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Home Study Guide Key
KAA 106: Dravya Guna Karma Shastra The following Home Study Guide is designed to prepare you for your final exam. Complete each question as indicated. The Home Study Guide will be collected in your next class, graded and returned with a comprehensive answer key. 1. What is the importance of learning Dravyas? Can one practice Ayurveda without learning about them?
They aid in the maintenance of health and alleviation of disease.
2. Dravyas include the study of dosage, compatibility and processing of herbs.
3. What is the elemental composition of the Dravyas?
_They are Panchabhoutic, meaning they contain different combinations of all five elements.
4. The book where the herbs are described is called Nighantu.
5. Write down the 7 categories of Dravyas.
Dravya (Substance, Herb)
Guna (Property or Quality)
Rasa (Taste)
Vipaka (Post-Digestive Effect)
Veerya (Potency)
Prabhava (Unique Property)
Karma (Action or Effect)
6. What is Tridosha Siddhanta of any given herb? How the concept of Tridosha is involved in the study of herbology and disease management.
7. Name the principle of action behind every Dravya: Karma
8. Our sense organs help us understand Dravyas.
9. The quality of Dravya is called guna.
10. a. Write down the 5 Bhoutic Gunas and their related Bhutas. For example: Shabda (Sound) relates to
Related Bhuta
Shabda (Sound)
Akasha (Ether)
Sparsha (Touch)
Vayu (Air)
Roopa (Sight)
Teja (Fire)
Rasa (Taste)
Aap (Water)
Gandha (Smell)
Prithvi (Earth)
11. Peter has severe congestion. To decongest, you will use an herb with which of the following 1. Ether
2. Air
3. Fire
4. Water & Earth
5. Fire & Air
12. Jason is suffering from extreme weakness, muscular dystrophy and thinness. Which of the following bhoutic guna(s) will you use to treat him? 1. Ether
2. Air
3. Fire
4. Water & Earth (either answer correct)
5. Fire & Air
Home Study Guide Key
KAA 106: Dravya Guna Karma Shastra 13. Sheila has severe diarrhea which is not stopping. She needs what elemental qualities to absorb 1. Ether
2. Air
3. Fire
4. Water & Earth
5. Fire & Air
14. John has lots of ama (undigested food material) which is causing him heaviness in the stomach region. Fire bhoutic guna should be used to manage this condition.
15. For clogged arteries herbs with the fire and air bhoutic gunas should be used.
16. Name the twelve karmas of the Dravyas. 1. Deepana
7. Anuloman
2. Pachana
8. Sramsan
3. Shamana
9. Virechana
4. Shodhana
10. Bhedana
5. Stambhan
11. Lekhana
12. Pramathi
17. Karmas have no relationship to the Dravyas. True or False
18. All Deepana herbs have to be Pachana too. True or False
19. For any Dravya to be Pachana bitter, pungent and sour Rasas have to be present.
20. In addition to the two common Rasas (pungent and sour), salty Rasa in Deepana herbs and
bitter Rasa in Pachana makes them either Deepana or Pachana herbs respectively.
21. What is the most significant purpose of Shamana Karma? To maintain the balance of the Doshas internally without removing them from the body.
22. Atapa Seva (walking in the sun) helps to reduce Kapha and ama whereas _________ Seva
(walking in the breeze) helps to decrease Pitta.
23. Paul has edema and water retention. What shaman would you suggest he use? Deepana or
24. Herbs like Ajwan and Trikatu act like deepana Dravyas.
25. Name four Ama Pachana herbs.
Musta, kutaja, garlic and ginger.
26. Madanaphala is a good herb with Shodhana karma that is commonly used for Vamana
27. Mary is experiencing loose motions and ama in her digestive organs. In this situation one should a. Stambhana
b. Grahi
28. The heating Veerya in Grahi karma helps to solidify the stool in the colon.
29. The qualities of Stambhana herbs are dry, astringent and cold.
30. Warm milk in ghee is an example of anuloman karma.
31. Give two examples of Stambhana herbs:
1. Kutaja
2. Nagakeshara
32. What is the difference between Sramsan and Virechan? Sramsan purgatives are mild, while Virechan are strong.
Home Study Guide Key
KAA 106: Dravya Guna Karma Shastra To break stony, hard stool.
34. Jot down three signs of a good bowel movement: 1. Lightness in the body
2. Feeling energetic, hungry and happy
3. Sharp sense organs
35. What is the main dhatu removed by Lekhana herbs? Meda
36. What is the main dosha removed by Lekhana herbs? Kapha
37. Name three Bhedana herbs.
Aloe, kutki and chitrak.
Guggulu, haridra, vacha and daruhaladi.
Shad Rasa
Sweet (Madhura), Sour (Amla), Salty (Lavana), Pungent (Katu), Astringent (Kashaya), Bitter

40. Aap (water) mahabhuta is crucial for the tongue to taste a given substance.
41. Rasa has several meanings. Write two other meanings of the word “Rasa,” beside taste:
Juice, the first dhatu or mercury.
42. The karma of each Rasa depends upon the combination of its mahabhutas. True or False
43. How/where is each taste perceived on the tongue?
Sweet and salty are perceived at the tip of the tongue, sour on the sides and bitter at the
back. The pungent taste irritates the mucus membrane while the astringent taste pulls the
mucus membrane.
44. According to bhoutic composition, the worst taste for Vata is bitter, Pitta is salty and Kapha is
45. A Bruhana Dravya, which has a dhatu-building effect, has Prithvi (earth) and Aap (water)
46. A Kapha Vardhana Dravya has sweet, sour and salty Rasas.
47. Pittashamaka Dravyas have cooling effects, as well as sweet, astringent and bitter Rasas.
48. Vatashamaka Dravyas with a salty taste have both a hot and moist effect on the body.
49. Just like Akash, which has a Shodhana effect on the body, Vayu has a(n) absorbing effect on the
50. For the scraping action of the dhatus, Vayu (air) and Tejas (fire) Mahabhutas are needed.
51. Vipaka is the property or potency of a substance. True or False
52. One definition of Vipaka is the ultimate result of the process of digestion, or the final reaction of
food on the body. True or False.
53. According to Charak Samhita, Vipaka is divided into three types. 1. Sweet, Salty, Sour
2. Sweet, Sour, Pungent
3. Sweet, Bitter, Sour
4. Sour, Bitter, Pungent
54. Vipaka is responsible for the action of the herb in question. True or False
Home Study Guide Key
KAA 106: Dravya Guna Karma Shastra 55. Veerya is the potency of an herb. True or False
56. Veerya is divided into which two types?
a. Cooling and Heating
b. Moistening and Drying
c. Sweet and Sour
d. Cleansing or Strengthening
57. Among the six tastes, three have Sheeta and three have Ushna Veerya. True or False
58. Sheeta (cooling) increases Vata and Kapha. True or False
59. Ushna (heating) Decreases Rakta Dhatu. True or False.
60. Ushna (heating) causes agni deepana and ama pachana. True or False
61. This Veerya increases urination, creates feeling of refreshment, tones dhatus and increases
moistness. Is it Ushna or Sheeta? Sheeta.
62. Sweet, Bitter, Salty and Astringent are examples of Sheeta Veerya. True or False
63. Dry ginger, pippali and aloe are all examples of Sheeta Veerya. True or False
64. Prabhava is the special effect of a substance that cannot be explained by Rasa, Veerya or Vipaka.
True or False
1. Special property that can’t be easily explained d
66. In terms of herb usage, Rasa is of primary importance and Veerya is secondary. True or False
67. Ushna (heating) dries stools and urine. True or False
Oushadha Dravyas
68. When choosing medicinal herbs, any part of the plant may be used with the same result. True 69. A diet rich in Rasa helps nutrition. True or False.
70. Which of the following statements is not true?
a. The dose of a medicine should relate to the degree of dosha imbalance.
b. Reduce the dose of a medicine for strong patients.
c. It is important to factor in the age and gender of a client when determining dosage.
71. Match the following forms of medicinals with their definition. 5. Wine Made with Cold Infusion or Juice 72. Dashmoola is a gum. True or False
73. The pulp of the Aloe plant is the part used. True or False
74. The dosage is never standard when using medicinals. True or False
75. For Kapha condition or when the patient is strong, take herbs early in the morning on an empty
stomach. True or False
Home Study Guide Key
KAA 106: Dravya Guna Karma Shastra 76. Taking herbs before mealtime is best for Vata conditions and the stimulation of Apana Vayu. True or False.
77. Taking herbs during mealtime stimulates Samana Vayu as well as liver and pancreatic enzymes. True or False
78. Basti is best for Kapha diseases. True or False
79. Anupana also refers to the quality of an herb responsible for increasing Agni. True or False
80. Three Anupanas for Pitta are:
a. Milk, honey and ghee.
b. Sesame oil, milk and warm water.
c. Milk, ghee and cool water.
d. Milk, ghee and sesame oil.
81. The best Anupana for Shukra Dhatu is milk. True or False
82. One of the properties of an Anupana is its ability to target specific organs. True or False
83. Anupanas can make the medicine taste better. True or False
84. Two Anupanas for Kapha are:
1. Honey and ghee.
2. Milk and honey.
3. Warm water and honey.
4. Lemon and hot water.
1. Sesame oil and warm water.
2. Honey and ghee.
3. Milk and honey.
86. Milk and Bone soup are good Anupana for what dhatu? 1. Meda
2. Asthi
3. Shukra
4. Mamsa
1. Rasa and Rakta
2. Mamsa and Meda
3. Meda and Majja
4. Shukra and Asthi
The Herbs in Detail
88. Two herbs useful for strengthening and toning are: 1. Amalaki and Bibhitaki
2. Bala and Ashwagandha
3. Guduchi and Aloe
4. Brahmi and Neem
5. Pippali and Manjishtha
89. The best nervine herb for student minds: 1. Brahmi
2. Guggulu
3. Ashwagandha
4. Aloe
5. Punarnava
Home Study Guide Key
KAA 106: Dravya Guna Karma Shastra 90. If you had a burning sensation in your hands, feet or body, what herb would you look to use? 1. Bala
2. Pippali
3. Guduchi
4. Yashtimadhu
5. Shatavari
91. Which herb would you look to alleviate nerve pain? 1. Brahmi
2. Neem
3. Punarnava
4. Ashwagandha
5. Amla
92. Of the many uses for Amalaki, it also can treat ulcers in the digestive tract (ulcerative colitis). True or False
93. A paste of ginger powder can be applied locally for headaches caused by sinus congestion. True
94. If a client came to you with a wide variety of Pitta imbalances what would be the first herb you 1. Bala
2. Amla
3. Brahmi
4. Ginger
5. Neem
95. Which herb is called Vishvabheshaja (remedy for almost all diseases)? 1. Castor (Eranda)
2. Ginger (Shunthi)
3. Amla
4. Ashwagandha
96. The herb of choice for acid reflux and ulcers is: 1. Amla
2. Bibhitaki
3. Nagarmotha
4. Neem
97. Amla strengthens the lungs. True or False
98. What herb would you choose to treat diabetes, obesity and reduce cholesterol?
1. Manjishtha
2. Neem
3. Guggulu
4. Shatavari
99. Amla pacifies all doshas, especially Vata. True or False
Which of the following herbs is often used to treat live problems? 1. Haritaki
2. Amla
3. Eranda
4. Katuka
5. Yashtimadhu
Home Study Guide Key
KAA 106: Dravya Guna Karma Shastra One of the best herbs for skin conditions: 1. Aloe Vera
2. Amla
3. Manjishtha
4. Neem
5. Guggulu
Useful for treating loss of appetite and worms: 1. Pippali
2. Kumari
3. Haritaki
4. Bala
5. Guggulu
Amla is composed of all tastes except salty.
A powerful herbal eliminator that also helps open the channels or srotas is called haritaki.
Yashtimadhu (licorice) strengthens the blood vessels and stops bleeding.
Neem (Nimba) is often used to treat fevers and malaria.
1. Aloe Vera
2. Nagarmotha
3. Brahmi
4. Bala
5. Katuka
Tulsi (Basil) acts as an insecticidal and deodorant.
Which of the following is a common use of Punarnava? 1. To strengthen Rakta agni
2. To reduce inflammation
3. To lose weight
4. To balance the three doshas
5. To treat Rheumatism
Ashwagandha is useful when decreasing Vata and Kapha. True or False
Amla is mainly sour in taste with a heating Veerya. True or False
Dry and heavy gunas characterize Bibhitaki.
Shatavari is beneficial when treating respiratory ailments such as cough, chronic fevers
Match the herb with its associated function: 2. The seeds are used to treat insomnia. c
The following herb is used to treat anemia: 1. Guggulu
2. Haritaki
3. Kumari
4. Manjishtha
5. Nagarmotha
Home Study Guide Key
KAA 106: Dravya Guna Karma Shastra Explain how Manjishta is beneficial when treating conditions related to menstruation: Works to purify the blood, improve circulation, stop bleeding and reduce inflammation.
Which of the following is not an attribute of Brahmi? 1. Nervine
2. Diuretic
3. Brain tonic
4. Rough leaves
5. Relieves inflammation
Guduchi (Amrita, Gulwel) is effective when treating cardiac debility.
What are a few common forms of Neem that are used? Oil, powder, swarasa (juice)
The leaves of this herb are useful for stimulating the liver and treating obstructive or 1. Guggulu
2. Amla
3. Ashwagandha
4. Guduchi
5. Eranda
Haritaki is excellent for treating eye problems as part of a tea.
Describe the effects of Shatavari on the doshas: Balances Pitta and Vata and increases Kapha if used in excess
Guduchi is the best Rasayana herb.
The oil of Neem (Nimba) is beneficial when treating chronic or diabetic ulcers.
The main part of ginger that is used is the root.
The white type of Punarnava is light and dry in quality.
The seeds of Holy Basil are cooling while the leaves are heating.
The rasas of Neem are bitter, astringent and pungent.
The oil of Bibhitaki can be used to treat premature graying of the hair and as a hair
The juice of Aloe Vera is used to treat loss of appetite, abdominal colic and worm
Haritaki can be used in the spring with honey, in the summer with ghee and in the
winter with raw sugar.
Which of the following improves agni, treats cough, asthma and fever: 1. Kumari
2. Katuka
3. Neem
4. Pippali
5. Ginger
Why is Aloe Vera so commonly used to treat burns and other heat-related ailments? Its Veerya is cooling.
Shatavari increases breast milk and is considered one of the best herbs for female
The main actions of Pippali are as an expectorant, carminative and analgesic.
Home Study Guide Key
KAA 106: Dravya Guna Karma Shastra What quality of Pippali makes it useful when treating Amavata and sciatica? It digests ama.
Abhaya is an action of Haritaki that makes the person fearless.
Pathya is an action of Haritaki that removes blockages from the srotas and channels.
Manjishta is used on the skin as an alterative and haemostatic.
Katuka decreases Pitta and Kapha Dosha.
Yashtimadhu (Licorice) builds the dhatus and slows aging.
Punarnava improves Agni and absorbs fluids.
Nagarmotha decreases Kapha and Pitta dosha.
Ayurvedic Formulations
Sitopaladi includes Pippali, Cinnamon, Vanshalochana, Cardamom and Rock Sugar.
Lavang (Clove) is believed to enhance circulation and improve Agni.
Avipattikar Churna is used for all of the following except: 1. Constipation
2. Inflammation
3. Acidity
4. Improving Agni
5. Headache
Triphala Guggul is used to treat sciatica.
Which of the following formulations is used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis? 1. Triphala Guggul
2. Punarnava Guggul
3. Triphala Churna
4. Sitopaladi Churna
5. Amrutadi Guggul
Avipattikar Churna includes Bibhitaki, Nishottar, Vidanga and Nagarmotha.
Describe a few differences between Triphala Churna and Triphala Guggul: Triphala Guggul includes Pippali & Guggul in addition to the primary ingredients of Triphala to
help treat arthritis, sciatica and excess weight loss. Triphala Churna is mainly good for
Constipation, vision problems, digestive problems, skin problems and as a Rasayana.



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