He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix
Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca
Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.
Major items of interest 3
How to become a criminal by protecting your rights
Patent office consults on changes to the Patents Act 1977
When is a copyright work "incidentally included"?
A surprising set-back for Arsenal in the High Court
Can a smell be registered as a trade mark?
Proposed EU regulation to tackle counterfeiting and piracy
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We also offer a complete global domain name
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protection service including clearance searches,
to all areas of intellectual property: trade marks,
registration, watch and investigation covering all
patents, design rights, copyright, and rights arising
generic TLDs (top level domains) but also,
from IT, new technologies and the media such as the
importantly, most country TLDs in some 200
press and Internet. We also advise our clients in the
fields of entertainment and the arts. Many of ourlawyers have a scientific background, enhancing
This newsletter is written in general terms and its
their understanding of the technical and commercial
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We can help with litigation and alternative dispute
For advice or information on our Intellectual
resolution and with the negotiation and formation
of commercial agreements. We carry out audits oftechnology and intellectual property rights for the
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Burkhart Goebel (Hamburg)Winfried Tilmann (Dusseldorf)
In protecting the intellectual property rights of our
clients we act at all levels, from advising on,
applying for, registering and enforcing rights
through to devising strategies and the investigation
of infringement and counterfeiting activities. In
addition, we act in structuring, negotiating and
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transactions and have considerable experience in IPdisputes before the Industrial Property Offices and
With internationalisation of the world's market
in IP litigation before the courts, especially in cross-
place, intellectual property proprietors increasingly
border or multi-jurisdictional disputes.
require advice on legal matters that involve manyjurisdictions. With our global spread and close
Applications and registrations are not currently
relationships with law firms and intellectual
handled in all legal systems listed above. However,
specialism in all jurisdictions Lovells provides a fully
we offer a complete trade mark filing and
integrated and seamless service on questions
prosecution service at the Community Trade Mark
affecting intellectual property in a cost effective and
Office as well as trade mark, industrial design,
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Please refer to the back of this newsletter for office
national Industrial Property Offices in France,
Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Russia (togetherwith all other CIS member states), Croatia,
The judge compared the two patents and stressed
the importance of concentrating on the essential
information in the two documents. Synthondisclosed a wide variety of methods of making
crystalline paroxetine methanesulfonate. SKB'sdisclosure was equally wide, albeit it disclosed a
Paroxetine is used in the treatment of depression
readier way of making the crystals. He held that
and other ailments. In Synthon BV v Smithkline
this was not a case of anticipation by "inevitable
Beecham plc1 Jacob J held that SKB's patent for
result": Synthon first invented paroxetine
paroxetine methanesulfonate was anticipated by
methanesulfonate and sufficient information was
Synthon's earlier patent application. Synthon's
given in their patent to enable the skilled man to
application was filed but not published before the
make it. SKB's patent was invalid for anticipation.
Unpublished patent applications can be used as thebasis of a novelty attack under section 2(3) PatentsAct 1977. This provides that the state of the art(matter available to the public by which the novelty
of the invention is judged) includes matter containedin an application for another patent which was
In our August 2002 issue, we reported on Intel Corp
published on or after the priority date of the
v VIA Technologies Inc, where the English High
invention, provided that (a) the matter was
Court reviewed the relationship between the
contained in the earlier application as filed and as
assertion of intellectual property rights and anti-
published; and (b) the priority date of the earlier
competitive behaviour. That decision has now been
patent is earlier than that of the invention. It is
worth noting that earlier, unpublished, applicationsare excluded from the state of the art for
The computer chip manufacturer, Intel Corporation,
obviousness. The Synthon application could only
had sued the processor and chip-set manufacturer,
have been used in an obviousness attack if it had
VIA Technologies Inc, for infringement of patents
actually been published before the SKB priority
relating to micro-processors and the "chip-sets"
which connect a micro-processor to the computermotherboard. As part of its defence, VIA alleged
The court had to decide whether the SKB invention
that various of Intel's licensing practices and the
was new, having regard to the Synthon disclosure.
bringing of the patent action itself were anti-
To anticipate a patent, the prior art publication
competitive and that, as a result, Intel could not
(interpreted as at its date of publication) must
enforce its patent rights against VIA. These
contain clear, unmistakable directions to the
arguments were based on Articles 81 and 82 of the
patentee's invention or the inevitable result of
Treaty of Rome, which prohibit certain anti-
carrying out what is described in the prior art would
competitive agreements and abuses of dominant
fall within the scope of the patentee's claim.
2. Intel Corp v VIA Technologies Inc, unreported, 20 December
Intel obtained summary judgment against VIA, ie
there could be no infringement, because a key
immediate judgment on the basis that the defendant
feature of the patent claim - the host computer - was
had no real prospect of successfully defending the
not located in the UK but in Antigua.
Jacob J at first instance was asked to give a ruling on
The Court of Appeal overturned the first instance
decision, ruling that there was sufficient merit ineach of the Euro Defence arguments for them to be
"Is it a defence to the claim under section 60(2) of
decided at full trial, rather than dismissed at the
the Patent Act 1977, if otherwise good, that the host
summary judgment stage. The "Euro Defence" may
computer claimed in the patent in suit is not presentin the UK, but is connected to the rest of theapparatus claimed in the patent"
The emphatic answer from Jacob J was that this wasno defence. The test under s 60(2) was whether the"…effect of the invention…" was within the UK.
Bookies back a loser - Part II The fact that William Hill's punters could play the
system in the UK meant the "effect of the invention"
In our April 2002 issue, we reported on Menashe
was in the UK and the location of the "host
Business Mercantile Ltd v William Hill Organisation,
computer" element outside the UK was irrelevant.
a rare decision of the English High Court onbusiness method patents. Jacob J ruled3 that, by
Aldous LJ, giving the lead judgment in the Court of
locating a "host computer" outside the UK, the
Appeal, agreed that William Hill did not escape
liability by locating the "host computer" element in
infringement of an on-line gaming patent. William
Antigua. However, he rejected the reasoning of
Hill appealed and on 28 November 20024, the
Jacob J that the test was whether the "… effect of
Court of Appeal upheld the first instance decision,
the invention …" was in the UK. As a matter of
statutory interpretation, Aldous LJ took the viewthat section 60(2) required the "invention" to be put
Menashe owned a European Patent (UK) relating to
into effect in the UK, not merely for the "effect" to
a system which, to be infringed, required a system
occur in the UK. Where the claimed invention was
containing, amongst other elements, a "host
to an apparatus, the apparatus had to be effective in
computer" (in this case a computer operated by
William Hill) and a "terminal computer" (the enduser's computer). This is a common form of claim
At first sight, Aldous LJ's test appears to impose a
for patents which involve systems operating over the
higher threshold than that of Jacob J. However, the
application of the test appears to be more generousto the patentee. The Court of Appeal stated that
To use William Hill's system, customers had to
"… it would be wrong to apply the old ideas of
obtain a copy of a computer program from William
location to inventions of the type under
Hill, either by downloading it from the Internet or
consideration in this case". Aldous LJ went on to
by obtaining a CD-ROM from William Hill.
ask where the gaming system was used. In his view,
Menashe alleged that this program turned the
it was used in the UK despite the fact that the "host
punter's computer into a "terminal computer" within
computer" element was physically located outside
the meaning of the patent, so the supply of this
the UK. The physical location did not matter - what
program amounted to infringement under s 60(2)
mattered was the input and output of the host
Patents Act 1977, as it constituted the supply of
computer. His view was that in a "real sense the"…an essential element of the invention, for puttingpunter uses the host computer in the Unitedthe invention into effect". William Hill argued that
Kingdom even though it is situated in and operates in
3. unreported, 15 March 20024. unreported
Antigua". This was enough to allow him to deny the
Section 23 must be read in conjunction with the
offshore location of the host computer as a defence.
"secrecy directions provisions" in s 22. These enablethe Comptroller to give directions prohibiting or
The decision appealed against was a preliminary
restricting publication of information in a patent
point and does not dispose of the case. It remains
application which could prejudice the defence of the
to be seen whether the case will now proceed to
trial and give some guidance as to the PatentsCourt's view of such "business method" patents.
The Official Secrets Act 1911 contains otherrestrictions in relation to inventions of a "militarynature". It is a crime to communicate directly or
indirectly to any foreign power, or in any othermanner prejudicial to the State's safety or interests,any "sketch, plan, model, article, note document or
information which relates to munitions of war". This
There are enough people in our prisons without
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Clients are
filling them with inventors and patent attorneys.
sometimes surprised to be told that they are on theverge of criminal activity. What have they done -carried out a bank robbery or murder perhaps? No
- they have just filed a patent application. Not anypatent application, but if the person filing theapplication is a UK resident and files first abroad he
could end up with two years in prison. Dusty old
section 23 of the UK Patents Act, although no doubtinfringed from time to time, has not in practice
attracted much attention from the police. Butperhaps things are to change.
The EU Directive on the patenting ofbiotechnological inventions5 should have been
The Patent Office has issued a reminder on its
implemented into the various national laws of the
website about the provisions of section 23, which
European Union by 30 July 2000. However, to
makes it a criminal offence for anyone resident in
date, only Denmark, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Spain
the UK to apply in another country for a patent for
the UK have complied with this obligation. The
any invention without permission from the
European Commission has now issued "reasoned
opinions", requiring the recalcitrant countries
(i) he has first applied for a patent for the same
(Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal andSweden) to implement the Directive.
(ii) six weeks have elapsed since the date of this
This is the second stage of formal infringement
(iii)there are no "secrecy directions" in force (see
Commission sent all offending countries a letter offormal notice in November 2000. Any country
Section 23 is designed to give the Government the
chance to inspect patent applications before
satisfactorily within two months may find itself
publication in order to identify any inventions that
before the European Court of Justice.
could be relevant to public security or defence. Given the fears of terrorism and the difficulties in
Iraq, this has suddenly become topical.
months and is much less formal than court
requirement for expert evidence, disclosure orlengthy documentation. Despite the lower costs
and less formal nature of an action before theComptroller, infringement proceedings have
The UK Patent Office has issued a consultation
paper, setting out proposals to amend the Patents
The Patent Office considers that infringement
Act 1977 ("the Act") to reflect the recently revised
proceedings will normally be brought before the
European Patent Convention, "EPC 2000", which
Patents Court or the Patents County Court due
was adopted by the European Patent Office's
Administrative Council on 28 June 2001. The
Patent Office is also using this opportunity to
proceedings should go before the Comptroller
consult about other changes and clarifications to the
be removed, in order to increase access to the
Act which do not directly flow from the EPC.
Many of the changes will have no significant effect
(b) Threats
on the operation of the Act, for example the
If a Patentee makes a threat of infringement
conditions for patentability will be amplified to
proceedings for selling or stocking a product
stress that patents will be available for inventions "in
which turns out to be groundless the defendant
all fields of technology". Others have wider
implications. For example, Article 54(4) EPC
damages. The Patentee only has a defence if
currently states that European applications
infringement is actually proven. Consequently
published after the date of filing of a later
even if the Patentee reasonably believes there is
application would only anticipate that later
infringement he is limited to simple notification
application in respect of Contracting States which
were designated on both applications. After therevisions applications will be deemed to designate all
These provisions may restrict a Patentee from
states even if subsequently registrations in certain
fully engaging in pre-action discussion aimed at
states are not maintained. The "state of the art" will
resolving the issue without ligitation and as such
are at odds with Woolf's attitude to litigation.
The Patent Office is consulting on whether theprovisions in the Act dealing with "threats" of
The Government seeks views on a number of other
infringement proceedings discourage or restrict
genuine and meaningful attempts at pre-litigation settlement.
(a) Litigation
(c) Inventor/ Employer
At present, the Comptroller has jurisdiction tohear infringement proceedings although he does
Are the rules under which an employee, whose
not have the power to grant injunctions or
invention has been of "outstanding benefit" to
orders for delivery up/destruction or accounts of
the employer, can seek compensation from the
profits and he is limited to awarding damages
employer, weighted too heavily in favour of the
and declarations that the patent is in force and
infringed. In addition a proprietor can only
(d) Co-owners
launch infringement proceedings before theComptroller if the alleged infringer agrees.
Do the rules dealing with co-ownership of apatent require clarification?
The procedure is similar to that before thecourts in that it involves the exchange of witnessstatements and cross examination of witnesses inthe hearing. The procedure should take about 9
(e) Amendment
Should it be possible to amend a patent in anyproceedings in which validity may be put in issuerather than only where validity "is put in issue"as at present?
(f) Re-examination
Should the Patent Office be allowed to re-examine a patent post-grant?
(g) Inventors' names
Should inventors be allowed to request that theirnames be kept out of the public domain?
The consultation paper is available on the PatentOffice's website (http://www.patent.gov.uk). Responses are required by 21 February 2003.
claimant was entitled to a final injunction restraining
A recent decision has given the High Court a rarechance to consider the meaning of "incidentalinclusion" of copyright material. The Football
Association Premier League had granted an exclusivelicence to a company (Topps Ltd) to produce
stickers and an album of pictures of Premier Leagueplayers. A rival sticker producer, Panini UK Ltd,
In November, the Copyright (Visually Impaired
brought out an album containing stickers of football
Persons) Act 2002 received Royal Assent. The Act
players in their current kit. The Premier League,
inserts into the Copyright Designs and Patents Act
with Topps and various Premier League clubs, sued
1988 provisions by which certain works covered by
for copyright infringement and sought an injunction
copyright can be converted into formats accessible
restraining it from reproducing all or a substantial
to blind and partially sighted people without
part of the Premier League's lion logo, or any club
infringing that copyright. Such individuals will be
able to make a single copy of the work for theirpersonal use. Certain approved bodies, for example
In its defence, Panini argued that the inclusion of
educational establishments, will be able to make
the various logos in its sticker album was incidental
multiple copies for the visually impaired, provided
and that, pursuant to s 31(1) of the Copyright,
that they do not profit financially by so doing.
Designs and Patents Act 1988, copyright in the logoswas not infringed.
Certain conditions apply to the exercise of the right,for example that the copy of the work from which
The court held that6, in some cases, the test for
an accessible version is made is a lawful copy and
whether or not the inclusion of a copyright work in
that there are not already on the market copies of a
another artistic work was "incidental" would involve
work in a format accessible to the visually impaired.
an element of subjectivity. In this case it was
The right does not apply to all types of works
accepted by both parties that what consumers valued
covered by copyright; for example it does not apply
in an annual sticker album was current photographs
of the players (in action if possible) wearing theircurrent kit. The judge held that the inclusion of the
Current expectations are that the Act will be
logos was self-evidently not incidental, but was an
integral part of the artistic work comprised of thephotograph of the footballer in his present-day kit.
The intent behind Panini's use of the logos was toshow footballers as they played now. There hadtherefore been copyright infringement and the
5. What is meant in Article 7(5) by the expression
'insubstantial parts of the database'? In
(a) does 'substantial' mean something more than
(b) does 'insubstantial' part simply mean that it is
introduced "database rights" to protect the
investment involved in creating and maintainingcomputerised collections of data. As we explained
6. Is 'extraction' in Article 7 limited to the transfer
in our September 2001 issue, in British Horseracing
of the contents of the database directly from the
Board Ltd v William Hill8, the UK Court of Appeal
database to another medium, or does it include
asked the European Court of Justice ("ECJ") for a
the transfer of works, data or other materials
preliminary ruling on a number of issues involving
derived indirectly from the database, without
the interpretation of the Directive. The case
there being any direct access to the database?
concerned the extent to which the claimants could
7. Is 'reutilisation' in Article 7 limited to the making
prevent the defendants from using, in a new part of
available to the public of the contents of the
their business on the Internet, data which had been
database directly from the database, or does it
derived indirectly from the claimants' database. In
also include the making available to the public of
the High Court, Laddie J had ruled that the
works, data or other materials derived indirectly
database right protected against unlicensed taking
from the database, without there being any
The questions addressed to the ECJ have now beenpublished9 and are as follows:
8. Is 'reutilisation' in Article 7 limited to the first
making available to the public of the contents of
(a) 'substantial part of the contents of the
9. In Article 7(5), what is meant by 'acts which
conflict with a normal exploitation of that
(b) 'insubstantial parts of the contents of the
legitimate interests of the maker of thedatabase'? (and could the activities in BHB v
in Article 7 of the Directive include works, data
William Hill (above) amount to such acts?)
or other materials derived from the database, butwhich do not have the same systematic or
10. Does Article 10(3) mean that, whenever there is
a 'substantial change' to the contents of a
accessibility to be found in the database?
database, qualifying the resulting database for itsown term of protection, the resulting database
2. What is meant by 'obtaining' in Article 7(l)?
must be considered to be a new, separate database,
3. Is 'verification' in Article 7(1) limited to ensuring
including for the purposes of Article 7(5)?
from time to time that information contained in
The outcome of this case will be of great interest
as it will be the first time the ECJ has clarified
the nature and extent of the new sui generis
right created by the Database Directive. TheDirective itself requires the Commission to
(a) 'a substantial part, evaluated qualitatively
produce a report on the way that the right is
being applied, every three years after the coming
(b) 'a substantial part, evaluated quantitatively
7. (96/9/EC)8. (Case 203/02)9. Official Journal, 27 July 2002
had made findings of fact and had therefore not
only exceeded its jurisdiction but had also come to a
conclusion which was inconsistent with the findingsof the national court.
In our previous issue, we reported on the answers of
Laddie J pointed out that it was established law that,
the European Court of Justice to the questions
in considering references from a national court,
referred to it by Laddie J in the long-running
unlike when it is considering appeals from lower
dispute between Arsenal Football Club and Matthew
courts, the ECJ has no jurisdiction to make findings
Reed, a trader in football souvenirs branded with
of fact, as it is not exercising a normal appellate
function. He then considered the ECJ's judgmentand concluded that not only had the Court made
The questions related to the issue of trade mark use
findings of fact, but that they were inconsistent with
and the judge had asked first, whether it would be a
those that were reached at trial. As such, he did not
defence to trade mark infringement if the use of the
consider himself bound by the ECJ's decision and
identical sign did not indicate trade origin.
decided that he had to apply the law to the facts as
Secondly, if the use did not establish any such
connection in trade between the trade markproprietor and the goods, would the fact that use of
The judge commented that, despite appearances to
the sign on the goods could be seen as badges of
the contrary, this was a very unattractive outcome
support, loyalty or affiliation to the proprietor,
for all the parties. However, the court could not
Arsenal, be sufficient to establish such a connection? cede to the ECJ a jurisdiction that it did not have.
Although the judge could, as suggested by Arsenal's
The ECJ in its judgment indicated that Mr Reed's
counsel, make another reference to the ECJ, this did
use of the "Arsenal" sign had established a
connection in trade between the goods and the trade
circumstances, Laddie J decided that the best course
mark proprietor and that this affected the guarantee
would be to apply the ECJ's guidance on the law to
of origin. As such, whether they could also be
the findings of fact made by the High Court. He
viewed as badges of support, loyalty or affiliation
reviewed the ECJ's judgment and stated that it had
was immaterial. On that basis, when the judgment
held that, where the defendant's use of a mark was
was handed down, it was widely assumed that Mr
not intended by him, or by the public, to be a
Reed's goods must have infringed Arsenal's trade
marks and that, when the matter was referred back
infringement, as the essential function of the trade
to Laddie J in the English High Court, he would
mark was not affected. On that basis, he found for
apply the law according to the interpretation
presented by the ECJ and rule in favour of Arsenal.
As we pointed out previously, and as the judge
Not so. In the hearing before Laddie J, Mr Reed
concluded in the final paragraph of his judgment,
submitted that the ECJ, in advising on the correct
there will undoubtedly be further appeals.
interpretation of the EC Trade Marks Directive10,
Presumably, Arsenal will now appeal to the Court of
Given this decision, it is difficult to see how one
Appeal which, unlike the ECJ, will be in a position
could in practice file a successful application to
to consider both submissions as to the High Court
register a "smell" mark in any EU Member State.
judge's findings of fact and on the correct
Until a sufficiently objective means of representing a
construction of the law. The Court is unlikely to be
smell and a method of accessing a public register
in a position to hear the matter before the middle of
containing that representation are devised this is
next year so, for the moment, the apparent
inconsistency between Laddie J's interpretation ofthe law and that of the ECJ will stand.
Can a smell be registered asa trade mark?
UK law on the registrability of shape markscontinues to develop, in the light of a recent
The EU Trade Marks Directive (see above) extended
judgment11 of Jacob J in Société de Produits Nestlé
the range of things potentially capable of being
SA v Unilever plc. The judge held that the shape
registered as trade marks. The Directive specifically
marks for Viennetta ice cream could not be
mentioned designs and shapes. Many people also
registered as UK trade marks because they lacked
thought it would allow smells and sounds to be
any "distinctive character".
registered. However, as a recent decision of the ECJillustrates, theory cannot always easily be put into
Viennetta is a layered ice cream dessert product,
sold by Unilever under the Walls brand. Viennettawas launched in 1982 and became a huge success
The applicant, Ralf Sieckmann, applied to register
and different variants of the original product were
with the German patent and trade mark office an
subsequently introduced, using different flavours of
"olfactory mark". The mark was described as "the
ice cream and types of chocolate. In 1994 Unilever
pure chemical substance methyl cinnamate" with
applied in the UK to register the 3D shape of
formula "C6H5-CH = CHCOOCH3". The
Viennetta. Two trade mark applications were filed,
applicant provided a sample in a container, also
one for the original Vienetta ice-cream product with
describing the scent as "balsamically fruity with a
a dark chocolate topping ("dark mark") and a second
slight hint of cinnamon". Registration was refused
with a white chocolate topping ("white mark").
Nestlé argued that the Viennetta shape marks should
The Bundespatentgericht sought guidance from the
not be registered because they fell within some of
European Court on whether such a sign could
the absolute grounds for refusal of registration in
constitute a trade mark. The ECJ has now given its
Article 3 of the EU Trade Marks Directive (whose
decision . While the court accepted that a smell
equivalent in the UK is section 3 Trade Marks Act,
could, in legal theory, be registered as a trade mark,
1994). The main point at issue was whether the
it went on to hold that the key registration
marks were "devoid of distinctive character" (Art
requirement of "graphic representability" was not
3(1)(b)). If a mark is devoid of distinctive character
met by attempts to define the mark by chemical
then it cannot be registered. However, this
formulae, written descriptions, depositing a physical
exception can be overcome if the applicant can
example of the smell at a trade mark office or any
show that, prior to the application for the trade
mark, the mark has acquired "distinctiveness"through use. (Art 3(3)).
Unilever conducted a poll of the "dark mark"
one could assume virtually identical public reaction
product to see if people recognised the shape of the
to the mark, then one could assume that a poll
Viennetta ice cream as being a Viennetta product.
about one mark was as good as a poll about the
From the results of the poll, Jacob J decided that the
ice cream product appearance had achievedconsiderable recognition on its own, thus denoting
Walls Viennetta. The question was whether that wasenough to give the mark a "distinctive character". The judge did not believe that it had been provedthat any member of the public would rely on the
appearance alone to identify the goods; they
recognised it but did treat it as a trade mark.
On 12 November 2003, Advocate General Leger
delivered his opinion in Libertel Groep BV v
"it must be proved that consumers regard the
Benelux-Merkenbureau12. The case involves the
shape as a badge of trade origin in the sense that
registration of a colour per se as a trade mark.
they would rely on the shape alone as anindication of the trade origin, particularly to buy
Essentially, the Advocate General found that colours
the goods. If that cannot be proved, then the
per se (without shape or borders) do not qualify for
shape is not properly a trade mark, it does not
registration under Article 2 of the Trade Marks
have "distinctive character" for the purposes of
Directive (see above) as they are neither (i) capable
of being graphically represented, nor (ii) capable ofdistinguishing the goods or services of one
Jacob J therefore refused registration on two
undertaking from another for the following reasons.
(i) Colours with neither shape nor border are not
1. The shape lacked distinctive character because
capable of being represented graphically as:
although public recognition of the shape as that
• the examiner cannot ascertain whether the
of a particular trader had been established, it had
mark is to be used as a trade mark or in an
not been shown that the trader had used the
shape to denote trade origin or that the public
application until he knows how the sign will
relied upon the shape to denote trade origin;
determine the way in which and the shades
misattributed or did not recognise the product,
colour concerned for identical or similar
character through use, because a minor but
nonetheless significant proportion of the public
(ii) Colours are not distinctive because:
would take other shapes in use by other tradersas the shape mark applied for.
• the application for a single colour mark does
not indicate how the sign will in fact appearon products - the examiner needs this
In addition, the judge held that, if one mark had
acquired distinctiveness through use, a variant ofthat mark could not piggy-back its way to
• a colour may not have per se the function of
distinctiveness. On that basis, the results of the poll
indicating the origin of products or services,
for Unilever's "dark mark" could not be applied to
as it should "guarantee the origin of a
Unilever's "white mark". However, if there was a
product enabling the consumer to distinguish
case where the difference between the mark as used
it, without confusion, from a product having
and that sought to be registered was so trivial that
a different origin"13. A single colour may
therefore, the trade mark was not to be considered
therefore not clearly indicate origin without
These two cases (see also Viking-Umwelttechnik
Gmbh v OHIM in our October 2002 issue) indicate
Community Trade Marks Office had registered a
a move towards a restrictive interpretation over the
number of colours per se as trade marks (eg lilac for
registration of colours per se as trade marks, except
chocolate, magenta for telecoms) on the basis that
in very rare cases. It will be interesting to see if the
they had acquired a secondary meaning. However,
ECJ confirms this restrictive interpretation.
such registrations were questionable as it was notthe colour per se which had acquired distinctiveness
but the combination of the colour with otherelements as logos or words. If such other elementswere omitted, consumers would not be able torecognise with certainty the product's origin.
Finally, the Advocate General concluded that thelimitation on the use of colours, which would follow
The ECJ has recently handed down an important
from their being monopolised by trade mark rights,
decision on the protection of well-known marks.
would have a negative impact on free competition
Under Article 5(1)(b) Trade Marks Directive, a trade
within the EU.14 In any event, there were other
mark proprietor can prevent a third party from
laws, eg unfair competition, which could protect
using (without his consent) any sign identical or
against unfair conduct without creating monopolies
similar to his registered trade mark, for identical or
similar goods to those covered in the registration, ifthere exists a likelihood of confusion on the part of
On 9 October 2002 the Court of First Instance of
the ECJ, in another judgment involving orange, saidthat colours per se could in theory be registered,
Article 5(2) deals with trade marks with a
provided the sign was distinctive under Article
"reputation" in an EU Member State, ie "well-
7(1)(b) Community Trade Mark Regulation15. In
known" marks. It enables a proprietor of a well-
KWS Saat AG v OHIM16, a shade of orange was held
known mark to attack a sign that is identical or
to be devoid of distinctive character in relation to
similar to its mark, even though the goods or
agricultural products and machinery as being
services of the later mark are not similar. There is
commonplace and not unusual in that field. Rather
no need to show any confusion between the two
than enabling the relevant public to distinguish
immediately and with certainty the applicant'sproducts from ones with a different commercial
But what if the later mark is identical or similar but
origin, the colour would be regarded as a mere
the goods/services it covers are similar to those
covered by a well-known mark? The ECJ has nowconfirmed in Davidoff et Cle SA v Gofkid Ltd17 that
Curiously, the Court found that, as regards services,
Article 5(2) also applies in that situation. Were it
a colour did not attach to a service itself, nor did it
give it any substantive value. Therefore, the
protection if the later mark was used for similar
relevant public could distinguish between use of a
goods or services than if it was being used for
shade of orange as a mere decoration and its use as
an indication of origin of the service, even in theabsence of any words. In relation to services,
Davidoff is the registered proprietor of the trade
13. Para. 14 Hag GF decision, C-10/89; PARA. 28 Canon decision.
mark DAVIDOFF, which is registered internationally
14. cf Art. 16 of Italian Trade mark law (n.929/1942), which
expressly includes only chromatic combinations or particular
(including in Germany) and used for luxury
cosmetics, tobacco, leather and other goods. Gofkid
obtained under Article 5(1) of the Directive so that
owns the word and device mark DURFFEE which is
it was not necessary to seek it under Article 5(2)?
registered in Germany. The DURFFEE mark wasregistered after the DAVIDOFF mark. Gofkid
The protection conferred under Article 5(1)(a) is an
distributes goods made from precious metals,
absolute right but the application of Article 5(1)(b)
including ashtrays and cigar/cigarette cases and
depends on there being a likelihood of confusion.
Accordingly, where there is no likelihood ofconfusion, Article 5(1)(b) cannot be relied upon by
Davidoff bought proceedings against Gofkid in
the proprietor of a well-known mark to protect
Germany, seeking (i) an order that it stop using the
himself against impairment of the distinctive
DURFFEE mark and (ii) annulment of the mark.
character or repute of the mark. In those
Davidoff argued that there was a likelihood of
circumstances the answer must be that Article 5(2)
confusion between the DURFFEE mark and the
of the Directive is to be interpreted as entitling the
DAVIDOFF mark because Gofkid used the same
Member States to provide specific protection for
script and the letters "D" and "ff" in the same
well-known registered trade marks in cases where a
distinctive manner as the DAVIDOFF mark.
later identical or similar mark or sign was used for
Davidoff alleged that the DURFFEE mark was
goods or services identical with or similar to those
deliberately designed to take advantage of the high
prestige value of the DAVIDOFF mark and that useof the DURFFEE mark was detrimental to the goodreputation of the DAVIDOFF mark.
Gofkid asked for the action to be dismissed arguingthat there was no likelihood of confusion betweenthe two marks, or a possibility of appropriation of
The ECJ held that Article 5(2) gives stronger
Mystery Drinks GmbH applied to register as a
protection to well-known marks than that conferred
Community Trade Mark the word "MYSTERY" for
on marks under Article 5(1), since the proprietor
goods including snacks, sugar products and non-
can prevent the use of an identical or similar sign
alcoholic drinks. The application was opposed by
for goods or services which are not similar to those
Karlsberg Brauerei KG Weber, which owns an
in respect of which the mark is registered. This
earlier German trade mark registration for MIXERY
stronger protection is given when the use of a sign
for beers and drinks containing beer. The
without due cause takes unfair advantage of, or is
opposition was based on the likelihood of confusion
detrimental to, the distinctive character of a well-
between the CTM application and KB's earlier
known mark. There is thus specific protection
against impairment of the distinctive character orrepute of the marks in question.
The applicant argued that the trade mark MIXERYshould only enjoy limited protection as it was hardly
The question therefore arose whether the wording
distinctive for the class of goods. It submitted that
of Article 5(2) precluded its application also where a
the relevant public associated the trade mark
sign was used for identical or similar goods or
MIXERY with words like mixing, to mix, mixture,
services, given that Article 5(2) refers expressly only
which indicated that the beverage was a mixture or
to the use of a sign for non-similar goods or
services. Could protection of a well-known markagainst the use of a sign for identical or similar
The applicant contended that the marks were
goods or services which is detrimental to the
strikingly different, when compared phonetically.
distinctive character or repute of the mark be
Equally, it argued, they differed visually: the centralletters "IX" and "YST" differed and the initial "M" of
MYSTERY was in a very stylised form.
was sufficient to give rise to a likelihood of
Furthermore, the relevant products differed: non-
alcoholic drinks were not manufactured at the samesites as beer and were sold in separate areas in ashop. Another crucial distinction for consumers,
particularly drivers and minors, was whether a drinkcontained alcohol. In conclusion the applicantmaintained that there was no likelihood ofconfusion between the MYSTERY and MIXERY
The court held that the relevant public by reference
Victoria Beckham has abandoned her fight to
to which the likelihood of confusion must be
monopolise the "Posh" nickname. Peterborough
assessed comprised average consumers in Germany.
United football club had applied to register as a
On this basis, the court had to compare first the
trade mark "The Posh", a nickname which the club
goods and then the signs when deciding whether
had used since the 1920s. Ms Beckham, whose
registration of the sign MYSTERY could give rise to
nickname has been "Posh Spice" or simply "Posh"
the likelihood of confusion with the mark MIXERY.
since the time she sang with the Spice Girls, lodgedan opposition. She contended that the name Posh
The court concluded that the goods covered by the
was "inexorably associated with Victoria Beckham in
mark and sign were similar. However, visually, the
the public's mind" throughout the world. However,
two could be readily distinguished by their graphic
she has now withdrawn her opposition.
form, even though orally, they were phoneticallysimilar. The differences submitted by the applicantin relation to the pronunciation of the word only
worked on a fragmented analysis, syllable by syllableas opposed to comparing the pronunciation of theword as a whole. As regards the conceptual
comparison, the court held that the relevant public
would not carry out a detailed analysis to findconceptual differences between the signs.
Nestlé has lost its attempt to register the phrase
The court did not accept the applicant's argument
"Have a Break" as a trade mark in the UK for
that the relevant German public would immediately
associate "MIXERY" with "mixed beverages". Theapplicant had argued that the scope of protection of
Nestlé already has a registered trade mark for "Have
the earlier right was substantially reduced due to its
a Break, Have a Kit Kat". However, Rimer J
rather descriptive and allusive character, which had
upheld an opposition by rival giant, Mars, against
to be taken into account when judging the
registration of "Have a Break". He ruled that the
likelihood of confusion between the marks. The
phrase was "devoid of any distinctive character" and
court pointed out that a likelihood of confusion
therefore lacked inherent distinctiveness for the
could be established in this case irrespective of the
purposes of section 3(1) of the Trade Marks Act
degree of inherent distinctiveness of the opposing
1994. He rejected Nestlé's argument that the mark
mark "MIXERY". According to the court, that
had acquired a distinctive character through pre-
conclusion could not be invalidated by the
applicant's argument that the visual impression wasof primary importance with regard to those
beverages. The court emphasised that the goods atissue were also consumed after being ordered orallyand that the phonetical similarity between the signs
the EU. All Member States would, for example,
have to grant competent authorities the power to
impose interim injunctions and other measures toprevent unlawful goods from crossing EU borders.
Anyone involved, even innocently, in themanufacture, distribution or use of infringing items
On 20 January 2003, the European Commission
would be obliged to provide certain information to
published its proposed Council Regulation setting
help the rights holders identify the source of the
out new rules concerning the actions of customs
authorities against counterfeit and pirated goods andgoods infringing certain intellectual property rights.
Under the proposal, collecting societies, in addition
According to the Commission, between 1998 and
to the rights holders or their licensees, would have
2001 the number of items infringing an intellectual
the right to take enforcement action.
property right intercepted by customs at the EU'sexternal frontiers increased from 10 million to 100
The basic principles of the existing legislation will
million items. In particular, there have been large
remain, but the proposed Regulation sets out a
increases in seizures of counterfeit foodstuffs, which
were up almost 75% on the year before, and
the types of goods that can be seized will be
seizures of pirated or counterfeit CDs, which were
increased to cover goods which infringe plant
up 15,300% on 1999. With this new Regulation the
variety rights, geographical designations or
Commission is seeking to improve and harmonise
indications of origin (for example, "Parma
customs action in tackling such intellectual property
rights holders will no longer be charged a fee
Under the present legislation18, where fraudulent
to make an application for action by a customs
goods are suspected, rights holders are able to apply
authority to seize infringing goods (but the
directly to the competent customs authority to
rights holders will have to give an undertaking
prevent the goods from being released or to have
assuming liability in the event that there is
them detained. The customs authority decides
whether the application is admissible and, if so,
customs authorities will have more scope to
suspends the release of the goods or detains them.
seize goods of their own accord (that is,
The applicant must then successfully apply for a
without the need for a prior application for
ruling that the goods are illegal before they can be
rights holders will have the option of having
The proposed Regulation would harmonise the
fraudulent goods destroyed with the agreement
means of enforcing IP rights across the European
of the person holding or declaring the goods,
administrative cooperation and the exchange of
information between the various authorities across
goods found in a traveller's personal baggage
within the limits of the duty-free allowance willbe covered by the new Regulation where suchgoods are suspected to be part of a larger-scale
"Amendments to the Federal Law of the RussianFederation on Trade marks, Service Marks and
Names of the Points (Countries) of Origin of the
Goods" was published in the "Rossiskaya Gazeta",after being approved by President Putin. The Lawcame into force on 27 December 2002.
The array of changes, which include legal definitions
of what constitutes a counterfeit to provisions that
require pirates to compensate trade mark ownersand to destroy counterfeit goods at their ownexpense, are expected to become key to Russia's war
A circular issued by the China Internet Network
on piracy and its bid to join the World Trade
Information Center on 12 December 2002 has
Organisation. The recent reforms also outline new
confirmed that second level domain names (that is,
protections to reduce unfair competition and trade
"domainname.cn") will become available for
mark registrations made in bad faith, as well as
detailing punishments for violating the law. TheLaw is being brought into compliance with the
A 'sunrise period', when owners of third level .cn
Constitution, Civil and Criminal Codes of the
domain names (<domainname.com.cn>) and
Russian Federation, as well as international treaties
owners of well-known trade marks can pre-book
second level domain names corresponding to theircurrent third level domains or their well-known
trade marks, started on 6 January 2003. Thesunrise period ends on 28 February 2003. Inpractice, it is most likely that the sunrise period willbe of use only to current holders of third level .cn
domains, since trade marks can be declared to be'well-known' only as a result of a dispute broughtbefore the People's Courts.
Second level domain names will become generallyavailable to the public for registration from 17March 2003 (by which time the CNIC will haveprocessed all priority applications). For furtherinformation regarding .cn domain names, pleasecontact Gabriela Kennedy in our Hong Kong office([email protected])
Media Information Royal Gold Medals for outstanding achievementThe achievements of two individuals whose work has brought about benefits on aninternational scale have received Royal recognition. Royal Medals were presented by TheRoyal Society of Edinburgh’s President, Professor Sir Michael Atiyah to GlobalPharmaceutical drug pioneer, Sir David Jack CBE FRS FRSE and to one of the World’sl
FUNDOS DE PENSÕES GLOSSÁRIO DE TERMOS DA ACTIVIDADE AEGFP: Associação das Empresas Gestoras de Fundos de Pensões. APS: Associação Portuguesa de Seguradoras. Associados: pessoas colectivas ou outras instituições que contribuem para o fundo e cujos planos de pensões são realizados ou complementados por este. Avaliação Actuarial: estudo efectuado por um actuário