Microsoft word - rxedo_select_120107_.doc

EDO Preferred
Brands ($$$)
Alternatives ($ or $$) *
Preferred Drug List
Dear Member:
Please review this Preferred Drug List (PDL) with your physician at the time he or she writes your Formulary Disclaimer:
prescription. This PDL, which includes both brand Please be sure your prescription drug benefit is offered and generic medications, is not a complete list, through RxEDO before consulting this list. Coverage for some drugs may be limited to specific dosage forms but a summary of the most commonly prescribed and/or strengths. Your benefit design determines what is medications. Your plan’s benefit design covered for you and what your co-payment will be. determines which medications are included or Please refer to your benefit materials for specific excluded from coverage. Please refer to your coverage information. The medications listed on this benefit information for applicable copays and formulary are subject to change pursuant to the formulary management activities of RxEDO. The presence of a medication on this formulary does not guarantee that you as a plan member will be prescribed that drug by your primary care physician or contracting provider for a particular medical condition. These medications may be Dear Physician:
subject to Prior Authorization. As new generics become Please refer to this list when prescribing for your available the corresponding brand name drug will no patient. The medications listed and all generic equivalents are Preferred Drug Choices under the patient’s prescription benefit. The PDL is not intended as a substitute for your professional Preferred Drugs for your patients, out-of-pocket expense and plan costs may be lowered. When applicable, generic prescribing is optimal. As generic equivalents become available in the *Please note that the preferred alternatives listed here You can access this list via our member portal at are not a complete listing of all alternatives, only those medications that are most commonly prescribed. 12/01/07
Growth Hormones
Multiple Sclerosis Agents
Heart Disease/Blood
Oral Anti-Diabetic Agents
Atypical Antipsychotics
Blood Glucose Diagnostics
Osteoporosis Agents
Cholesterol Reduction
Anti-Migraine Agents
Overactive Bladder
Prostate Agents
Sleep Aids
Topical Preparations
$ - Generic drugs (listed in all lowercase letters) have the lowest copay
$$ - Preferred brand name drugs (listed in all CAPITAL letters) have the middle copay
$$$ - Non-preferred brand name drugs (listed in all CAPITAL letters on the front of this handout) have the highest copay


Startliste_13. musauer zwergerlrennen_6al255

13. Musauer Zwergerlrennen am 24.2.2013 - Vils Konradshüttle Riesenslalom STARTLISTE Veranstalter Tiroler Schiverband Genehmigungsnr. Durchf. Verein Vereinscode KAMPFGERICHT TECHNISCHE DATEN Chefkampfrichter K.Götzhaber. KR Streckenname Wettkampfleiter Schiedsrichter Startrichter Höhendifferenz Zielrichter Streckenlänge Kurssetzer To

Sicherung von gebieten mit fremdenverkehrsfunktion, mit bergündung

Satzung der Stadt Bad Orb zur Sicherung von Gebieten mit Fremdenverkehrsfunktion Der I. Nachtrag vom 21. Juni 1995 ist in dieser Fassung eingearbeitet. Aufgrund der § 5 und 51 der Hessischen Gemeindeordnung (HGO) vom 25.03.1952 (GVBl. S 11) in der Fassung vom 01.04.1981 (GVBl. I S. 66), zuletzt geändert durch Gesetz vom 21.12.1988 (GVbl. I S. 419) und des § 22 des Baugesetzbuches vom 08.12.19

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