He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
Ventaja de tomar un genérico en lugar de Asix
Un genérico es más barato que el nombre de marca
Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.
12th Night a Huge Success! To all who made 12th Night such a success, From the 12th Night Autocrat The purpose of this letter is to thank the MANY people who helped
Aelfgifa and I received numerous compliments on hall, the
during 12th Night. Even late Saturday night, the weary were still
decorations, the days activities and, of course, the feast. Very few
smiling and felt good about the whole project.
problems presented themselves during the day. Kudos to Mistress
To that end, I am sure that I will forget to recognize some people,
Damiana, LadyGwenhwyfar, Lady Gabriella and Lady Alejandra for
as not every name or face that helped was known to me, nor do I
all of their work in organizing and running the bulk of the day’s
have email addresses for all. Thus, if I miss someone, feel free to
pass this on in the same spirit of thanks. (Please forgive any
Of all of the things that could have gone wrong in a major event
planned on such short notice, I am stunned that the only crises of
What most people do not know is that this event was pulled
the day were “lumber-motivated. “ (A certain knight didn’t pack all of
together very quickly, when it was realized there was no bid yet for
the tent poles he needed for his squire’s vigil tent; Also, a certain
12th Night, and was officially started October 27th. Ladies
Heir didn’t pack the actual seats for He and His Consort’s thrones.)
Gwenyfahr and Gabriella de Bas Serra, saw a need and took action
Thank-you Lord Gryffud and Lady Holt for fixing these problems!
to fill it on the Kingdom’s behalf. I cannot sing enough praise about
their efforts and can-do attitude. If I was hanging off a building, I
Quintus and your staff for providing such an efficient and well-run
would want them holding my rope! Thank you both for asking me to
Autocrat. It had been a decade or so since the last time, and I had a
Master Ernst for heralding for us in court at literally a moment’s
marvelous time doing it. Yes, I would do it again!
Also deserving of special note is my very good friend, Lady
Lady Aurelia for riding herd on the children’s activities, even though
Alejandra Maria de Granada, for not hesitating one moment when
asked to try her hand at feastocrat, with 12th Night as her first time.
The donors and purchasers at the Travel Fund auctions; together
I never doubted she would pull it off - on time and within budget, too.
the two auctions raised almost $1,200! (That’s not a typo.)
Additionally, Master Marcus Quintius Clavus, for running an
Lady Johanna, Lady Gwenhwyfar, Lady Gabriella and Lady Alix for
excellent and organized troll booth and doing setup, pre-cook and
the contributions for the gifts to the Royals;
Lord Garrick on being very flexible about the fencing;
The Barony of Bergental for the loan of their choir;
- Their Majesties, for being “low maintenance” (His words),
Everyone who did pre-cook and decorations on Friday night and
exceedingly prompt and keeping to the schedule. Also for humoring
our historic Aragon theme, while providing helpful feedback.
Grendyl for not only lending a hand, but an entire arm!
- Their Highnesses, for running their order meetings within the
y a nuestra Concinera, La Mujera Alejandra Maria de Granada:
Mucho gracias por una cocina muy especial y mucho delicioso!
- The BBM Baron and Baroness, Dinsdale and Aelfgifa, for being
Los Reyes se gusta mucho, especialmente el pollo, el puerco y la
very supportive, fielding emails, and helping to break down after the
payella. Te quire los chocolat tambien.
Lo siento por me espanol es un poco malo. Eso es la mejor que
- The Neighboring Baronies of Dragonship Haven and Bergental,
whose members were so willing to pitch in and help, and many arelisted below
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Baron and Baroness: Master Dinsdale of Northumbria and Chirurgeon: Lady Aurelia di Stellari (Cheryl Grieco) (Seeking
Mistress Aelfgifa of the Hazel Thicket / Shiro (Anthony R.
Replacement), 860-646-4011; [email protected]
Leshinskie & Andrea Leshinskie) ,860-653-5901 before 9:30
Chronicler: Lady Johanna de Glastingburi (Jane Brezzo), 860-659- Minister Arts and Sciences: Lady Gabriella De Bas-Serra Vicar: Adin Tinkar (W. DeCoteau), 860-448-6714;
(Gabriella Pirisi Intemann), 203-270-3670 (9:00 AM to 8:00 PM);
Emissary: Mistress Camma an Daraich, (Camma Orchard) Herald: Lord Lahbruinn MacMhìcheil (Larry Laudenslager); 860- Seneschal: Lady Alix de Lyon, (Denise Sneed Williams), 860- Marshal of Fence: Lord Garrick Mapmaker (Greg Stauf); h-860-355- Knight Marshal: Master Frodo von Halstern (Dexter Herron); Chatelaine: Lady Eilidh Froach (Elizabeth Hawes-weeks), 860-822- Mistress of Lists: Karen Stober, 860-228-2704 Youth Combat Marshal: Karrah the Mischievous (Karina Captain of Archers: Vacant Web Minister: Lord Frodo von Halstern (Dexter Herron), Exchequer: Eoin MacEoghain (Jon Starkey), 203-264-8322
(8:00-9:30 p.m. M-F); [email protected]Bowman’s Rest: Lord Marcus Quintius Clavus (Quinton Fennbrycg: Lady Leandra de Leon (Suzanne Kunz), 860-646-5173;
Johansen), 860-410-1196, [email protected]Dragon’s Aerie: Adin Tinkar (W. DeCoteau), 860-448-6714, Ravenhill: James of Ravenhill (James L’hernault), 203-798-7139; NOTE: Meetings and practices are subject to change without notice. Please call ahead. Meetings
Wednesday, 6:30-9:30 p.m. at Western Connecticut StateUniversity in Danbury. Contact Lord Garrick Mapmaker (Greg
Baronial: Tuesday, February 26 at 7:00 p.m. at the Riverfront
Stauf) at 203-207-9327 (days), 860-355-5204 (7-10 p.m.);
Community Center, Glastonbury, CT. See directions below.
Contact Seneschal Lady Alix de Lyon, (Denise SneedWilliams); 860-892-0090; [email protected].
Thursday, 7:30-9:30 p.m., Keefe Community Center, Hamden,CT (hosted by Barony of Dragonship Haven). Contact the
Bowman’s Rest: Second Thursday of the month. Contact
Seneschal Marcus Quintius Clavus (Quinton Johansen); 860-
[email protected].
Sunday, 2-6 p.m, Canton of Dragon’s Aeire, Mitchell College
Dragon’s Aerie: Contact Seneschal Adin Tinkar (Wanda
Student Activities Building, 437 Pequot Avenue, New London,
DeCoteau); 860-448-6714, [email protected]
CT 06320 (see website for directions: http://
Fennbrycg: Second Mondays in odd months at the home of
Seneschal Leandra 58 Alice Rd, Manchester, CT 06040; 860-646-5173; [email protected]. Thrown Weapons Practice Ravenhill: Contact Seneschal James L’hernault, 5 Shelter Rock Rd, Bethel, CT 06801; 203-798-7139;
Barony of Dragonship Haven Practice – Closed for the
Middle-Eastern Dance
Dragonship Haven’s practice to resume in April 2008.
Sundays, 1-4 p.m., Authur Murray Dance Studio, Glen Lochen
Canton of Ravenhill, by appointment only, Algonquin Archers,
Marketplace, 39 New London Turnpike, Glastonbury, CT.
Quanopaug Trail, Woodbury, CT. Contact Janice of House
Contact Mistress Su’ad (Nancy Barrett) at 860-228-6933 (before
Crossbow (Janice Clauer), [email protected]; 203-262-
Baron Dinsdale teaches Middle Eastern Dance through
By appointment only, Norwich Archery Club, Wawecus Hill
Manchester Community College Continuing Education.
Road, Bozrah. Contact Lord Kieran bren of Bannockburn (Bob
Contact him at [email protected].
Smith), 860-848-3525. $5 for non-club members.
Lady Alix de Lyon (Denise Williams) teaches Middle Eastern
Once a month, Master Krakken will host a Steel Cage
dance at Norwich Adult Education, Wednesday 6-7:30 p.m.;
Sudden Death Match competition. 5 Arrows, 65 yards, high
beginner class on Mondays at the same time and place; and
score gets bragging rights for 30 days, Site: 1399 Rte 169,
advance dancers (SCA affiliated) on Thursdays;
Woodstock, CT. Times: Call for appointment - 860-928-0578
A&S Workshops & Schmooze Nights Heavy-List Fighting
Mistress Kayleigh McWhyth will host scribal workshops at
Thursday, Bowman’s Rest: Weekly fighter practice, 6 p.m.
her Norwich home, please contact her in advance for scheduling
Contact Lord Leo Winthrop of the Torn Surcoat (David Witwer),
at 860-705-2312. Please call between 7:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
20 Haberern St, Unionville; 860-673-7862; [email protected].
on weeknights, or before 10 p.m. on weekends. Email:
Thursday, 8-10 p.m., Keefe Community Center, Hamden, CT
hosted by Barony of Dragonship Haven). Contact Baron Oskgarof the Wood (Stephen Straut-Esden); [email protected]. Fridays, 7:30-9:30 p.m., Wyman Elementary School, 1Columbia Ave., Warwick, RI. Directions and contacts on BBMwebsite. Directions to the Baronial Meeting
Sunday, 2-6 p.m, Mitchell College Student Activities Building,
Riverfront Community Center, 300 Welles Street,
437 Pequot Avenue, New London, CT 06320 (see website for
directions: http://www.dragonsaeire.eastkingdom.org).
VIA I-91: ext 25, Rt. 3 Putnam Bridge, Glastonbury.
Sunday, October 22, November 19, & December 10 1:00-6:00
Cross the Putnam Bridge and take the exit labeled
Regional Fighter Practice (hosted by Barony of Bergental).
Main Street. (It has no number.) At the end of the exit
Bethesda Lutheran Church, 455 Island Pond Rd., Springfield,MA. $2.00 site fee. Contact Knight Marshall Cedric of
ramp, turn right onto Glastonbury Boulevard. At the
next stop light, turn left onto Naubuc Avenue. Goapproximately 1/4 mile and take a right onto Welles
Youth Fighter Practice
Street. The Community Center is on the right. VIA I-84: Take exit 55, Rt. 2. Take Rt. 2 to exit 8,
Thursday, 7-8 p.m. at the Keefe Center in Hamden, CT (hosted
Hebron Avenue. From Rt. 2 East turn right onto Hebron
by Barony of Dragonship Haven). Contact the Youth Fighter
Avenue. From Rt. 2 West turn right onto Oak Street
Marshal (Taoisech Holt Kincaid) for more information at
and then left onto Hebron Avenue. Follow Hebron
[email protected]. Those who are new
Avenue until it ends at Main St. Turn right onto Main
or need loaner gear should arrive a little early and a marshal will
Street and take the next left onto Welles Street. The
be there assist them. Please bring your own personalprotection (athletic cup) and water bottles.
Community Center is approximately ½ mile on the left.
Sunday, 2-6 p.m, Canton of Dragon’s Aeire, Mitchell CollegeStudent Activities Building, 437 Pequot Avenue, New London,CT 06320 (see website for directions: http://www.dragonsaeire.eastkingdom.org). Baronial Meeting held January 29, 2008
Think about Baronial investiture for 2009.
Elizabeth will be the contact liason for Yule 2008 with Bergental.
At the Pelican’s meeting at 12th Night, it was requested that
events become less expensive, this can be done with a year’s
Officers’ Reports
notice as good and inexpensive sites fill up quickly. Chronicler - Chanticleer is reporting things in proper order.
Awards that were not in the last publication due to beingawarded at 12th Night were Tamar’s daughter an Order of theSagittarius and her other daughter an Order of Gawain. Three
more scrolls will be awarded at EKU. Marshal - practice continues on Sundays at Mitchell College.
Lady Meruit Kieransdottir received the Order of the Sagittarius at
Herald – (1) No letters from laurel, but Larry is not listed as
official Baronial herald. He is having some email problems, willtry to rectify. (2) Canton of Fennbrycg - wording for blazon has
Ella Kieransdottir received the Order of the Gawain at 12th Night.
changed to having the heron on top of the three arched bridgeinstead of upon which implies an imposed heron. The new
Nathaniel Wyatt (from Ravenhill) was recognized as a Master
renditions of said arms should include water. (3) Conflict of Sun
Bowman at 12th Night. He also tied for first place in the
and Soil badge with someone in South Dakota. Will be voted on
next meeting but the general consensus was that this individualwould have more problems with Native American (Dakota) tribes
Lady Arabella of Artane received her Award of Arms at Birka.
using her rendition as part of their ceremonial blazons. (4) Missing court reports will be looked for from previous years. Exchequer - Yule was in the hole approximately $200 and 12th New Britain Public Library Collegium
Night made approximately $1200. We are currently at $5,359.67.
These are a list of Eoin’s Thou Shalt Nots:
Follow the Troll grids provided for you. Thou Shalt Not
The Canton of Bowman’s Rest is sponsoring another Collegium
demo at the New Britian Public Library on May 10, 2008. Classes start at 10:00 and continue through 4:00.
Thou Shalt Not Let one person work for the Troll all day
There will be a pot luck lunch from Noon to 1:00. Last time the
long. Each event should coordinate enough Troll staff so
medieval dishes went over very well, even though several people
that no one is left doing it all alone. Each individual
showed up who weren’t in the SCA (and didn’t realize there was a
should take the classes offered by Eoin which will be
pot luck). So we are encouraging even more medieval dishes. We
held at EKU on April 5th, the March meeting of the
did have enough food for everyone. It was a great hit!
Barony in Fennbrycg and at the May 10th New Britain
Ana Ilevna and I are recruiting teachers. We will have space for
four classes at once—including a small kitchen. (Incipient Cooks
Preregistered=Prepaid. The only registration is a paid
one. Thou Shalt Not Take preregistrations via email or
We also would like a bit of fighting out on the lawn like last time,weather permitting. That was also a big hit!
the phone. Only money makes a good reservation.
We’re hoping that interested new people will come to Acorns and
Thou Shalt Not fail to mark on Troll sheets whether or
Pearls in June. Several were very interested last time, but the
not a person at the event that checks in is a member or
not. Failure to do this results in money being paid from
If you are interested in teaching a class, please contact Anarra
the Barony and if it is not properly collected, results in a
Karlsdottir (Terry Neill) or Ana Ilevna (Janet D’Agostino-Neill) at
[email protected] or 860-223-6843.
The Barony needs a new cash box. This was voted on and
We are interested in just about any type of class that doesn’t
involve alcohol or open flame (state law and library policy) or lots of
Arts and Sciences
noise (it’s all one big room). We can arrange a 1, 2 or 3 hour block
We need a basket for Coronation which will be in New York on
of time for your class—whichever you’d prefer.
Last time we had embroidery, leatherwork, dancing, jewelry
Porta potty problem for EKU will be resolved with the rental of
making, cooking, feast planning, henna painting, calligraphy, and
two porta potties, one with handicap access.
This site is not handicap accessible and this will hamper it being
We are also filling the *small* display case for the month of May
with another display of medieval extravaganza. This time we would
Gwendolyn and the Cooks Guild will do the dayboard for EKU.
like to concentrate even more on the classes. We will try to have an
Directions need to be posted both to and from the site.
example of every different thing that’s going to be taught.
Gabriella still needs Troll volunteers, set-up crew, and help with
the event. Acorns and Pearls II prizes for tourney list was sent around. Canton Reports Ravenhill – Marshal - no one died; Exchequer - we have money, no one died. Bowman’s Rest - Quinton has now officially taken over and the next meeting will be announced. Fennbrycg - They would like to hold the March meeting as an Arts and Sciences gathering at the Army Navy Club in Manchester. They would also like to have November 7th and 8th as the date for this year’s Simplefare. Dragon’s Aerie – hosts baronial practice on Sunday afternoons from 2-6 p.m. at 437 Pequot Avenue in New London. Demos New Britain Library - May 10th from 10 am – 4 pm Sage Park Demo - either April 11th or April 25th Other: Please note that the next deadline
Think about taking on 12th Night for next year, discuss on line
for submissions to the Chanticleer is Februray 27, 2008. Spinach Tart
-Lady Viennet de la Mer and Sir Wilhelm von Ostenbruke, forproviding royalty information before the event and helping create a
½ pound spinach, washed and chopped (if using
frozen spinach, thaw and squeeze as much juice out as
-Lady Alix de Lyon, BBM Seneschal, for strong support, and helping
½ cup parsley (can use 1 ounce dried parsley leaves)
-The brave and valiant Dayboard, Feast and Serving Staff: Lady
Alice, Lady Alixandra, Lady Annalise, Mistress Ana Ilevna, Mistress
Annara, Lady Arabella, Lady Bronwyn Rose Greylyng, Dorian, Lord
Duncan Thorfinnsson, Lady Eleanor, Lady Emma, Lady Emory, Lady
Evaine, Lady Gabriella, Lore Hildemar the Alchemist, Lady OnoIzumi, Master Quadgin-u Jajiradai, Johanna of Glastonbury, John,
Leon, Michelle, Saint Philip, Lady Rosette de Reims, Sarah,
1 tsp. <http://www.medieval cookery.com/ recipes/fine. shtm
Mistress Adin Tinker, Lord Tristan de Warrell, Master Thorvald
(Uncle John), Baron Uther Shieldbreaker, Vaclav, Lady Renye Wurm
Beat eggs, add all the other ingredients, and pour into a 9" pie
-The Efficient Troll Workers: Lord Seamus U’Neill, Aunty, MistressEloise of Coulter, Lady Leandra, Mistress Elizabeth, Lady Isabel de
shell. Bake at 350°F until firm - about an hour. Serve warm or
Roys, Lady Chardonne de Lyon, Lord Dorigen of Lewes and any
Source [Goodman of Paris]: To make a tart, take four handfuls of
- The Merchants, who were well organized and helpful, while
beet leaves, two handfuls of parsley, a handful of chervil, a sprig
providing shopping, color and a festive environment: Ghazalah,Duke Gavin, Guendalina’s Closet, StarWolf, Small Churl Books,
of fennel and two handful of spinach, and pick them over and
Carolingian Merchants Cooperative, Stephanie Rothgeb, Thorny
wash them in cold water, then cut them up very small; then bray
with two sorts of cheese, to wit a hard and a medium, and then
- Duchess Christence von Heisel for running the Auction, beingflexible, investigating state law on gambling, and raising $1,200 for
add eggs thereto, yolks and whites, and bray them in the
cheese; then put the herbs into the mortar and bray all together
- Baron Ernst for being El Voz, Da Voice, of the auction and other
and also put therein some fine powder. Or instead of this have
ready brayed in the mortar two heads of ginger and onto this
- Count Sir Gryffith FitzWilliam, for setting up a beautiful vigil site, andbeing flexible on electricity and missing tent poles. To Lord Colin,
bray your cheese, eggs and herbs and then cast old cheese
for being expedient in borrowing and returning the temporary poles.
scraped or grated onto the herbs and take it to the oven and then
- Mistress Kamilla von Anderlecht and Lady Catherine Shadwell, for
running the Aragonese Clothing class, and tolerating me jumping inand out
Submitted by Lady Bronwyn Rose of Greyling (B’Rose)
- Michael Intemann, for being a great storyteller and willing toharvest greens, wrangle barrels of water and mop up for one of hisfirst events. Welcome to the SCA and new friendships. Connecticut Shakespearean Performing
- Lord James of Ravenhill for doing table decorations, setup andbreakdown and staunch support
- Masters Jehan and Luke, for providing sound advice on serving,
The Connecticut Shakespearean Performing Competition will be
held April 26, in Somers, Connecticut.
- Mistress Elizabeth, Lady Leora and Mistress Eloise, for sitting troll,and taking down the foyer, and providing advice and support
All individuals, groups, and clubs, and students are invited to enter a
- Lady Erlan Nordenskald, Baron Lyle, Lady Emma and all the
twenty minute scene. Categories include: Best overall performance
singers and instrumentalists who joined forces and provided
by a group or individual, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best costumes,
excellent music for our enjoyment and theirs — Bravi!
Best Re-written scene, No fear and modern versions allowed. Cash
- Lord Garrick Mapmaker, for running fencing, and being very flexible
Prizes will be awarded. Merchant space is available & entertainers
include Myschyffe Managed, Madrigal Vocalists, Clown Joey,
- Lady Lisette, and the two delightful maids, Abigail and Ashley, who
Metropolitan Opera, entertainers Masked Costumed Ball and more.
helped unload my car, make chess pieces and sort things out
Along with the festivities, an outdoor art exhibition, Renaissance
- Lady Aurelia Stellar and Lady Molly Blythe - for running Children’s
style Themed Games, Food, and Merchants will be available. There
activities and keeping sticky hands busy for more hours than we
is no admission fee for outdoor activities, Tickets for the
performances are $10.00pp. Students $8.00
- Mistress Ana Ilevna for running the Palio race and providing prizesand Mistress Anarra, for doing the brochure layout and providing
Please feel free to don you favorite garb to join in this exciting
cultural and unique event. A performance of William Shakespeare’s
- Lord Eoinn, Barony Exchequer, for counting up cash, reviewing our
play, “Taming of The Shrew”, will be presented by the Somer’s
accounting, and doing timely reimbursement on site
Shakespearean Society Performers. To enter competition, please
check our website for details www.freewebs, com/ncrenfair or callus at (860) 595-8113 or email us at Caswell.lisa@ sbcglobal. net. East Kingdom University
EKU will now be held on April 5, 2008 at the Church of the GoodShepherd, 155 Wyllys Street, Hartford, CT 06106. Volunteers are
Quotation Cryptogram
Oku jluo hewbc seh xualg oku jedwouh dw oku
To help with dayboard (or maybe run it).
hujhucuwoeodlw ls rdcdxau okdwzc, ewq seh xualg oku
fvcdidew dw okeo ls dwrdcdxau okdwzc.
To help make sure things run smoothly.
Please contact Lady Gabriella de Bas Serra (mka Gabriella PirisiIntemann), 203-270-3670 before 9 p.m. or [email protected] or
Answer to last month’s
Lady Gwenhwyfar of Ravenhill (Linda Benedict) 203-798-7139before 9 p.m., or [email protected]. Quotation Cryptogram:
To help with Troll, please contact Lady Johanna de Glastingburi at860-659-2420 before 9 p.m. or [email protected].
Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, someachieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust
If anyone is interested in teach a class, please contact the Chancellor of the University - Lady Erlandr Nordenskald, Coldwoods 4th Parentalia Coney Hop
Hosted by Shire of Coldwood - Plattsburgh, NY
Hosted by Canton of Brokenbridge - Brooklyn, NY
Coldwood is going to go Roman and do as the Romans do.
The Canton of Brokenbridge invites you to an afternoon and eveningof feasting, dancing and more eating at our first ever Coney Hop and
Challenge of the Ice Weasel
Brewing competition for “all things hops”.
Saturday, February 16, 2008Hosted by Barony of Smoking Rocks - Fall River, MA
Winter War 11
Two hours of cold, blood pumping fighting in the frigid Northern
Hosted by Shire of Northern Outpost - Potsdam, NY
February air awaits those who will rise to such a challenge! Comeand fight with the Men’s Men. King’s and Queen’s Bardic Championship Novice Schola and Baronial Birthday
Hosted by Shire of Anglespur - Hoosick Falls, NY
Saturday, February 16, 2008Hosted by Barony of Bergental - Springfield, MA
Hafla - Shire of Quintavia
Saturday, February 23, 2008Hosted by Shire of Quintavia - Bolton, MA
Blades and Blarney XI
Pack up your dance belts, rugs and musical instruments and
Hosted by Shire of Glenn Linn - Queensbury, NY
journey to Quintavia for a relaxing day of Middle Eastern and Indianstyle Dancing, Drumming, and Jamming.
The Shire of Glenn Linn welcomes another day of friends, food andfencing!
Northern Lights XVII Tea By The Riverside
Hosted by Shire of Glenn Linn - Glens Falls, NY
Saturday, February 16, 2008Hosted by Barony of An Dubhaigeainn - Huntington, NY
Come by the riverside for a day of feasting and entertainments in
Check Pikestaff or the East Kingdom Website for further
the Elizabethan fashion. The day will feature Fencing, Feasting &
information: www.eastkingdom.org 12th Night Lost and Found Items Left-handed Archery Equipment Available!
The following are a list of items found at the end of the day at12th Night:
I have available for donation a somewhat small, left-handed
~ 2 cotton towels (?) made in India 1 is lilac with embroidered/painted/applique peacock, the other is yellow with a
recurve bow, 25 lb. draw. It would be best for a youth archer or a
embroidered/ painted/applique bird and butterfly
small adult. A big person would put too much of a strain on it.
~ Black canvas backpack with safety pins and soda tabs and
The bow is wooden and has had much use over the past 25
years, as evident by the many Pennsic inspection stickers still
I never did get to shoot much, and now I have the hereditary
form of macular degeneration which makes part of the target
~ 1 wooden goblet with carved flowers~ 1 plain wooden bowl
~ 1 plastic bag with wooden bowls (one shaped like a leaf)
I also have about 10-11 used arrows, a three-finger archer’s
ceramic plate, 2 small blue cloth bags one with Fleur de Lys
glove, a bow stringer and assorted other stuff. The bow is in a
modern vinyl soft case with a zipper. I also have a modern black
I would like to donate this to someone who could use it. I
~ 1 white linen cap~ 1 knitted light green hat
would prefer giving it to someone, rather than a loaners’ gear
pile, as it is such a specialty item.
~ 1 black Optimus case (may be for a camera?)
Anyone interested, please contact Evaine fyrdd Brangwen,
~ 2 Candleholders 1 without glass (found in Royal room)
Claire Bessette, [email protected] or call 860-889-7139.
~ 1 plastic container with thread and safety pins (Royal room)~ 1 rectangular basket (Royal room)~ 1 small black round cape~ 1 black velvet tunic with small brass buttons~ 1 rectangular off white basket cover/napkin with blue and goldborder~ 1 red cape with gold moon sliver and white unicorn with yellowand blue flowers along the bottom.
To claim these items please email me at [email protected].
- Lady Gabriella de Bas Serra (Gabriella Pirisi Intemann)
We had volunteers from all over Connecticut, Massachusetts, and
- Lord Michel Wolffauer the East Kingdom Historian, for providingthe 40 Year anniversary Display
even from as far away as Nashua, New Hampshire. Thank you to
- Athena’s Thimble and all the talented people who provided A&S
everyone from Barony Beyond the Mountain, Dragonship Haven and
Bergental for making this truly an East Kingdom Twelfth Night Feast
- The populace who were generous enough to donate to the Auction
I am listing below all of the people that I can remember, and there
- Lady Brigida inn Kolrrammi, Lady Molly Blythe and Mistress Pagan
are some I did not even get to talk to but for “hello and thank you.”
Graeme, in addition to the Orders of Laurel, Chivalry and Pelican,who held organized and timely meetings
The list is in alphabetical order (I beg your pardon most humbly and
- Maistreas Shannon Gallowglass and Lord Frodo, for helping post
ask that you forgive me as I do not know everyone’s rank and did not
timely updates and keep EK and BBM websites on track
wish to delay. Thus, to be egalitarian I have omitted titles; Lords,
- Lord Corwin and his lady, originally from Calontir who stopped by
Ladies, Barons, Baronesses, Masters and Mistresses all):
and told us it was their first EK 12th Night and how much they were
My thanks to Alice, Alixandara, Ana Ilevna, Angelina, Annara,
Arabella, Bronwyn Rose, Dorigen, Duncan, Eleanor, Emma, Emory,
- The lord from Atlantia, newly home from service in Iraq and visiting
Evaine, Gabriella, Hildemar, Izumi, Jaji, Johanna, John, Leon,
his family, who jumped into the fray and the kitchen and helped tillthe end. You are welcome anytime!
Michelle, Pagan, Phlip, Rosette, Sarah, Tinker, Tristan, Uncle John,
- Baron Gerard D’Aigues-Mortes, who provided advice on legal
wording around CT State law vs. policy to keep us accurate next time
To the Many Other Kind and Generous Gentles, if you are not
- Lady Emory for making last minute music copies and buying
mentioned here I apologize and would you please send me a note
- Lady Carlein for helping us set up, and sewing tassels on to
Please forgive the cross-posting, and would someone please
forward to Bergental for me? And if anyone has any photos of the
- Lord Leon the Navigator and Lady Morgana the Missing, for helpingus setup and take down decorations and wrangle children
food and hall would you please contact me privately?
- To any other members of Ravenhill, Barony Beyond the Mountain or
I have also spoken with the Chartwell Company kitchen staff at
East Kingdom gentles who helped us and I have missed - VIVANT!
Reed Intermediate School, and given them our thanks as well. They
are pleased that our feast was a success and are very happy withthe condition in which we left their kitchen and equipment. We arewelcome to cook there again, and that is the best compliment that
Thanks from the 12th Night Feastocrat
any cook can receive. It really does make a difference when you are
able to have all the tools, toys, and room that you need to get the job
I would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who
helped in the kitchen before, during and after our feast at EK 12th
Last, but not least, I would like to honor and credit the work of
Night in Aragon on Saturday January 5, 2008.
Mistress Brighid ni Chiarain, Barony of Settmour Swamp, East
To be honest, I was surprised and delighted that so many people
Kingdom and Dame Katja Davidova Orlova Khazarina, Baroness of
volunteered to help with the feast, both in advance of the event and
Thescorre and thank them for their gracious permission to employ
and interpret some of their translations, redactions, recipes and
Please know that I am sincerely grateful for your contributions. As
menu planning research. Their support and mentorship during the
individuals and as a team, your talent, hard work, and joy in cooking
very rapid planning been invaluable.
for people touched many people on Saturday. Without you we could
I hope that everyone enjoyed eating our food and learning
not have created such a symphony of flavor. Without you, people
something about the cultures, history and ‘tastes of the times’ in
would not have been able to enjoy a taste of Aragon and Spain in
Mil Gracias Todos, A Thousand Thanks to All;
I deeply appreciate your trust, and for having had patience with me
as a first time head Cocinera at an SCA feast. I vow that I havelearned a lot during the planning and execution of this project. When people complimented me on the feast, each time I answeredwith pride, saying “thank you, it is because we have an awesome
The Chanticleer This is the Chanticleer, a publication of
My Special thanks goes to the gang who worked pre-cook, the core
Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. It
team who were in with me from the start and stuck it out till the end,
is not a publication of the SCA, and does
everyone who shopped, cooked, chopped, peeled 75 pounds of
not delineate SCA policies. Subscriptionsfor the Chanticleer, published monthly, are
onions, or touched any dish we sent out in any way shape or form,
all the heroes in the dish room, all who helped coordinate and serve
the food at table, managed dayboard, and especially the very kind
to Chronicler Lady Johanna deGlastingburi (Jane Brezzo), 146 Prospect
gentles who joined us in cleanup when we were tired and flagging
at the end of our long day. Thank you to Mistress Damiana and
Ravenhill for creating the lovely atmosphere in the hall that was theperfect backdrop for our food.
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