He encontrado que alguna farmacia puede tener existencias limitadas de ciertos medicamentos, mientras que otras pueden tener casi cualquier formato que se le ocurra y el habitual de dosis habitualidad apareció. En resumen, siempre se contiene el almacén de corroborar. Al mismo tiempo que el producto que más que gustaba ha resultado no estaba disponible en stock otro distinto por las Buenas costumbres también debe buscarse jefe no asн parezca. Por eso es importante disponer de un Plan B para actuar cuandod ello no ocurra.
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Uno de los mayores incentivos para someterse al Dónde comprar Lasix genérico en lugar de pagar la marca es que usted puede obtener un ahorrando importantes Lasix genérico. Por lo tanto, un Lasix genérico es en general mucho más barato que el homólogo de marca, así que una denominación genérica se hace posible para las personas que usan este medicamento con frecuencia. Un ejemplo: La compra de lurosemida en lugar de Lasix es una considerable ahorro para el presupuesto mensual de medicamentos.
V O L U M E 5 2 · S U P P L . 1 T O N o . 2 · J U N E 2 0 1 0
PANMINERVA MED 2010;52(Suppl. 1 to No. 1):1-6
Circulating endothelial progenitor cells and erectile dysfunction: possibility of nutritional intervention?
G. MARÍN 5, L. NÚÑEZ 5, A. N. PATEL 6, N. ANGLE 7, M. P. MURPHY 8, C. A. DASANU 9,
To provide an overview of molecular and cellular processes 1Department of Urology, Medistem Incinvolved in erectile dysfunction (ED) with emphasis on circu- lating endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) and discuss possible 2The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South Universitynutraceutical means of intervention. A review of literature on Pubmed related to EPC and ED was conducted. Patients with 3Bio-Communications Research InstituteED appear to possess a reduced number of circulating EPC, which is associated with poor endothelial function possibly as 4The Center for the Improvement of Human Functioninga result of underlying low-grade inflammation. Several studies International, Wichita, Kansas, USAsupport the possibility of improving erectile function by inhi- bition of inflammation as well as administration of various 6Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Utahstem cell types. One particularly interesting approach is nutraceutical supplementation to increase circulating EPC, as 7Dept Vascular and Endovascular Surgerydemonstrated in the product Stem-Kine. Interventions aimed University of California San Diego, CA, USAat increasing circulating EPC may have potential in treatment of vascular ED. Indiana University School of Medicine, IN, USASaint Francis Hospital and Medical CenterEY WORDS: Endothelial progenitor cell - Erectile dysfunction - 10Georgetown Dermatology, Washington, DC, USA11Chromos Pharma Services, Longview, WA, USA12Aidan Products, Chandler, AZ, USA
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is characterized by the
lack of ability to achieve and maintain penile erec-
tion for intercourse. It is estimated that 10-30 millionAmericans suffer from this condition and that 50-85%of cases are associated with conditions that affect theendothelium such as hypertension, diabetes, cardio-vascular disease, and dyslipidemia.1 Currently ED is
patients are unresponsive to therapy or do not tolerate
treated by oral inhibitors of phosphodiesterase-5 (silde-
adverse effects associated with treatment.
nafil [Viagra, Revatio], tadalafil [Cialis]and vardenafil
In addition, PDE5 inhibitors are known to possess
[Levitra]), which are considered the standard of care
a variety of systemic effects in numerous organ sys-
for first-line treatment. Unfortunately, 30-40% of
tems; therefore, the long- term effects of PDE5 inhi-bition are still uncertain. In fact, in 1998, the US Foodand Drug Administration published a report on 130
*These authors contributed equally to the paper.
confirmed deaths among men who received prescrip-tions for sildenafil citrate, in which causes of death
Corresponding author: T. E Ichim, Chief Executive Officer, Medistem
included arrythmias, sudden cardiac death and hypoten-
Inc, 9255 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 450, San Diego, CA 92121, USA. E-mail: [email protected]Biology of erections
dysfunction occurs include oxidative stress in the formof the oxygen-free radical superoxide, which both
The penis is comprised of three erectile bodies: the
enhances degradation of NO (by direct conversion to
corpora cavernosa, which consists of 2 parallel bodies,
peroxynitrite), as well as by decrease of its produc-
and underneath, wedged in between, the corpus spon-
tion.5 Uncontrolled glucose levels, as found in dia-
giosum, which contains the urethra. These three erec-
betics, are a cause of advanced glycation end prod-
tile bodies are heavily vascularized and contain a large
ucts, which activate several inflammatory mechanisms
proportion of smooth muscle cells. Erection is caused
that directly or indirectly are adverse to endothelial
by neurologically-induced relaxation of smooth mus-
function.6 These glycation end products can inacti-
cle cells in the erectile bodies, which allows influx
vate NO directly as well as induce an increased pro-
and accumulation of blood into the balloon-like sacs
duction of superoxide, which also inhibits NO.
between the smooth muscle cells called sinusoids. As
Additionally, glycation end products directly suppress
blood accumulates, the outflow of blood is prevented
synthesis of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS)
by pressure from the tunica albuginea against the
venous plexus, thus causing trapping of the blood,
The primary effector of the molecular mechanisms
allowing erection to occur. The process of blood accu-
described above seems to be endothelial dysfunction.
mulation due to venous trapping is termed the veno-
Montorsi et al. put forth the “Artery Size Hypothesis,”
occlusive mechanism. Thus the main contributions to
in which it was proposed that in comparison to larger
maintaining an erection are arterial blood entry and
vessels, smaller arteries, such as the pudendal arteries
its venous trapping in the cavernous bodies.
supplying blood to the penile structures, are more like-
The relaxation of the smooth muscles around the
ly to be affected by artherosclerotic and other forms of
arteries is caused by parasympathetic nervous activa-
endothelial damage. Accordingly, the argument is
tion, which induces an increase in nitric oxide (NO)
made that initiation of vascular disease is first identi-
production by nonadrenergic, noncholinergic nerves,
fied in many cases as ED, which subsequently pro-
as well as endothelium which lines the penile arteries
gresses to more advanced diseases. The authors make
and cavernosal sinusoids. Accumulation of NO increas-
4 points supporting this hypothesis, namely: a) ED
es production of cyclic guanosine monophosphate
and coronary artery disease should be considered as
(cGMP) through activation of the enzyme guanylyl
two different manifestations of the same disease
cyclase. cGMP acts as a second messenger which leads
process; b) Prevalence of occult coronary artery disease
to decreased calcium uptake into the cavernous andsmooth muscle cells, thus causing relaxation and hence
in ED should be low; c) Prevalence of ED in patients
erection.3 Since phosphodiesterase (PDE)-5 is involved
with coronary artery disease should be high; and d)
in the breakdown of cGMP, the inhibition of PDE-5 has
Coronary artery disease should occur subsequently to
been chosen as a pharmacological goal of medica-
tions such as Viagra (sildenafil), Cialis (tadalafil) and
Examining some studies that have addressed this
Levitra (vardenafil). One of the first responses to dete-
possibility, Min et al assessed 221 patients who were
rioration in vascular disease is erectile function, pri-
referred to undergo stress myocardial perfusion sin-
marily due to abnormal endothelial and smooth mus-
gle-photon, emission-computed tomography for car-
cle responses. Accordingly, stem cell therapy may be
diovascular concerns. In addition to the normal test-
particularly promising in addressing this aspect, which
ing procedure, the patient erectile function was quan-
tified by the IIEF questionnaire. Patients with ED(54.8%) had a higher level of coronary heart disease incomparison to patients without ED (43.0% vs 17.0%,
Vascular ED
respectively). Specifically, in comparison to patientswithout ED, ED patients had LVEF lower than 50%
Given the complexity of the erectile process, it is
(24.0% vs 11.0%), shorter exercise time (8.0 vs 10.1
not surprising that ED is multifactorial, with the main
minutes) and lower Duke treadmill score (4.4 vs 8.4;
cause, some studies citing up to 85%, being vascular;
P<0.001). The role of ED as an independent predictor
however ,endocrinological and neurological aspects
of severe coronary heart disease was identified using
also play a role.4 Specific means by which endothelial
multivariate analysis (odds ratio, 2.50; 95% confidence
interval, 1.24-5.04; P = 0.01).8 In another study, 12
the injury, which subsided to basal levels within 48-72
men with ED (IIEF-5 questionnaire score </=18) and
hours.12 Another study examined post-infarct increas-
12 age-matched controls (IIEF-5 questionnaire score
es in 26 patients, 10 stable angina controls, and 17
>/=21) were assessed for coronary flow velocity reserve
healthy volunteers. An increase in circulating EPC
by Doppler in the left anterior descending artery, before
correlating with circulating VEGF was observed in
and during adenosine infusion. Flow velocity reserve
was significantly reduced in subjects with erectile dys-
Direct support for the involvement of circulating
function: 2.36 versus 3.19; P=0.024. Using multivari-
EPC in healing of endothelium comes from animal
ate analysis, adjusting for age, tobacco use, systolic
studies using bone marrow transplant chimeras to iden-
blood pressure, heart rate and body mass index, ED
tify the origin of EPC. For example, Shi et al used
was the only significant predictor of reduced coronary
canine bone marrow transplants to demonstrate that
flow velocity reserve, P=0.016.9 Correlation between
when biocompatible grafts are exposed to circulation
Framingham cardiovascular risk score and ED showed
of the recipient dog, endothelialization occurred pri-
that subjects in the heart disease risk cohort with mod-
marily of donor-origin cells.14 In situations of arterial
erate/severe ED (IIEF5 5-16) had a 65% increase in
damage induced by wire injury, administration of
relative risk for developing CHD within 10 yrs com-
labeled EPC resulted in reduced neointimal forma-
pared to those without ED (IIEF5 22-25).10 Thus it
tion in a rabbit model, with accumulation of the labeled
appears that ample support exists for ED being one of
cells at the site of injury.15 It is believed that injured
the primary manifestations of atherosclerosis.
endothelium secretes chemotactic signals such asMCP-1, which are responsible, at least in part, forselective attraction of EPC to the area of injury.
Circulating endothelial progenitor cells
Instead of administering EPC, another interesting
as rejuvenators of the vasculature
method of evoking healing through EPC is by stimu-lating their release from the bone marrow. G-CSF is a
For several decades the bone marrow was studied pri-
cytokine conventionally used for mobilization of
marily as a source of hematopoietic stem cells, giving
hematopoietic stem cells during transplantation; how-
rise to the practice of bone marrow transplantation.
ever, it is also a known mobilizer of EPC. In an elegant
More recently, studies have described bone marrow
study it was demonstrated that induction of mobiliza-
as containing cells capable of inducing healing in a
tion by these means causes re-endothelialization of
variety of non-hematopoietic conditions ranging from
injured arteries, as well as functional recovery.16
liver failure to heart failure to peripheral arterial dis-ease. Although initially the concept was proposed thatbone marrow cells have “transdifferentiation” abili-
Patients with ED have lower circulating EPC
ty, recent controversy surrounding this has led to thenotion that at least some of the non-hematopoietic
As discussed above, one of the first targets of ath-
effects of bone marrow administration are due to its
erosclerotic disease is the penile vasculature.7 In gen-
high content of endothelial progenitor cells. In 1997
eral, atherosclerotic disease is correlated with decreased
Ashara et al. reported isolation of “circulating endothe-
levels of circulating EPC. One study assessed patients
lial progenitor cells” (EPC) from human and animal
without cardiovascular disease that had varying scores
on the Framingham risk questionnaire. A correlation
The concept that the bone marrow produces a basal
between higher risk scores and low EPC numbers was
number of circulating EPC which act as “repair cells”
found.17 Another study assessed the preclinical ather-
for the peripheral vasculature was suggested by several
osclerosis marker of carotid intima-media thickness
lines of reasoning. The first was that in situations of
(IMT) measured by ultrasound. The investigators found
hypoxia, an increase in peripheral circulation of these
a correlation between IMT and low levels of CD34+,
cells can be observed. Ashara et al. first reported this
KDR+ circulating EPC. Thus, given the hypothesis
in animal models of limb ischemia.11 In a clinical study
that ED is caused in many cases by atherosclerotic
examining vascular trauma induced by burn (8 patients)
disease, it should not be surprising that several studies
and coronary artery bypass grafting (7 patients), a 50-
have found patients with ED as having suppressed
fold increase in circulating EPC occurred hours after
Foresta et al. reported a lower number of cells capa-
mine whether green tea administration altered cir-
ble of forming CFU-E in circulation of men with ED
culating EPC.25 Consumption of green tea daily for
as compared with healthy controls. Their rationale
2 weeks resulted in an increase in circulating EPC, as
was based on previous reports of cardiovascular disease
well as improvement in endothelial function as mea-
affecting the penile circulation first, and given that
sured by the flow mediated dilation assay (FMD).
cardiovascular disease correlates with lower EPC, they
In the specific case of ED, administration of the
sought to verify if ED was an early manifestation of
antioxidant vitamin alpha-tocophenol resulted in
cardiovascular disease.18 A subsequent study of 119
IIEF improvement in a pilot group of patients resis-
patients with coronary artery disease found that almost
60% had ED. Presence of ED correlated with known
Thus it appears that in ED a low grade, underlying
cardiovascular risk factors such as age, hypertension,
inflammation, associated with markers such as CRP,
reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and
TNF-alpha, as well as oxidative stress, are associated
diabetes. Importantly, ED correlated with reduction
with reduction in EPC numbers and possibly causative
in circulating EPC.19 A similar correlation was found
of pathology. In order to investigate the link between
in a study comparing 30 healthy overweight men with
EPC and actual reversion of ED, we will discuss some
30 overweight men suffering from ED. Severity of
studies in which administration of exogenous EPC or
ED according to the IIEF score correlated with lower
heterogeneous cell populations containing EPC were
Inflammation causes lower numbers Reversing endothelial dysfunction with EPC of EPC in ED
The bone marrow is recognized as a major source
Chronic inflammation has been associated with ED.
of EPC. Suggestive of the angiogenic potential of
For example a study of 137 men with ED found sig-
bone marrow was an early clinical study by Tateishi-
nificant association between the levels of the inflam-
Yuyama et al., in which 22 patients with bilateral
matory marker C-reactive protein (CRP) and severity
critical limb ischemia were treated intramuscularly
of penile vascular disease as measured by penile
with autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells in
Doppler.21 In obese men, presence of ED was also
randomly chosen legs, with control leg receiving
associated with increased CRP-levels.22 Oxidative
peripheral blood-derived mononuclear cells.27
stress is a known component in numerous inflamma-
Improvement in the treated legs was observed in
tory conditions. In ED, salivary 8-hydroxy-2’-
terms of ankle brachial index, pain-free walking
deoxyguanosine, a known marker of oxidative stress,
and ulcer healing. One of the primary characteris-
has been shown to correlate with severity of dysfunc-
tics of endothelial dysfunction is reduction in the
tion.23 Thus it appears that underlying chronic inflam-
flow-mediated dilation assay. In an attempt to induce
mation associated with atherosclerotic disease has a
neo-angiogenesis through stimulation of circulat-
negative effect on circulating EPC, which may account
ing EPC numbers, mobilization of bone marrow
for impaired endothelial repair and poor vascular func-
progenitors was performed by a 2-week adminis-
tion associated with ED. Supporting the inflammato-
tration of GM-CSF in 45 patients with peripheral
ry cause of EPC decrease are studies in which anti-
arterial disease.28 At 12 weeks not only was improve-
inflammatory agents partially or fully restore EPC
ment in exercise capacity noted (as compared to
numbers similar to healthy controls. For example,
pre-treatment levels), but also systemic augmenta-
Grisar et al. demonstrated in 28 patients with rheuma-
tion of the flow-mediated dilation assay was report-
toid arthritis that a 7-day course of TNF-alpha block-
ed. These data suggest the possibility that adminis-
ade resulted in restoration of circulating EPC to values
tration of cells containing EPC, such as bone mar-
comparable to healthy age-matched controls.24
row, as well as mobilization of endogenous bone
Given the known component of oxidative stress
marrow EPC may be useful in repairing/improving
on inflammation, as well as the direct anti-inflam-
endothelial function. Unfortunately autologous bone
matory role of components in green tea, an investi-
marrow therapy and mobilization by agents such as
gation was conducted in 20 young smokers to deter-
GM-CSF is cost-prohibitive and has a possibility
of undue pain to the patient. In the case of autolo-
time a means of assessing efficacy of an intervention
gous bone marrow, the need to perform iliac crest
before physical symptomology is observed. Non-inva-
extraction to collect sufficient cell numbers is dif-
sive approaches to augmenting circulating EPC such
ficult to perform in patients that numerous times
as administration of nutritional supplements offer a
have a variety of comorbidity conditions. The use of
new area of intervention for patients resistant to PDE5
cytokine-based mobilization, if used chronically,
can lead to splenomegaly, bone marrow hyperplasia,and other adverse effects.
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Cheng HJ et al / Act a Pharmacol Sin 2002 Nov; 23 (11): 1035-1039 2002, Act a Pharmacologica Si nica ISSN 1671-4083 Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica Chinese Academy of Sciences http:/ /www.ChinaPhar.com chronic prostatitis or infertility with chronic prostatitis CHEN Hong-Jie 1 , WANG Zhi-Ping 2 , CHEN Yi-Rong, QIN Da-Shan, FU Sheng-Jun, MA Bao-Liang 1 Now in 1st Renmin Hospital of L
A N A L Y S I S C O M M E N T A R Y Legal Fallacies of Antipsychotic Drugs Steven K. Erickson, JD, LLM, PhD, J. Richard Ciccone, MD,Steven B. Schwarzkopf, MD, J. Steven Lamberti, MD, and Michael J. Vitacco, PhDAdvances in the biological sciences have dramatically improved the understanding of schizophrenia and relatedpsychotic illnesses. One of the most compelling findings is the substan