Our amazing planet –

Our Amazing Planet
Outline script for PowerPoint presentation

[Show first screen.]
We live on an amazing planet. We’re going to look at some pictures and listen to some music now,
that show us some amazing places on our planet.
[Click to show the next screen, and start music playing. The next few slides will progress
[Although we can’t include songs on our CD for copyright reasons, we suggest that you use Louis
Armstrong’s ‘What a wonderful world’.]
[When you reach the two pictures of the globe made up of different people’s faces, fade the music
out. The presentation will pause on the second globe.]
We’ve seen that it is an amazing planet that we live on. We’ve seen the diversity of environments,
on land and under the sea. We’ve seen the range of different plants and animals that exist.
Let’s see now what you know about the world around us, in THE BIG QUIZ!
[Click to show the next screen, which is ‘THE BIG QUIZ’ in big red letters. We suggest that you
take three guesses from the children before you give the right answer. Otherwise it will take hours!]
What percentage of the earth is covered in water?
Water in the form of the oceans covers approximately 71 per cent of the earth's surface.
How many different types of creatures are there on earth?
There are approximately ten million species of living things on earth, including us, although we’ve
only discovered about two million of those so far.
How many people live on earth?
Did you know there are over 6.5 billion people on the earth? That's a lot of people, and the number
increases every day (www.census.gov/ipc/www/popclockworld.html).
Which is the coldest place on earth?
Antarctica is the coldest place on earth. The continent is almost entirely covered in ICE.
Which is the highest mountain?
Mount Everest. It is 8850 metres high—that’s just under five and a half miles.
Which is the biggest animal in the world?
The blue whale. It is 25 metres long, which is longer than a double-decker bus, and it weighs
108,000kg. It is so big and heavy that, if it lived on land, it would be crushed by its own weight.
Which is the fastest land mammal?
The cheetah. It can run at speeds of up to 70mph.
The world is an amazing place, but do we always treat it that way?
[Click to show the next screen, and start music playing. The next few slides will progress automatically. Read out the facts to match the images on the screen. NB: Some images don’t have facts.] [Although we can’t include songs on our CD for copyright reasons, we suggest that you use the theme tune to the film <I>Jurassic Park</I>, by John Williams.]  Each household in Britain produces about one tonne of rubbish every year. Most of this is taken away by rubbish collectors and buried in enormous landfill sites or burned in incinerators. Both of these actions can be dangerous for the environment.  During this century, ocean levels should go up by 50cm because of global warning.  A child born in the UK will use more, and make more pollution, than 30 to 50 children born  Pesticides cause the deaths of about 20,000 farmers per year. [The next fact goes with the picture of all the different animals.]  All the animals in this picture are likely to die because of human activity.  The Thames Barrier has been used over 90 times to protect London from flooding. But, if sea levels rise (which they will), then it won’t work any longer.  Human activity means that beautiful coral reefs like this will be killed.  It takes over 500 years for plastic bottles to break down. [The next question goes with the picture of all the rubbish lying on the street.] [The presentation stops automatically here. Make sure that you fade out the music.] So you see how the things that we do can damage the world. But there are also things we can do that can help the world. We’re going to use a character called ‘Wasteful William’ to help us see ways that we shouldn’t waste the world’s resources. [Click to go to the next slide, of Wasteful William, which is reproduced here by kind permission of RSPB.] What can you spot? Spot as many wasteful activities as you can.  Open window above a radiator on full blast.  Lights on, even though it is day time.  Computer still on and pause.  Tap running in the bathroom.  Rubbish spilt all over the floor—items in it should be recycled, not thrown away. This isn’t about saving money, it’s about saving the planet—through not wasting electricity and fresh drinking water, of which there is a global shortage. [The next mouse-click reveals stars on the image (one by one) to show where all the answers can be found. Proceed with a click to the next slide, which starts blank.] The good news is that there are lots of things we can do to avoid being like Wasteful William. We are now going to look at things we can do to help the amazing planet that we live in. [Click the mouse to bring on each image before describing it.]  Use energy-saving light bulbs. These use less energy than normal light bulbs and so save  Turn off dripping taps, and don’t leave the tap running while you brush your teeth. Leaving a tap running for two minutes wastes between two and four gallons of water. That’s 27 to 54 cans of cola!  Turn off the lights. Switching the light off when you are not in a room saves electricity.  Recycle whatever you can. As a standard rule, remember ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ to reduce  What items can be recycled? What things can we reuse? How?  Make sure you throw any rubbish that can’t be recycled into a bin, so that we don’t litter our [Click the mouse to bring up the next slide.] We live on such an amazing planet. [Click to bring up the rest of the words.] So let’s work together to keep it that way.

Source: http://www.barnabasinschools.org.uk/download/pdfs/wowouramazingplanet_scriptforpowerpoint.pdf


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DANA CHARLES McCOY _____________________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATION 2008 – present PhD candidate, Psychology & Social Intervention Concentration in Quantitative Analysis New York University (NYU) Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development Department of Applied Psychology Dissertation Committee: C. Cybele Raver (C

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