He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix
Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca
Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.
JOURNAL OF CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY, 15(4), 325–333Copyright 2005, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. University of Texas at San Antonio
Consumers’ reactions to a difference in price can depend on how it is framed. If buyers interpretpaying $60 rather than $65 as getting a $5 discount, then they are likely to consider paying $60to be a gain and paying $65 to be a nongain. Alternatively, if they interpret having to pay $65rather than $60 as incurring a $5 penalty, then they may consider paying $60 to be a nonloss andpaying $65 to be a loss. Similarly, sellers can also experience gains, nongains, nonlosses, andlosses. This article suggests that buyers are prevention focused and consequently place agreater emphasis on loss-related frames, whereas sellers are promotion focused and place agreater emphasis on gain-related frames. Therefore, for equivalent positive outcomes, buyersfeel better about nonlosses, but sellers feel better about gains. For equivalent negative out-comes, buyers feel worse about losses, but sellers feel worse about nongains. These effects,however, disappear when there is little motivation to process information about the monetarytransaction.
Consumers acquire products as buyers and dispose them of
$5.” (The salesperson could instead have said, “If you
as sellers. After they decide to buy or sell, however, they
have the first edition, you will take a loss of $5.”)
might interpret the price they pay or receive using differentframes (Levin, Schneider, & Gaeth, 1998; Tversky &
Jack and Jill can experience one of four outcomes: (a)
Kahneman, 1981). Consider the following vignettes:1
gain, (b) nongain, (c) loss, and (d) nonloss (Brendl, Higgins,& Lemm, 1995; Idson, Liberman, & Higgins, 2000). In
• Jack is in the bookstore, buying a book. The salesper-
Jack’s case, getting or not getting a discount might be experi-
son says, “You will have to pay $60 if you pay by cash
enced as a gain or nongain, respectively, whereas paying or
but $65 if you pay by credit card.” As Jack checks his
not paying a penalty might be viewed as a loss or nonloss, re-
wallet to see if he has enough cash, the salesperson
spectively. In Jill’s case, getting or not getting a bonus could
adds, “There is a $5 discount for paying by cash.” (The
be viewed as a gain or nongain, respectively, whereas incur-
salesperson could instead have said, “There is a $5 pen-
ring or not incurring a loss could be seen as a loss or nonloss,
respectively. In this article, we consider the affective reac-
• Jill is in the bookstore, selling a used book. The sales-
tions evoked by such framed outcomes. Given equivalent
person says, “The buy-back price for the first edition of
positive outcomes, what would make Jack and Jill feel better:
the book is $60 and that for the second edition is $65.”
a nonloss or a gain? Given equivalent negative outcomes,
As Jill checks the edition she has, the salesperson adds,
what would make them feel worse: a loss or a nongain? This
“If you have the second edition, you will get a bonus of
research suggests that the answers will not be the same forJack and Jill; buyers and sellers will respond differently to
Requests for reprints should be sent to Ashwani Monga, University of
Texas at San Antonio, College of Business, 6900 North Loop 1604 West,
The idea that buyers are different from sellers is not new.
San Antonio, TX 78249. E-mail: [email protected]
Research on the endowment effect (Thaler, 1980) suggests
The buying illustration is based on Thaler’s (1980) cash–credit example
and is a modified version of the bookstore scenario used by Idson, Liberman,
that the lowest price at which consumers are willing to sell a
product they own is considerably higher than the highest
price they are willing to pay to acquire it (Kahneman,
individuals are motivated to process the information (e.g.,
Knetsch, & Thaler, 1990). It has also been found that buying
because the money involved is high). We elaborate on this
prices are more influenced by variables such as salient refer-
conceptualization in the following pages and present three
ence prices, whereas selling prices are more influenced by
experiments in support of its implications.
variables such as benefits of possessing the item (Carmon &Ariely, 2000). Other research shows that arbitrary anchorsmight also influence these prices (Simonson & Drolet,
2004). Therefore, it is clear that buyers and sellers differwhen they are asked to decide the price they would consider.
According to Thaler (1980), buyers and sellers view transac-
It is, however, less clear whether buyers and sellers differ in
tion prices differently; for a bottle of wine, the money paid is
their reactions to prices that are decided by someone else. We
viewed by the buyer as a loss, whereas the money received is
viewed by the seller as a gain. If this is so, then buyers should
Our research extends that of Idson et al. (2000, 2004). Al-
be motivated to lose as little money as possible, but sellers
though they did look at buying situations, they focused on
should be motivated to gain as much money as possible. Ac-
how framed outcomes are evaluated on the basis of the goals
cording to regulatory focus theory, the motivation to avoid
that the outcomes evoked and did not consider the perspec-
losses is associated with a prevention focus, and the motiva-
tives that buyers brought to bear on the transactions.2 We
tion to achieve gains is associated with a promotion focus
build on their research in two ways. First, we study not only
(Higgins, 1997, 1998). Therefore, buyers are likely to be pre-
buyers but also sellers. Second, we show that because buyers
vention focused, and sellers are likely to be promotion fo-
and sellers approach monetary transactions from different
perspectives, they react differently to framed outcomes of
If buyers and sellers differ in terms of their regulatory fo-
cus, then their reactions to the outcomes of any given transac-
This research uses regulatory focus theory (Higgins,
tion may depend on how these outcomes are framed. The ef-
1997, 1998; Pham & Higgins, 2005) as a tool to understand
fects of individual differences in regulatory focus on
buyer–seller differences. According to this theory, preven-
responses to outcomes that are framed in terms of gains or
tion focus and promotion focus are distinct self-regulatory
losses were reported by Higgins, Idson, Freitas, Speigel, and
systems, with the former being concerned with security and
Molden (2003). Specifically, promotion-focused participants
protection and the latter with advancement and accomplish-
attached a higher monetary value to a product if they were
ment. A prevention focus is associated with the avoidance of
asked to think about what they would gain from it than when
losses, whereas a promotion focus is associated with the ac-
they were asked to consider what they might lose by not hav-
quisition of gains. We propose that when approaching a mon-
ing it. In contrast, prevention-focused individuals assigned a
etary transaction, buyers are relatively prevention focused,
lower value to the product in the first case than the second.
and sellers are relatively promotion focused. Therefore, buy-
Similarly, Lee and Aaker (2004) found that promo-
ers place a greater emphasis on loss-related frames; they feel
tion-focused participants were more persuaded by an appeal
better about nonlosses than about gains and worse about
that was framed in terms of gains, whereas preven-
losses than about nongains. Conversely, sellers place a
tion-focused participants were more persuaded by an appeal
greater emphasis on gain-related frames; they feel better
about gains than about nonlosses and worse about nongains
Thus, these considerations suggest that if buyers are typi-
than about losses. These effects, however, occur only when
cally prevention focused, they should place greater emphasison outcomes that are framed in terms of losses rather thangains—that is, they should feel better about not losing a given
2Idson et al.’s (2000) scenarios reveal a potential problem. Consider
amount of money than about gaining it, and they should feel
gains and nonlosses in their book scenarios. In the gain condition, partici-
worse about losing a given amount of money than about not
pants were told that the book’s price was $65 but that there was a $5 discount
gaining it. Conversely, if sellers are typically promotion fo-
for paying in cash. Therefore, before they imagined checking their walletsfor cash, they were mentally prepared to pay $65 because that was the book’s
cused, they should place greater emphasis on outcomes that
price. When they found cash in their wallet (i.e., got the discount), they
are framed in terms of gains rather than losses; that is, they
saved $5 from the $65 they had planned for. In contrast, those in the nonloss
should feel better about gaining money than about not losing
condition were told that the book’s price was $60 but that there was a $5 pen-
it, and they should feel worse about not gaining money than
alty for paying by credit card. Therefore, they were mentally prepared to pay
$60 for the book. When they found cash in their wallets (i.e., avoided thepenalty), they spent the $60 they had planned for. Therefore, those in the
For this process to unfold, however, it is essential that buy-
gain (vs. nonloss) condition may have imagined a wealth state that was
ers and sellers possess sufficient motivation to process the
higher by $5, leading to gains being evaluated more favorably than
framed information presented in a monetary transaction.
nonlosses. A similar explanation exists for Idson et al.’s finding of losses be-
Zhou and Pham (2004) found that the effects of regulatory
ing evaluated more unfavorably than nongains. In our research, participants
focus on financial investments emerged only when partici-
in all framed outcome conditions imagine identical starting price points(e.g., $60 by cash, $65 by credit card).
pants actively engaged in self-regulation—when they exten-
sively thought about their investment goals. Correspond-
tion focus with the motivation to achieve gains (Higgins,
ingly, we expected buyers and sellers to differ in their
1997), buyers should perceive the money at stake as more of
reactions to framed outcomes only if they are motivated to
an avoidable loss, whereas sellers should perceive it as more
think about the outcome alternatives (i.e., different prices).
of an achievable gain. Scenarios were created by modifying
Several factors could influence this motivation. Most obvi-
the stimuli used by Idson et al. (2000). No framing manipula-
ously, people are more likely to be motivated to think about
tion was used. Participants in the buyer condition imagined
outcome alternatives if the monetary difference between the
alternatives is fairly large. Furthermore, in laboratory studiesin which participants imagine their reactions to situations
You are in the bookstore, buying a book that you need for
rather than actually experience them, participants may be
your classes. The book’s price is mentioned as $60 if you use
motivated to think only if they have some intrinsic interest in
cash and $65 if you use a credit card. You start taking out
thinking (as reflected, e.g., by their need for cognition;
your wallet to check whether you have enough cash. You re-
Cacioppo & Petty, 1982). Both factors are considered in the
mind yourself that there is a $5 difference between $60 and
experiments we report. The hypotheses are as follows.
H1: For equivalent positive outcomes, buyers will experi-
Participants in the seller condition imagined the following:
ence more positive affect in response to a nonlossthan in response to a gain, whereas sellers will experi-
You are in the bookstore, selling a book that you used last se-
ence more positive affect in response to a gain than in
mester. You inspect the list of buy-back prices and notice that
response to a nonloss. However, these effects will oc-
the bookstore pays $60 for the first edition of the book and$65 for the second edition. You start opening your backpack
cur only when processing motivation is high.
to check the edition you have. You remind yourself that there
H2: For equivalent negative outcomes, buyers will experi-
is a $5 difference between $60 and $65.
ence more negative affect in response to a loss than inresponse to a nongain, whereas sellers will experi-
Thirty-two students were approached in a university li-
ence more negative affect in response to a nongain
brary and asked to read a scenario. After imagining one of the
than in response to a loss. However, these effects will
two randomly assigned scenarios, they indicated the extent to
occur only when processing motivation is high.
which they perceived the $5 difference as a loss or a gainalong a scale from 1 (a potential loss that I can avoid) to 9 (a
We evaluated these hypotheses in three experiments in
potential gain that I can get). As expected, buyers perceived
which we used buyer and seller scenarios that evoke preven-
the difference as more of a loss (M = 2.50), whereas sellers
tion and promotion focus, respectively. Experiment 1 dem-
perceived it as more of a gain (M = 6.31), F(1, 30) = 43.91, p
onstrated that buyers feel better about not losing a given
< .001. As we assumed, therefore, buyers were more preven-
amount of money than about gaining it, whereas sellers feel
tion focused, and sellers were more promotion focused.
better about gaining a given amount of money than about notlosing it. Experiment 2 showed that buyers feel worse aboutlosing a given amount of money than about not gaining it and
that sellers feel worse about not gaining a given amount ofmoney than about losing it. Furthermore, the effects in both
One hundred nine undergraduate students were randomly as-
studies are contingent on participants’ motivation to think
signed to imagine one of four scenarios, each representing a
carefully about the outcome information they are asked to
different combination of transaction role (buyer vs. seller)
consider. Experiment 3 replicated the buyer–seller reversals
and framed outcome (gain vs. nonloss). Participants in the
of the first two studies in a single experiment and showed that
buyer conditions imagined themselves buying a book priced
the effects generalize to an additional dependent variable,
at $60 by cash and $65 by credit card. Then, participants in
namely, perceptions of fairness of the business practice of
the buyer–gain condition read the following:
You remind yourself that if you are able to find the requiredcash in your wallet, you will get a discount of $5. You lookinto your wallet and realize that you actually have the cash.
So you will be getting the $5 discount.
In contrast, participants in the buyer–nonloss condition read
Preliminary data were collected to confirm the assumption
that buyers are typically prevention focused but sellers aretypically promotion focused. Because a prevention focus is
You remind yourself that if you are not able to find the re-
associated with the motivation to avoid losses and a promo-
quired cash in your wallet, you will be charged a penalty of
Affect From Positive Outcomes as a Function of Need for Cognition, Framed Outcome, and Transaction Role: Experiment 1
Means that do not share a common subscript differ at p < .05.
$5. You look into your wallet and realize that you actually
framed as a gain rather than a nonloss. In contrast, participants
have the cash. So you will not be charged the $5 penalty.
with low need for cognition did not differ in the affect they re-ported regardless of frame or the role they assumed. These
Participants in the seller conditions imagined themselves
conclusions are confirmed by a three-way interaction of need
selling a book priced at $60 for the first edition and $65 for
for cognition, framed outcome, and transaction role, F(1, 101)
the second. Then, those in the seller–gain condition read the
= 6.11, p < .05, and an interaction of framed outcome and trans-
action role in an analysis of data from high need for cognitionparticipants alone, F(1, 101) = 8.75, p < .01. (The correspond-
You remind yourself that if your book turns out to be the sec-
ing interaction in an analysis of participants with low need for
ond edition, you will get a bonus of $5. You take out the book
cognition was not reliable; F < 1.)
from your backpack and realize that you actually have thesecond edition. So you will be getting the $5 bonus.
In contrast, participants in the seller–nonloss condition readthe following:
Experiment 1 confirmed that buyers were relatively preven-tion focused and sellers were relatively promotion focused.
You remind yourself that if your book turns out to be the first
Consequently, buyers felt better about nonlosses than about
edition, you will have to take a loss of $5. You take out the
gains, whereas sellers felt better about gains than about
book from your backpack and realize that you actually have
nonlosses. Moreover, these effects emerged only when par-
the second edition. So you will not be taking the $5 loss.
ticipants were motivated to process the framed information.
After reading the scenario, participants responded to the
Experiment 2 investigated how buyers and sellers evalu-
ate framed negative outcomes. Rather than measuring pro-
dependent variable that assessed their affective judgmentsabout the outcome on a scale that ranged from 1 (not at all
cessing motivation through need for cognition, we mani-
good) to 9 (extremely good). Finally, they were administered
pulated the difference between the two prices (i.e., themagnitude of the money at stake). The effects of this ma-
the 18-item Need for Cognition Scale (Cacioppo, Petty, &Kao, 1984). Individuals high (vs. low) in need for cognition
nipulation are more likely to correspond to the motivationaldifferences that exist between buyers and sellers outside the
should be more motivated to process information because
they engage in and enjoy thinking (Cacioppo & Petty, 1982).
Three factors were manipulated: (a) price difference between
Responses to the need-for-cognition items were summed.
the alternative outcomes (low vs. high), (b) framed outcome
Scores ranged from 46 to 152, and participants were divided
(nongain vs. loss), and (c) transaction role (buyer vs. seller).
into groups above and below the median (108). Participants’
The amount at stake was $5 ($60 vs. $65) in the low price dif-
affective reactions were then analyzed as a function of need
ference condition and $25 ($150 vs. $175) in the high price
for cognition (low vs. high), framed outcome (gain vs.
difference condition.3 Apart from this motivation manipula-
nonloss), and transaction role (buyer vs. seller). Data areshown in Table 1.
In line with Hypothesis 1, buyers with high need for cogni-
3Even though all participants in Experiment 1 were in the $5 condition,
tion reported more positive affect if the outcome was framed as
the buyer–seller differences were significant only for the high need for cog-
a nonloss rather than a gain, whereas sellers with high need for
nition condition not for the combined data set. Therefore, Experiment 2
cognition reported more positive affect if the outcome was
treated $5 (relative to $25) as a low-motivation condition.
tion and the fact that the outcomes were negative (rather than
.01, but not reliable in an analysis of data for low price dif-
positive), the scenarios were the same as those used in Exper-
ference participants (F < 1).
iment 1. For buyers, the negative outcome was framed as ei-ther a nongain (i.e., not getting a discount) or a loss (i.e., pay-ing a penalty). Similarly, for sellers the negative outcome was
framed as either a nongain (i.e., not getting a bonus) or a loss(i.e., taking a loss).
This experiment investigated buyer–seller differences in
One hundred eighteen undergraduate students were ran-
high-motivation conditions alone (i.e., high price difference).
domly assigned to one of the eight experimental conditions.
We included both positive and negative outcomes to test
After reading the scenario, participants reported their affec-
whether buyer–seller reversals of earlier experiments would
tive reactions to the outcome on a scale that ranged from 1
replicate. In this regard, Experiment 2 revealed stronger neg-
(not at all bad) to 9 (extremely bad). Then, to confirm the mo-
ative affect for buyers than for sellers, but Experiment 1 did
tivational differences we assumed, we asked participants to
not reveal any difference for positive affect. In Experiment 3,
rate, on three 9-point scales, the extent to which they were in-
we determined whether this asymmetry would reemerge.
terested, careful, and paying attention while reading the sce-
We also introduced a methodological refinement; specifi-
nario. Responses to these items were combined to form a sin-
cally, we constructed similar book edition scenarios for both
the buyer and seller conditions. This is in contrast to earlierstudies, in which the price difference for buyers was based onpayment mode, but the price difference for sellers was based
The manipulation of motivation was successful. Participants
Finally, we investigated the effects of framed outcome and
reported more motivation to process information when the
transaction role on an additional dependent variable, namely,
price difference was high than when it was low (Ms = 6.14 vs.
perceived fairness regarding a business establishment having
5.58), F(1, 110) = 4.55, p < .05. None of the other terms in the
two different prices for a product. Fairness perceptions are
model was significant (all ps > .20).
known to be more favorable if the inequality is to the individ-
Analyses of participants’ affective reactions indicated
ual’s advantage rather than disadvantage (see Xia, Monroe,
that negative affect was stronger when the price difference
& Cox, 2004, for a review). In this context, individuals
was high rather than low (Ms = 5.66 vs. 4.73), F(1, 110) =
should feel more advantaged as the price outcome becomes
6.16, p < .05. Furthermore, buyers expressed stronger nega-
more positive but more disadvantaged as the price outcome
tive affect than sellers did (Ms = 6.65 vs. 3.74), F(1, 110) =
becomes more negative. Therefore, we expected individuals’
59. 69, p < .001. More relevant to our hypotheses was an
perceptions of fairness to reveal a pattern similar to that for
interaction of price difference, framed outcome, and trans-
affect. Specifically, buyers should perceive fairness to be
action role, F(1, 110) = 5.19, p < .05, the nature of which is
higher when they perceive a positive outcome as a nonloss,
conveyed in Table 2. In line with H2, when the price differ-
whereas sellers should perceive it to be higher when they per-
ence was high, buyers reported more negative affect if the
ceive the outcome as a gain. Correspondingly, buyers should
outcome was framed as a loss rather than a nongain, but
perceive fairness to be lower when they perceive a negative
sellers reported more negative affect if the outcome was
outcome as a loss, but sellers should perceive it to be lower
framed as a nongain rather than a loss. In contrast, when
when they perceive the outcome as nongain.
the price difference was low, affect ratings for buyers andsellers did not vary by framed outcome. This is confirmed
by the interaction between framed outcome and transactionrole, which is significant in an analysis of data for high
Preliminary data were collected to confirm that the scenarios
price difference participants alone, F(1, 110) = 10.50, p <
to be used in the study evoked the regulatory focus differ-
Affect From Negative Outcomes as a Function of Price Difference, Framed Outcome, and Transaction Role: Experiment 2
Means that do not share a common subscript differ at p < .05.
ences we assumed. We created two book edition scenarios,
respectively), F(1, 32) = 7.09, p < .05. In addition, the relative
one involving buying and the other involving selling. No
promotion focus of sellers and prevention focus of buyers
framing manipulation was used. Participants in the buyer
was reflected on the measure of brand preferences (Ms = 4.12
vs. 5.89 for sellers vs. buyers, respectively), F(1, 32) = 5.83,p < .05. Consistent with our assumption, the buyer and seller
You are in the bookstore, buying a book that you need this se-
mester. You inspect the list of buying prices and notice that
the bookstore charges $100 for the first edition of the bookand $125 for the second edition. To check the edition youneed, you start opening your backpack to take out your sylla-
bus. You remind yourself that there is a $25 difference be-
One hundred seventy-one undergraduate students were ran-
domly assigned to one of the eight experimental conditions.
Participants in the seller condition imagined the following:
Participants in the role of a buyer first imagined themselvesbuying a book priced at $100 for the first edition and $125 forthe second edition. Then, those in the buyer–gain condition
You are in the bookstore, selling a book that you used last se-mester. You inspect the list of buy-back prices and notice that
the bookstore pays $100 for the first edition of the book and$125 for the second edition. To check the edition you have,
Therefore, there is a rebate of $25 for the first edition. To
you start opening your backpack to take out your book. You
check the edition you need, you start opening your backpack
remind yourself that there is a $25 difference between $100
to take out your syllabus. You remind yourself that if the re-
quired book turns out to be the first edition, you will receive arebate of $25. You look at the syllabus and realize that you
Thirty-four undergraduate students were randomly as-
actually need the first edition. So you get the $25 rebate and
signed to read one of the two scenarios. They then indicated
buy the book for $100 rather than $125.
the extent to which they perceived the $25 difference as a lossor a gain along a scale that ranged from 1 (a potential loss
Participants in the buyer–nongain condition imagined the
that I can avoid) to 9 (a potential gain that I can get).
same scenario, except that they realized that they needed the
Then, to examine whether the regulatory focus of buyers
second edition. Therefore, they did not get the $25 rebate and
and sellers is reflected in an unrelated context, we asked partic-
bought the book for $125 rather than $100. Those in the
ipants to take part in a purportedly different study about brand
buyer–loss condition imagined the following:
preferences (Zhou & Pham, 2004). They read descriptions ofthree pairs of brands and reported their preferences along a
Therefore, there is a surcharge of $25 for the second edition.
scale from 1 (prefer Brand A) to 9 (prefer Brand B). In the first
To check the edition you need, you start opening your back-
pair (grape juices), Brand A was rich in vitamin C and iron,
pack to take out your syllabus. You remind yourself that if the
thus promoting high energy (promotion benefit), and Brand B
required book turns out to be the second edition, you willhave to pay a surcharge of $25. You look at the syllabus and
was rich in antioxidants, thus reducing the risk of cancer and
realize that you actually need the second edition. So you pay
heart diseases (prevention benefit). In the second pair (tooth-
the $25 surcharge, and buy the book for $125 rather than
paste), Brand A was particularly good for cavity prevention
(prevention benefit), and Brand B was particularly good fortooth whitening (promotion benefit). In the third pair (cars),
Participants in the buyer–nonloss condition imagined the
Brand A focused primarily on style and performance (promo-
same scenario, except that they realized that they needed the
tion benefit), and Brand B focused primarily on safety and ac-
first edition. Therefore, they avoided the $25 surcharge and
cident protection (prevention benefit). Responses to the items
bought the book for $100 rather than $125.
were first coded so that higher ratings indicated a greater pre-
Participants in the role of a seller first imagined them-
vention rather than promotion focus, and then we averaged
selves selling a book priced at $100 for the first edition and
them to form a composite measure (α = .66).4
$125 for the second edition. Then, those in the seller–gain
As expected, sellers were more likely than buyers to per-
ceive the $25 difference as an achievable gain rather than anavoidable loss (Ms = 7.06 vs. 4.77 for sellers vs. buyers,
Therefore, there is a bonus of $25 for the second edition. Tocheck the edition you have, you start opening your backpackto take out your book. You remind yourself that if the book
4The first two items were from Zhou and Pham (2004). They also used a
you have turns out to be the second edition, you will receive a
third choice that was between snacks: chocolate cake versus fruit salad. We
bonus of $25. You look at the book and realize that you actu-
replaced this item with that of cars because we wanted the third choice to be
ally have the second edition. So you get the $25 bonus, and
about brands as well, rather than different products, and because Zhou and
sell the book for $125 rather than $100.
Pham found weak significance for snacks (p = .19).
Participants in the seller–nongain condition imagined the
come, framing, and transaction role. Data pertaining to these
same scenario, except that they realized that they had the first
effects are summarized in the top half of Table 3. As in Ex-
edition. Therefore, they did not get the $25 bonus and sold
periment 1, buyers reported more positive affect if the out-
the book for $100 rather than $125. Those in the seller–loss
come was framed as a nonloss rather than a gain, whereas
sellers reported more positive affect if the outcome wasframed as a gain rather than a nonloss. As in Experiment 2,
Therefore, there is a deduction of $25 for the first edition. To
buyers reported more negative affect if the outcome was
check the edition you have, you start opening your backpack
framed as a loss rather than a nongain, whereas sellers re-
to take out your book. You remind yourself that if the book
ported more negative affect if the outcome was framed as a
you have turns out to be the first edition, you will have to take
nongain rather than a loss. These conclusions are confirmed
a deduction of $25. You look at the book and realize that you
by a three-way interaction of outcome, frame, and transac-
actually have the first edition. So you take the $25 deduction,
tion role, F(1, 163) = 30.69, p < .001; an interaction of frame
and sell the book for $100 rather than $125.
and transaction role in an analysis of data from posi-tive-outcome participants alone, F(1, 163) = 13.36, p < .001;
Those in the seller–nonloss condition imagined the same
and an interaction of frame and transaction role in an analysis
scenario, except that they realized that they had the second
of data under negative outcome conditions alone, F(1, 163) =
edition. Therefore, they avoided the $25 deduction and sold
The interaction of outcome and transaction role was also
After reading the scenario, participants reported their af-
significant, F(1, 63) = 15.53, p < .001. Specifically, buyers
fective reactions to the outcome on a scale that ranged from
reported more negative affect than sellers (–3.74 vs. –1.43,
–9 (very bad) to +9 (very good). Then, they reported per-
respectively, F(1, 163) = 115.52, p < .001, but did not differ
ceived fairness about the policy of having a $25 difference
from sellers in their response to positive outcomes (7.58 vs.
between editions, on a scale that ranged from 1 (not at all
6.77, respectively; p > .10). Note that this asymmetry was
fair) to 9 (very fair).
also evident in Experiments 1 and 2. The data in Table 3 sug-gest that the difference between buyers and sellers was par-ticularly evident in the negative outcome, loss framing condi-
tion (–4.62 vs. 0.00 for buyers vs. sellers, respectively). This
We used a 2 (outcome: positive vs. negative) × 2 (frame: gain
difference was also pronounced in comparable conditions of
related vs. loss related) × 2 (transaction role: buyer vs. seller)
Experiment 2 (8.38 vs. 3.00, respectively, when the price dif-
between-subjects factorial design. For ease of data analysis,
ference was high; see Table 2). We consider this difference
we chose to have two levels of outcome and two levels of
further in the General Discussion section.
frame rather than four levels of framed outcome: (a) gain, (b)nonloss, (c) nongain, and (d) loss. However, to maintain con-
sistency with the earlier experiments, we interpret our results
lower for negative than for positive outcomes (4.47 vs. 5.11,
respectively), F(1, 163) = 4.32, p < .05. Furthermore, theywere lower for buyers than for sellers (4.34 vs. 5.24, respec-
tively), F(1, 163) = 8.50, p < .01. More relevant to our hy-
favorable affective reactions to positive outcomes than to
potheses was an interaction of outcome, frame, and transac-
negative ones (Ms = 7.17 vs. –2.59), F(1, 163) = 612.26, p <
tion role, F(1, 163) = 17.49, p < .001, the nature of which is
.001. Of more importance are the interactive effects of out-
conveyed in the bottom half of Table 3. For positive out-
Affect and Fairness as a Function of Framed Outcome and Transaction Role: Experiment 3
Means for each dependent variable that do not share a common subscript differ at p < .05. The comparison of buyer–nongain and buyer–loss cells for
fairness (4.48 vs. 3.43) is marginally significant (p < .10).
comes, buyers perceived higher fairness when the outcome
(2004) suggested that the endowment effect is likely to be
was framed as a nonloss versus a gain, whereas sellers per-
less pronounced when sellers are certain that they wish to
ceived higher fairness when the outcome was framed as a
sell. Future research could try to understand whether the cer-
gain versus a nonloss. For negative outcomes, buyers per-
tainty of buying and selling is critical to the difference be-
ceived lower fairness when the outcome was framed as a loss
tween endowment effects and the effects we observed in this
versus a nongain, whereas sellers perceived lower fairness
when the outcome was framed as a nongain versus a loss.
Our experiments also revealed some unexpected findings.
This was confirmed by the interaction of frame and transac-
For example, buyers generally experienced more unfavor-
tion role that was significant in an analysis of data from posi-
able reactions than sellers to negative outcomes, but they ex-
tive-outcome participants alone, F(1, 163) = 9.41, p < .01, as
perienced similar reactions to positive outcomes. Because
well as from negative-outcome participants alone, F(1, 163)
buyers are prevention focused, they try to avoid negative out-
comes. Furthermore, the loss condition refers to a situation inwhich the frame is negative (e.g., penalty) and the outcome isalso negative (e.g., paid penalty). Therefore, the buyer–loss
cell represents a unique combination of all things negative,leading to more intense negative affect. Although the
Three experiments offer support for our theorizing. Spe-
seller–gain condition represents an equivalent combination
cifically, when approaching monetary transactions, buyers
of all things positive, the generally lower impact of positive
are prevention focused, and sellers are promotion focused.
information on judgments (Skowronski & Carlston, 1989)
This difference in regulatory focus causes buyers and sellers
may have contributed to the asymmetry we observed.
to react differently to framed outcomes, but only when indi-
One interesting issue is whether buyers are always pre-
viduals possess sufficient processing motivation. Buyers feel
vention focused and sellers are always promotion focused.
better about nonlosses, but sellers feel better about gains, and
We studied situations in which individuals encounter plausi-
buyers feel worse about losses but sellers feel worse about
ble book prices. However, prices might sometimes be sur-
nongains. A similar reversal arises for fairness perceptions.
prising. Consider a person selling her home. She thinks that
The evidence that buyers and sellers differ in their regula-
her house is worth $100,000, but a house inspection reveals
tory focus and hence in their reactions to framed outcomes,
problems because of which she is likely to get only between
yields interesting implications for research in the areas of
$20,000 and $30,000. To her, receiving either price might
buyer–seller differences, regulatory focus, and framed
seem like a loss and, therefore, she might not be promotion
focused. Future research could try to delineate the bound-aries of the regulatory focus differences we propose.
Implications for Researchon Buyer–Seller Differences
Implications for Research on Regulatory Focus
Our results complement prior research on buyer–seller dif-
It is well known that prior regulatory focus, either situational
ferences (e.g., Kahneman et al., 1990) that shows that buyers
or chronic, can influence judgments. We show something dif-
and sellers differ when they are asked to decide on the price
ferent. Consistent with recent research (Zhou & Pham,
they would consider. We show how buyers and sellers differ
2004), we demonstrated that even the judgment context itself
in their affective reactions to prices decided by someone else.
(e.g., buying vs. selling) can evoke regulatory foci. Further-
Furthermore, by showing that the two also differ in their per-
more, we show that the consequent effects on framed out-
ceptions of fairness, we add to the prior research that has
comes occur only when processing motivation (e.g., need for
studied fairness only from the perspective of a buyer dealing
cognition) is high. This complements the finding that regula-
with a business establishment (see Xia et al., 2004, for a re-
tory focus effects might be weaker when need for cognition is
high (Evans & Petty, 2003). Specifically, a match between
This research should be considered in the context of en-
self-guide (i.e., desired end-states associated with regulatory
dowment effects (Kahneman et al., 1990); that is, sellers tend
focus) and message frame was found to have a weaker effect
to require more money to sell an object they own than they
on individuals high in need for cognition, presumably be-
would normally pay in order to buy it. Although this general
cause they did not need the extra motivation required to pro-
difference may have contributed to buyer–seller differences
cess information. Perhaps the difference resides in whether
in our studies, it cannot account for our findings. Even if sell-
the regulatory focus is chronic (as in Evans & Petty, 2003) or
ers were reluctant to part with their products, it would not ex-
situationally induced (as in our studies). High processing
plain why they felt better about gains than about nonlosses.
motivation might be required for the active engagement of in-
In fact, it is possible that endowment effects do not arise at all
duced self-regulation (Zhou & Pham, 2004).
under conditions in which buyers and sellers have already de-
Our results are based on the notion that promotion-focused
cided to buy and sell, respectively. Simonson and Drolet
individuals place greater emphasis on gain-related frames,
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Implications for Research on Framed Outcomes
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Zhou, R., & Pham, M. T. (2004). Promotion and prevention across mental
thank the reviewers for their constructive criticism.
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