He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
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Curriculum vitae
A curriculum vitae or CV is similar to a resume in that it provides an overview of your professional and educational experience. The difference between the two primarily lies in content and purpose. A CV is typically developed for application for teaching or research positions in a university or research setting. A resume is prepared for employers outside the academic environment.
The CV should begin with name, contact information (including email), and education. Information listed under education, teaching, research, service, or other categories should generally be listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent listed first. Education: Include the name of the colleges or universities attended, city and state of each, degrees earned, area(s) of study, and graduation dates. List the title of each thesis/dissertation, as well as the primary advisor. Beyond this basic information, category headings used within CVs may vary widely. However, there are certain major areas that require mention, regardless of specific headings used. These are: • Teaching
• Service Teaching: List all teaching fellowships, assistantships, or any other experiences working with students in a classroom/laboratory setting. You may also choose to list teaching interests or similar categories. Research: Include all relevant research experience in your area of specialization. You may choose to list publications, conference presentations and any other evidence of scholarly work in this section. Service: Include service to the university or community. You may also include professional associations, volunteer work, committee membership, etc. in this section.
As mentioned above, it is important to incorporate evidence of teaching, research, and service in your CV, but choice of category headings to cover these areas is purely subjective. Most CVs include a sampling of the category headings listed below. Choose category headings that emphasize your particular strengths and achievements. Also, depending on the position to which you are applying, it may make more sense to rearrange categories. For instance, if you are applying for a college teaching position where teaching is the focus, it is recommended to focus on that general area early in the CV. If research is the primary focus of the institution to which you are applying, listing research-related categories near the beginning of the CV will be most effective.
ν UNIVERSITY CAREER SERVICES ν The Wendy P. and Dean E. Painter Jr. Career Center Division of Student Affairs ν UNC-Chapel Hill ν (919) 962-6507 ν http://careers.unc.edu ν[email protected]ν 2nd Floor Hanes Hall COPYRIGHT2003 UNC-CHAPEL HILL
Be sure to end your CV with a short list of references, if possible. Supply the name, address, telephone/fax number and email address of 3 -6 individuals who can comment on your ability to succeed in the position for which you are applying. Choose your references wisely, i.e., persons who know you and your work well, and think about choosing people with high external visibility. Be sure to ask their permission before submitting their names. Whenever you provide reference information to an institution, advise your referees that they may be contacted. Keep them up-to-date on your professional activities and provide them with a copy of your CV.
2 to 4 pages for a new professional 4 to 7 pages for a person with more experience 10 pages maximum
• Omit reference to marital status, children, health, spouse's work, religious affiliation, and date
• Do not include headings such as "Curriculum Vitae", "Personal Information", or "Name" • Use action verbs to begin every job description • Add a header with name and page number to each page after the first • Be sure to have a counselor at UCS critique your CV when you have completed your draft
Sample Category Headings
NADINE MARIE GILL EDUCATION: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Ph.D. in Musicology, May 200x Dissertation: Accompanied Recitative in Mozart’s Operas: “The Chef d’Oeuvre of the Composer’s Art” Advisor: Mark Evan Bonds
Master of Arts in Musicology, December 199x Thesis: Opus Organization in Haydn’s String Quartets University of North Carolina at Greensboro Graduate courses in Choral Conducting, Vocal Pedagogy, and Musicology, 1/9x to 5/9x Woodbrooke (International Quaker Study Center and Institute) Birmingham, England Post-Graduate studies in Theology and Interfaith Issues, 9/9x to 7/9x Greensboro College, Greensboro, NC Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance, 5/9x Graduated Magna Cum Laude
ACADEMIC Dissertation Fellowship
One of ten students awarded a dissertation fellowship out of a university-wide pool of applicants. Award given to Ph.D. students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the final stages of their dissertations. 12/0x
Smith Graduate Research Fund Grant Awarded by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to support dissertation research. 10/0x Graduate School Travel Grant Awarded by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Graduate School to selected Ph.D. students to assist them in presenting their research at national conferences. 12/0x Graduate Student Grant and Stipend Award given to promising graduate students to attend Opera Buffa in Mozart’s Vienna: Contextsand Comparisons, a conference sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities. 9/9x International Fellowship Recipient Woodbrooke (International Quaker Study Center and Institute), 9/9x to 7/9x Jefferson Standard Scholar Merit scholarship awarded to exceptional entering first-year college women at Greensboro College. 8/9x to 5/9x GILL, PAGE 2 TEACHING North Carolina Wesleyan College,Rocky Mount, NC
EXPERIENCE: Adjunct Professor, 11/9x to present
• Teach Music Appreciation for the adult degree program
• Instruct students on the elements of music and the history of western European music
in an accelerated format designed for adult students who work full-time
• Revised the syllabus at program director’s request
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Teaching Assistant, 8/9x to 5/9x • Team-taught Survey of Western Classical Music, a music appreciation course for non-
• Covered the elements of music and western music history from the Renaissance to the
• Facilitated discussions, presented new material, clarified concepts, designed and
Teaching Assistant, 8/9x to 5/9x and 8/9x to 12/9x • Team-taught World Music, a music appreciation course for non-music majors
• Surveyed art, pop and folk music from around the globe
• Attended and analyzed local cultural events with students as part of the course
• Supervised group projects and facilitated discussion
• During 199x-199x taught the course with an ethnomusicologist; in 199x taught the
course a second time under an anthropologist
Teaching Assistant, 8/9x to 5/9x
• Team-taught Masterpieces of Music, a music appreciation course for non-music majors
• Focused on the elements of music and the main forms of western European music (e.g.
opera, symphony, lieder, chamber music, etc.)
• Clarified concepts, offered constructive criticism on students’ writing, designed and
Teaching Consultant, 8/9x to 5/9x • Teaching consultant for The Center for Teaching and Learning
• Co-led workshops on various teaching techniques including leading effective
discussions, alternatives to the lecture method, and responding to different learning styles
• Observed and critiqued TAs from different departments, developed and coordinated
TA training programs, facilitated roundtables on various teaching issues, organized a day-long conference on teaching
Voice Instructor, 8/9x to 5/9x
• Students received individual lessons one hour per week
Voice Teacher, Private Studio, 1/9x to present • Give weekly voice lessons to students with a wide range of experience levels and GILL, PAGE 3 PAPERS & Still Verse: Versi sciolti in Mozart’s Da Ponte Operas, Kentucky Foreign Language
Conference, Music and Italian Poetry Session, University of Kentucky. April 24, 200x
The Noble, the Sentimental, and the Supernatural: Uses of Accompagnato in Mozart’s Operas, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Mozart Society of American Session, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. March 28, 200x
“The Orchestra Speaks for Him”: The Instrumental Music in Mozart’s Accompanied Recitatives, American Musicological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. October 28, 200x
The North Carolina Symphony Within the Triangle and Across the State, Music and Urban Livability, A Charles and Shirley Weiss Urban Livability Program, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. April 24, 200x
Crayons, Paper, Music: A Brief Tour Through Music History, Celebration of Teaching: An Interactive Teaching Symposium, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. April 18, 200x
Accompanied Recitative in Mozart’s Operas, Modern Language Association, Lyrica Society Session, Toronto, Canada. December 29, 200x
Do We Treat Music as We Would a Human Being? The Relationship of Music and Language and Its Implications For Feminist Musicology, Feminist Theory and Music 4, University of Virginia. June 6-8, 199x. Previous version presented at Inroads: Women and Gender Across the Academic Landscape, Duke University. February 1, 200x
“Cosa sento” Revisited: Recitative Interpolations in Mozart’s Operas, American Musicological Society, Southeast Chapter Meeting, University of South Carolina. February 22, 199xHildefard con Bingen and Eighteenth-century Women Composers, Women in Music Symposium, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. February 15, 199x
Opus Organization in Haydn’s String Quartets, American Musicological Society, Southeast Chapter Meeting, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. March 16, 199x
Mad Woman? Monster? Or?: Mozart’s Last Heroine, Bodies of Knowledge: Graduate Research Conference, Duke University. October 28, 199x Expanded version published in the conference proceedings The Transformation of Vitellia: Some Thoughts on Mozart’s Last Heroine, Women Across the Disciplines, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. March 18, 199x
CONFERENCE OR Grant writer and Coordinator, Incorporating Dance into the Music Classroom: A Teaching SYMPOSIUM Enrichment Seminar, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. March 28, 199x
Coordinator and Moderator, Strategies for Today’s Job Market: A Panel Discussion, American Musicological Society, Southeast Chapter Meeting, North Carolina Central University. September 27, 199x
GILL, PAGE 4 CONFERENCE OR Grant writer, Coordinator, and Roundtable Facilitator, Teaching Music at the College SYMPOSIUM Level: A Symposium, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. April 19, 199x
COORDINATION (continued):
Developer, Coordinator, Session Moderator, A Celebration of Teaching: A Teaching Symposium by and for Graduate Teaching Assistants, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. April 5, 199x
Developer, Co-Facilitator and Panelist, Womanist Issues in the ClassroomRoundtable, Feminist Negotiations: Graduate Research Symposium, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. March 1, 199x
PROFESSIONAL EDITING AND WRITING: ACTIVITIES: Editorial Assistant, Garland Encyclopedia of World Music • Revised articles for editor of European section, 3/9x to 7/9x Program Note Writer, Duke UniversityChamber Arts Concert Series, 9/9x to 4/9x Program Note Writer, Duke UniversityFine Arts Concert Series, 9/9x to 4/9x ADMINISTRATIVE: Coordinator and Lecturer, North Carolina Symphony Pre-concert Conversations Chapel Hill Series, 9/9x to 5/9x • Delivered presentations, scheduled guest speakers, and facilitated discussions Assistant to Festival Coordinator, Carolina Jazz Festival, 8/9x to 4/9x • Liaison between guest artists and speakers and the festival coordinator
• Co-facilitated a day-long symposium on Thelonious Monk and his music, assembled
information for program booklet, contacted corporate donors, coordinated travel arrangements for festival participants
CHORAL CONDUCTING: Music Director, Springfield Friends Meeting, 11/9x to 10/9x • Conducted the adult and children’s choirs. Planned, prepared, and presented music for
• Taught basic music skills to adults and children
Soprano Section Leader, Choral Society of Greensboro,9/9x to 7/9x UNIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY SERVICE: Teaching Committee, UNC-Chapel Hill Music Department,1/9x to 8/9x • The committee revised how teaching assistants are selected, trained, supervised and Advisory Committee, UNC-Chapel Hill Center for Teaching and Learning,5/9x
• The committee explored ways of expanding the training and mentoring of graduate
teaching assistants and the possibility of developing a college-teaching certification program
GILL, PAGE 5 UNIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY SERVICE (continued): Student Representative, Southeast Chapter of the American Musicology Society, 4/9x Lecture Committee, UNC-Chapel Hill Music Department,3/9x to 4/9x • Selected guest speakers for the 199x-199x lecture series in Musicology Guest Speaker, North Carolina Symphony,10/9x “An Opera About Opera: Mozart’s The Impresario” Guest Speaker, North Carolina Symphony, 11/9x “Mozart’s Concerto in A major (K488) and Eighteenth-Century Concepts of Concerto Form” Ambassador, Friendship Force, 7/9x & 7/9x & 8/9x • Served as peace ambassador on exchanges to Ukraine, eastern and western Germany,
• Goal of the program is to foster international understanding
Conversation Partner, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,10/9x to 8/9x
• Helped foreign students improve their English language skills
(former faculty advisor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Professor, Department of Music University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109 734-764-1817 [email protected]
Dr. John Nedilla Chair, Department of Music University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill CB 3320 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3320 919-962-1234 [email protected]
Dr. Michelle Corrigan Associate Professor, Department of Music University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill CB 3320 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3320 919-962-7891 [email protected]Wayne Chandly
A pharmaceutical research scientist position.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Research Advisor: Professor Maurice S. Brookhart
University of Florida
Research Advisor: Professor William M. Jones
Ph.D. Dissertation Research (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Synthesis and Chemistry of Low Valent Fe and Cr Complexes Incorporating Chelating Perfluoroalkyl Phosphine Ligands: Synthetic Approaches to Alkane Complexes.
M.S. Thesis Research (University of Florida)
The Substituent Effect of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-Pentamethylcyclopentadiene on the 1, 2-Alkyl to Iron Migration with Concomitant Carbene Formation.
• Proficient in the use of Schlenk and dry box techniques for the manipulation of highly air sensitive
• Experienced in the use of high field multinuclear FT-NMR spectroscopy (400, 250, 200 MHz
Varian and Bruker instruments) including 1H, 2H, 13C, 31P, 19F and variable temperature NMR techniques for characterizing dynamic process
• Adept in the use of FT-IR spectroscopy (Mattson Polaris TM). Familiar with variable temperature
IR techniques for performing kinetic measurements.
• Knowledgeable in GC, MS and Transient Absorption Spectroscopy
• Proficient in the manipulation of gases in synthesis
• Experienced in the use of high temperature and pressure reaction vessels
University of North Carolina at Chapel HillDepartment of Chemistry Teaching Supervisor, 9/0x-Present • Train students in laboratory techniques for the synthesis and study of organometallic compounds
• Organized and directed an undergraduate research project involving the development of an
improved method for the resolution of chiral iron acyl complexes
Teaching Assistant, 9/0x-5/0x • Supervised juniors and seniors in the laboratory four hours per week
• Prepared and graded exams, graded laboratory reports and notebooks
• Served as head teaching assistant for advanced inorganic laboratory
Chandly W, Kessler RJ, Liu Y, Pienta NJ, Santini CC, Hall C, Perutz RN, Timney JA, Matrix Isolation and Transient Absorption Studies of Bis (bis(pentafluoroethyl)phosphino)ethane Tetracarbonyl Chromium: Intermolecular Alkane Complexes and Intramolecular F-Coordination, J. Am. Chem. Soc., submitted for publication.
Chandly W, Pfister AC, Santini, CC, White PW, Synthesis and Reactivity of [(C2F5)2PCH2CH2P(C2F5)2]Fe(CO)3, Organometallics, submitted for publication.
Poster Chandly W, Brookhart M, Synthesis and Reactivity of the Cyclopentadienyl-iron Dicarbonyl Phenyl Triflate Carbene complex, CpFe(CO) 2=C(OTf)(C6H5)+CF3SO3 , American Chemical Society 43rd
Southeast Regional Meeting,Richmond, Virginia, November 12-15, 199x.
Oral Chandly W, Brookhart M, Santini C, Montrem AC, Synthesis and Reactivity of 1, 2- [Box(pentafluoroethyl)phosphino]ethane Tricarbonyl Iron, American Chemical Society National Meeting,Washington, DC, August 26-29, 199x. Chandly W, Perfluorinated Alkyl Phosphine Substituted Transition Metal Complexes: An Approach to C-H Activation, Departmental Seminar, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, February 23, 199x W, The Rapid Introduction of Fluorine into Organic Molecules. Applications in Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Departmental Seminar, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, November 19, 199x
• Organized waste cardboard recycling effort in the Chemistry department
• Member of the Chemistry Graduate Student Advisory Board
• Chemistry representative to the Graduate and Professional Student Federation
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
• One-piece, roll-formed 19 x 19mm (3⁄4 x 3⁄4 in) angle-frame • Type 304• One-piece, 13 x 13 x 13mm (1⁄2 x 1⁄2 x 1⁄2 in) channel-frame • Type stainless steel angle with satin finish • Corners heliarc welded, ground430 stainless steel with bright polished finish • Mitered corners • Frameand polished smooth • Beveled frame edge at mirror for improvedscrew permits e
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