancy outcomes? Two year mortality for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease requiring non-invasive ventilation for acute type II respiratory failure- what is the predominant cause of death and potential prognostic markers? An epidemiological study of cancer incidence and staging in psychiatric Kisely Steve, Lawrence A/Prof David, Young Dr Megan Costs comparisons of three models of community mental health Trends in the epidemiology and compensation status of unintentionally catastrophically injured persons in WA: 2003-2008 Bulsara Caroline, Holman D'Arcy, Moorin Rachael, Preen David Association of hypospadias and human chorionic gonadotropin in early Barker Dr Andrew, Bower Carol, Lee Dr Lydia, Majzoub Prof Joseph, Fremantle Hospital Surgical Procedure Data Analysis The epidemiology of childhood cancer in Western Australia Milne Liz, Dawson Somer, Bower Carol, de Klerk Nick Perinatal health in children from culturally and linguistically diverse McNamara Bev, Li Jianghong, von Katterfield Brilliana, Baldassar Interpersonal violence and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a population- An epidemiological approach to investigate occupational slips, trips Moorin Rachael, Mangaram Jean, Holman D’Arcy A retrospective review of the treatment outcomes and economic impact O’Neil George, O’Neil Graeme, Hulse Gary Birth outcomes associated with exposure to drinking water contaminants in the greater Perth region Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Inhibitors and Cardiovascular Events in the Treatment of Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration (VICE) Preen David, Clark Antony, Semmens James Cataract and crash risk for older drivers: evidence from a population WA Marine-Related Injury and Incident Database Mental illness and interpersonal violence: evidence from a population Meuleners Lynn, Semmens James, Spilsbury Katrina Predicting admissions and readmissions after discharge in older persons that undergo comprehensive multidisciplinary ED assessment Arendts Glenn, Nagree Yusuf, Donaldson Mark Linking population data sources to better define antenatal, postnatal and environmental risk factors including educational and health outcomes of children and young adults who have been prescribed stimulant medication for ADD in WA Bower Carol, Stanley Fiona, Silva Desiree Home Independence- a new paradigm for home care Validation of Jarman's method of calculation of hospital standardised Mapping of emergency department and hospital admissions related to The real and changing atherothrombotic disease burden and Incidence and outcomes following splenectomy in WA 1980-2008 An investigation into the relationship between Kawasaki syndrome in children and other diseases in their relatives Does traumatic brain injury (TBI) lead to offending behaviour? Effective evaluation of chronic disease management services using Bellevue Health Surveillance Register 5-year follow-up study A targeted community program of vitamin D treatment to reduce hospital admissions for falls, fractures and other disorders Chronic Disease Management Team (SMAHS) Evaluation Pathways of risk from conception to disease The effect of community-based prevention interventions on trends of childhood injuries: a Western Australian linked data study A randomised control trial to assess the impact of the asthma phone coaching program for children with asthma who frequently utilise hospital services: AMENDMENT Evaluation of the efficacy of the Breastscreen Australia program Risk factors for obstructive sleep apnoea- amendment Mortality data for influenza impact monitoring WA Road Crash Deaths Registered from 2001 to 2008 A ten-year evaluation of community treatment orders on mental health Cancer incidence and exposure to drinking water contaminants in The natural history of gastric dysplasia in a Western Population The epidemiology, health care utilisation, treatment pathways and patient outcomes for burn injury in Western Australia, 1980-2008 Diagnosis of pleural malignant mesothelioma by effusion cytology- a 20 Monitoring of influenza hospitalisations within Western Australian Annual estimation of small area aboriginal population counts Calcium Intake Fracture Outcome Study (CAIFOS) data linkage study Western Australian Pre-Hospital Care Linkage Database Naltrexone treatment for substance use during pregnancy: developmental consequences for the children A case-control study of environment and breast cancer Midwives- indigenous status assigned from birth registrations Transfer of epidemiological information to link database for suicide in WA with the Mental Health Information System, the Hospital Morbidity Data System and the Midwives Notification System Examining the relationship between infectious disease exposures during childhood and incidence in atherosclerosis in later life: a retrospective study of hospital admissions Economic implications of ART infants and spontaneously conceived infants: inpatient costs in the first 5 years of life Perioperative epidural anaesthesia for major abdominal surgery and Perth Infant Asthma Follow-up (PIAF) study- 18 years A genomic basis for cerebral palsy- studies on a large Australian MacLennan Alastair, O’Callaghan Michael Determining the rate and precursors of preterm birth in Chinese Routine epidemiological analysis and reporting of linked morbidity and Birthing outcomes and antenatal care in WA 1981-2008 The controlled trial of the Home Independence Program- stage 2- Indicators of quality nursing care in an Australian paediatric setting Nursing sensitive outcomes in Western Australian public hospitals: analysis of trends and economic evaluation Epidemiology of blinding eye disease study (EBEDS) Occupational cohorts follow-up: dust-related health issues in Western Chronic viral hepatitis associated vascular morbidity and mortality Public Health Research Network (PHRN) Collaboration #1: In-hospital and post-discharge mortality: learning about quality of care using data linkages from Australian states Rosman Diana, Alan Janine, Semmens James Infant feeding in Western Australia: Establishing a baseline and evaluating the WA Department of Health’s Baby Friendly Initiative Policy An investigation of the predictors of transition to community living in Calculating injury severity scores from hospital separations in WA The Australian Alcohol Aetiologic Fractions in Emergency Departments A/Prof Tanya Chikritzhs, Dr Christian Gardner project (AAAFED) An investigation into the hospital admission and treatment for Morton's Prof Alan Bryant, Prof Linda Slack-Smith Neuroma using hospital morbidity data The care of acute unscheduled admissions to medicine in hospitals in W/Prof Paul Jenkins, A/Prof Lorna Barton A phase 1 trial to evaluate the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of 3 ascending dose levels of a 3-antigen staphylococcus aureus vaccine (SA3Ag) in healthy adults A prospective examination of the impact of amphetamine type stimulants (ATS) disorders on subsequent psychosis, affective disorders, stroke, cardiac conditions, Parkinson's Disease, injury and death Cancer cluster investigation at Royal Perth Hospital The built environment and health: associations across the life course Prof Billie Giles-Corti, Prof Matthew Knuiman Dental Health Services Functionality Assessment – Mapping Service Delivery International meta-analysis of vasovasostomy and prostate cancer in vasectomised men Support to survivors of meningococcal disease through the Amanda Young Foundation International comparisons of hospital admissions related to child abuse Dr Melissa O’Donnell, Prof Fiona Stanley and neglect State-wide evaluation of first and second trimester screening for Down Suzy Maxwell, Dr Kate Brameld, Dr Peter O’Leary Syndrome and other fetal anomalies in Western Australia Western Australian Notifiable and Infectious Disease Database Prevention of pre-term birth by treatment of periodontal disease during Prof John Newnham, Dr Dorota Doherty, James Humphreys pregnancy (SMILE study) Validation of the existing injury severity measuring instruments for the major trauma population admitted to the Royal Perth Hospital HEPASCORE as a predictor of morbidity and mortality in patients with Prof Leon Adams, Dr Mohammed Asif Chinnaratha chronic hepatitis C infection A population based case-control study investigating risk factors and patterns of health care use in Alzheimer's disease and dementia An individual level study of suicide method substitution over time An enhanced road safety information resource for use by all agencies in reducing road trauma Uses of linked data in studies of the epidemiology of vascular diseases Mental disorders and physical illness in childhood and early adulthood: cause, prevention and treatment Comparison of demographic characteristics between the Western Australian Pregnancy (Raine) Cohort with the contemporaneous general Western Australian obstetric population Fremantle Diabetes Study: A linkage study to provide detailed data on the prevalence, incidence and predictors of established and novel complications of diabetes in a community setting Pathways, policies and prevention- linkage infrastructure Lifestyle factors associated with colorectal cancer survival SQSCP- Incidence and outcomes following ear, nose and throat (ENT) Prof James Semmens, Dr Katrina Spilsbury surgery in WA 1980-2010. Lot to lot consistency and bridging study of a tetravalent dengue vaccine in healthy adults in Australia Epidemiology of blinding eye disease study (EBEDS): identifying the healthcare burden of blindness in Western Australia Investigation of the effectiveness of ESC and curtain airbags in Long term treatment outcomes in early psychosis specialist services Prof Vera Morgan, Assoc Prof Geoffrey Smith Hospital morbidity outcomes in women following treatment through Prof D’Arcy Holman, A/Prof Louise Stewart, assisted reproductive technology (ART) in Western Australia Health service utilisation associated with amphetamine related presentations to a tertiary hospital emergency department: a 10 year Prof Daniel Fatovich, Prof Anne Bartu,Geoff Davis Long term follow up of patients in the LIPID study Getting our story right- a cross agency data linkage and analysis project to better understand and improve information about Aboriginal Geoff Davis, Ms Sybille McKeown, Glenn Draper and Torres Strait Islander peoples using administrative data collections Intensive care survivors: an evaluation of the capacity to ambulate at the time of discharge from acute care and hospitalisations during the Inter-hospital patient transport data analysis for WA Comparison of breast cancer screening and breast cancer survival by indigenous status in Australian women Evaluation of outcomes in coronary artery revascularisation procedures Dr Kristjana Einarsdottir, A/Prof Rachael Moorin, A/Prof David Preen in private versus public sectors in Western Australia 1988-2008 The impact of first and second eye cataract surgery on falls and utilisation of mental health services among older Australians Trends in surgical sterilisation (SS) reversal procedures and related A/Prof David Preen, Prof D’Arcy Holman, A/Prof Rachael Moorin, Ms health outcomes in Western Australian (WA) women from 1980-2008: a whole-population medical records linkage study Socioeconomic status and risk of selected birth defects in Western Australia To investigate the potential cost savings with use of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) in treatment in high risk patients with PARAMED Home – Paramedic Assessment and Referral to Access MEDical care at Home: a randomized trial Patient morbidity and mortality associated with a detectable antinuclear antibody in serum sample sent to the Western Australian PathWest (formerly PathCentre) Clinical Immunology Diagnostic Laboratory The epidemiology of tuberculosis (TB) in Western Australia and its relationship to occupation The validation component of the Western Australian Family Study of W/Prof Assen Jablensky, Prof Vera Morgan Schizophrenia (WAFSS) Age-related profiles of people with Down syndrome: patterns of survival, hospitalization and community support A phase 3 study to assess the immunogenicity, safety, and consistency of lot manufacture of Ross River Virus (RRV) vaccine in healthy male and female subjects 16 years of age and older The comorbid relationship between mental illness and traumatic brain injury in a clinical sample: incidence, experience and risk factors Injury awareness education program for traffic-related juvenile justice offenders on risk of subsequent traffic-related accidents, offences and injuries: a cohort study Follow-up of health outcomes for participants in a randomised double- blind placebo controlled clinical trial of naltrexone implants for the Description of sample population of patients undergoing neonatal circumcision in Western Australia and the complication rate of this Inter-hospital patient transport data analysis in WA The relationship between educational and mental health outcomes for Western Australian children: A longitudinal population study Western Australian Intergenerational Fetal Growth Study The WA Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Study Epidemiology of childhood-onset diabetes in Western Australia Pathways of risk from conception to disease W/Prof Assen Jablensky, Prof Vera Morgan Measuring the effect of nurse staffing and care delivery models upon patient outcomes (nursing sensitive outcomes) in the Western Validation of Musculoskeletal Tissue Banking in Australia Respiratory symptoms in children and young adults with cerebral palsy Improving identification of Aboriginality in statutory notifiable infectious disease data using data linkage Histological predictors of morbidity and mortality in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Complications associated with the diagnosis of polycystic ovarian Immunisation consent standards in Western Australia Are child health services meeting the needs of WA parents and their Prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Western Australia Continuing epidemiological analyses of chronic diseases and their risk factors in Busselton Preterm birth and developmental disorders: trends, outcomes and antecedents Partnership intervention trial to redress treatment delay and improve outcomes in rural cancer patients (known as the IRCO Trial): The relationship between ambient air quality and respiratory and cardiovascular hospital admissions in the Perth metropolitan area from IDEA (Intellectual Disability Exploring Answers) database Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health (ALSWH) WA Register of Developmental Anomalies (Birth Defects Registry) The effects of yoghurt and its probiotics on features of the metabolic syndrome, intestinal function, bone metabolism and quality of life: a randomized controlled trial. A Phase 3, Randomized, Placebo and Active-Control, Observer-Blind Trial to Assess the Safety, Tolerability and Immunogenicity of a Meningococcal Serogroup B Recombinant Lipoprotein (rLP2086) Vaccine Given in Healthy Subjects Aged ≥11 to <26 Years Support to survivors of meningococcal disease through the Amanda Western Australian Pre-Hospital Care Linkage Database The effect of alcohol outlets and sales on alcohol-related injuries presenting at Emergency Departments in Perth, Australia, from 2002 to A/Prof Tanya Chikritzhs 2010. Influence of Physical Activity and Sedentary Lifestyle on Non- Communicable Disease in Western Australians Policy translation of an Australian evaluation of computed tomography (CT) scanning Developing a community-based response to asbestos-related disease in Aboriginal Communities Investigating mortality rates and the incidence and risk factors of diabetes complications and co-morbidities during early adult life in a population based childhood onset type 1 diabetes cohort. The incidence of late diagnosed development dysplasia of the hip in Western Australia 1980 – 2010 Triple-P Parenting Program: long-term outcomes and economic benefits Long-term outcomes following an episode of acute kidney injury requiring renal replacement therapy in an intensive care unit Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Muscular Dystrophy WA CoughAssist Program A cohort study to measure the effectiveness of pertussis vaccination of parents of newborns Unscheduled admissions and presentations to hospital in the first year Planning and evaluation of coronary revascularization services More informed action to improve Aboriginal heart health in Western Australia Life course trajectories and neuropsychiatric outcomes in an e-cohort W/Prof Assen Jablensky, Prof Vera Morgan of high risk children of mothers with psychosis. Effectiveness of mobile phone intervention to promote dietary change in young adults Media portrayal of illicit drug users: influences on public perception and impact on injecting drug users The psychological factors that inhibit or facilitate motorists effective responding to emergency vehicle encounters Maternal prenatal stress exposure and risk of infectious disease hospital admissions for offspring in childhood and early adolescence Western Australian Infant, Child and Youth Mortality Database Hepascore2: A simple method of determining severity of liver fibrosis in Life limiting conditions in children and young people in Western The effects of yoghurt and its probiotics on features of the metabolic syndrome, intestinal function, bone metabolism and quality of life: a randomized controlled trial Body mass index as a predictor of long-term outcomes after adult cardiac surgery Population based trends and health outcomes after burn injury hospitalization in Western Australia Evaluation of the MMEx Cancer Module Stage II: Validation of MMEx Estimating the prevalence of cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease and diabetes and incidence of acute coronary syndrome and end-stage kidney disease in NSW and WA, using linked hospital and deaths data. Evaluation of morbidity and mortality associated with home birth in Western Australia. The Australian perinatal mental health reforms: using population data to evaluate their impact on service utilisation and related cost effectiveness. Men, Women and Ageing: Predictors of ageing well in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health and the Perth Health in Men Study Validating 3M Outcome Quality Indicators as a potential tool to enhance quality of care in the Australian Hospital setting- a collaborative study Western Australian Register of Developmental Anomalies (formerly Birth Defects Registry) The epidemiology of moderate and serious injury among Western Australian cyclists Uses of linked data in studies of the epidemiology of vascular disease Utilisation of Intensive Care Services in Bariatric Surgery Evaluating the effect of blood transfusion on morbidity and mortality from acute upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage Lifestyle factors associated with colorectal cancer survival Significant adverse health outcomes in children conceived following Assisted Reproductive Technology treatment. Estimation of the annual prevalence, burden of disease, health service utilization and survival of patients diagnosed with cancer in Western Australia Mortality among juvenile offenders in Western Australia: a retrospective cohort study Detailed multivariate analysis of factors influencing the occurrence and outcome of road crash and injuries using linked hospital, roads, death, insurance, trauma and licensing data Long term follow up of the FIELD (Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Annual estimation of small area Aboriginal population counts (update) A population-based study on the effect of childhood onset Type 1 Diabetes on school performance Calculating Injury Severity Scores from hospital, trauma and death Effect of the trends and outcomes screened for and diagnosed with Precursor Lesions or Cervical Carcinoma: A Western Australian Perspective utilising data linkage Epidemiology of oesophageal atresia in Western Australia Identifying opportunities for preventing respiratory infections in children through integrating population-based health and laboratory data Evaluation of COAG Aboriginal Health Liaison Officer Program in South Metropolitan Area Health Services (SMAHS) Exposure to perinatal inflammation and risk of hospitalisation with infection in childhood in extremely premature infants Public Health Approach to child abuse and neglect: antecedents and outcomes Survival, hospitalisations and school achievement for children born with cleft lip and palate in Western Australia, from 1980 to 2010 The incidence of cardiovascular disease and the distribution of risk factors for cardiovascular disease among people with psychosis in Western Australia 1970-2011 An epidemiological study of cancer incidence and staging in psychiatric patients in Western Australia Outcomes of Staphylococcus aureus Bacteraemia: Methicillin-resistant vs. Methicillin-susceptible organisms Partnership Intervention Trial to Redress Treatment Delay and Improve Outcomes in Rural Cancer Patients (the ‘IRCO Trial’): Evaluation Phase – Tranche I Colonoscopy Services and Outcomes in Western Australia (WA). Population-based studies using linked WA data Developing and Validating a Job Exposure Matrix to Assess Occupational Exposures to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) in Relation to Birth Outcomes Policy translation of an Australian evaluation of computed tomography (CT) scanning Morbidity and mortality in opiate dependent patients and their offspring following treatment with methadone, buprenorphine or implant naltrexone Epidemiology of Anaphylaxis in Western Australia (EPAWA): identifying the burden and management of anaphylaxis in the WA


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Jukka Virtanen For a long time those in the medical profession have understood that sexuality is part ofhealth, but its significance at the clinical level is a new phenomenon. The traditionalapproach has only considered problems related to reproduction, organic diseases of thegenitals, and sexually transmitted diseases. Sexual problems were viewed as psychiatricabnormalities. Thus, traditionall

Microsoft word - transitioned athletes project final sci lit review_1_rw _2_.doc

Do Transitioned Athletes Compete at an Advantage or Disadvantage as compared with Physically Born Men and Women: Prepared for the Promising Practices: Working with Transitioning/Transitioned Table of Contents Page Sex Differences in Performance, Anthropometrics and Metabolism Metabolic Effects of Testosterone and Estrogen Hormone Levels in Transitioned Men and Women Compared with

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